FMS OPERATOR’S QUICK REFERENCE SCN 1001.X/1101.X Flight Management Systems The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730-774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. This publication is available at © 2014 UNIVERSAL AVIONICS SYSTEMS CORPORATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 3260 E. Universal Way Tucson, AZ 85756-5097 USA (520) 295-2300 (800) 321-5253 Report No. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Application APPLICATION This Quick Reference, 2411sv1001.X/1101.X is applicable to all FLIGHT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (FMS) possessing: Software Control Number (SCN) 1001.X/1101.X This Quick Reference provides general information about the FMS functionality and procedures accomplished on the ground and before and after flight operations. Information pertaining to the FMS functionality during flight may be found in the applicable Universal Avionics’ FMS Operator’s Manual Refer to approved Airplane Flight Manual Supplement for certified version. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is . APPL-i FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS APPLICATION .................................................................................... i TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................... 1 OVERVIEW ........................................................................................ 1 REFERENCE USE ........................................................................ 1 REFERENCE FORMAT................................................................. 1 Operation to be Performed ........................................................ 1 Optional ................................................................................. 1 Data Input Process .................................................................... 1 Interrogate ............................................................................. 2 Modify .................................................................................... 2 Create .................................................................................... 2 Delete .................................................................................... 3 Key Review ................................................................................ 3 INITIALIZATION ................................................................................ 4 INITIALIZATION ............................................................................. 4 System Turn On/Initialization ..................................................... 4 Both CDUs as Necessary .......................................................... 4 Display Brightness ..................................................................... 4 Display Offset ............................................................................ 5 PRE-FLIGHT ENTRIES ..................................................................... 6 PRE-FLIGHT ENTRIES ................................................................. 6 Copy Route onto Flight Plan ...................................................... 6 Crossfill Flight Plans to Second FMS .................................... 6 Enter SID or Departure onto Flight Plan .................................... 6 Pre-Flight Planning – Flight Plan Summary............................... 7 Fuel Mode Entries...................................................................... 7 Manually Synchronize Dual FMS .............................................. 7 FLIGHT PLAN MODIFICATIONS ...................................................... 8 FLIGHT PLAN MODIFICATIONS .................................................. 8 Leg Changes ............................................................................. 8 Direct To (DTO) ......................................................................... 8 DTO a Runway .......................................................................... 9 Emergency Divert ...................................................................... 9 Add Waypoint to Flight Plan ...................................................... 9 GAP in Flight Plan ................................................................... 10 Delete WPT(s) / GAP from Flight Plan .................................... 10 Designate / Delete Fly-Over WPT ........................................... 10 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. TOC-1 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Table of Contents Invert Flight Plan ...................................................................... 11 Delete Entire Flight Plan .......................................................... 11 ENROUTE ........................................................................................ 12 ENROUTE .................................................................................... 12 Pseudo-VORTAC (PVOR) ....................................................... 12 Cancel Pseudo-VORTAC Mode............................................... 12 Hold at Present Position (HOLD PPOS) .................................. 13 Parallel Offset Course (SXTK) ................................................. 13 Cancel Parallel Offset Course .................................................. 14 FMS Heading Mode (HDG) ...................................................... 14 Maintain Present Heading ................................................... 14 Change Heading .................................................................. 14 Arm Intercept ....................................................................... 15 Cancel Intercept ................................................................... 15 Cancel Heading Mode ......................................................... 15 Vertical Navigation (VNAV) ...................................................... 15 Enter a VNAV Altitude in the Flight Plan .................................. 16 Vertical TO (VTO) .................................................................... 16 Cancel VNAV (CNCL VNV)...................................................... 16 Delete VNAV Profile ................................................................. 17 ACTIVE APPROACH ....................................................................... 18 ACTIVE APPROACH ................................................................... 18 Enter a STAR or Arrival into a Flight Plan................................ 18 Review Selected Approach Data (Approach Copied onto Flight Plan) ......................................................................................... 18 ARM Approach Mode ............................................................... 19 Activate Approach Mode (CMD HDG) ..................................... 19 Level of Service (RNAV Approaches Only) ............................. 19 Manually Select LOS ........................................................... 19 Cancel Approach Mode............................................................ 20 Missed Approach Mode ........................................................... 20 PILOT DATABASE .......................................................................... 21 PILOT DATABASE ....................................................................... 21 Create a Route ......................................................................... 21 Pilot Database .......................................................................... 21 STORED NAV DATABASE ............................................................. 22 STORED NAV DATABASE .......................................................... 22 Interrogate Stored NAV Database ........................................... 22 Update Stored NAV Database ................................................. 23 Abort Update Process.......................................................... 23 TOC-2 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Table of Contents ABNORMAL SITUATIONS.............................................................. 24 ABNORMAL SITUATIONS .......................................................... 24 Power Failure Up to 7 Minutes ................................................ 24 Power Failure Over 7 Minutes ................................................. 24 Manual Fuel Flow Input ........................................................... 24 SHUTDOWN .................................................................................... 25 SHUTDOWN ................................................................................ 25 FMS Shutdown ........................................................................ 25 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. TOC-3 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Overview OVERVIEW REFERENCE USE This reference is provided as a cockpit and training aid covering a number of commonly used FMS procedures. Refer to the applicable Operator's Manual and Reference Guide for complete details on all procedures. REFERENCE FORMAT Operation to be Performed Press the particular function key shown. Press the Line Select Key (LSK) adjacent the display selection shown. [ ] Denotes a specific Line Select Key. Optional Optional operations are shown indented from the left margin and enclosed in a box. Procedures may apply to dual installations or represent one or more optional operations available. Enter appropriate data into the cursor using one of the Data Input Processes described in the following topics. Data Input Process Reference Number From a numbered list of selections on the CDU display, input the corresponding number and press ENTER. (See LIST in the Key Review topic.) Direct Entry Use the Alpha and Numeric keys to type the desired entry into the cursor. Press ENTER. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 1 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Overview Interrogate Use either numeric selection (use the / keys as necessary) or direct entry to access the Definition pages. Where there is more than one Definition page, use the keys. / Modify Use either numeric selection (use the / keys as necessary) or direct entry to access the Definition pages. For PLT WPTS, press the MODIFY PLT LSK. Use the LSKs to position the cursor and enter the desired changes. Where there is more than one Definition page, use the / keys. Create Enter the four letter airport code for SID, STAR, APPROACH, Runway, and Airport. Enter the Pilot Defined letters and/or numbers (up to five digits) for ALIGN PT and WAYPOINT. ROUTE – Create ROUTE. Where there are more than one definition page, use the NOTE: / 2 keys. The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Overview Delete Delete Use either numeric selection (use the / keys as necessary) or direct entry to access the Definition pages. [5L] Press twice to delete from the database. Key Review Key Description The power [ON/OFF] keys differ between the 4” CDU and 5” CDU. • 4” CDU = PWR DIM • 5” CDU = ON/OFF DIM The 5” CDU nomenclature is used herein. LIST A listing of numbered selections appropriate for the entry field. Other LIST categories are displayed next to the line select keys. Pressing a line select key will access a list from that category. Presents a list of alternate formats or options for the mode being used. The M symbol means the menu is available thru the Menu key. Line Select Provides option selection and cursor control. Line select keys may also be defined by position (Example: [1L] represents the first key on the left-side at the top; [3R] the third key down on the right). Data is always entered into the system at a cursor location by pressing ENTER. The ENTER key must be pressed for data entry. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 3 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Initialization INITIALIZATION INITIALIZATION System Turn On/Initialization Self-test is followed by the INITIALIZATION page. NOTE: If the units are configured for SYNC, crossfill is automatic. Line Select For corrections to the INIT 1/1 page, use the Line Select Keys for cursor control and make the desired changes. [5L] Press to accept all data. Both CDUs as Necessary For screen brightness or parallax offset. View system messages. Display Brightness Press once. - OR - As desired. Then: To return. 4 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Initialization Display Offset Press once. As desired. Then: - OR - Press twice to return or press Power Key. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 5 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Pre-Flight Entries PRE-FLIGHT ENTRIES PRE-FLIGHT ENTRIES Copy Route onto Flight Plan Enter FPL page or departure airport. [3R] COPY PLT RTE. Enter the number of the desired route. Use the / keys to view other routes. Crossfill Flight Plans to Second FMS Enter FPL page or departure airport. [5R] Cross fills flight plan from other FMS. Enter SID or Departure onto Flight Plan then Provides the FPL MENU page. [4L] DEPARTURE 1/1 will display. [2R] Select and enter the runway number from the column on the left and press . [3R] Select and enter the number of SID from the column on the left. Press and select the transition, if any, in the same manner. 6 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Pre-Flight Entries Enter SID or Departure onto Flight Plan – Continued [5R] Press to copy the departure onto the flight plan. NOTE: Review the flight plan for GAPs, NO LINKs, or duplicate waypoints, and edit as required. Pre-Flight Planning – Flight Plan Summary FPL Page 1. FPL Summary page. NOTE: Not available when airborne. Make entries of departure time, TAS, and fuel flow to derive arrival times and estimated fuel requirements. Fuel Mode Entries Fuel Page 1/5. Enter the initial aircraft loading data. (Use the key for the FUEL OPTIONS page entry BY TANK or BY TOTAL, and for fuel conversion calculations). Manually Synchronize Dual FMS then [3L] Press to display the SYNC page. [2L] Press to SYNC from the FMS. OR [4L] Press to SYNC to the FMS. NOTE: Dual FMSs cannot by synchronized once an approach is activated. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 7 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Flight Plan Modifications FLIGHT PLAN MODIFICATIONS FLIGHT PLAN MODIFICATIONS Leg Changes NAV Page 1/3. Select FROM or TO waypoint as desired. Use the numeric selection (from the flight plan), LIST, or direct entry process to enter the desired waypoint. If the cursor advances (to the NX field), use the desired entry process for the new NOTE: waypoint or press to accept the displayed waypoint. If in the NX field, only a numeric entry is accepted. Direct To (DTO) DTO Page 1. Use the numeric selection (from the flight plan), LIST, or direct entry process to enter the desired waypoint. Use the LSKs [1-4R] if desired to specify the type of turn, Left, Right Auto or Direct To Holding Fix, or PVOR. If the DTO waypoint was not on the flight (the cursor is on the NX entry field), use the numeric selection entry process to enter the flight plan waypoint to follow the DTO waypoint, NOTE: or press if no NX waypoint is desired. When the DTO waypoint is entered, the display returns to NAV Page 1/2. 8 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Flight Plan Modifications DTO a Runway DTO Page 1. Enter the airport identifier code, a period, and the number/letter code of the runway. Example: KTUS.11L Emergency Divert DTO Page 1. [5R] Press to display the Divert page. Select an airport by entering the reference number. Press NOTE: . If the chosen airport is not contained in the flight plan, it is appended to the end of the flight plan. Add Waypoint to Flight Plan FPL page. Use / as necessary. Position the cursor over the waypoint to follow the new waypoint. Enter the waypoint using either LIST or the direct entry process. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 9 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Flight Plan Modifications GAP in Flight Plan FPL page. Use / as necessary. Position the cursor over the waypoint to follow GAP. LIST page. [3R] GAP (*GAP*) is inserted. NOTE: A GAP is a break in the route and prevents an automatic leg change. Delete WPT(s) / GAP from Flight Plan FPL page. Use / as necessary. Position the cursor over the first waypoint/gap to be deleted. - OR - [1R] Press twice, then enter the reference number of the desired flight plan waypoint to follow. Press . Designate / Delete Fly-Over WPT FPL page. Use / as necessary. Position the cursor over the fly-over waypoint. [4R] Key toggles overfly asterisk indicator. 10 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Flight Plan Modifications Invert Flight Plan then then to display FPL Menu Page 2/2. [1R] Press twice to invert flight plan entries. Delete Entire Flight Plan FPL Page 1. [5L] Press twice. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 11 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Enroute ENROUTE ENROUTE Pseudo-VORTAC (PVOR) If the Pseudo-VORTAC is a flight plan waypoint, to track NOTE: outbound (from the PVOR) a GAP must follow it on the flight plan. NAV Page 1/3. [2R] MANEUVER MENU page display. [2R] PVOR definition page. Enter the PVOR waypoint identifier using numeric selection, LIST, or the direct entry process. Enter the DESIRED track directly, or enter the RADIAL INBOUND or OUTBOUND to/from the Pseudo-VORTAC. [5L] Press to activate the Pseudo-VORTAC mode. Steering commands will provide a 45˚ intercept of the PVOR NOTE: desired, track, or the CMD HDG function may be used to define an intercept heading. Cancel Pseudo-VORTAC Mode Conduct a DTO function or a manual leg change, or select the Approach mode. 12 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Enroute Hold at Present Position (HOLD PPOS) NAV Page 1/3. [2R] Press to access the Maneuver page. [5L] Press PPOS HOLD to display the Holding page. When PPOS HOLD is pressed, it captures the current course of the Aircraft and uses it for the inbound course of the holding patern. To change the default turn direction, time, distance, and entry type, press the adjacent LSK, enter the new value, and press [5L] Press DTO HOLD. NOTE: The PPOS is positioned 15 seconds ahead of the aircraft along the current track. Parallel Offset Course (SXTK) NAV Page 1/3. [2R] Press to access the MANEUVER page. [3R] Press to display the SXTK entry field. Select the desired direction (left or right) of the offset with the ± key. Enter the desired offset in NM and tenths. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 13 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Enroute Cancel Parallel Offset Course NAV Page 1/3. [2R] Press to access the MANEUVER page. [3R] Press to cancel the selected crosstrack. Press the BACK and ENTER keys or enter a 0 (zero) offset. SXTK is automatically cancelled when performing a DTO, NOTE: PVOR, manual leg change, activating a hold or activating approach mode. FMS Heading Mode (HDG) NAV Page 1/3. [1R] NAV Heading page. Present heading is in the CMD HDG entry field. Maintain Present Heading The system will maintain the present heading until the mode is cancelled. Change Heading Press CMD HDG. Enter the desired heading and press . The FMS assumes the shortest turn direction to the new heading (may be changed with the ± key).Press time to confirm the CMD HDG. a second CHG FROM CURRENT HDG. Press twice to accept. 14 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Enroute Arm Intercept NOTE: This is only available if the CMD HDG intercepts the current NAV leg on the flight plan. [2R] The effective heading mode will change from INTERCEPT to HDG SEL. Cancel Intercept [2R] Returns to INTERCEPT mode. Cancel Heading Mode [5R] Returns to the normal NAV page and, if off course, will automatically provide steering to intercept the active NAV leg up to a maximum of a 45˚ angle. Vertical Navigation (VNAV) VNAV PATH Page 1. Make waypoint and altitude entries as required. Define the “TO” VNAV waypoint. 1. Numeric selection of FPL WPT and press . 2. ± Changes the offset sign. 3. Enter the offset distance as desired and press . 4. Enter the target altitude. 5. Enter TGT/VS to “TO” VNAV waypoint. This will provide the time and distance to the Top-ofDescent point. Repeat the above steps (1 through 4) for successive VNAV waypoints. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 15 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Enroute Enter a VNAV Altitude in the Flight Plan FPL Page 1. [1R – 5R] Press the applicable LSK to highlight the ALT/FL field. Enter the waypoint altitude in one of three ways: • Flight Level – Enter the three numeral designations for the flight level. Example: 370 = FL370 • Altitude – Enter the altitude. Example: 16000 • Altitude below 640 ft. – Enter the altitude with a lead 0. Example : 0137 = 137 ft. [5L] The altitude is entered. Vertical TO (VTO) NOTE: VNAV waypoint information must be defined. VNAV PATH Page 1. [5R] Access the VERTICAL TO page. Enter the reference number (numeric selection) of the VNAV direct to waypoint. Cancel VNAV (CNCL VNV) VNAV PATH Page 1. [5L] Cancels TGT/VS and VNAV schedule. If coupled to the autopilot, it will automatically level the aircraft. 16 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Enroute Delete VNAV Profile VNAV PATH Page 1. - OR - 99 Press either LSK. Enter the number 99. The VNAV profile is deleted. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 17 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Active Approach ACTIVE APPROACH ACTIVE APPROACH Enter a STAR or Arrival into a Flight Plan then Provides FPL MENU Page 1/2. [4R] Flight Plan ARRIVAL page. Enter the reference number of the desired runway. Enter the reference number of the STAR, if applicable. Enter the reference number of the Transition, if applicable. Enter the reference number of the Approach. Enter the reference number of the Transition, if applicable. Press LSK [5R] to review the STAR/APPROACH entered onto the flight plan for GAPs, NO LINKs, or duplicated waypoints. Review Selected Approach Data (Approach Copied onto Flight Plan) then then Provides FPL MENU Page 2/2. [5L] First Approach Plan page. Use / to view other pages. 18 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Active Approach ARM Approach Mode ARM Approach Mode is available within 50 NM of the EndNOTE: of-Approach Point and automatically arms at 30NM of the End-of-Approach Point. NAV Page 1/3. [3R] Arms approach. Makes available a LSK to tune the Navaid to the approach facility and deselects long range sensors. Flies all transition NOTE: legs up to the beginning of the approach and automatically activates the approach when the approach label (*RNV27*) sequences. Activate Approach Mode (CMD HDG) NAV Page 1/3. [3R] Activates the approach and CMD HDG mode.. Some aircraft may be configured to skip auto-activation of the heading mode at the manual approach activation, if so, NOTE: Flight Director heading must be used. When the approach is activated, the first waypoint in the approach procedure becomes the TO waypoint. Level of Service (RNAV Approaches Only) NOTE: At arming, the highest LOS is automatically selected. NAV Page 1. Current Level of Service is presented in the upper right corner of the display screen. Manually Select LOS To change LOS: Press [4R] to display the RNAV APPR LOS page. Select the appropriate Level of Service. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 19 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Active Approach Cancel Approach Mode NAV APPR Page 1. [3R] Cancels Approach mode. Aircraft levels if coupled to the autopilot. Missed Approach Mode NAV APPR Page 1/4. [3R] Cancels approach, *EOA* GAP removed, and normal leg sequencing occurs after a Missed Approach Point. Enters the Missed Approach Procedure. 20 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Pilot Database PILOT DATABASE PILOT DATABASE Create a Route Data 1/4 Page. [2L] DATA/PLT page. [4R] Pilot Route Directory page. [3R] Empty PLT RTE page. Enter the Route Title if desired. Enter the waypoints to create the ROUTE using LIST or the direct entry processes. Pilot Database Data 1/4 Page. [2L] DATA/PLT page. DATA/PLT Press the appropriate LSK to access the data desired. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 21 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Stored NAV Database STORED NAV DATABASE STORED NAV DATABASE Interrogate Stored NAV Database Data 1/4 Page. [1L] Provides DATA/NAV page. Type (direct entry) the desired identifier into the WPT IDENT entry field. Use the / keys to access other waypoints with the same identifier. LSKs are available for interrogation of all Navigation Data. The stored NAV database may not be manually altered. NOTE: Changes are only possible through the subscription update process. 22 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Stored NAV Database Update Stored NAV Database NOTE: The Disk Menu isavailable through the Initialization Menu or Data 1/4 Page. Data 1/4 Page. [4L] Provides DISK MENU. - OR Wait for the Initialization page(s). Provides the DISK MENU page. Insert disk. [2L] DISK LOAD. CHECKING DISK TYPE will display. [5L] Starts the update process. Abort Update Process CAUTION: PRESSING THE CANCEL LSK AT ANY TIME WILL ABORT THE LOAD. THIS ACTION WILL ERASE ANY PART OF THE DATABASE THAT HAS ALREADY LOADED. [5R] Wait for further instructions. NOTE: Wait until the entire database is loaded. The test results (PASS/FAIL) page will display. [5L] Returns to DISK Menu page. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 23 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Abnormal Situations ABNORMAL SITUATIONS ABNORMAL SITUATIONS Power Failure Up to 7 Minutes If the power loss was less than 7 seconds, the last viewed page is displayed. If between 7 seconds and 7 minutes, the FMS will fail and needs to be restarted. After restarting, the POWER FAIL page will display. Pressing any key will move beyond the POWER FAIL page. Press DATA to access the Sensor Summary Page – DATA Page 2. Verify that the sensors return to navigation and reselect if necessary. After a short delay, the Estimated Position Uncertainty (EPU) should decrease to a normal value. Check for messages. POS UNCERTAIN disappears. Power Failure Over 7 Minutes The system runs through its self-test then displays the Initialization page. Lat/Lon are coordinates at the time of the power loss. Press to accept the initialization data. The system must be initialized prior to the update procedure. NOTE: The FMS will lose FPL and FUEL data. The FMS must be initialized for operations to continue. Manual Fuel Flow Input Fuel Page 5. Use the left LSKs to position the cursor and manually enter the fuel flow for each engine. 24 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 FMS Operator’s Quick Reference Guide Shutdown SHUTDOWN SHUTDOWN FMS Shutdown The Dimming Control Window will display. The CONFIRM OFF window will display. The system will shut down. NOTE: It is important to shutdown the FMS before removing power so that the FMS does not go into the Power Faillure Mode. 2411sv1001/1101 16 July 2014 The information contained herein is subject to the Export Administration Regulation (“EAR”), 15 C.F.R. Parts 730774. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. 25