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Ecology Quiz: Biotic & Abiotic Factors

Ecology Quiz
Directions​: Identify the following objects as biotic or abiotic factors. Mark biotic factors
with a (B) and abiotic factors with an (A)
1. Bird’s Nest _____
2. Gravel _____
3. Orange Peel _____
4. Coal _____
5. Wood _____
6. Oxygen _____
Directions​: Choose the best answer for the following questions.
1. Which is not a characteristic of a
living thing?
a. Responds to stimuli
b. Have DNA
c. Water
d. Grow and Develop
2. Which option contains all abiotic
a. Wood, sand, paint
b. Algae, bread, urine
c. Concrete, tiles, aluminum
d. Producers, consumers,
3. Which option contains all biotic
a. Steel, iron, magnesium
b. Worms, dirt, feces
c. Milk, honey, meat
e. Autotrophs, heterotrophs,
4. Which is a survival requirement?
a. Made of cells
b. Reproduces
c. Living space
d. Grow and Develop
5. How many characteristics are
there for living things?
a. 5
b. 4
c. 7
d. 10
6. How many survival requirements
are there for living things?
a. 4
b. 9
c. 3
d. 7
Extra Credit: Provide a complete definition of Abiotic Factors:
Directions​: Read each scenario and answer the questions. You must identify at least
3 abiotic factors and at least 3 biotic factors for each scenario. All answers must be
in complete sentences. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization all
count. Each response is worth 10 points.
1. A small lake has been polluted by human activity such as littering, boating, and
camping. In this area there are several species of trout that both humans and
animals eat. List the biotic and abiotic factors in and around the river.
Abiotic Factors:
Biotic Factors
How will the pollution affect the organisms that live in the water, the organisms that
eat them, and the abiotic factors around the river?
2. A farmer notices an increase in the population of mice in his fields and in his barn.
The mice are eating his crops*, destroying his machinery, chewing through wires, and
harming his livestock*. To get rid of the mice, the farmer puts out chemical mouse
Abiotic Factors:
Biotic Factors
Explain how the use of chemical mouse traps will affect the mouse population.
*​Crops​: fruits, vegetables or grains grown on farms *​Livestock​: farm animals
Directions: Read the following scenario and analyze the corresponding graph. Answer the
questions below. All parts must be answered for full credit and all responses must be in
complete sentences. The constructed response is worth 20 points.
1. Jackie, an ecologist, has been studying the population of frogs in a small area of
windy creek. She has been tracking the population of insect eating frogs in the
summer to observe their reproduction rate during the months of May through
August. This year, a tannery* opened upriver. Jackie has noticed the water has an
orange hue and the frog population is different than last year. At the beginning of
each month, Jackie checks the water quality and she has seen an increase in
pollutants in the water. Below is a graph of the frog population before the tannery
opened and after the tannery opened.
Tannery*: factory that makes leather
Using the story and graph above, predict what will happen to the population of frogs
in August.
What effect will the frog population have on other animals that live in the area? How
will the frogs prey be affected? How will the frog's predators be affected?
Based on your predictions, What effect would this have on humans?