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Agricultural Waste Shredding Terms

Definition of Terms
Shredder - means a machine or device used to shred, tear, or cut materials into smaller pieces ( law
Insider). In this study, it is a machine that shreds the agricultural wastes produced into small pieces to be
used as composed.
Agricultural waste- Agricultural waste is waste arising from crop-growing or livestock farming in
agricultural holdings ( Federal Office for the Environment FOEN). As used in this study, it
is the input products such as rice straws, corn stalks, sawdust, etc.
Portable – light and small enough to be easily carried or moved ( Cambridge Dictionary ). As used in this
study, it is defined as the capability of a shredder machine that requires minimal manpower to move or
be transported to any location.
Motor – any of various power units that develop energy or impart motion: such as a rotating machine
that transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy. (Merriam-webster.com). In this study, an
electrical machine that converts electrical energy to mechanical energy.
Hopper – A hopper into which material is poured at intervals and from which it is regularly fed to a
machine. (Wordnik.com) In this study, the upper part of shredder machine which agricultural waste
products are poured at intervals and from which it is regularly fed to a machine.
Peat - is a rich, dark, dirt-like material that's made from decomposed organic matter (
Vocabulary.com). As used in this study it is the output shredded material of agricultural waste
Rice straw – is produced as a by-product of rice production at harvest ( irri.org). As used in this
study it is an input product that is used to shred.
Corn stalk - Corn stalks are composed mainly of leaves and stems, the latter consisting of
cortex and pitch (Sciencedirect.com) . As used in this study, it is the input materials from corn
Sawdust - is a by-product or waste product of woodworking operations such as sawing,
milling, planing, routing, drilling and sanding (worldexport.com). As used in this study, it is
the input materials form wood residues.
Cutter. it is an instrument, machine, machine part, or tool that cuts (Merriam Webster, 2022).
As used in this study it is a movable cutter used to cut input products in the shredder machine.