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Simon Muzenda Autobiography Project

Shane Mabande.
FOR: Mr Tahw .
Autobiograph .
Hello guys,Many people know me as Simon but my real
name is Simon Vengai Muzenda.I Simon,was born on 28
OCTOBER in the year of 1922.I was born in GUTU
DISTRICT IN ZIMBABWE which makes me a
ZIMBABWEAN by birth.I am a son of a peasant
farmers; Theresa Muchapedzei Chekasi and Muzenda
Chekesai Murefu.I was raised by my grandmother who
was Mbuya Maweni.She put me in Nyamandi Primary
School where l did my Primary Education.
I was sent for teacher training after spending the whole of
my teenage years herding cattle in a village of Chief
Nyamandi.Following my tutor’s advice, I traveled to the
Marianhill Mission in Natal,South Africa where l showed
a high degree of skill in carpentry.Between completing
my carpentry course and furthering my studies,l fell into
politics during contacts with fellow friends.After my
return in Rhodesia “Zimbabwe” in 1950 I worked in a
furniture factory in Bulawayo and I met Benjamin
Burombo an activist who was among the earliest to
challenge discriminatory laws.
After marrying my wife “Maud”,a nurse l moved to a
midlands town of Mvuma in 1955 and started my own
carpentry business,l also stayed active in political
activism and eventually became the Administrative
Secretary of the Zimbabwean African National Union
“ZANU”.In 1964 l was arrested in possession of a pistol
after having been elected deputy organising secretary of
ZANU,at this time,I had become convinced that the only
way to overthrow white colonial dominance was an
armed revolution, and began organising young blacks to
receive military training in other African countries, in
the Soviet Union and in China. I was soon imprisoned
again and remained in jail until being released under the
Anglo-Rhodesia agreement in 1971.After the ensuing
guerilla war, which ended with the Lancaster House
Agreement, and a brief interregnum of British government
while new elections were organised, Mugabe was elected
as the first prime minister of the new independent
Zimbabwe and made me the deputy prime minister and
foreign minister in 1980; I also retained political power
over his home area. In 1987, when Mugabe became
executive president, I was appointed as his vice-president.
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