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Classifying Matter Worksheet

Name: ________________________________
1. Matter can be classified according to its _____________________ and ______________________
of ___________________.
Fill in the flow chart below.
 Made up of only
 Has ____________ and ___________
 Made up of _____________________
_____________________ /
substances mixed together.
Pure Substance
 Made up of all the same
particles called ___________.
 Examples:
 Diatomic examples:
 Made up of all the same particles called
________ . Each molecule is made up
______________________ that are
_______________ _____________________.
 Examples:
 Made up of different particles
which don’t blend and are
 Examples:
 Made up of different particles which blend
well and are _______________________.
 The different particles are so small that
they ____________ with one another and
appear as one visible ___________.
 They are also called ________.
 An alloy is a homogeneous mixture of
 Examples:
Heterogeneous Mixture
 The different types of particles
________________ and
_______________ into
 The different particles
__________________________ and
________________________ but will
__________ __________ into
______________________ over time.
 The particles are either
________________ to mix evenly or they
are __________________________ to
mix with one another.
 Since particles in a suspension are small
they will _________ mix together and
_______________ but since they contain
particles that are __________ than those
in a solution, they _________ stay evenly
mixed over time.
 Examples:
 Examples: