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Mental Health Quiz Outline: Bipolar, OCD, Anxiety

Mental Health Quiz 4 Outline
Bipolar disorder ATI pg 73
Bipolar 1: At least one episode of mania alternating with depression, it is more common
in men
o Mania: Abnormally elevated mood; expansive or irritable; lasts at least 1 week;
usually requires hospitalization
Bipolar 2: One or more hypomanic episodes alternating with major depressive episodes;
more common in women
o Hypomanic: less severe mania which lasts at least 4 days with 3 or more s/s of
mania; no hospitalization is required
Cyclothymic: at least 2 years of repeated hypomanic manifestations that don’t meet the
criteria for hypomanic episodes alternating with minor depressive moods
o Rapid Cycling: 4 or more episodes of hypomania or acute mania within 1 year
and is associated with increased recurrence and resistance to treatment.
Acute Phase
o Hospitalization can be required
o Reduction of mania and pt safety are the goals
o Risk of harm to self or others is determined
o One to one supervision can be indicated
Continuation Phase
o Treatment is usually 4 to 9 months long
o Relapse prevention through education, medication adherence, and
psychotherapy is the goal
Maintenance Phase
o Treatment generally continues throughout the patient’s lifetime
o Prevention of future manic episodes is the goal
Assessment ATI pg 73-74
o Risk Factors:
Genetics: having an immediate family member with bipolar disorder
5-10 times more likely to have BPD
Neurobiological disorder: norepinephrine, dopamine (controls
body movements, thinking and emotions) and serotonin (controls
o Too much= mania, too little = depression
Neuroendocrine disorder: hypothyroidism associated with
depressed mood and in some patients experiencing rapid cycling
Increased stress in the environment can trigger mania and
depression and increase risk for severe manifestations in
genetically susceptible children
o Mood
Manic: Elevated, expansive, irritable
Depressive: Dysphoric, depressive, despairing
o Behavior
Speech: loud, rapid, rhyming, vulgar, clanging, punning
Possible weight loss
Distracted, hyperactive, inappropriate, decreased need for sleep
Decreased interest in pleasure
Negative views
Fatigue, insomnia
Decreased appetite, decreased libido
Suicidal preoccupation
May be agitated or have movement retardation
o Thought Process:
Flight of ideas: rapid continuous speech with sudden and frequent
topic changes
Grandiosity: grandiose view of self and abilities
Impulsivity: spending money, giving away money or possessions
o Cognitive Functioning
Nursing actions ATI pg 74
o Therapeutic Mileu
Safe environment, assess regularly for suicidal thoughts/ escalating
Decrease stimulation without isolating patient
Frequent rest periods
Provide outlets for physical activity
Protect from poor judgement and impulsive behavior
o Maintenance of self care needs
Monitor sleep, fluid intake, and nutrition
Give finger foods high in calories
Supervise choice of clothes
Give step by step reminders for hygiene and dress
o Communication
Calm, matter of fact, specific approach
Give concise explanation
Provider consistency with expectations and limit setting
Avoid power struggles and don’t react personally to patient comments
Listen to and act on legitimate client grievances
Reinforce nonmanipulative behavior
Use therapeutic communication
Complications of Bipolar Disorder ATI pg 74
o Possible exhaustion and possible death
Pt in a true manic state usually will not stop moving and does not eat,
drink, or sleep
This can become a medical emergency
o Nursing Actions
Prevent self-harm
Decrease patient physical activity
Ensure adequate food and fluid intake
Promote an adequate amount of sleep each night
Assist with self-care needs
Manage medications
Medications for Bipolar Disorder
Lithium (Mood Stabilizer)
o Controls episodes of acute mania, helps prevent return of mania or depression,
and decreases incidence of suicide
o Complications
GI Distress: Nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain
Give lithium with meals or milk
Fine hand tremors: Can increase with stress or caffeine
Administer beta blocker (propranolol)
Decrease dosage or give in divided doses or use long acting
Poluria,mild thirst
Use a potassium sparing diuretic
Pt should drink 1.5-3 L of water a day
Renal Toxicity
Monitor I & O
Adjust dose and keep dose at the lowest level necessary
Goiter and hypothyroidism ( with long term treatment)
Assess baselines T3,T4, and TSH levels
Administer levothyroxine
Brady dysrhythmias, hypotension, and electrolyte imbalance
Assess BUN and Creatinine
Pt should maintain adequate fluid and sodium intake
Weight Gain
Educate patient on a healthy diet and a regular exercise regimen
o Different toxicity levels
Early (1.5-2.0 mEq/L)
S/S: metal confusion, sedation, poor coordination, tremors, GI
distress (N/V/D)
Medication should be withheld, administer a new dose based on
lithium and sodium levels and promote excretion.
Advanced (2.0-2.5 mEq/L)
S/S: extreme polyuria of dilute urine, tinnitus, jerking movements,
blurred vision, ataxia, seizures, severe hypotension, and stupor
leading to a coma, possible death from respiratory complications
Administer emetic to alert patients, or administer gastric lavage
Urea, mannitol, or aminophylline can be used to increase
Severe (greater than 2.5 mEq/L)
S/S: rapid progression of manifestations leafing to coma and death
May need hemodialysis
o Nursing actions
Monitor plasma lithium levels
Every 2-3 days until stable, then every 1-3 months
Obtain in the morning, 10-12 hours after last dose
During initial treatment, higher levels might be needed
1-1.5 mEq/L
Maintenance level : 0.6-1.2 mEq/ L
Effects begin within 5-7 days, MAX benefits seen in 1-3 weeks
o Interactions
Diuretics, NSAIDS, and anticholinergics (antihistamines, TCAs)
o Lab values to monitor for lithium
Mood stabilizers
o Treat and prevent relapse of manic episodes
Particularly useful for patients with mixed mania and rapid-cycling
o Carbamazepine
CNS: Nystagmus, double vision, headache, vertigo, staggering gait
Blood Dyscrasias
Obtain baseline CBC and platelets
o WBC: leukopenia (infection)
o RBC: Anemia
Pale, Fatigue
o Platelets: Thrombocytopenia
Monitor s/s of thrombocytopenia
o Bruising, bleeding gums
Monitor s/s of infection
o Fever, lethargic
o Valproate
GI effects: N/V, indigestion
s/s: anorexia, jaundice, N/V, fatigue, abdominal pain
Obtain baseline LFT and monitor
s/s: N/V, abdominal pain
Thrombocytopenia: monitor platelets
Weight Gain
o Lamotrigine
Double or blurred vision, dizziness, and headache
Steven Johnson Syndrome
Serious Skin rashes
Obsessive Compulsive Disorders ATI pg 58
Intrusive thoughts + unrealistic obsessions + tries to control these thoughts with
compulsive disorders
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
o Pt becomes preoccupied with an imagined defective body part which results in
obsessional thinking and compulsive disorder (mirror checking, camouflaging)
Hoarding Disorder
o Pt has an obsessive desire to save items regardless of value and experiences
extreme stress with thoughts of discarding or getting rid of items
Anxiety disorders ATI pg 57-58
Trichotillomania (Hair pulling disorder)
o Trichophagia (swallowing the hair) is common and can lead to hair masses
(trichobezoars), which can progress to abdominal obstruction or perforation which
is called Rapunzel syndrome
Dermatillomania (Skin picking Disorder)
Social Anxiety Disorder (excess fear of social situation)
Separation Anxiety Disorder (fear/anxiety when separated from someone they are
emotionally attached to)
General anxiety disorder
o Uncontrollable excessive worry for at least 6 months
o Characteristics: restlessness, muscle tension, avoidance of stressful activities,
increase time and effort required to prepare for stressful events or activities,
procrastination in decision making, sleep disturbance.
Panic disorder
o Recurrent panic attacks (usually last 15 to 30 minutes) 4 or more usually present
o S/S: palpitations, SOB, choking or smothering sensation, chest pain, nauseas,
feelings of depersonalization, fear of dying or insanity, chills, or hot flashes
o The pt can experience behavior changes and/or persistent worries about when the
next attack will occur
Specific Phobias (Irrational fear of a certain object or situation)
Anxiety levels ATI pg 21
Mild (has an identifiable cause)
o Occurs in normal everyday living,
o Characteristics: mild discomfort, restlessness, irritability, impatience, and
Ex: pt is pacing up and down the hallway.
o Mild tension relieving behaviors: finger or foot tapping, fidgeting, lipchewing
Moderate (occurs when mild anxiety escalates)
o Slightly reduced perception and processing of info occurs, selective inattention
can occur.
o Ability to think clearly is impaired, but learning and problem- solving can
still occur
o Other characteristics: concentration difficulties, tiredness, pacing, change in
voice pitch, voice tremors, shakiness, increased heart, and respiration rate
o Somatic manifestations: headaches, backache, urinary urgency and frequency,
and insomnia
o Someone with moderate anxiety usually benefits from the direction of others
Severe (pt cannot take directions from others)
o Perceptual field is greatly reduced
o Patient cannot learn at this level
Pt can be DEESCALATED to a mild or moderate anxiety level and
THEN they can be taught
o Functioning is effective, behaviors are automatic
o Characteristics: Confusion, feeling of impending doom, hyperventilation,
tachycardia, withdrawal, loud and rapid speech, aimless activity
Panic Level (markedly disturbed behavior)
o Pt is not able to process what is occurring in the environment and can lose touch
with reality
o Pt experiences EXTREME fright and horror
Can also experience SEVERE hyperactivity, flight, or immobility
o Other Characteristics: Dysfunction in speech, dilated pupils, severe shakiness,
severe withdrawal, inability to sleep, delusion, and hallucinations
Nursing Interventions for Anxiety levels ATI pg 21-22
o Mild to Moderate
Use active listening to demonstrate willingness to help, and use specific
communication techniques such as: open ended questions, giving broad
openings, exploring, and seeking clarification
Encourages the patient to express feelings, develop trust, and
identify source of anxiety
Provide a calm presence, recognizing the patient’s distress
Assists the patient to focus and begin to problem solve
Evaluate past coping mechanisms
Assists the patient to identify adaptive and maladaptive coping
Explore alternatives to problem situations
Offers options for problem solving
Encourage Participation in activities such as exercise that can temporarily
relieve feelings of inner tension
Provides an outlet for pent up tension, promotes endorphin release,
and improve mental well being
o Severe to Panic Level
Provider an environment that meets the physical and safety needs of the
patient. Remain with the patient and remain calm
This minimizes the risk to the patient, who might be unaware of
the need for basic things such as fluids, food, and sleep
Provide a quiet environment with minimal stimulation
Helps to prevent intensification of the current anxiety level
Use meds and restraints, but only after less restrictive interventions have
failed to decrease anxiety to safer levels
Meds and/or restrains might be necessary to prevent harm to the
patient, other patients, and providers
Encourage gross motor activities such as walking and other forms of
Provides an outlet for pent up tension, promotes endorphin release,
and improve mental well being
Set limits by using firm, short, and simple statements, Repetition can be
necessary. Speak slowly and in a low-pitched voice.
Can minimize risk to patient and providers, Clear simple
communication facilitates understanding
Direct the patient to acknowledge reality and focus on what is present in
the environment
Focusing on reality helps with reducing the patient’s anxiety level
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ATI pg 38
o Cognitive reframing
Changing cognitive distortions can decrease anxiety
Cognitive reframing helps identify negative thoughts that produce anxiety,
examine the cause, and develop supportive ideas that replace negative
Priority Restructuring: Helps pt identify what requires priority
Journal Keeping: Helps pt write down stressful thoughts and has
a positive effect on well-being
Assertiveness training: Teaches pt to express feelings and solve
problems in a non-aggressive manner
Monitoring thoughts: Helps pt to be aware of negative thoughts
o Relaxation Breathing
Guided imagery, breathing exercises, progressive muscle movements
Ex: relaxation, meditation, physical exercise
o Systematic Desensitization
Planned, progressive, or graduated exposure to anxiety-provoking stimuli
During exposure the pt uses relaxation techniques to reduce
o Response prevention
Preventing a pt from performing compulsive behavior with the intent that
anxiety will decrease
o Thought stopping
Teaches a pt to say “STOP” when negative thoughts or compulsive
behaviors arise and then substitute with a positive thought
Goal is for the patient to eventually use the command silently
o Flooding
While with a therapist, a patient is exposed to a great deal of undesirable
stimulus to attempt to turn off the anxiety response
o Modeling
Pt sees a demonstration of appropriate behavior in a stressful situation; in
order to later imitate the same behavior
o Aversion therapy
Pairing of maladaptive behavior with a punishment or unpleasant stimulu
to promote a change in behavior
EX: Rubber band to stop you from chewing your hair
o Operant conditioning
Pt receives positive rewards for good behavior
Defense mechanism ATI pg 19-20
o Adaptive: helps people achieve their goals in acceptable ways and reduce anxiety
o Maladaptive: interferes with functioning, relationships, and orientation to reality
and are used in excess
o Undoing
Performing an act to make up for a prior behavior (commonly seen in
children: also think OCD)
Adaptive: Adolescent completes their chores, without being prompted,
after a fight with his parents
Maladaptive: Boyfriend buys his partner flowers after abusing her
o Splitting
Demonstrating an inability to reconcile negative and positive attributes of
self or others into a cohesive imagine
Adaptive: N/A
Maladaptive: A married patient who is attracted to another person accuses
their partner of having an affair.