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Digital VLSI Design Homework: SPICE Interconnect Models

CPRE 465: Digital VLSI Design
Homework # 5 (Total 100 points)
In Q.1 and Q.2, we will compare different models for an interconnect wire. Various SPICE models are
constructed. Then the output waveforms generated by SPICE are compared. The wire has total resistance
275Ω, total capacitance 100fF, and total inductance 2:5nH. It is driven by a gate modeled as a resistor of
460Ω. The other end is attached to a capacitive load of 6fF. This configuration roughly corresponds to a
Metal 4 wire in a 65nm process with wire width equals 6λ and wire length equals 500µm. The driver
resistance corresponds to a gate of size 20x. The load capacitance also corresponds to a gate of size 20x.
Assume VDD = 1V and the input signal is a rising ramp with rise time 20ps. You may use any SPICE-like
simulator. [Reference: Section 6.3.4 Inductive Effects, Page 224-226]
1. (50 pts.) In this question, models with different numbers and different types of segments are
a) Model the wire in SPICE as a RLC transmission line. [a sample solution is posted on Canvas]
b) Model the wire in SPICE as a 10-segment π-type RLC circuit. [a sample solution is posted on
Canvas as an example]
c) Model the wire in SPICE as a 1-segment π-type RLC circuit.
d) Model the wire in SPICE as a 1-segment T-type RLC circuit.
e) Model the wire in SPICE as a 1-segment L-type RLC circuit.
f) Plot the SPICE output waveforms for all five circuits above on the same graph. Please briefly
discuss the appropriateness of these five models.
➔ The RLC pi-model with more segments (here 10) is having higher resemblance with the real
wire (highest accuracy) compared to the other models. The pi-model simulation is accepted as
general solution to save time due to faster convergence to the required solution with lesser
number of segments. If T- or L- model is used, then a greater number of segments are
required to achieve the similar accuracy with respect to the real physical wire. Hence in
circuit analysis it is preferred to have 3 pi-model segments for mimicking the behavioral
simulation of wire/interconnect to the highest possible accuracy in shortest convergence time.
2. (50 pts.) In this question, not all of the R, L, and C components of the wire are captured in the models.
The importance of modeling R, L, and C properly will be observed.
a. Model the wire in SPICE as a 10-segment π-type RLC circuit. (Note that this is the same as the one
in 1(b).)
b. Model the wire in SPICE as a 10-segment π-type RC circuit.
c. Model the wire in SPICE as a lumped C circuit.
d. Model the wire in SPICE by ignoring all R, L, and C of the wire. In other words, only the driver
and the load are modeled.
e. Plot the SPICE output waveforms for all four circuits above on the same graph. Please briefly
discuss the appropriateness of these four models.
➔ Comparing effects of different passive elements on the modelling of wire we understand that if any of
these R, L and C are removed then the model becomes un-realistic and follows the source waveform
as evidenced by the simulation waveforms. For example, if 10 pi-RLC model segments are compared
with the 10 pi-RC model segments then there is slight difference which is not visible unless it is
zoomed (as shown below), and that difference is that so non-linear that unless a 99% accuracy is
needed like in the case of RF-circuit design, we mostly neglect the inductance part from model and
save the circuit design and simulation complexity. The lumped capacitor model is not appropriate in
showing the real physical phenomenon and hence it is appearing like RC line with R value only based
on the driver resistance. The wire without the wire resistance, inductance and capacitance is almost
equivalent to the voltage signal in this scenario due to the value of driver resistance and load
capacitance being very small. Due to that the 5 times RC time constant is almost equal to 20ps which
is the rise time of the input voltage ramp signal.
HW submission: You must submit your HW 5 on canvas and include the followings for Q.1 and Q.2
a) All the simulation files for Q.1 and Q.2.
➔ The schematic (Virtuoso .oa) files are attached along with the pdf file submission in Canvas.
b) Prepare a pdf file including all the circuit schematics of Q.1 and Q.2. For output waveforms just
add the output waveforms for 1.(f) and 2.(e).
➔ All the circuit schematics are appended from here onwards and then the waveforms are also
added after them for each question:
Question 1 schematics
10 pi- RLC models: both the combinations with R=275 Ohms and R=27.5 Ohms, C=100fF and
C=10fF, L=2.5nH and L=0.25nH for each segment are done.
L- and T- models
Question 1 waveform
Question 1 waveform zoomed for 500ps
Question 1 waveform separated
Question 1 waveform separated zoomed for 500ps
All the waveforms separately compared with VCC
Question 2 schematics
Pi- model
10 segments of pi-RC model
Lumped capacitor, and Lumped inductance-capacitor, just wire models
10 segments of pi-RLC model
Question 2 waveform
Question 2 waveform zoomed 500ps
Question 2 waveform separated
Question 2 waveform separated zoomed 500ps
All the waveforms separately compared with VCC