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Year 6 Geography Revision Paper

Geography – Y6 – Term 1 – Revision Paper 2
Name - ___________________ Class _____
1) State whether the following are examples of evaporation (E), condensation (C) or precipitation (P).
a) It is raining
b) The window in my bedroom steam up.
c) The water in the puddle is drying up.
d) It is snowing.
e) My plant is wilting & needs watering.
f) I can see my breath in the mirror.
g) The river has dried up.
h) Huge hailstones are falling.
i) My clothes are drying on the line.
J) The bottle I took from the fridge feels wet.
k) The grass is wet this morning, even though it hasn’t been raining.
2) Give an example for each of the following ways how rivers are useful for us.
a) Food
b) Energy _____________________
c) Recreation _________________
d) Farming ___________ e) Industry ____________________
f) Domestic use ________________
3) A river is faster _________________________.
(a) in a steep slope (b) across flat land
4) A river transports _________ more material during a flood.
(a) more
(b) less
5) Why are there no large rocks in an estuary? _______________________________________________
6) Why is the water in Huan He river in China yellow? _________________________________________
7) What are the longest rivers in each continent? Asia ____________ N America __________________
S. America _____________ Europe ___________ Africa ________ Oceania ____________________
8) River Nile & its tributaries connect 11 countries. Name them. __________________________________
9) Floods in the river Nile in the past was useful. Why? _________________________________________
10) Why do we say that the river Nile is the longest river and River Amazon is the largest river?
11) What is the highest waterfall in * the world _____________________ * Sri Lanka ________________
12) What is a river confluence? ____________________________________________________________
13) Mark True (T) or False (F)
a) Millions of years ago Mt Everest was not a mountain but was underneath the ocean.
b) There are no mountains on the bottom of the ocean.
c) Mountains are formed by the same force that cause earthquakes.
d) There are no high mountains in Antarctica.
e) Block mountains are formed when blocks of rock are pushed up between two faults.
f) As the Earth’s plates push towards each other, they push the rocks up in folds forming
fold mountains.
14) a) Write the countries that the following active volcanoes are located.
Vesuvius _____________
Etna ____________
Kilauea ____________
b) Name the countries that the following extinct volcanoes are located.
Ben Nevis ______________
Buninyong ______________
Huascaran ___________
15) What is the highest mountain in the (a) Himalayas _______________ (b) Andes ________________
16) Make a list of beneficial and adverse effects of tourism in mountain areas.
17) Name 5 national parks in Sri Lanka. _______________________________________________________
18) Write 5 activities or sports that tourists can engage in mountain areas.
19) a) Where is the longest spit in the world? ____________________________________
b) Write 2 problems caused by longshore drift. ____________________________________________
20) Identify the following coastal features.