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Engineering Education and Accreditation in the Philippines

Engineering Education and Accreditation in the Philippines
By: Ivy Ll. Prudente
We are all aware of how much education is important to each of us; to every Filipino, and to
every citizen of the Philippines, and we know that the current knowledge should be improved.
Implementing K-12 Education System helps each individual to develop their preparedness at
the tertiary level. Engineering means to create or to devise; apply cleverness in a given area.
This means that something is going to be found and discovered or established. This area can’t
be taken in an easy and rapid way. This need to be processed, evaluate and monitor well. A
course that requires mobility and passion before you entered it. Engineering takes a lot of time
to practice, it took how many years to manage. Challenges are everywhere. So, the K-12
Education System could be the way in increasing the proficiency of the learners before
stepping into the tertiary level. We all know that a few years ago, Engineering is a five years
course to take, as we know, it is not that easy so it takes a lot of time. But now, it became a
four-year program the reason that K-12 Education System is implemented. There are a few
changes, but it is still a favorable outcome since the presence of practicing graduates in the
next step is present and it will be essential in the near future.
Science Technology Engineering Mathematics helps a lot in preparing in this specific area
which is the Electronics Engineering course. Even though it is not a perfect development, it
still has progress in which the capability of the students is enhanced especially in the given
area like sciences and mathematics. STEM strands fit for those students like us who pursue
Engineering course in tertiary level. This current Senior High School Curriculum I’ve took has
been beneficial to me, and to all my classmates who took the same way. Numeracy skills, the
logical reasoning is taught in some way so this little piece could be a great help in the current
degree. The said academic strand was designed to encourage and increase the knowledge of
the student in team building, experimentation tech use, and problem-solving. By this, I proved
that this K-12 Education System, help the student to be ready for their chosen path in college.
Maybe the readiness wasn’t enough to be perfect but to add up suggestions for the betterment
of the bridging of the stated curriculums, there should be lessons or topics improvement which
specify the area of the related course. For example, they would tackle the different subjects
but also, they could add up some topics to be focused on related to engineering and sciences,
not only these two major areas but to add up, there should be the practicing of the use of
technologies or enhancing the ideas in applications. There is an absence of several concept
so this one need to be issued and solved. DepEd and CHED must bridge this topic by providing
special concepts that are most valuable to the learners. Educators could also empower
students by challenging them, in the way they learned and not pressured. This could be
preparedness for the tertiary level so they could avoid being a cultured shock.
The current accreditation system could be considered, a good way because the curriculum is
designed according to the governing bodies. A student has some certainty that they will receive
a quality education and that the course credits and degrees they achieve will be recognized by
employers and other universities. It is valid since we are aware that it undergoes a long process
and its purpose is to reform the plans which could lead to better circumstances.