GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT STUDY TOOL Age Group Infant 0-12 months Toddler 1-3 yo Pre-School 3-6 yo School age 6-12 yo Adolescent 12-18 yo Erickson Stage (Psycho-social development) Piaget Stage (cognitive development Freud (Pycho-sexual development) Key features of cognitive development Trust vs Mistrust Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt Initiative vs Guilt Industry vs Inferiority Identity vs Role Confusion Sensorimotor Pre-operational Intuitive Concrete Operations Formal Operations Oral Stage Anal Stage Phallic Stage Latency Stage Genital Stage Learns world through senses Egocentric (“Mine”) can’t see another point of view, no sense of time Cause and effect unrealistic (broke arm because yelled at parent). Magical thinking. Animism Able to think abstractly Key features of psychosocial development Trust fostered by provision of food, clothing, touch, comfort. Stranger anxiety 8mo. Separation Anxiety 8-11mo. Sense of independence with bodily functions. Play side-by-side. Domestic mimicry. Anxiety about strange objects. New interest-love to take on new tasks but can get easily frustrated when they can't Cause and effect more realistic. Able to understand another’s point of view as long as concrete explanation are used. Understands concepts of conservation, time, reversibility Development of new interests. Pride in accomplishments Key to identify child’s competence and build on successful experiences to foster Thought process more complex. Impulsive decisions due to hormone changes. Identity from peer group. Adolescent egocentrism (can’t GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT STUDY TOOL Object permanence 910mo. Key Features of physical development Frequent PCP visits to assess development and growth. Doubles weight at 6mo, triples weight by 12mo. Posterior Fontanel closes 2 mo/Anterior closes about 18 mo. Able to make sounds 2 mo, able to say mama/dada by 6 mo. Able to rollover 2-4 mo, able to sit without assistance 6mo, able to walk 12mo. Increasing ability to hold bottle and eat with hands. (Pincer grasp develops) Breast milk or formula for first 6 months. Start small amounts cereal then different foods with same food every few days to avoid allergy. Breast fed babies need vit D supplements and often need iron supplements at 4mo. Less frequent visits every few months. Autismspecific screening at the 1824mo Protruding belly, bowlegged, large head. Generally adipose tissue replaced by muscle. Quadruples weight by 2 yo. Walks up/down stairs c assist. Kicks ball. Jumps c both feet. Progressively stacks 2-8 blocks. Able to eat with spoon. 4 words at 1yo and >50 words at 3yo. (Receptive language develops faster than expressive language) Sibling rivalry due to dethronement. Provide teaching doll before birth of new infant and provide time for independent activities with older child. Start whole milk 1yo and 2% milk at 2yo accomplish. Development of “superego” (conscience). feelings of mastery and success. understand another point of view). PCP visits yearly. Progressive ability to ride tricycle, hop on 1 foot, skip, starting to jump rope. Progressive ability to stack 10 blocks, lace/tie shoes, draw letters. Speaks 3-4 word sentences, starting to read. Aggression often normal, Fears common due to rich imagination (fear of dark, nightmares). Use nightlight security object. Increase fruits and vegetable in diet-avoid obesity. Stress safety due to child’s initiative (helmets, drowning, car seats, street crossing) PCP visits yearly. Slow steady growth. Increased myelinization of CNS increased coordination and balance. Able to jump rope, ride 2-wheeler bike, plays organized sports. Risk of increased fatigue and dehydration d/t enthusiastic approach. Reads/writes, increased abstract thinking, can discuss topics. Increased socialization-enjoys clubs/ groups. Focus on body image. Risk of bullying. Requires 9-11 hours sleep. Enjoys accomplishment so household task assignment important. Shed baby teeth-malocclusion common. Sport safety equipment important. Moving away from family toward peers. Onset of puberty= predictable sequence of hormonal & physical changes occur universally over a defined period of time. Described by tanner stages 1-5. Huge increase in growth varies by child. BMI >85th percentile overweight, BMI> 95th percentile obese, BMI>99th percentile severely obese. Need to promote healthy food choices with increased iron, calcium, and protein. At risk for depression, anxiety, substance abuse. Preventive Maintenance=Risk reduction in areas of mental health, substance use, sexual behavior, violence, unintentional injury, nutrition, physical GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT STUDY TOOL Newborn sleep 20 hrs. (Babies do not sleep through night until 12 pounds) No prone sleeping due to SIDS. Beginning teeth about 6mo. Risk of choking eating poisonous materials. Sleep 11-12hr (+1 nap) Rear facing car seat until 2yo. Keep poisonous materials out of reach. Full set 20 teeth by 33 mo. activity and fitness, and oral health. Play by Developmental Stage Age Toys Play Behaviors Infant Mobiles or moving toys Reflexive -> Solitary play Toddler Life like toys – telephones, tools Transitional objects Push pull toys Blocks Large balls Parallel play – but likes others to be present but will not interact with when playing GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT STUDY TOOL Preschool Coloring books Books Videos Things to encourage imagination Associative play School Age Cards Books Puzzles (100+ pieces) Games – video and board Crafts Cooperative Play Adolescence Radio or other music device Video or computer games Telephone Social interaction – group activities GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT STUDY TOOL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT STUDY TOOL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT STUDY TOOL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT STUDY TOOL