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Disaster Risk Reduction Summit: Objectives & Implementation

The event will be participated by Local Chief
Executives (LCEs), Disaster Risk Reduction
Management Officers (DRRMOs) and Provincial
Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council
(RDRRMC) members, national agencies and other
DRRM practitioners & partners.
firm resolve on the implementation of the local
disaster risk reduction and management and
climate change adaptation plans.
Likewise, the summit was set in support to
Republic Act 10121, “An act strengthening the
Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management System, providing for the NDRRM
framework and institutionalizing the NDRRM
Plan, appropriating funds therefor and for other
The forum sets the direction towards unity in action and
ensuring that all concerned stakeholders will be equipped of
new skills, knowledge needed in mitigating and addressing
future disasters and emergencies. At least, the rules of
engagement are set in place, as a province, we are one in our
efforts towards disaster and risk reduction. There is truth in the
saying that no man is an island. We all depend on each other,
and this finds significance in times of disasters and
emergencies. The summit will emphasize that the government,
and each and every one of us should continue to be vigilant in
mitigating the possible damages brought about by disasters and
The event will be participated by Local Chief Executives
(LCEs), Disaster Risk Reduction Management Officers
(DRRMOs) and Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction
Management Council (RDRRMC) members, national agencies
and other DRRM practitioners & partners.
The activity aims to impart the significant roles and
responsibilities of local chief executives, Disaster Risk
Reduction Management Officers (DRRMOs) and Provincial
Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (RDRRMC)
members, national agencies and other DRRM practitioners &
partners, especially those newly-minted, being chairpersons,
members, implementers and practitioners of their local disaster
risk reduction and management councils and familiarize them
on the different geographic plans, tools and information systems
on disaster mitigation and climate change adaptation.
During the summit, different DRRM tools, and
protocols will be discussed to DRRM practitioners
and stakeholders for them to fully understand their
roles and responsibilities in addressing disaster
The state of DRRM and the utilization of local DRRM fund
sharing were also be highlighted as well as sharing of best
practices on DRRM and Provincial Awarding Ceremony of Best
DRRM Implementer 2021 (LGU Category).
Towards the end of the activity, the participants will recite the
“Declaration of Commitment” as a pledge of full support on
disaster preparedness efforts in the province to include their
firm resolve on the implementation of the local disaster risk
reduction and management and climate change adaptation
on Plan and LCCAP, (9) Introduction to Contingency Planning and Cluster Approach, (10) Introduction to Incident Command System
The three-day summit will feature lectures on (1) Central Bicol
State University of Agriculture’s/Camarines Norte State College
DRRM, (2) LCEs Roles and Responsibilities in DRRM, (3)
Institutionalization of Local DRRM Offices, (4) Guidelines on
the Utilization of Local DRRM Fund, (5) Hydro- Met Hazards
and Warning System, (6) Local Geological Hazards, (7)
Earthquake-induced Landslides/ Multi-Hazard Maps, (8) Flood
Modelling, Formulation of Local DRRM Action Plan and
LCCAP, (9) Introduction to Contingency Planning and Cluster
Approach, (10) Introduction to Incident Command System, (11)
Pandemic Response of the Province and (12) Introduction to
Rapid Damage and Needs Assessment and Post-Disaster Needs
The summit is a provincewide campaign for disaster awareness
and capacity building across the province considering that
Camarines Norte is prone to natural hazards. During the
summit, different DRRM tools, and protocols will be discussed
to DRRM practitioners and stakeholders for them to fully
understand their roles and responsibilities in addressing disaster
Likewise, the summit was set in support to Republic Act 10121,
“An act strengthening the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management System, providing for the NDRRM
framework and institutionalizing the NDRRM Plan,
appropriating funds therefor and for other purposes.” This Act
ensures the integration of disaster risk reduction and climate
change adaptation into local development plans, programs and
budgets as a strategy for sustainable development and poverty