Injibara University Department of Economics Macroeconomics Lecture notes By; Negussie Gebru (MSc) Injibara, Ethiopia, 2012 E.C CHAPTER THREE AGGREGATE DEMAND Lecture notes: By Negussie G. @ Injibara University, 2012 E.C Monday, February 6, 2023 CHAPTER THREE AGGREGATE DEMAND 3.1 Aggregate Demand 3.1.1 Quantity-Adjustment vs Price-Adjustment 3.1.2 The IS-LM Model The Goods Market and the IS Curve The Money Market and the LM Curve Equilibrium in Goods & Money Markets Explaining Fluctuations with IS-LM Model Interaction b/n Monetary & Fiscal Policies 3.1.3 Deriving the Aggregate Demand Curve 3.1.1 Quantity-Adjustment vs Price-Adjustment The principal theme of classical price theory is: if there is an imbalance between supply & demand in a competitive market, then prices change to clear the market or establish eqlm. Real wage flexibility equilibrates the labor sector & the real interest rate balances output allocation b/n I & C goods. Together, the eqlm labor supply & capital stock determine the eqlm output level. The Keynesian real sector model takes a different approach. 3.1.1 Quantity-Adjustment vs Price-Adjustment The simplest Keynesian model abstracts entirely from price changes. The Keynesian model explains interactions b/n demand for goods & services, and the financial sector. The basic theme of the approach is that, in the short-run, quantity adjustments occur if there is imbalance b/n supply & demand. The Keynesian model is an application of the quantity adjustment paradigm: if there is imbalance b/n supply & demand, then producers will change the quantity of output produced. 3.1.1 Quantity-Adjustment vs Price-Adjustment Clearly, both price & quantity adjustments take place in reality. In the short run, a change in price is often a costly & unreliable means of balancing sales & production, esp. with a temporary imbalance & a desire for rapid response. Thus, quantity adjustment is the primary adjustment mechanism used to maintain sales-production eqlm in the short run. In a modern economy with less emphasis on manufacturing & greater emphasis on services and with very rapid information flows price changes do occur. 3.1.1 Quantity-Adjustment vs Price-Adjustment Price changes are often made infrequently & therefore the principal adjustments to supply & demand imbalances in the short run are quantity changes. The above conclusion relies upon two characteristics of the product market: 1. it is presumed that goods can be held in inventory (true for manufactured goods). 2. some degree of product differentiation. 3.1.2 The IS-LM Model In the short run when P is fixed, shifts in AD lead to changes in national income. The IS–LM model, a model of AD, aims at showing what determines NI for any given price level or what causes shifts in AD. The 2 parts of the model are IS & LM. IS stands for “Investment” & “Saving”, & the IS curve represents what’s going on in the market for goods & services. LM stands for “Liquidity” (demand for money) & “Money” (supply of money), & the LM curve represents what’s happening to the supply of & demand for money. 3.1.2 The IS-LM Model The interest rate links the two halves of the IS–LM model since it influences both investment & money demand. The IS–LM model shows how interactions b/n these markets determine the position & slope of the AD curve. The Goods Market and the IS Curve The IS curve plots the relationship b/n interest rate & income level that arises in the market for goods & services. As to Keynes, an economy’s total income in the short run is determined largely by the desire to spend by hhs, firms & gov’t. The more people want to spend, the more goods & services firms can sell; the more firms can sell, the more output they choose to produce & the more resources they choose to hire. The Keynesian Cross & Income Determination To develop the IS curve we start with a basic model called the Keynesian cross. The Goods Market and the IS Curve This model is the simplest interpretation of Keynes’s theory of NI & is a building block for the more realistic IS–LM model. The Keynesian cross begins by distinguishing b/n actual & planned expenditure. AE is the amount hhs, firms & the gov’t spend on goods & services, & equals GDP. An AE of say 10 billion Birr is translated to a 10 billion Birr value for GDP, giving rise to a 450 line relating AE & GDP. AE 90 10 0 45 10 90 Y (= output, GDP) The Goods Market and the IS Curve PE is the amount hhs, firms & the gov’t would like to spend on goods & services. For a closed economy (NX = 0), PE is the sum of consumption, planned investment I & gov’t purchases: PE = C + I + G. To this equation, we add the following: The consumption function: C = C(Y − T); Assumption of fixed G & T (fiscal policy); & A simplifying assumption of exogenously fixed planned investment. Combining these, we get: PE C(Y T ) I G PE is a function of income Y, planned investment & fiscal policy variables. PE PE C(Y T ) I G 1 MPC Y The Goods Market and the IS Curve Why would AE ever differ from PE? Answer: firms might engage in unplanned inventory investment when their sales do not meet their expectations. When firms sell less of their product than they planned, their stock of inventories automatically rises, and vice versa. Since unplanned changes in inventory are counted as investment spending by firms, AE can be > or < PE. AE = C(Y–T) + I + ∆inv + G while PE = C(Y– T) + I + G. AE > PE when ∆inv > 0; AE < PE when ∆inv < 0; and,AE = PE when ∆inv = 0. The Goods Market and the IS Curve Some NI Identities of the Closed Economy 1. Consumption and Saving Functions C C cY d S Y C Thus, the consumption function C C cY d corresponds to the saving function S Y d C which simplifies to S C (1 c)Y d 2. Planned versus Actual Investment PE = C(Y–T)+I+G & AE = C(Y–T)+I+∆inv+G; where I is planned investment (IPLANNED) & I + ∆inv is actual investment (IACTUAL). PE = AE is thus equivalent to planned investment = actual investment. d The Goods Market and the IS Curve Thus, it always holds that IACTUAL = IPLANNED + undesired changes in inventories (∆inv). At equilibrium, IACTUAL = IPLANNED. This requires that there is no undesired or unplanned change in inventories (∆inv = 0). Thus, the eqlm condition PE = AE could be stated as IACTUAL = IPLANNED or as ∆inv = 0. 3. Saving–Investment Identities The condition PE = AE = Y is the same as saying that Y = C + I + G, which could be rewritten in a number of ways. Subtracting taxes from both sides: Y – T = C + I + G – T. The Goods Market and the IS Curve Y–T is disposable income, which is either consumed or saved. So,Yd = C + I + (G –T). For a hypothetical economy with no gov’t (G = T = 0), it follows that:Yd = C + I. Subtracting C from both sides yields: Yd – C = C + I – C. The LHS of this identity is saving & the RHS is planned investment.Thus, we have: S=I For the case with gov’t, subtracting C from both sides of Yd = C + I + (G – T): Yd – C = I + (G – T). Moving (G – T) to the left we will have: Yd – C + (T – G) = I. The Goods Market and the IS Curve Yd – C on the left is saving by the private sector of the economy, SP. T – G is the difference between what gov’t collects as taxes (net) & gov’t purchases. It is saving by the public sector, SG. Thus, Yd–C+(T–G) = I reduces to SP+SG = I. S (= SG + SP) = I. In sum, S = I is merely another way of stating the basic equilibrium condition. 4.The Injection – Leakage Identity Another way of stating the eqlm condition The NI identity Y = C + I + G gives the sources of national income. The Goods Market and the IS Curve Viewed from the income allocation side, the income earned is shared among tax payments, consumption & saving: Y = T + C + S. Bringing the two sides together: C + I + G = Y = T + C + S. In relation to the circular flow diagram, C, I & G are injections/additions into the flow while C, S & T are leakages/withdrawals from the circle. Thus, injections = withdrawals at eqlm. C + I + G = T + C + S (or I + G = S + T) is another way of representing the eqlm condition. The Goods Market and the IS Curve The Multiplier The Keynesian cross shows how income Y is determined for given levels of planned investment I & fiscal policy variables G & T. Now, we use it to show how Y changes when an exogenous variable changes. More specifically, we will consider how output (or GDP) responds to changes in: government purchases, autonomous taxes, autonomous spending (on C or I), G & T by the same amount (the balanced budget multiplier), and the tax rate. The Goods Market and the IS Curve The Government Purchases Multiplier (Y/G) It tells us how much income rises in response to a 1 Birr change in G. Raising G by G (from G1 to G2) causes PE to shift upward from PE1 to PE2 (by G). The Goods Market and the IS Curve Consequently, eqlm moves from A to B. An increase in G leads to an even greater increase in Y, i.e., Y > G. For the movement from A to B caused by G, the Y is shown by arrows from Y1 to Y2 both on the horizontal & vertical axes. The vertical distance b/n Y1 to Y2 is the same as the distance from Point B to C. The resulting Y > the distance b/n the two PE expenditure curves. The government-purchases multiplier > 1. Why does fiscal policy have a multiplied effect on income? The Goods Market and the IS Curve The reason is that, according to the consumption function C = C(Y − T), higher Y causes higher C. When an increase in G raises Y, it also raises C, which further raises Y, which further raises C, and so on. Therefore, in this model, an increase in G causes a greater increase in Y. How big is the multiplier? To answer this question, we trace through each step of the change in income. The Goods Market and the IS Curve The Effect of G Round on Consumption on Income G 1 2 MPC x G MPC x G 3 MPC2 x G MPC2 x G 4 MPC3 x G MPC3 x G … … C = (MPC + MPC2 + Y = (1 + MPC + MPC2 + MPC3 +…) x G MPC3 +…) x G SUM Y/G = 1 + MPC + MPC2 + MPC3 +… Y/G = 1/(1 – MPC) The larger MPC, the larger the multiplier. The Goods Market and the IS Curve With MPC = 0.8, the multiplier is 5; For MPC = 0.9, the multiplier is 10. Higher MPC implies that a larger fraction of additional income is consumed, thereby causing a larger induced increase in dd. Mathematically, Substituting the consumption function C Ca c(Y T ) into the eqlm condition Y C I G and rearranging: 1 [Ca cT I G ] Y Ca cY cT I G Y 1 c Taking derivatives: 1 dY [dCa cdT dI dG ] 1 c The Goods Market and the IS Curve From the final equation dY 1 [dCa cdT dI dG ]: 1 c dY 1 dG 1 c dY c dT 1 c dY dY dY 1 dC a 1 c dY dG dG dT dY 1 dI 1 c ? dG dT 1 [dCa cdG dI dG ] 1 c dG dT 1 [dCa (1 c)dG dI ] 1 c dY dG dG dT 1 c 1 1 c The Goods Market and the IS Curve If tax is a (linear) function of income (T = tY): Y Ca c(Y tY ) I G dY dCa c[dY d (tY )] dI dG dY dCa c[dY (tdY Ydt )] dI dG dY dCa cdY ctdY cYdt dI dG dY cdY ctdY dCa cYdt dI dG (1 c ct )dY dCa cYdt dI dG 1 dY [dCa cYdt dI dG] (1 c ct ) The Goods Market and the IS Curve If tax is a (linear) function of income (T = tY): 1 dY [dCa cYdt dI dG] (1 c ct ) dY dY dY 1 dCa dI dG 1 c ct The tax rate multiplier: dY cY dt 1 c ct The Goods Market and the IS Curve Interest Rate, Investment and the IS Curve The Keynesian cross makes a simplifying assumption that planned investment is fixed. But, planned investment depends on the interest rate, r – i.e., I = I(r). Since r is the cost of borrowing to finance investment projects, a rise in r reduces I: the investment function slopes downward. To determine how income changes when interest rate changes, we combine the investment function with Keynesian-cross. The Goods Market and the IS Curve Using C = Ca+c(Y–T) & a linear investment function (I = Ia–br) together with the eqlm condition Y = C + I + G, Y Ca c(Y T ) I a br G 1 r [(1 c)Y Ca cT I a G ] b A higher r is associated with a lower level of equilibrium Y, given the other variables. The slope of the IS curve: dr (1 c) dY b The slope of the IS curve depends on the sensitivity of investment to changes in r (b) & on MPC (c) or the multiplier. The Goods Market and the IS Curve If I is very sensitive to r, so that b is large, a given in r produces a large in PE & thus shifts PE curve up by a large amount. A large shift in PE schedule produces a correspondingly large in eqlm income (Y). If a given in r produces a large in Y, the IS curve is very flat. With b small & I not very sensitive to r, the IS curve is relatively steep. The larger MPC & the larger the multiplier, the flatter the IS curve. Larger multiplier: larger Y produced by a given r, or smaller r needed for a given Y. Points above & to the right of the IS curve signify excess supply of goods, & vice versa. The Goods Market and the IS Curve In summary, IS shows combinations of r & Y consistent with eqlm in market for goods & services. The IS curve is negatively sloped as a rise in r reduces I & PE, thereby reducing eqlm Y. To the right of the IS curve, there is excess supply in the goods market, & vice versa. The smaller the multiplier (MPC) & the less sensitive I is to in r, the steeper the IS curve. The IS curve is drawn for a given fiscal policy. s in fiscal policy that raise (reduce) demand for goods shift IS curve to right (left). IS curve is also shifted by s in autonomous spending of private economic agents (Ca & Ia) . The Money Market and the LM Curve The money market is just one component of the broader concept of asset markets. Asset markets are markets where money, bonds, stocks, houses & other forms of wealth are traded. We simplify matters by grouping assets into two: money & interest-bearing assets. At a given time, an individual has to decide how to allocate his/her financial wealth b/n two alternatives – money & bond. The more bonds held, the more interest received; the more money held, the more likely the individual is to have money available for making a purchase. Such decisions on the form in which to hold assets are portfolio decisions. The Money Market and the LM Curve The portfolio decisions on how much money & on how many bonds to hold are really the same decision. The LM curve plots the relationship b/n r & Y that arises in the money market. The theory of liquidity preference is the building block for this relationship. The Theory of Liquidity Preference The theory explains how r is determined in the short run; it posits that r adjusts to balance supply of & demand for the economy’s most liquid asset – money. A.The supply of real money balances If M stands for money stock & P for the price level, M/P = supply of real money balances. The Money Market and the LM Curve The theory of liquidity preference assumes a fixed supply of real money balances: M S M ( P ) P M is an exogenous policy variable chosen by a central bank (NBE in our case). P is an exogenous variable in this model: we take P as given (IS–LM explains the SR). These imply that supply of real money balances is fixed & does not depend on r. B.The demand for real money balances Demand for money is demand for real balances: we hold money for what it can buy. The higher P, the more nominal balances a person has to hold to be able to purchase a given quantity of goods. The Money Market and the LM Curve If P doubles, one has to hold twice as many nominal balances to be able to buy the same amount of goods. The demand for real balances depends on real income (Y) & the interest rate (r). It depends on Y as people hold money to pay for purchases, which depend on their Y. r is one determinant of how much money people choose to hold as it is the opportunity cost of holding money: it is what you forgo by holding money instead of interest-bearing assets like bonds. When r rises, people want to hold less of their wealth in the form of money. The Money Market and the LM Curve On these grounds, the demand for real balances rises with Y & decreases with r: M d ( ) kY hr P For a given level of Y, the quantity demanded of M/P is a decreasing function of r. Higher Y means larger demand for M/P, & therefore shifts the (M/P)d curve to the right. (M/P)S & (M/P)d determine what r prevails in the economy (what r equilibrates the money market). The Money Market and the LM Curve Income, Money Demand, and the LM Curve When Y is high, expenditure is high, so people engage in more transactions that require the use of money. The higher Y, the higher (M/P)d will be, and the higher the equilibrium r. Therefore, a higher Y leads to a higher r. The LM curve plots this positive relationship b/n Y & r. The Money Market and the LM Curve For the money market to be in eqlm, demand has to equal supply: M kY hr P 1 M Solving for the interest rate: r (kY ) h P Slope of the LM curve is given by: dr k dY h The LM curve is steep if (M/P)d is very responsive to Y & less responsive to r. A point to the right of the LM curve is a point of excess (M/P)d: r is too low &/or Y too high. A point to the left of the LM curve is a point of excess (M/P)S: r is too high &/or Y too low. The LM curve is drawn for a given (M/P)S: If (M/P)S changes the LM curve shifts. The Money Market and the LM Curve In summary, The LM curve shows combinations of r & Y consistent with eqlm in the money market. The LM curve is positively sloped: given MS, a rise in Y raises the quantity of M demanded, & has to be accompanied by an increase in r. The greater the responsiveness of (M/P)d to Y & the lower the responsiveness of (M/P)d to r, the steeper the LM curve will be. To the right of the LM curve, there is an excess (M/P)d & to its left, there is an excess (M/P)S. The LM curve is drawn for a given (M/P)S: decreases in (M/P)S shift the LM curve upward; increases in (M/P)S shift it downward. Equilibrium in Goods & Money Markets IS & LM together determine economy’s eqlm. The model takes G,T, M & P as exogenous. Given these variables, IS gives combinations of r & Y that satisfy Y=C(Y–T)+I(r)+G, & LM combinations of r & Y that satisfy M/P=L(r,Y). The eqlm of the economy is the point at which the IS curve & the LM curve cross. At this point, AE = PE & (M/P)d = (M/P)S . Equilibrium in Goods & Money Markets To find eqlm r & eqlm Y algebraically, solve the IS & the LM equations simultaneously. 1 IS : r [(1 c)Y Ca cT I a G ].........(1) b 1 M LM : r (kY ) or Y 1 (hr M ).........(2) h P k P 1 (1 c) M r [ (hr ) Ca cT I a G ] b k P k (1 c) M r [Ca I a G cT ] bk (1 c)h k P Equilibrium in Goods & Money Markets 1 M Y {hr } k P 1 hk (1 c) M M Y { [Ca I a G cT ] } k [bk (1 c)h] k P P 1 hk bk M Y { [Ca I a G cT ] ( )} k [bk (1 c)h] [bk (1 c)h] P h b M Y [Ca I a G cT ( )] bk (1 c)h h P Explaining Fluctuations with IS-LM Model The intersection of the IS & the LM curves determines level of national income (Y). When one of these curves shifts, the shortrun eqlm changes & Y fluctuates. Changes in Fiscal Policy s in G or T influence PE & thereby shift the IS curve. Consider an increase in G. Goods Market Money Market G PE Production & Y Md r I PE Y Explaining Fluctuations with IS-LM Model The effect of fiscal policy (say, G) on Y in the IS-LM model is weaker than the effect of the same policy in the Keynesian Cross. This is because of the crowding out effect. Changes in Monetary Policy in MS influences (M/P)S & thereby shifts the LM curve. Consider an increase in MS. Money Market MS r MD r Goods Market I PE Production & Y Explaining Fluctuations with IS-LM Model k (1 c) M From r [Ca I a G cT ] , bk (1 c)h k P k (1 c) dM MdP dr [dCa dI a dG cdT [ 2 ] bk (1 c)h k P P dr dr dr k 0 dCa dI a dG bk (1 c)h dr ck 0 dT bk (1 c)h dr (1 c) P 1 0 dM bk (1 c)h Explaining Fluctuations with IS-LM Model From Y h b M [Ca I a G cT ( )] , bk (1 c)h h P h b dM MdP dY [dCa dI a dG cdT ( 2 )] (1 c)h bk h P P dY dY dY h 0 dCa dI a dG (1 c)h bk dY ch 0 dT (1 c)h bk dY bP 1 0 dM (1 c)h bk Explaining Fluctuations with IS-LM Model Fiscal policy is more effective at influencing Y: the flatter the LM curve – (M/P)d less sensitive to Y &/or more sensitive to r, & the larger the MPC (larger right- or leftward shift in IS curve) & the less sensitive I to r (smaller crowding out effect). Monetary policy is more effective at influencing Y: the flatter the IS curve – the larger the MPC & the more sensitive I to r, & the less sensitive (M/P)d to r (larger downor up-ward shift in LM curve) &/or the less sensitive (M/P)d to Y. Interaction b/n Monetary & Fiscal Policies A change in monetary/fiscal policy may influence the other, & the interdependence may alter the impact of a policy change. For example, suppose gov’t raises taxes. The effect of this policy depends on how the central bank responds to the tax raise. The figure below shows three of the many possible outcomes. 3.1.3 Deriving the Aggregate Demand Curve r LM(P2) LM(P1) IS1 P Y2 Y1 Y P2 P1 AD Y2 Y1 Y 3.1.3 Deriving the Aggregate Demand Curve AD curve is drawn for given values of G, T, M & P (exogenous variables in IS-LM model). Events that shift the IS or LM curves (for a given P) cause AD curve to shift. A change in G, T, or MS will affect the eqlm Y for every P & hence the position of AD curve. Solving IS & LM equations simultaneously: b -1 h Y {MP [Ca cT I a G]} bk h(1 c) b The slope of AD is: Y b M [ 2] P bk h(1 c) P P bk h(1 c) P [ ] 0 Y b M 2 THE END OF CHAPTER THREE!!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION @ BEING COMMITTED!!!