Catch as Catch Can

Catch as Catch Can
Build models: Try it, change it ... then try again. Let others amplify their abilities. Remember
that following and leadership are equally important. Celebrate successful collaborations.
Many soft throwable items (two per person)
Two people are chosen to stand in the middle of a circle, back to back. Everyone else is
holding two soft throwable items. On the count of three, they throw the items in the air and
the two people in the center try to catch as many as possible. The group then strategizes to
beat their own record. The only rules that must remain are that the objects must be thrown
simultaneously. Members may use only props that they are wearing and the objects cannot
be handed to the two in the center, they must be thrown.
(Catch as
Catch Can)
What different strategies did you try? How did it change from beginning to end?
How did the larger group help the two in the middle to improve?
How did you choose the two in the middle? Why were they chosen?
What did you consider successful?
How might goal setting help in recognizing when you have been successful?
How did you work together to make this successful?
Facilitation A group will generally try a few different solutions to this problem, including throwing the
objects higher, changing the size of the circle, changing the people in the middle, and using
clothing as catching nets. This is a fun initiative, with a relatively low frustration level.