Fishery Assessment Report to PIRSA Fisheries Mulloway (Argyrosomus japonicus) Fishery Greg Ferguson and Tim Ward March 2003 SARDI Aquatic Sciences Publication No. RD03/0040 Fishery Assessment Report to PIRSA Fisheries Mulloway (Argyrosomus japonicus) Fishery Greg Ferguson and Tim Ward March 2003 SARDI Aquatic Sciences Publication No. RD03/0040 Title: Mulloway (Argyrosomus japonicus) Fishery Sub-Title: Fishery Assessment Report to PIRSA Fisheriesfor the Inland Waters and Marine Scalefish Fishery Management Committees Greg Ferguson and Tim Ward Authors: South Australian Research and Development Institute SARDI Aquatic Sciences 2 Hamra Avenue West Beach SA 5024 Telephone: (08) 8200 2400 Facsimile: (08) 8200 2406 This document is not to be cited without permission from the authors. The authors warrant that they have taken all reasonable care in producing this report. This report has been through SARDI Aquatic Sciences internal review process, and was formally approved for release by the Chief Scientist. Although all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure quality, SARDI Aquatic Sciences does not warrant that the information in this report is free from errors or omissions. SARDI Aquatic Sciences does not accept any liability for the contents of this report or for any consequences arising from its use or any reliance placed upon it. © 2003 SARDI Aquatic Sciences This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the author. Printed in Adelaide September 2003. Author: Reviewers: Approved by: Signed: Date: Distribution: Circulation: Greg Ferguson and Tim Ward Qifeng Ye and Simon Bryars Anthony Cheshire Insert date PIRSA Fisheries, Inland and Marine Scalefish Fishery Management Committees, SARDI Aquatic Sciences Library Public Domain ii TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ III 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1.1 Overview ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1.2 Description of the Fishery ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 1.2.1 Location and Size --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 1.2.2 Environmental Characteristics------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 1.2.3 Commercial Fishery ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 1.2.4 Recreational Fishery ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 1.3 Management of the Fishery ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 1.3.1 Management Milestones-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 1.3.2 Current Management Arrangements ------------------------------------------------------------ 8 1.3.3 Management Objectives and Strategies -------------------------------------------------------11 1.3.4 Performance Indicators and Reference Points ------------------------------------------------11 1.4 Fisheries Biology of Mulloway -------------------------------------------------------------------11 1.4.1 Taxonomy and Distribution---------------------------------------------------------------------11 1.4.2 Stock Structure -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 1.4.3 Life History ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 1.4.4 Growth and Size at Maturity--------------------------------------------------------------------13 1.5 Stock Assessment -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 1.5.1 Commercial Fishery -----------------------------------------------------------------------------15 1.5.2 Recreational Fishery -----------------------------------------------------------------------------16 1.6 Discussion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 2 FISHERY STATISTICS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 2.1 Introduction -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 2.2 Fresh water inflows and catches-----------------------------------------------------------------18 2.2.1 Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 2.2.2 Methods -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 2.2.3 Results ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 2.2.4 Discussion-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22 2.3 Commercial Catch, Effort and CPUE----------------------------------------------------------24 2.3.1 Overview of Statewide Catches ----------------------------------------------------------------24 2.3.2 Catch and Effort by Sector ----------------------------------------------------------------------27 2.3.3 Discussion-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------37 3 OTHER RESEARCH-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------39 3.1 Introduction -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------39 3.1.1 Size-structure and net selectivity ---------------------------------------------------------------39 3.1.2 Reproduction--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------42 3.1.3 Discussion-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------44 4 GENERAL DISCUSSION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------46 4.1 Introduction -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------46 4.2 Synopsis of information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------46 4.2.1 Status of resource and fishery ------------------------------------------------------------------46 4.3 Future research needs and potential performance indicators -----------------------------48 5 REFERENCES---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------51 i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Funds for this study were provided by PIRSA Fisheries, SARDI Aquatic Sciences and the University of Adelaide. Fisheries statistics and maps were provided by SARDI Aquatic Sciences, and we thank Malcolm Knight, Angelo Tsolos, Emily Thompson and Annette Doonan for their assistance. Margot Sachse (AFMA) provided aggregated information on the Commonwealth shark fishery in South Australia. We are grateful to Suzanne Bennett and Craig Schillabeer (SARDI Aquatic Sciences) for their help with the literature searches. Special thanks to Brenton Erdmann and Joanna Oborne of the Department of Land, Water and Biodiversity Conservation for providing modelled flow data for the Murray River. We also thank the staff of SA Water at the Goolwa and Mundoo barrages for their assistance in obtaining fishery-independent size frequency data. SAFCOL also provided bench space and help at the market. We are grateful to LCF fishers and recreational anglers for their help collecting biological data. We thank Dr Qifeng Ye, Neil Wellman, Matt Pellizzare, Jason Higham, David Short and David Fleer who’s cooperation made the fieldwork possible. Professor Anthony Cheshire, Drs Keith Jones, Qifeng Ye and Simon Bryars (SARDI Aquatic Sciences) and Mr Sean Sloan (PIRSA Fisheries Policy Group) reviewed a draft of this report. ii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 This is the first report on mulloway, Argyrosomus japonicus to be included in SARDI’s Fishery Assessment Series. 2 This report (1) synthesises information available for the fishery, (2) assesses the current status of the resource, and (3) identifies future research and management needs. 3 Few data are available on the fisheries biology of A. japonicus in South Australia, however extensive data on age and reproduction are being collected as part of a current PhD study. 4 The South Australian commercial catch of mulloway in 2001/02 was 114 tonnes, which was 20% above the most recent 5-year average of 95 tonnes. 5 The Lakes and Coorong Fishery (LCF) is the dominant sector in the South Australian commercial mulloway fishery and contributed 95.7% of the total commercial catch in 2001/02. It is a multi-species fishery, and targets mulloway in the Coorong lagoons and adjacent ocean beaches. 6 The commercial mulloway fishery is seasonal, with most of the catch taken in the warmer months and is characterised by marked inter-annual variability. 7 The dominant gears used to target mulloway in the LCF are: large-mesh gill nets (≥70 mm mesh) used in the Coorong lagoons (size range of mulloway 460 – 800 mm TL, modal size 550 mm TL) and, swinger nets (150 mm mesh) used to target large mulloway that aggregate at the Murray Mouth in spring-summer (size range 800 – 1300 mm TL, mode 1000 mm TL). 8 The Marine Scalefish Fishery (MSF) contributed 4% of the state catch, in 2001/02, mostly from the Coorong region. There are additionally 2258 recreational small mesh gill nets registered that have access to the Coorong lagoons area. 9 Patterns of catch and effort in the recreational fishery are poorly understood, although state-wide estimates of numbers caught have been provided recently in the National Recreational and Indigenous Fishing Survey (2003). iii 10 Mulloway are also taken as by-catch in the Commonwealth shark fishery. There are anecdotal reports of juvenile mulloway being taken as by-catch in the LCF and the recreational small mesh gill net fishery. The methods used in the LCF to reduce by-catch have been documented recently. However, the levels of incidental mortality in the small mesh gill net fishery are yet to be quantified. 11 Preliminary selectivity’s have been estimated for large mesh gill nets and swinger nets used in the LCF. For large mesh gill nets the modal length was 525 mm TL with a range of 460 – 822 mm TL (n=458). For swinger nets the range was 7571268 mm TL (n=31) and for females was 801-1245 mm TL (n=39). The modal length for each sex was 975 mm TL. 12 The most recent five year average CPUE(TEF) (catch-per-unit-effort where effort was targeted at mulloway) for large mesh gill nets in the LCF was 42 kg.manday-1 while for swinger nets it was 49 kg.manday-1. This was higher than occurred in the 1980’s for both types of gear. Inter-annual variability in CPUE was high for both types of gear also. 13 The most recent five year average CPUE(TEF) for line fishing (fishing pole) in the MSF was 27 kg.manday-1 which was higher than occurred in the previous decade. For MSF shark nets the most recent 5 year average CPUE(TOS) (CPUE where effort was targeted at species other than mulloway) was 31 kg.manday-1 which was also higher than in previous years. 14 The use of CPUE as an index of relative abundance is complicated by the possible effects of freshwater flows on the recruitment and aggregation of fish in, and adjacent to, the Coorong. Additionally factors are market influences and relocation of effort in the multi-species LCF and MSF fisheries. 15 No performance indicators are currently prescribed for mulloway in South Australia. Potential indicators include CPUE, age structure, sex ratio, and recruit abundance. A plan is currently being developed by PIRSA fisheries in consultation with the Inland Fisheries Management Committee. 16 Females grow more quickly than males and reach a size where they are vulnerable to the swinger nets at a younger age. Due to this difference in catchability between males and females, sex ratio may provide a useful iv performance indicator for changes in the age structure. The sex ratio from swinger net samples in 2002/03 was 0.55 (nf/(nf + nm), n=80), indicating that females dominated catches. 17 There is a strong need for additional data on the age structure of sexually mature fish from recreational line and commercial swinger net catches. These data may provide a useful potential performance indicator for the fishery. Contraction of the age range may indicate a reduction in adult biomass and the relative abundance of particular ages may indicate the relative strength of year classes. v 1 1.1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION Overview This is the first report on mulloway, Argyrosomus japonicus, taken from South Australian waters and is the first in SARDI’s Fishery Assessment Series. It includes data from a PhD study that began in October 2001. The aims of the report are (i) to provide a comprehensive synopsis of information available for this species; (ii) assess the current state of the resource, and (iii) to identify future research and management needs for the fishery. The first section is the General Introduction that: (i) outlines the aims and structure of the report; (ii) describes the history of the mulloway fishery in South Australia; (iii) describes the existing management arrangements for the fishery (iv) provides a synopsis of biological and ecological information for mulloway and (v) summarises previous stock assessments and research on mulloway. Section two provides a synopsis of data on freshwater inflows to the Coorong lagoons and the fishery statistics for mulloway for the financial years from 1983/84 to 2001/02. This section describes inter-annual and intra-annual patterns in catch, effort and catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) in the Lakes and Coorong Fishery (LCF) and Marine Scalefish Fishery (MSF). Section three provides a summary of research conducted since October 2001 as part of the PhD project entitled “The Biology and Ecology of Mulloway in South Australian Waters.” This includes some preliminary data on net selectivity, the size structure of catches and reproductive biology. Section four uses information from sections two and three to assess the status of the fishery and to identify future research needs. The aim of this section is to provide sufficient information to develop relevant Biological Performance Indicators and Reference Points and to identify areas of uncertainty. The final (fifth) section is the bibliography which provides a list of research papers and reports that are directly relevant to research and management of mulloway in South Australia and that are cited in this report. 1 1.2 Description of the Fishery 1.2.1 Location and Size Mulloway are caught throughout South Australian waters but the main commercial catch is taken from the Coorong lagoons and adjacent coastal waters (Figure 1-1). Similarly, most recreational catches are also taken within the Coorong lagoons and in the nearshore zone along the South Australian coast during the warmer months. Small catches are also taken as by-catch by shark fishers ens r dne Gair Western Australia e La k Lake Everard FOWLERS BAY ## # CEDUNA # SMOKY BAY PORT AUGUSTA New S outh W ales # # STREAKY BAY WHYALLA ELLISTON COWELL # PORT BROUGHTON # Rive i ver Mur ray # # PORT LINCOLN # # ADELAIDE EDITHBURGH# VICTOR HARBOR Legend # # Vic toria KINGSCOTE Towns # Highways Secondary Roads # KINGSTON SE 80 0 80 160 Kilometers Map Projection: Equidistant Conic # ROBE # BEACHPORT PORT MACDONN # Figure 1-1 Map of South Australia showing locations of commercial mulloway fishery. (Red circles show where mulloway are caught; their size reflects the contribution to the state catch). 1.2.2 Environmental Characteristics The larvae and juveniles of A. japonicus, in southern Australia, appear to have a requirement for hyposaline water (Hall 1986; Gray et al 1990). Adults are found in nearshore surf zones and occasionally in estuaries along the coast including the Port and Glenelg Rivers and the Coorong lagoons. The Coorong is the remnant estuary of the Murray River and is the largest area of estuarine habitat in South Australia. It comprises two shallow (1-2 m depth) hyper saline lagoons about 100km long and 2-3km wide that are separated from the ocean by a 1-2 km wide barrier of sand dunes (Hall 1984; Geddes 1987; Boon 2000). The 2 lagoons are connected to the open ocean by the Murray Mouth, which can be up to 300 metres wide but can close completely during prolonged periods of drought (Hall 1984). The main sources of water for the Murray River are winter rains and snow in the Great Dividing Ranges of eastern Australia. Natural flows in the lower river usually peak during spring to early summer (Newman 2000). The Murray River flows into the Coorong lagoons via a series of barrages that were constructed in 1940. Below the barrages, the remnant estuary, which prior to 1940, included Lakes Alexandrina and Albert, is now confined to the Coorong Lagoons. Hence, only 11% of the natural estuary area remains and, with the reduced freshwater input, seawater dominates the conditions (Jensen et al 2000; Newman 2000). Additionally, because salinity in the Coorong is determined by flows through the barrages, conditions can change abruptly from saline to fresh water conditions and back again in unseasonal and unnatural patterns (Geddes and Butler 1984; Geddes 1987; Geddes and Hall 1990; Newman 2000). 1.2.3 Commercial Fishery Fishing for mulloway has been undertaken in the lower Murray Lakes and Coorong since early European settlement. The commercial fishery for mulloway is comprised of the LCF and the MSF. Small catches are also taken by rock lobster and shark fishers. The LCF is a multi-species fishery in which mulloway is one of the key species. Fishers in the LCF also have access to freshwater species in Lakes Alexandrina and Albert and effort may be transferred between the fresh and salt water environments and between species. Members of the LCF fish for mulloway in the Coorong lagoons and on the adjacent oceanic beaches (Figure 1-2). Prior to 1986, beach seines were used in Areas 6-8 (Hall 1986). Now the primary gear is the large mesh monofilament gill net. These nets are required, by legislation, to have >150 mm mesh and are used to target mulloway (>460 mm TL) within the Coorong lagoons during the warmer months. Larger mulloway (>750 mm TL) are targeted in the nearshore zone of the beaches along the Younghusband Peninsula, using swinger nets. These gill nets are required to have >150 mm mesh. Each is attached to several hundred meters of rope 3 and allowed to drift out through the surf with the aid of the offshore “rip” and is then carried ashore by longshore drift and manual hauling. Marine-scale fishers target mulloway along South Australia’s ocean beaches, in particular the area adjacent to the Coorong and on the far west cost (Figure 1-3). The dominant gear is reported as the fishing pole, although haul nets and shark nets are also used. 4 WELLINGTON N W MILANG "F E S # RAPID BAY # Ba ck s KINGSCOTE NEPEAN BAY LAKE ALEXANDRINA CLAYTON GOOLWA F ## VICTOR HARBOR "F 6 Murray 15 Mouth 4 " 7 F "# # NARRUNG LAKE ALBERT 8 tai rs # Pa ss PENNESHAW ag e The Pages ENCOUNTER BAY 5 9 Mark Point # # Long Point MENINGIE "F 10 # Rob's Point D'ESTREES BAY 11 # Hell's Gate 12 # WOOD'S WELL F " POLICEMAN'S POINT 13 SALT CREEK 16 "F 14 PORTS OF LANDING Lakes and Coorong Fishery "F Ports of Landing 4 9 Lakes and Coorong Commercial Fishing Areas 0 9 18 27 36 Kilometers Map Projection: Equidistant Conic "F KINGSTON SE Figure 1-2 Map of central South Australia showing the Coorong Lagoons and Murray River. (Block numbers are LCF area codes) 5 3 2 1 Fowlers Bay # # Ceduna 9 8 # Port 10 12 14 Bay Whyalla # 16 13 21 17 Venus Bay 15 23 20 18 19 27 24 25 Augusta 11 # Streaky Ne w Sou th W ales 7 6 5 4 29 26 Port Lincoln # 28 31 30 22 32 35 33 34 36 # Adelaide 43 40 38 39 Goolwa # 41 42 44 Port of Landing Marinescale Fishery # Ports of Landing 10 Marinescale Fishing Blocks !+ 47 48 49 52 53 50 45 46 V icto ria 37 51 # Robe Roads 60 0 60 120 Kilometers 54 55 57 56 Map Projection: Equidistant Conic Port Macdonnell # 58 Figure 1-3 Map of South Australia showing Marine Scalefish Fishery reporting blocks 6 1.2.4 Recreational Fishery Mulloway is an icon species for land-based recreational anglers. They are valued for their large maximum size, fighting ability, good eating qualities and availability from beaches (Hall 1986; Jones et al 1990). Recreational fishers use surf rods to target mulloway on the ocean beaches near the Coorong and on the far west coast during December-January (Hall 1986). Recreational net and line fishers also operate within the Coorong lagoons (Hall 1986). 1.3 Management of the Fishery Total commercial catches of mulloway in South Australia have been recorded since 1951 (Hall 1986). Estimates of effort have been collected since 1983 with fishers of both the LCF and MSF reporting effort in terms of target species and days fished (Knight et al. 2001). The broad statutory framework for ecologically sustainable management of this resource is provided by the Fisheries Act 1982 (currently under review). The regulations that govern the MSF are described in the Fisheries (General) Regulations 2000. The specific regulations that govern the LCF are established in the Scheme of Management (Lakes and Coorong Fishery) Regulations 1991. The Inland Fisheries Five Year Strategic Research and Monitoring Plan is currently being prepared. 1.3.1 Management Milestones Management arrangements have evolved since the inception of the fishery. The commercial mulloway fishery was reviewed in 1986 when a number of measures, including restrictions on netting were established (Hall 1986). An environmental management plan, based on qualitative information, documented the intentions of fishers to promote fishing techniques that minimise the by-catch of juvenile and undersize fish in the LCF (Pierce and Baker 1998). A further qualitative study described methods for reducing the interaction of fishing gear with mulloway and other species within the LCF (Anon. 2002). A review of the recreational fishery was completed in 1997 and a management strategy was developed that identified environmental health and sustainability of fish stocks as key objectives (Anon. 1995). Major milestones are listed in Table 1-1. 7 Table 1-1 Management milestones for the mulloway fishery in South Australia. (Jones et al 1990; Rohan et al 1991) Date Milestone 1971 Introduction of fishing licences for all commercial fishing in South Australia 1972 Licensed commercial fishers required to provide monthly catch data 1977 Freeze on commercial marine scalefish licences to stabilise fishing effort 1980 “Owner/ operator” policy introduced. Class A net endorsement limited to 1 net with a maximum length of 600m. 1982 Non-transferability of net endorsements to reduce fishing effort. 1984 Scheme of Management (Marine Scale Fishery) Regulations. Scheme of Management (Lakes and Coorong Fishery) Regulations. 1986 Increase in legal minimum length from 460 to 750 mm TL in all waters except the Coorong. Restrictions on commercial net type, mesh size, net depth and net length. Prohibition of net use adjacent to the Murray Mouth from November 1 to March 31. Limit of one registered recreational net per person, with 70m total length and maximum of 1m drop. Total prohibition on recreational netting in coastal marine waters from Goolwa Beach Road to Kingston Jetty. Recreational bag limit of 3 fish per person per day for fish >750 mm TL taken in Coorong or coastal marine waters. Recreational limit of 10 fish per person per day in Coorong waters Non-transferrable quota of 1000 kg of mulloway for commercial MSF and lobster fishers on the west coast, west of Cape Carnot. Prohibition of all forms of netting in the Coorong, adjacent to the Murray Mouth from December 25 to January 7 (Anon. 1988). 1994 (Sept) Licence amalgamation scheme introduced to reduce number of licensed participants in the commercial fishery 1995 (May) Changes to Coastal Marine Net Fishing regulations result in ban on recreational net fishing in coastal marine waters. 1.3.2 Current Management Arrangements Commercial Fishery The LCF is limited entry with 37 owner-operators (Knight et al 2000). Licence holders have non-exclusive access within the Lakes and Coorong system and effort is 8 limited through gear entitlements and owner-operator provisions as designated under the Lakes and Coorong Fishery Scheme of Management (Pierce and Doonan 1999; Knight et al 2000). To monitor catches, fishers must complete monthly records of catch, effort (days) and fishing location. The level of detail and nature of effort reported in these returns is currently under review. Size limits are in place with a Legal Minimum Length (LML) within the waters of the Coorong of 460 mm TL, and in all other waters of 750 mm TL. In addition to size limits the commercial fishery is managed by restrictions to gear type, and area and time closures. Mesh nets are subject to restrictions on length, drop and mesh size. The part of the Coorong lagoons designated as Area 1 (Figure 1-4) has a number of additional restrictions to commercial fishing: • • • • • No net fishing from 25 December – 7 January; No small mesh monofilament set nets, or small mesh haul nets from 1 November to 31 March; Total length of small mesh nets not to exceed 400 m; Large mesh nets must not exceed a depth of 2 m, or 33 meshes, and total length must not exceed 500 m; • Total length of large mesh monofilament hauling net not to exceed 240 m; • No commercial fishing during weekends in Goolwa channel; • Year round commercial fishing ban within 500 m of the Murray Mouth; Length restriction of mulloway same as for rest of Coorong (>460 mm TL). Fishers in MSF do not have access to the Coorong lagoons and are subject to the LML of 750 mm TL. MSF monthly returns detail species, catch and effort in days Recreational Fishery The recreational fishery is open access and has the same size limits as the commercial fishery in addition to size specific bag and boat limits. Netting by recreational fishers is permitted within the Coorong and there are approximately 2258 licences with access to the Coorong. These are subject to restrictions on net size, net numbers and mesh size as well as area and time closures. Coorong (Area 1) is closed to recreational netting between 1 November and 31st March inclusive, and there are also provisions in effect for nets to be attended (Figure 1-4). 9 A N W E e R iv r Mu y rr a S # WE LLING TON MILANG # ML I A NG LA KE ALE XA ND RINA er iv R 4 nn Fi si s CLAY TON # CLAYTO N GO O LW A # GOO LWA # NAR RUNG HIN D MA R S H IS LA N D # VICT O R HARB OR # Area (1 ) 15 # Yo M ur ray M o uth EN C OU N TE R BA Y G nu rlun g P oint un gh # us ba nd 8 Pe n in su LA K E AL B ER T la # 5 9 EN C O U N TE R BAY Lak es and Co oron g 0 5 10 # ME NING IE Area (2 ) 10 15 K ilom e ter s Map Pro je ction : E quid ist ant C on ic Figure 1-4 Map of Coorong showing Lakes and Coorong Fishery management Areas 1 (red) and 2 (green) 10 1.3.3 Management Objectives and Strategies There are few management objectives and strategies identified for mulloway in particular. Implicit management objectives and strategies are shown in Table 1-2. Table 1-2 Implicit general management objectives and strategies that apply to mulloway . Objective Protection of spawning stock Strategy Harvest above size at maturity to provide adequate levels of recruitment. Currently, 750 mm TL size limit for fish caught outside the Coorong lagoons. 1000 kg limit on catches of mulloway for MSF and lobster licences on West coast Reducing conflict between sectors Area 1 closures Prohibition of commercial fishing within 500m of the mouth of the Murray mouth 1.3.4 Performance Indicators and Reference Points No reference points or biological performance indicators are prescribed specifically for mulloway at the current time. However, potential biological performance indicators and reference points are currently being investigated for the Management Plan for the LCF (Sean Sloan, PIRSA, pers. com.). 1.4 1.4.1 Fisheries Biology of Mulloway Taxonomy and Distribution Sciaenids are found around the world and are large predatory fishes that are often associated with estuaries (Whitfield 1999). One such sciaenid is the mulloway (Argyrosomus hololepidotus Lacepéde, 1802), which was recently reclassified as Argyrosomus japonicus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1843)(Griffiths and Heemstra 1995). This species occurs in both northern and southern hemispheres. It is distributed from the east coast of South Africa (Griffiths and Heemstra 1995), along the Chinese coast from Hong Kong northwards to southern Korea and Japan and the south coast of 11 Australia (Starling 1992; Kailola et al 1993). In southern Australia, it occurs from North West Cape in Western Australia to the Burnett River in Queensland (Kailola et al 1993). In South Australia juveniles are most commonly found in estuaries whereas adults are found mainly in the high-energy surf zone (Jones et al. 1990; Kailola et al. 1993). 1.4.2 Stock Structure In southern Australia, several genetic methods have been employed in two separate studies to investigate the structure of the mulloway stock. (Dixon 1988) used electrophoresis on small samples from several localities, and concluded that there were 2 sub-populations of mulloway around Australia: one in Western Australia from Carnarvon to Mandurah and the other from South Australia to New South Wales. Further genetic differences were found between samples from Western Australia, the Great Australian Bight, the Coorong and New South Wales suggesting the possibility of further population sub-structuring (Dixon 1988). (Black and Dixon 1992) conducted a further study using two methods: (i) direct sequencing of mitochondrial DNA and (ii) isoelectric focussing. The first approach supported the idea of a single interbreeding population from Sydney to the west coast of Australia, although this was “by no means a certainty” (Black and Dixon 1992). The second approach, isoelectric focussing, also failed to support the earlier findings of (Dixon 1988), although there was significant inter-locality heterogeneity between the Coorong and NSW. Interpreting the results of this study was difficult as differences between replicate samples were as large as those between localities. Genetic techniques are far from ideal for the task of understanding the geographic structure of fish populations: they do not detect differences in the face of even low levels of larval or adult mixing between populations (Hoff and Fuiman 1993). Additionally, they cannot measure rates of individual change between sites or specify the origin of individuals. 1.4.3 Life History Considerable work has been done on the early life-history stages of A. japonicus in South Africa. In this region it spawns throughout the year, with a peak in winter- 12 spring (Wallace 1975; Smale 1985). A large proportion of adults appear to migrate along the South African coastline to spawn in warmer waters near East Cape (Griffiths 1996). As onset of spawning is correlated with water temperature, migration to warmer waters has been suggested as a strategy to permit earlier spawning (Conover 1992). In South Africa Argyrosomus japonicus is thought to spawn in the near-shore environment and large numbers of eggs have been collected within 1 m of the surface off the Kwa Zulu/Natal coast of Southern Cape, South Africa (Smale 1985). Early juveniles recruited to estuaries at four weeks old (20-30 mm TL) and utilised turbid parts of the upper estuaries where salinities were lowest (Griffiths 1996). Early juveniles from 20–150 mm TL were found exclusively in estuarine habitats, which may be a strategy to avoid con-specific predation. Larger juveniles (>150 mm TL) were observed in the surf zone although never in the rest of the nearshore zone. Tagging studies in South Africa have shown that juveniles rarely move great distances, despite periods of liberty of up to 1713 days. This also appears to be the case in Western Australia (Anon. 1993; Griffiths 1996). Spawning areas in South Australia are unknown, although spent and spawning fish have been observed at the Murray mouth and on the west coast during spring-summer (November-February) (Hall 1986; Gray et al. 1993). In particular, adult mulloway (800 – 1500 mm TL) aggregate in the surf zone adjacent to the Murray mouth in October–December. This appears to be related to fresh water outflow (Hall 1984) and may be a spawning aggregation, or a pre-spawning feeding aggregation. Larval development may occur at sea with juveniles entering the Coorong several months later at about 150mm TL (Hall 1986; Geddes 2000). Juvenile mulloway utilize the Coorong for 2-5 years (Wallace 1975; Hall 1986; Geddes 2000). 1.4.4 Growth and Size at Maturity One South African study found that the size at maturity (L50) was 920 and 1070 mm TL for males and females respectively (Table 1-3) (Griffiths and Hecht 1995). The only estimate of size at maturity for A. japonicus in South Australia was is 700 mm TL although separate estimates were not made for males and females (Hall 1986). The 13 marked difference between the size at maturity of males and females in South Africa suggests that gender specific estimates are also needed for South Australia. The best estimates for von Bertalanffy growth parameters, based on sample sizes and separation of the sexes were from South Africa (Griffiths and Hecht 1995). In this study the Linf for males and females was 1372 and 1472 mm TL respectively (Table 1-4). An earlier South African study estimated much lower values for K, and higher values of Linf but these were probably less reliable due to smaller sample sizes (Wallace and Schleyer 1979). Hence, size at maturity (L50) in South Africa was 67% of the Linf for males and 73% for females (Griffiths and Hecht 1995). The estimate of growth rate, K, for A. japonicus in South Australia is less than half that for the South African study but is based on estimates of age obtained from scales rather than otoliths. Scales may provide unreliable estimates of age, especially in older fish, consequently, growth parameters for A. japonicus in South Australia should be re-estimated for each sex using otoliths to estimate age. Table 1-3 Size at maturity for Argyrosomus japonicus Location Sex Size at Maturity (L50, mm TL) n (Hall 1986; Jones et al 1990) South Australia M&F 700 ? (Griffiths and Hecht 1995) South Africa M 920 521 (Griffiths and Hecht 1995) South Africa F 1070 441 Source Table 1-4. von Bertalanffy growth parameters for Argyrosomus japonicus Source Sex Method t0 K Linf (mm TL) n M&F scales 0.862 0.116 1795 ? (Griffiths and Hecht 1995) M otoliths -0.428 0.260 1372 262 (Griffiths and Hecht 1995) F otoliths -2.620 0.228 1472 257 M&F otoliths 0.33 0.0303 1720 148 (Hall 1986) (Wallace and Schleyer 1979) 14 The life-history strategy appears to be one of rapid growth, delayed maturity and prolonged longevity that leads ultimately to maximised individual egg production (Griffiths 1996). Griffiths (1996) postulated that A. japonicus evolved its life history strategy as a result of rates of natural mortality that are lower than for other Sciaenid species. The implication is that juveniles may experience lower natural mortality i.e. by utilising nursery areas, or employing other predator avoidance strategies. 1.5 Stock Assessment 1.5.1 Commercial Fishery Two reports have assessed the status of the mulloway stock in South Australia. Hall (1986) provided biological information, analysed catch and effort data and examined the relationship between catches and freshwater flows. Most of this work was conducted within the Coorong lagoons. The key points were as follows: • • • • • • • trends in CPUE appeared to be similar to trends in freshwater flows; declines in commercial catches of mulloway from 1975 to 1985 resulted from redirection of effort to Lakes Alexandrina and Albert; there were two size classes present in haul net samples, probably representing two year classes; juvenile mulloway were caught as by-catch in small mesh gill nets (2 inch, 50 mm) during winter (May-October). the instantaneous rate of mortality (Z) for juvenile fish within the Coorong was estimated at 0.8, although Hall (1986) noted that the assumption of no immigration/emigration was violated; mesh selectivity was estimated for monofilament gill net meshes: 51, 64, 76, 89, and 102 mm; a legal minimum size limit LML of 460 mm TL was recommended for mulloway caught within the Coorong lagoons and 750 mm TL for elsewhere. More recently, Pierce and Doonan (1999) documented a qualitative assessment of the sustainable harvest status of several species in the LCF. These authors estimated the mulloway stock in South Australia to be fully-exploited, but didn’t explain the basis upon which this conclusion was reached. 15 1.5.2 Recreational Fishery Results from the National Recreational and Indigenous Fishing Survey suggested that, in South Australia, between May 2000 and April 2001, the total recreational catch of mulloway was 90.2 tonnes (Henry and Lyle 2003). This comprised 27 004 mulloway (± 5156 SE) with an estimated mean weight was 3.34 kg (Henry and Lyle 2003). The mortality of mulloway returned to the water by recreational fishers is unknown, mulloway were ranked second amongst South Australian species in terms of their susceptibility to catch and release mortality (McLeay et al 2002). However, one study that investigated juvenile mulloway that were released, after being mouth hooked and taken from shallow depth, found that they experienced minimal deleterious effects (Broadhurst and Barker 2000). Mortalities of line caught and released adult mulloway taken from high energy beaches are unknown (McLeay et al 2002). 1.6 Discussion Argyrosomus japonicus is widely distributed, however, within Australian waters, the structure of the stock is poorly understood. Investigations utilising a combination of tag- recapture, regional comparisons of otolith morphology/microchemistry and parasite tags may provide greater understanding (Hall 1986; Black and Dixon 1992; Begg et al 1998; Lester et al 2001). An international study into the taxonomic relationships within the genus Argyrosomus is currently being conducted by the Department of Marine and Coastal Management in South Africa and an FRDC funded project, through Murdoch University, is investigating the stock structure of mulloway within Australian waters. Little is known of the reproductive biology of mulloway (Hall 1984) and additional information on the reproductive strategy and mode from studies at the cellular level would provide estimates of the spawning fraction and spawning frequency to give a clearer understanding of fecundity. The location of spawning in South Australia is poorly understood as is the contribution to the stock of that proportion of the population that utilise the Coorong as juvenile habitat. Larval surveys conducted adjacent to the mouth of the Murray River, at the time of peak gonadal development and peak flow, could confirm the location of at least one spawning ground in South Australia. 16 Size at maturity and growth parameters have been estimated for both male and female A. japonicus in South Africa and South Australia. However estimates from South Australia were done by combining data from both sexes. Also the von Bertalanffy growth function parameters, estimated for A. japonicus in South Australia, were made using scales to estimate age. Scales tend to give poor age estimates for older fish and consequently the South African estimates, made using ages derived from otoliths, are likely to be more reliable. There is a clear need for accurate estimates of growth parameters, using ages estimated from otoliths, for A. japonicus in South Australia. Information on the age, growth and reproductive development is needed to understand the life history of mulloway and the capacity to sustain fishing. These data are being collected as part of a current PhD study. 17 2 FISHERY STATISTICS 2.1 Introduction This section presents fishery statistics for mulloway in South Australia, from 1983/84 to 2001/02, as well as examining the relationship with freshwater flows into the Coorong lagoons during this period. It describes inter-annual and intra-annual patterns in catch, effort and CPUE in the LCF and MSF sectors. Estimates of catch are also provided from the National Recreational and Indigenous Fishing Survey. 2.2 2.2.1 Fresh water inflows and catches Introduction Freshwater flows into estuarine systems have been related to catches of many fishes, including mulloway (Bebars and Lasserre 1983; Hall 1986; Smetacek 1986; BarreraGuevara 1990). Changes to the freshwater flow following dam construction, have been implicated as causal agents of changes to invertebrate and fish community structures (Benson 1981; Bebars and Lasserre 1983) as well as the decline of several fisheries for sciaenids. The construction of the locks and barrages across the Murray River have had a profound effect on the aquatic environment of the lakes and Coorong lagoons (Noye 1974; Hall 1986; Geddes and Hall 1990; Pierce 1995; Griffiths 1996). 2.2.2 Methods Monthly commercial catch and effort data for mulloway were available from June 1984. Modelled daily flow data (MSM BigMod) for the Murray River were obtained from the Murray-Darling Basin Commission. Datasets of mean monthly flow incorporating time lags from 0-84 months were constructed and used to generate a correlogram to identify appropriate time lags linking these data (Chatfield 1996; Campana 1999). Peaks in the value of the correlation coefficient were used to identify time lags which resulted in the best fit between the two datasets. Catch and effort data were available for mulloway in South Australia from 1983 to the present. CPUE where the effort was targeted at mulloway (CPUE(TEF)) yielded the most consistent results and therefore were used for correlation of flows and catches. 18 2.2.3 Results The primary periodicity of both peak catches and peak freshwater inflow to the Coorong lagoons was approximately 12 months. For large mesh nets, values of the correlation coefficient increased sequentially for lags of 41, 53 and 63 months (Figure 2-1a). The highest value of the correlation coefficient was with a time lag of 63 months. The trend for targeted CPUE(TEF) i.e. CPUE calculated where effort is targeted at mulloway, was very similar to that for catch. In general correlation coefficients were higher for freshwater flow data and CPUE(TEF), than for freshwater flow and catch. Correlation coefficients for swinger net catches were high for modelled flow data with no time lag (Figure 2-1). 0.6 a. 0.4 Correlation coefficient 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 0.6 b. 0.4 0.2 0.0 Catch CPUE -0.2 -0.4 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Lag (months) Figure 2-1 Correlation coefficients for mean monthly freshwater inflow to the Coorong lagoons with time lags from 0 – 85 months and (a) total monthly catch (blue) and CPUE(TES) (red) for mulloway from large mesh net catches within the Coorong Lagoon and, (b) total monthly catch (blue) and CPUE(TES) (red) for swinger net catches on the Younghusband Peninsula. 19 Catch (kg *1000) 35 30 25 20 15 0.0 10 0 3.0 5 100 80 60 40 20 0 Large mesh gill net catch (t) Flow (GL) Large mesh gill net CPUE(TES) Jul-84 Oct-84 Jan-85 Apr-85 Jul-85 Oct-85 Jan-86 Apr-86 Jul-86 Oct-86 Jan-87 Apr-87 Jul-87 Oct-87 Jan-88 Apr-88 Jul-88 Oct-88 Jan-89 Apr-89 Jul-89 Oct-89 Jan-90 Apr-90 Jul-90 Oct-90 Jan-91 Apr-91 Jul-91 Oct-91 Jan-92 Apr-92 Jul-92 Oct-92 Jan-93 Apr-93 Jul-93 Oct-93 Jan-94 Apr-94 Jul-94 Oct-94 Jan-95 Apr-95 Jul-95 Oct-95 Jan-96 Apr-96 Jul-96 Oct-96 Jan-97 Apr-97 Jul-97 Oct-97 Jan-98 Apr-98 Jul-98 Oct-98 Jan-99 Apr-99 Jul-99 Oct-99 Jan-00 Apr-00 Jul-00 Oct-00 Jan-01 Apr-01 Jul-01 Oct-01 Jan-02 Apr-02 3.0 2.5 -1 Mean flow (gigalitres.month ) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 20 Figure 2-2 Coorong Lagoon large mesh gill net fishery: Mean monthly freshwater inflow (lagged by 53 months) superimposed over (a) Catches of mulloway and, (b) CPUE(TES).Inter-annual Patterns -1 CPUE (kg.manday ) -1 Catch (kg *1000) CPUE (kg.manday ) 10 8 6 4 0.0 2 0 3.0 3.0 2.5 -1 Mean flow (gigalitres.month ) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 21 200 150 100 50 0 Swinger net catch (t) Flow (GL) Swinger net CPUE(TES) Figure 2-3 Younghusband Peninsula swinger net fishery: Mean monthly freshwater inflow (no lag) superimposed over (a) catches of mulloway and, (b) CPUE(TES) Jul-84 Oct-84 Jan-85 Apr-85 Jul-85 Oct-85 Jan-86 Apr-86 Jul-86 Oct-86 Jan-87 Apr-87 Jul-87 Oct-87 Jan-88 Apr-88 Jul-88 Oct-88 Jan-89 Apr-89 Jul-89 Oct-89 Jan-90 Apr-90 Jul-90 Oct-90 Jan-91 Apr-91 Jul-91 Oct-91 Jan-92 Apr-92 Jul-92 Oct-92 Jan-93 Apr-93 Jul-93 Oct-93 Jan-94 Apr-94 Jul-94 Oct-94 Jan-95 Apr-95 Jul-95 Oct-95 Jan-96 Apr-96 Jul-96 Oct-96 Jan-97 Apr-97 Jul-97 Oct-97 Jan-98 Apr-98 Jul-98 Oct-98 Jan-99 Apr-99 Jul-99 Oct-99 Jan-00 Apr-00 Jul-00 Oct-00 Jan-01 Apr-01 Jul-01 Oct-01 Jan-02 Apr-02 Jul-02 Oct-02 Jan-03 Apr-03 Plots of mean monthly flow data, incorporating a 53 month time lag, overlaid on plots of mean monthly catches from large mesh gill nets, showed that annual peaks in both datasets exhibit a periodicity of around 12 months (Figure 2-2a). The trend in the magnitude of peaks in mean monthly catches appears to follow that for modelled flow data although this is more evident in the plot of CPUE(TEF) (Figure 2-2b). Periods of high CPUE were: December 1993 to June 1994, September 1994 to March 1995, December 1996 to April 1997 and September 1997 to June 1998. These align with periods of high freshwater flows 53 months prior. Periods of high flow also appeared to be related to periods of CPUE(TEF) four years later. These periods of high CPUE(TEF) may last for three years. High flows in summer of 1993/94 were followed by high CPUE in the summer of 1997/98. High CPUE continued during the following summer fishing season although fresh water inflow had declined. Catches for swinger nets appeared to align with those of modelled flow data where no lag was employed. Mean monthly flow (no lag) versus swinger net catches showed peaks that appeared to show some correlation in both datasets (Figure 2-3a). Mean monthly flow (no lag) versus swinger net CPUE(TEF) showed a similar trend (Figure 2-3b). 2.2.4 Discussion Peak values for the correlation coefficients for lagged flow data versus commercial large mesh gill-net catches imply that mulloway begin to recruit to large mesh gill nets approximately three years after a freshwater inflow event. The appearance of three increasingly higher peaks in the correlation coefficient implies that, following a freshwater inflow, catches may remain high for three years until exploitation or migration result remove individuals from the Coorong lagoons. Any effects on mulloway catches from freshwater inflow may also be compounded by oceanic events such as upwelling of oceanic water onto the continental shelf (Schahinger 1987). Preliminary ageing work (PhD study) supports this with most fish caught in large mesh gill nets aged 3, 4 or 5 years. It is likely that as mulloway grow the catchability in relation to commercial fishing gear will change also. Thus, the vulnerability of the 2-5 year olds would be expected to increase with age. This will be validated later with further ageing of samples, size age model (von Bertalanffy Growth function) and net selectivity estimates. 22 Both the periodicity and magnitude of lagged freshwater inflow appears to relate to that for CPUE. For example in the five years from July 1990 to July 1995 there are 3 years of smaller inflows followed by two years of increased inflow (Figure 2-2). The CPUE in the first 3 years is relatively low then increases as flows increased. Freshwater inflow may affect juvenile habitat in a number of ways i.e. reduced salinity, increased turbidity or enhanced food supply for iliophagous prey species. Further work will be done as part of the PhD study to characterise this relationship and to further understand variations in the relationship over different periods of time. Increased numbers of juveniles recruiting to the fishing gear, some years after a major flow event may be a result of increased recruitment success. Freshwater inflow may act to promote recruitment success by: creating low salinity environments where juveniles are protected from predators; increasing turbidity which may provide protection from visual predators, and food for smaller herbivorous or iliophagous prey species; providing a high growth environment for juveniles; providing attractant flow for larvae and early juveniles to locate favourable habitat. In the case of the commercial swing net catch the correlation coefficients were high for mean monthly flow datasets with no time lag. Adult mulloway aggregate at the Murray Mouth, attracted by the flow of freshwater, and probably food. If this event is a spawning aggregation then flow events may result in increased spawning success. Freshwater inflow may promote spawning success by: providing an attractant flow causing adult mulloway in spawning condition to aggregate, which may, in turn, place larvae close to suitable nursery habitat; providing a pre-spawning food source as adult mulloway enter spawning condition. 23 2.3 2.3.1 Commercial Catch, Effort and CPUE Overview of Statewide Catches Inter-annual trends The total South Australian commercial catch of mulloway in the 2001/02 financial year was 114 tonnes (Figure 2-4). This was 20% above the most recent 5 year average (95 t) although less than the catch in 2000/01 (145 t) which was the highest recorded catch. The catch of mulloway is characterised by marked variability among years. 160 Catch Catch (kg *1000) 140 5 Year Average 120 100 80 60 40 20 2001/02 1999/00 2000/01 1998/99 1997/98 1996/97 1994/95 1995/96 1993/94 1992/93 1991/92 1989/90 1990/91 1988/89 1987/88 1986/87 1984/85 1985/86 1983/84 0 Figure 2-4 Statewide commercial catches of mulloway for financial years 1983/84 to 2001/02 Catches remained below 60 tonnes.yr-1 between 1984/85 through 1992/93 whilst the 1993/94 catch was almost double that of most previous years although catches declined again between 1994/95 through 1997/98. Reasons for variability in the statewide catch may be: (i) changes in abundance of mulloway in fished areas which appears to be related to freshwater inflow; (ii) transfer of effort to other species or; (iii) a combination of these factors. 24 Intra-annual patterns The fishery for mulloway, in South Australia, is seasonal and operates mainly in Catch (kg *1000) spring and summer (Figure 2-5). 35 2001/02 30 2000/01 25 1999/00 20 1998/99 15 1997/98 10 5 Jun Apr May Mar Jan Feb Oct Nov Dec Aug Sep Jul 0 Figure 2-5 Monthly commercial catches of mulloway (Shaded area on x-axis represents seasons). During 2001/02, 90 tonnes, representing 79% annual statewide catch of mulloway was taken between October and February. The financial years, 1997/98 through 1999/00 showed similar seasonality, although with lower catches. In contrast, the period of peak catches in 2000/01 occurred in summer-autumn, from January to April. Annual value Average monthly prices paid for mulloway at South Australian fish processors were Catch Value 01-02 00-01 99-00 98-99 97-98 96-97 95-96 94-95 93-94 92-93 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Catch value (x $1000) 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 91-92 Catch (kg *1000) available from 1991/92 to 2001/02 (Figure 2-6). Figure 2-6 Annual catches of mulloway from 1991/92 through 2001/02 25 These figures adequately represent the production value for fish sold within South Australia although not the proportion sold on the Sydney or Melbourne markets (Baker and Pierce 1998; Knight et al 2001). The proportion of the state catch of mulloway that was sent to the Sydney Fish Market in 2000/01 and 2001/02 was 13.4 and 15.7% respectively. Overall, the trend in the value of the commercial mulloway catch, for each financial year from 1991/92 to 2001/02 followed that of the catch. Minor peaks in value, during the mid and late 1990’s, were followed by a record catch value of $800 000 in 2000/01. Lower catches in 2001/02 resulted in a decline in value to $714 000. The average price increased from $4.74 per kg, in 1991/92, to $6.26 per kg in 2001/02 (Figure 2-7). The decline in average price during 2000/01 coincided with 01-02 00-01 99-00 98-99 97-98 96-97 95-96 94-95 93-94 92-93 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 91-92 Average price ($ per kg) significantly increased supply to the market in that year. Figure 2-7 Average price ($ per kg) (±SD) for mulloway in South Australia from 1991/92 through 2001/02The average monthly price ($ per kg) for catch sold in the Adelaide Fish Market during 2001/02 was negatively correlated to catch, i.e. decreased linearly as catch increased (Figure 2-8). The average monthly price ($ per kg) for catch sold in the Adelaide Fish Market during 2001/02 was negatively correlated to catch, i.e. decreased linearly as catch increased (Figure 2-8). 26 6 4 y = -0.0844x + 7.0675 2 R2 = 0.878 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 Value ($ per kg.year -1) 8 Catch (kg *1000) Figure 2-8 The relationship between average price per kg.year-1 and total catch of mulloway in South Australia. 2.3.2 Catch and Effort by Sector The commercial fishery for mulloway in South Australia comprises four main types of licence holders: (i) LCF, (ii) MSF, (iii) Southern and Northern Zone Rock Lobster Fisheries, and (iv) “B” licence holders (restricted marine scale licence). For the purposes of this stock assessment the catches from (iii) and (iv) are combined as “other”. Catch and effort data have been collected since 1983/84. Over this period the LCF has been the main contributor to the mulloway catch in South Australia (Figure 2-9). 160 Catch (kg *1000) 140 120 100 80 60 Other 40 MSF 20 LCF 01-02 00-01 99-00 98-99 97-98 96-97 95-96 94-95 93-94 92-93 91-92 90-91 89-90 88-89 87-88 86-87 85-86 84-85 83-84 0 Figure 2-9 Annual commercial catches of mulloway in South Australia, subdivided by the type of licence holder. From 1984/85 through 1997/98 the LCF caught between 66-84% of the state catch and from 1998/99 to 2000/01 this contribution was greater than 90%. In 2001/02 this 27 fishery caught 95.7 % of the total catch of mulloway for the state with the MSF contributing 4%. Lakes and Coorong Fishery Overall, catches from the LCF have increased since 1992/93, although with strong inter-annual variability. The dominant gear type, in terms of landed weight, was the large mesh gill net, which accounted for 90% of the annual catch (Figure 2-10a). The second highest contribution was from swinger nets (8% in 2001/02) on the ocean beach of the Younghusband Peninsula. Contributions by other gears were negligible. In general, trends in catches by large mesh gill nets were similar to those of effort (Figure 2-10b). Peak effort occurred in 2000/01 which was also the year of highest recorded catches. However, in the previous year, high levels of effort did not yield similarly high catches. Trends in catch from the swinger nets (Figure 2-10c) were generally similar to those from the gill nets with lower catches and effort throughout the 1980’s, increased catch in the 1990’s and a peaks in both catch and effort in 2000/01. Because trends in effort followed those of catch in most years it appears that when mulloway were abundant targeted effort also increased. This implies that for those years when CPUE also increased there was a real increase in quantity of mulloway available to the fishery. CPUE is reported for three effort types: (i) no specific target (NST), (ii) targeted effort (TEF), and (iii) targeting other species (TOS). The dominant effort type for large mesh gill nets was TEF. CPUE (TEF) increased from a low in 1987/88 to a peak in 1993/94 (Figure 2-10d). After this CPUE(TEF) continued to follow the trend in catches with an increase in 1998/99, a decline in 1999/00 and increase in 2000/01. Overall, CPUE(TEF) remained high from 1993/94 onwards. The most recent five year average CPUE(TEF) was 42 kg.manday-1. CPUE(NST) and CPUE(TOS) for large mesh gill nets followed the trends in CPUE(TEF) but did not show an increase in 1993/94. 28 CPUE(TEF) for the swinger nets (Figure 2-10e) has tended to increase over time but was relatively low after 1998/99. The most recent five year average was 49 kg.manday-1. CPUE(TEF) provides the best estimate of relative abundance currently available and the overall trend was for an increase from the beginning of the 1990’s that has been maintained until the present. It should be noted, however, that inter-annual variability is relatively high. Details of catches for other gear are shown in Table 2-1. 29 160 a 140 120 100 80 Other 60 Small mesh gill net 40 Sw inger net Large mesh gill net 20 0 2500 2000 60 1500 40 1000 20 500 0 0 100 2500 c 80 2000 60 1500 40 1000 20 500 0 84-85 85-86 86-87 87-88 88-89 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 0 d 60 40 20 0 80 e 60 40 20 0 84-85 85-86 86-87 87-88 88-89 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 80 80 CPUE ( day-1) b Effort (man days) Catch (kg *1000) 100 Catch No Specific Target Effort Targeted Effort Targeting Other Species Figure 2-10 Annual catch, effort and CPUE for mulloway from the Lakes and Coorong Fishery in South Australia: (a) Catch by gear type, (b) Large mesh gill net catch and effort, (c) Swinger net catch and effort, (d) CPUE by 3 effort types for large mesh gill net and (e) CPUE for swing net. 30 Table 2-1 Details of the annual catch and effort, for mulloway for 4 main gears in the Lakes and Coorong Fishery. The other category includes drum nets, set lines and hand lines,) Small mesh gill net Large mesh gill net FinYr 1983/84 1984/85 1985/86 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 1989/90 1990/91 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Catch Effort Catch Effort Swinger net Catch Effort Haul net (< 7cm mesh) Catch Effort Other Catch TOTAL Effort Catch Effort (kg *1000) (M Days) (kg *1000) (M Days) (kg *1000) (M Days) (kg *1000) (M Days) (kg *1000) (M Days) (kg *1000) (M Days) 2.23 0.70 0.56 0.29 0.08 0.56 0.23 0.12 0.08 0.22 0.02 0.17 0.03 0.28 0.20 6.99 0.09 1.54 73 76 47 31 16 40 41 21 24 20 10 37 8 14 14 64 6 84 32.04 26.56 23.41 11.18 22.34 31.31 34.55 33.38 21.06 50.38 52.32 34.58 39.09 34.51 70.94 47.60 111.51 98.15 1474 1864 1714 1086 1915 1446 1435 1905 1235 1145 1303 1363 1055 1110 1594 2290 2502 2648 0.49 0.01 1.69 0.35 0.36 0.04 2.80 4.96 5.05 16.31 11.88 12.14 8.16 3.11 11.38 11.34 24.07 8.36 19 1 42 29 16 1 66 113 156 335 272 174 177 58 167 299 517 226 2.16 1.20 0.61 0.70 0.24 0.30 0.11 0.77 0.00 0.00 2.03 0.56 1.02 1.74 2.80 1.96 57 204 81 176 57 11 8 16 2 2 19 29 54 42 29 55 0.44 23 0.07198 0.05546 0.06254 0.01888 0.02242 0.05546 0.40732 0.35046 1.51704 1.5399 1.01126 0.00472 0.69722 0.17156 0.20374 1.37716 0.11092 0.75992 4 12 4 3 15 3 8 19 46 76 40 3 25 6 10 46 6 25 37.00 28.53 26.33 12.55 23.04 32.27 38.09 39.58 27.71 68.45 67.27 47.46 49.00 39.81 85.52 69.26 135.78 109.25 31 1627 2157 1888 1325 2019 1501 1558 2074 1463 1578 1644 1606 1319 1230 1814 2754 3031 3006 Marine Scale Fishery The Marine Scale Fishery was divided into four regions: (i) Coorong (MFA’s 44, 45, 46, 51); (ii) Spencer Gulf (MFA’s 11, 20, 21, 22, 23, 30, 31, 32, 33); (iii) Gulf St. Vincent (MFA’s 34, 35, 36, 40, 42, 43) and; (iv) the West Coast (MFA’s 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 27, 28). Catches from each region are presented in Figure 2-11. From 1992/93 through 2000/01 catches by the MSF sector were taken mainly from the Coorong region. In 2001/02 catches from the Coorong comprised 41% of the total for this sector, with the other main region being Gulf St. Vincent (38%). 20000 18000 16000 Catch (kg) 14000 12000 10000 West coast 8000 Spencer Gulf 6000 South-east 4000 Gulf St. Vincent 2000 Coorong 83-84 84-85 85-86 86-87 87-88 88-89 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 0 Figure 2-11 Annual regional catches of mulloway in the Marine Scale Fishery. Overall, catches increased from 1992/93 to 1995/96 then declined to the present (Figure 2-10). The main gear prior to 1993/94 was the gill net. Following restrictions to the use of nets in most years (Figure 2-11a) fishing pole and shark net became the dominant gears. Gill net catches increased to 1992/93 then declined. Gill net effort declined steadily from 1983/84 to 1988/89 then remained low until 1999/00 (Figure 2-11b). This was a result of legislation in 1982 resulting in non-transferability of net endorsements on licences. Line licences remained transferable after legislative changes in 1982 and fishing pole catches increased from 199/91 onwards (Figure 2-11c) as gill net catches declined. Fishing pole effort increased to a peak in 1993/94 before declining to the present. 32 Shark net catches remained relatively low form 1983/84 through 190/91 then increased to an all time peak in 1995/96 (Figure 2-11d) before declining steeply. Shark net effort generally followed the trends in shark net catches. Gill net CPUE(TEF) increased steeply from 1989/90 until 1992/93 then declined to 1994/95 (Figure 2-11e). CPUE(NST) increased from 1985/86 to 1990/92. Effort levels were generally much lower in later years. Fishing pole CPUE(TEF) was first reported in 1989/90 and generally increased to the present with a peak in 1997/98 with several periods of sharp decline where catches were relatively low. The most recent five year average CPUE(TEF) was 27 kg.manday-1. CPUE(TOS) for shark net catches showed a strong increase from 1991/92 to the present with the most recent five year average 31 kg.manday-1. Details of catches for each of the other regions in South Australia are shown in 33 Table 2-1. These data are summarised by gear in Table 3-2. Other Fisheries Several Southern Zone and Northern Zone Rock Lobster licences have endorsements for taking marine scalefish. During the peak catches in 1995/96 this amounted to several tonnes but in 2001/02 was only 52 kg in the Southern Zone and 3.5 kg in the Northern Zone. Mulloway are taken from estuaries in Victoria by recreational fishers but they are not of commercial interest, i.e. less than 7 kg in 2001/02 (Morrison pers. com.). 34 20 a 15 10 Other Gill net 5 Shark net Fishing pole 0 10 0 1000 c 800 10 600 8 6 400 4 200 2 0 0 d 10 0 Effort (mandays) 80 f 60 40 20 0 1000 80 800 60 g 600 8 6 40 400 4 200 2 0 0 83-84 84-85 85-86 86-87 87-88 88-89 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 Catch (kg * 1000) 20 200 0 12 60 40 2 14 800 e 400 4 12 80 600 8 6 14 1000 20 0 83-84 84-85 85-86 86-87 87-88 88-89 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 12 b CPUE (kg.manday-1) 14 Catch No Specific Target Effort Targeted Effort Targeting Other Species Figure 2-12 Catch, effort and CPUE for mulloway from the Marine Scale Fishery in the Coorong region of South Australia: (a) Catch by gear type, (b) gill net catch and effort, (c) fishing pole catch and effort, (d) shark net catch and effort, (e) CPUE(TEF and NST) for gill net, (f) CPUE(TEF) for fishing pole and (g) CPUE(TOS) for shark net 35 Table 2-2 Details of the annual catch and effort, for mulloway from all five regions for the Marine ScaleFishery. West Coast FinYr 1983/84 1984/85 1985/86 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 1989/90 1990/91 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Catch Effort Spencer Gulf Catch Effort Gulf St. Vincent Catch Effort Coorong Catch Effort South East Catch Effort TOTAL Catch Effort (kg *1000) (M Days) (kg *1000) (M Days) (kg *1000) (M Days) (kg *1000) (M Days) (kg *1000) (M Days) (kg *1000) (M Days) 2.12 5.45 1.59 1.32 0.71 0.19 1.23 0.41 0.40 1.04 0.13 1.06 0.83 1.02 0.37 0.06 0.33 1.53 0.55 403 199 147 257 49 14 62 24 40 45 14 53 42 42 17 7 82 36 119 1.00 1.07 0.96 3.15 3.37 2.14 1.72 0.81 1.13 1.15 0.06 0.31 0.11 54 270 146 233 231 120 198 49 73 69 4 19 8 0.02 0.15 0.07 0.98 0.39 5 52 42 59 21 1.99 3.98 3.09 3.21 1.63 1.73 4.11 2.46 2.26 0.37 0.17 0.95 0.68 1.20 0.64 0.54 0.67 1.53 1.77 426 525 397 379 250 213 260 155 237 45 73 98 78 172 26 56 49 149 89 11.13 2.77 0.46 1.76 2.45 2.47 3.87 3.19 2.90 11.70 12.00 11.14 16.16 6.71 7.34 7.73 1.80 4.66 1.85 871 475 343 310 255 143 198 186 230 959 742 892 954 966 323 255 120 131 86 1.12 0.20 14 9 2.53 3 0.01 18 0.03 0.24 0.16 0.04 0.04 33 54 58 10 14 17.36 13.47 6.10 9.43 10.70 6.53 10.93 6.87 6.70 14.26 12.39 13.71 17.94 8.98 8.40 8.48 2.86 8.71 4.56 1768 1478 1033 1179 788 490 718 414 598 1118 866 1116 1140 1190 385 370 293 375 315 Total catch Total effort Table 2-3 Details of the catch and effort, for mulloway in the Marine Scale Fishery, for the four main gears. The “other’ category is mainly hand line catches. Gill net FinYr 1983/84 1984/85 1985/86 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 1989/90 1990/91 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Catch Haul net Effort Catch Effort Fishing pole Catch Effort Shark net Catch Effort Other Catch Effort (kg *1000) (M days) (kg *1000) (M days) (kg *1000) (M days) (kg *1000) (M days) (kg *1000) (M days) (kg *1000) (M days) 4.50 1.49 1.25 2.36 1.94 1.70 2.77 3.22 2.01 3.39 2.44 0.65 0.60 0.65 0.10 0.30 0.54 616 479 407 349 160 97 110 104 65 62 102 85 28 34 14 15 37 0.12 10 3.77 4.24 2.88 5.00 7.36 3.47 6.09 2.55 2.58 1.34 0.05 0.57 0.22 1.30 0.36 0.82 0.10 1.88 1.08 366 702 389 497 397 305 415 150 244 89 52 68 44 112 3 16 61 171 78 0.09 0.32 0.27 0.51 4.08 6.97 5.04 3.08 1.01 5.31 4.08 0.31 3.33 1.14 1 59 37 88 217 328 300 197 107 170 164 38 102 33 7.20 4.33 0.85 1.36 0.52 0.25 1.21 0.18 0.35 3.39 2.52 6.10 13.25 4.82 1.66 2.87 0.97 0.83 0.82 642 200 176 266 178 42 90 12 119 651 341 597 814 881 146 141 124 12 144 1.89 3.41 1.11 0.71 0.87 1.01 0.54 0.65 1.25 2.05 0.40 1.34 0.78 1.19 0.97 0.42 0.95 2.67 1.41 144 97 61 67 53 45 44 111 82 99 43 66 57 56 52 34 33 90 50 17.36 13.47 6.10 9.43 10.70 6.53 10.93 6.87 6.70 14.26 12.39 13.71 17.94 8.98 8.40 8.48 2.86 8.71 4.56 36 1768 1478 1033 1179 788 490 718 414 598 1118 866 1116 1140 1190 385 370 293 375 315 Mulloway as by-catch Mulloway are taken as by-catch by several fishery sectors. Adult mulloway are taken in shark nets off the South Australian coast although there is a trip limit of 100 kg. This component of the by-catch is documented in the Commonwealth Shark Fishery commercial log. Quantities reported in logbooks for shark gill net were 5733 and 2691 kg in 2000/01 and 2001/02 respectively Figure 2-13. In these years, greater than 80% of the by-catch came from the area between western Kangaroo Island and the Victorian border. In the years 1997/98 and 1998/99 the contribution from this region was over 98%. In 2001/02, by-catch of mulloway from this sector represented about 3.2% of the catch from the South Australian state fishery although it was less than this in all other years. There is also the potential for mulloway to be taken as by-catch in small mesh gill nets used to target mullet in the commercial and recreational fisheries operating in the 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Region (longitude) 141-146 E 136-141 E 133-136 E 01-02 00-01 99-00 98-99 129-133 E 97-98 Catch (kg) Coorong. Figure 2-13 Catches of mulloway taken as by-catch in the Commonwealth Shark Fishery from 1997/98 through 2001/02. There is also anecdotal evidence that some mulloway are taken in the Gulf St. Vincent Prawn Fishery. However, there are no data available for mulloway by-catch from this fishery. 2.3.3 Discussion The fishery for mulloway in South Australia is located primarily in the Coorong lagoons and adjacent ocean beaches. Catches increased during the 1990’s but are 37 characterised by inter-annual variability. CPUE also showed marked inter-annual variability. The LCF is the dominant sector and has accounted for greater than 90% of the statewide catch in most years. The large mesh gill net is the dominant gear (90% of catch) and is used to target smaller mulloway in the Coorong lagoons (see Section 3). Larger mulloway were targeted by LCF fishers with swinger nets which contributed approximately 8% of the annual catch. Mulloway are also caught with fishing poles and shark nets by the MSF, and in most years the bulk of this catch is taken in the Coorong region. However, this sector contributes less than 5% of the statewide catch. Commonwealth shark fishers also take mulloway as by-catch in South Australia with most of this also coming from the Coorong region. Mulloway is also a popular target for recreational line fishers. Hall (1984; 1986) identified a possible link between freshwater flows and subsequent catches of mulloway which has also been supported by current research. This, coupled with aggregation of mulloway means that a level of uncertainty must be attached to CPUE as a measure of relative abundance for this species. While uncertainty occurs in the magnitude of the recreational statewide catch, preliminary information is now available from the National Recreational and Indigenous Fishing Survey. Additional unreported by-catch from the Commonwealth Shark Fishery may also be significant, although shark prices are generally higher than for mulloway and it is unlikely that this fishery targets mulloway (Sachse pers. com.). Catches of mulloway tend to follow effort in both the MSF and LCF although the extent to which effort drives catch is unclear. Mulloway prices also decline linearly in relation to the amount of catch placed on the relatively small Adelaide market and a proportion of the catch is sold interstate. A better understanding of effort within this multi-species sector may require a dedicated study of the influences driving effort transfer between target species and between salt and fresh water fishing grounds. Further work is also required to better understand the effect of freshwater inflow into the Coorong lagoons and its effect on CPUE and spawning and recruitment success. 38 3 OTHER RESEARCH 3.1 Introduction This section provides a summary of current research work carried out since October 2001 as part of a PhD project titled “The Biology and Ecology of Mulloway in South Australian Waters.” This includes some preliminary data on net selectivity, size structure and reproduction. 3.1.1 Size-structure and net selectivity Introduction Net selectivity’s for mulloway have not been estimated for gears used in the LCF, MSF and recreational sectors since the mid 1980’s (Hall 1986). Preliminary size distributions for several sizes of commercial and research nets, along with recreational line catches are presented here. Methods Size structure data were obtained from several sources: (i) Adelaide fish market, (ii) a fishery independent survey using multi-panel monofilament gill nets, (iii) haul nets, and (iv) recreational line catches. Samples from the Adelaide fish market originated from the Coorong lagoons and were taken by the LCF, using large mesh monofilament gill nets. Additional size data from swinger net catches were collected at the port of landing. Mulloway were also collected in multi-panel gill nets within the Coorong lagoons. These nets were 45 m long and 2 m deep and comprised five, 9 m long panels with stretched mesh measurements of: (i) 40 mm; (ii) 50mm; (iii) 70 mm; (iv) 113 mm and; (v) 153. These samples of mulloway were frozen and later thawed, measured and dissected at the SARDI Aquatic Sciences laboratories, West Beach. Data were also available from one commercial haul net catch from the west coast and from recreational line fishers, who provided fish from adjacent to the Murray Mouth, the Port River and Yorke Peninsula. 39 For each of these where there were sufficient data, length frequency histograms were constructed. The modal length was estimated as the point midway between the upper and lower limits of the dominant length class. Results Size structures from four types of fishing gear are shown in Figure 3-1. The modal length (mm TL) of mulloway taken from large mesh gill nets was 525 mm TL (Figure 3-1a). The range was from slightly below the legal minimum size (LML) of 460 mm TL to 822 mm TL. For mulloway from swinger net catches, it was possible to segregate TL’s by sex. The range was 757 to 1268 mm TL for males and 801 to 1245 mm TL for females (Figure 3-1b). The modal length for both was 975 mm TL while the sex ratio (nf/(nf+nm)) was 0.55. Both haul net and line catches showed lower size selectivity when compared with gill nets (Figure 3-1c,d). The haul net catch had a size range of 712 – 1191 mm TL while that for recreational line catches was 400 to 1438 mm TL. The modal TL of 825 mm was the same for both. Fishery independent mesh selectivity’s for 50 and 70 mm (stretched) monofilament meshes are shown in Figure 3-2. Selectivity’s for other meshes (40, 113, 153) are not shown due to small sample sizes. The modal TL for mulloway caught in the 50 mm mesh was 225 mm TL and the range was 126 –391 mm TL. For the 70 mm mesh the modal size was 375 mm TL and the range was 207 to 480 mm TL. 40 150 a. 20 (n = 458) c. (n=46) d. (n=31) 15 100 10 Frequency 50 5 0 20 15 10 0 6 b. 5 Males Females (nm=31, nf =39) 4 3 2 5 1 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 0 0 Total Length (mm) Figure 3-1 Size structures of mulloway for (a) large mesh gill net catches within the Coorong (M, F combined), (b) swinger net catches from Younghusband Peninsula (M,F separate), (c) haul net catch from west coast (M, F combined) and (d) recreational line fishery (M, F combined). 30 60 20 40 10 20 0 0 b. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 80 a. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 Frequency 40 Total Length (mm) Figure 3-2 Preliminary net selectivity’s for mulloway for net meshes (a) 50 mm, and (b) 70 mm 41 3.1.2 Reproduction Introduction Sexually mature mulloway aggregate at the mouth of the Murray River during the warmer months where fresh water flows appear to act as an attractant. Some information on the reproduction of mulloway was collected as part of a PhD study. However, due to the current drought these reproductive data are limited. Therefore the information presented here should be viewed as preliminary. Methods Mulloway were collected in multi-panel gill nets within the Coorong lagoons on a monthly basis. These nets were 45 m long and 2 m deep and comprised five, 9m mesh panels: (i) 40 mm; (ii) 50mm; (iii) 70 mm; (iv) 113 mm and; (v) 153. Mulloway were also collected from the swinger net catches at the port of landing and from line fishers operating at the Murray mouth from October 2001 to January 2002. The ovaries were classified macroscopically into one of five stages of development based on size, colour and visibility of oocytes (Table 3-1) (Hunter et al 1985; Fowler and McGarvey 1997; Ferguson 1999). Ovaries from stages III to V were grouped as mature. More detailed analysis of a subset of ovaries, for which the process of maturation had started, was achieved by histological preparation and microscopic examination. A segment was removed from the centre of one ovary lobe and preserved in a fixative of formalin, acetic acid and calcium chloride (FAACC). After fixing, the segment was stained with haematoxylin and eosin, sectioned (6-7 mm) and mounted for microscopic examination. Testes were classified into three classes only; undeveloped, developing and running ripe (testes released sperm when gently squeezed). 42 Table 3-1 Stages of development used for macroscopic classification of the ovaries of mulloway. The macroscopic characteristics of these stages were determined by examination of histological preparations (Hunter and Macewitz 1985; Fowler and McGarvey 1997)) Stage Stage I Immature Stage II Developing Stage III Developed Stage IV Gravid or Running Ripe Stage V Regressing or Resting Macroscopic Appearance Microscopic Appearance Small, clear to translucent, jelly-like thread, grey to pink in colour Close to posterior vertebral column Oocytes invisible to naked eye Unyolked, non atretic oocytes only Small to medium Translucent to yellow/brown Ovary lobe may appear short, relative to stage III Oocytes invisible to naked eye All unyolked. Large, yellow to orange Granular appearance due to visible individual oocytes. Ovary large, reaching forward into anterior gut cavity Dominated by advanced yolked oocytes, unyolked with partially yolked oocytes present in low numbers. Lumen large and obvious. Very large orange, reaching anteriorly to/above stomach Clear hydrated oocytes visible among opaque oocytes Oocytes of all stages present from unyolked to hydrated. Lumen large, obvious. Ovaries medium in size, brown to reddish-brown, opaque. More flaccid than other stages Atretic oocytes present. Partially yolked oocytes present. Greater number of unyolked oocytes relative to yolked than in stage III/IV ovaries. Results None of the mulloway (n=251, range 70 – 660 mm TL) collected in multi-panel gill nets within the Coorong, during the warmer months (October – March) of 2001/02 showed signs of gonad development or regression i.e. they were not sexually mature. This sample included 31 fish that were between 400-660 mm TL. For samples from the commercial swinger net fishery the smallest female to have developed (stage III) ovaries i.e. with ovaries that held yolked eggs, was 882 mm TL while the smallest female to exhibit regressing, (stage V) ovaries was 889 mm TL (Figure 3-3). The smallest male to show gonadal development i.e. running ripe, was 757 mm TL. It should be noted that there were few data for either males or females in the size range 650 to 800 mm TL. 43 6 (n=75) 5 4 GONAD STAGE Female 1 Immature 2 Developing 3 Developed 4 Hydrated 5 Regressing Gonad stage 3 2 1 4 Male 1 Immature 2 Developing 3 Running ripe (n=60) 3 2 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1 Total length (mm) Figure 3-3 Gonad development stages of female (red) and male (blue) mulloway from October – January 2001/02 from Younghusband Peninsula, South Australia. 3.1.3 Discussion None of the mulloway taken within the Coorong lagoons during the summer period showed gonad development, which suggests that mulloway <660 mm TL are not sexually mature. The smallest female to show ovarian development and yolked oocytes was 882 mm TL. This is consistent with reports of mulloway from the Coorong lacking gonad development, which is also the situation in South African estuaries (Wallace 1975; Hall 1986). However, samples of mulloway in the size class between 660 and 800 mm TL were not collected during this period, hence the size range where the gonads first develop is not well defined. More data are required to construct maturity ogives (LD50) to provide accurate estimates of size at maturity for mulloway in South Australia. The modal size of mulloway taken in large mesh gill nets from within the Coorong lagoons was 525 mm TL, with most of the catch smaller than 700 mm TL. Thus 44 mulloway taken by large mesh gill nets are sexually immature. The modal size of mulloway taken in swinger net catches was 950 mm TL, which is above the size of sexual maturity. Data were presented for the net selectivity for mulloway in 50 mm mesh. The modal size of mulloway taken in the 50 mm mesh panels was 225 mm TL (range 126 –391 mm TL) which is consistent with that found by (Hall 1986). 45 4 GENERAL DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction This section provides a synopsis of information available for the fishery, assesses the current status of the resource, and identifies future research and management needs. This section also aims to provide information required to establish Biological Performance Indicators and Reference Points for the fishery. 4.2 Synopsis of information Few data are available on the biology and ecology of mulloway in Australia. Information from overseas, especially South Africa, suggests that the life-history strategy of A. japonicus is one of rapid growth and delayed sexual maturity (Griffiths 1996). Data on the age, growth and reproduction of mulloway in South Australia is needed urgently and is being collected as part of a current PhD project. The stock structure of A. japonicus in southern Australia is also poorly understood. In the absence of information to the contrary, the South Australian mulloway population should be managed as if it is a self-sustaining stock, with recruitment dependent on successful local spawning and high levels of egg production. 4.2.1 Status of resource and fishery The prolonged juvenile stage of mulloway and the implied low natural mortality of juveniles may make this species vulnerable to anthropogenic impacts, especially perturbations to juvenile habitat and high juvenile fishing mortality. Information available for assessing the status of mulloway in South Australia is presented in Sections 2 and 3 of this report. Like all fisheries assessments, the data and estimates presented in these sections have high associated levels of uncertainty. This uncertainty originates from several sources. One source of uncertainty is the lack of information on the stock structure of A. japonicus in southern Australia. However, the apparent dependence of juveniles on estuarine/hyposaline environments, combined with the relative paucity of such environments in South Australia and the very high proportion of South Australian 46 catch that is taken in the LCF, suggest that the Coorong lagoons must be treated as critical habitat for mulloway in South Australia. One of the most significant potential sources of uncertainty in this assessment is its reliance on fishery-dependent data. One of the major constraints with the fishery data is the lack of information from several sectors. Comprehensive catch and effort data are reported for the MSF and LCF only. Only retained catches are reported in logbooks of the Commonwealth shark fishery and no data are available on the bycatch of mulloway in South Australian prawn trawl fisheries. The recreational catch of mulloway in South Australia is poorly understood although some regional information will become available from the National Recreational and Indigenous Fishing Survey. As most of the South Australian mulloway catch is taken in the LCF, this assessment is fundamentally dependent on the consistency and accuracy of LCF logbook data, which has not been examined empirically. Furthermore, the mixed nature of this fishery means that non-biological factors, such as the availability of and prices paid for other LCF species, and not just mulloway abundance, can affect mulloway catches. The strong relationship between mulloway catch and price could also bias the analyses of catch and effort data. As the LCF primarily targets juveniles, relatively few data are available on the adult population. Adults are taken by a small number of fishers using swinger nets on the ocean beach near the Murray Mouth. However, those catches are tightly linked to the level of freshwater flows and do not provide a reliable indication of the abundance of adult mulloway in South Australia. Information on age structure of these catches would provide information on the status of the adult population, and will be obtained during a current PhD study. However an ongoing monitoring program for monitoring the age structure of these catches should also be established. Despite the limitations identified above, catch and CPUE from the LCF do appear to provide a useful indicator of the abundance of juvenile mulloway in the Coorong lagoons. Levels of effort in this fishery have been relatively stable over recent years. Fluctuations in catch and CPUE appear to mainly reflect inter-annual variations in recruitment associated with fluctuations in levels of freshwater input, with strong freshwater flows associated with catch and CPUE levels 3-5 years later. This could 47 be due to high levels of spawning success resulting from the aggregation of spawning adults at the Murray Mouth or from increased survivorship of early juveniles in the Coorong lagoons during periods of reduced salinity. Assessing the current status of the South Australian mulloway resource against historical levels is impeded by the lack of detailed catch and effort information prior to 1983. However, Hall (1986) provides a summary of total catches since 1951. The decline in annual catches of mulloway following construction of the barrages (Noye 1974; Hall 1986; Eckert and Robinson 1990; Geddes and Hall 1990; Pierce 1995; Sim et al 2000) has been used to suggest that the population declined as a result of the reduction in estuarine habitat associated with construction of the barrages. Current fishing practices and levels of harvest appear to be sustainable under current flow conditions, however, continued increases in the levels of extractions of water from the Murray River for agriculture could alter this situation. The prognosis for the SA mulloway population and fishery may not be positive unless improved procedures for ensuring adequate environmental flows are implemented. 4.3 Future research needs and potential performance indicators Catches and CPUE of mulloway in the LCF may provide a useful indicator of ecosystem health in the Murray River estuary in general and the Coorong lagoons in particular. These data will also provide some insights into the status of the resource and fishery, but other biological data are also required for this purpose – many of which are being collected as part of a current PhD study. The PhD project is a life history study that will be focused around validated, otolithbased estimates of age. Size, age and reproductive data will be used to calculate reliable estimates of the growth rates and size at sexual maturity of mulloway in South Australia. Methods developed in this study could also be used to establish an ongoing program for monitoring the age structure of catches. The PhD study will also investigate the timing and location of spawning by mulloway in South Australia by conducting macroscopic and histological analyses of adult gonads and by conducting egg and larval surveys. Information collected during the PhD will support the assessment and development of future management arrangements for the South Australian mulloway fishery. 48 Mulloway may be vulnerable to high levels of juvenile mortality, and it is essential to understand the potential sources of juvenile mortality in critical areas such as the Coorong lagoons. Catches of juvenile mulloway in small mesh gill nets used by commercial and recreational fishers to target Yellow eye mullet in the Coorong lagoons are potentially significant, but have not been quantified. Furthermore, the effectiveness of (i) area closures and gear modifications in the commercial fishery and (ii) seasonal closures in the recreational fishery in ameliorating this problem have not been measured. A research project has been proposed, as part of the five year strategic plan for the LCF, to quantify the levels of by-catch and to assess the effectiveness of current and/or additional amelioration strategies. Such a study may also provide information on the relative abundance of smaller juveniles in the Coorong lagoons that would further enhance our understanding of the effects of freshwater flows on recruitment success. CPUE data are available from 1983 for the MSF and LCF, and could potentially be used as a performance indicator(s) for the fishery. However, these data must be interpreted carefully as factors other than mulloway abundance affect CPUE. For example, catch rates of adults in the swinger net fishery are affected by the timing and levels of fresh water flow through the Murray mouth. Recruitment levels and juvenile distribution patterns are also affected by environmental factors. Furthermore, few catch and effort data are available for sectors other than the MSF and LCF, including the recreational fishery in which mortality rates of mulloway are also unknown. The uncertainties in the CPUE data suggest that it may be important to monitor the age structure of the population. Information on the age structure of catches taken in the swinger net fishery may provide insights into the age structure of the adult population, and could form the basis of a useful performance indicator, e.g. mean age. Any reduction in mean age and/or the abundance of older fish in catches could indicate a reduction in the adult biomass. Samples of the otoliths required for such a program could potentially be collected from the Adelaide Fish Market. However, as fish are sometimes graded by size to accommodate the needs of interstate markets the sampling regime to support this approach would need to be designed and monitored carefully. 49 Size can be a useful proxy of the age of fish, and the size structure or mean size, of fish taken in swinger net fishery could be a potentially useful performance indicator. An ongoing size monitoring program for this fishery would also provide a useful basis for determining how well the market samples reflect the size structure of the catch. This information could be obtained by requiring fishers to report on the numbers (as well as the total weight) of fish caught. Such a program would also provide a costeffective (albeit less precise) tool for monitoring the age structure of catches (e.g. a reduction in mean size would suggest a decline in the mean age of the catch). Monitoring the age/size structure of the catches of large mesh gill nets in the Coorong lagoons may provide a useful indicator. Although these gill nets are highly selective, three year classes of immature mulloway tend to be caught. A performance indicator that measured the relative contribution of these three year classes to the catch would provide insights into the current and future status of juveniles in this critical habitat. Female mulloway tend to grow faster than males. Consequently, the size-selectivity of gill nets may result in different fishing mortalities for males and females and the sex ratio could change over time if females were removed from the population at a younger age or faster rate than males. Thus the sex ratio of swinger net catches may also be useful as a performance indicator. These sex ratios could be validated by comparing them with those from adults caught by line in the recreational fishery. A range of biological performance indicators is potentially available for the South Australian mulloway fishery. Each provides different information and a suite of indicators will be necessary to adequately monitor the status of mulloway. CPUE data are available and provide an indication of relative abundance but additional biological data are also required. While critical aspects of mulloway biology are currently being addressed in a PhD study, additional monitoring of the age/size structure is needed for the fishery. 50 5 REFERENCES Anon. (1988). New restrictions for mulloway fishery. Australian Fisheries 47(8): 910. Anon. (1993) Mulloway: Argyrosomus hololepidotus FISHING W.A.(WESTERN AUSTRALIA) 2 4. Anon. (1995) Proceedings of the Murray Mouth Biological Resource Assessment Workshop South Australian Research and Development Institute, Ocean 2000, Adelaide, 1-103. Anon. 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