Electrostatic & Gravitational Forces Poster Directions: Create a colorful and detailed poster that shows information about electrostatic & gravitational forces. In the boxes below you will find the requirements for each poster section. You may use outside resources like google to help you with your poster - Title: Electrostatic Forces - Title: Gravitational Forces - Definition - Definition - Drawn and colored models that show repulsion and - Equation for calculating Gravitational Force attraction - Graphs to show relationships between variables - Equation for calculating Electrostatic Force - Graphs to show relationships between variables (mass, distance, and force) - (charge, distance, and force) - - A description of what each graph shows using your own words - Drawn and colored models AND a description own words showing. You can be super creative here in what you Drawn and colored model showing why hair stands up draw for your objects! from static electricity. Use ONE example - - A description of what each graph shows using your - When two object have small mass Balloon rubbed on hair OR Van de Graaff - When two objects have large mass machine - When two objects are close together - When two objects are far apart A description or what is happening in the model found above (include what static electricity, how its made and how it builds up a charge)