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Article Review 1 (1)

The article I am reading for this week’s article review goes over the basics of global
warming, a highlight being the scientific history and rise in global warming. Additionally, it also
goes over what the future might entail with global warming in mind, and why global warming
matters to us now.
The article begins and ends with the effects of global warming. It talks about how
glaciers are melting and sea levels are rising, among other things. The ladder is one of the more
obvious things that will come to affect the world’s geography. When the sea levels rise, it comes
with the changing of coastlines and geographic features on land. What was once a beach or
island might just get absorbed into the ocean, or a new body of water might arise. These effects
on worldwide geography just come from rising sea levels. The book speaks a lot about the
realms that make up the world, and I believe that this article highlights some of the things that
global warming can and will change about the world. It can change the shape of landmasses,
alter environments and animal habitats, change where humans can thrive, and how humanity can
interact with the environment. This is where I believe the article can connect to the reading, by
showing that the world as we know it can be almost entirely different if climate change is
allowed to continue the way it’s going.
The region the article is referring to is the entire world. The reason why this is important
to keep in mind while reading the article, is because global warming has “global” in it for a
reason. It will affect everywhere, maybe in different ways, but it will have effects everywhere
I have a few major feelings regarding the article. Firstly, I had never heard about the start
of global warming research, and did not think it started back in the late eighteen-hundreds. It just
goes to show just how far the research has come nowadays. After that, I feel a little bit of fear
when looking towards the future. I am scared about the possible effects global warming could
have in my lifetime, as well as in my future children’s lifetimes. Something I wish was touched
upon in the article is that there is hope with the effort to slow/stop climate change and global
warming. Whenever I feel scared about the future of global warming, I try to remember that we
are constantly making strides in the fight against it. Whether that’s cleaner energy programs, or
greener industries, we aren’t past a point of no return with all this. I feel that it’s important to
make sure and drive that point home when talking about global warming’s current and future
Nunez, C. (2019, January 22). What is global warming? Environment. Retrieved October
30, 2022, from