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Academic Tutoring at UEL: Study Skills & Support

Academic Tutoring at UEL
Visit us at http://tiny.cc/SSkills
Shortcut to Moodle page: tiny.cc/ueltutors
Why are we here?
Advice on
developing your
academic English
and writing.
Develop transferable
skills that will benefit
you in your career.
Help with the
maths and
statistics tasks on
your course.
Support in
developing academic
skills for successful
What we do to support you…
• Student Development Sessions – these are tailored to your
course/assignments and cover all relevant writing and Mathematics
and statistics.
• Comprehensive online guides/how to videos
• Daily Academic Writing and Maths Drop-ins
• One-to-one writing and Maths sessions
• My Feedback
Academic Tutoring
If you’d like to develop your academic English, maths or study skills
1. Study Skills on Moodle
2. Student Development
3. Online Drop-ins
20-minute slots
Various resources to help you
develop your skills for study
Moodle > Study Skills
Timetabled workshops and seminars
on a range of academic development
and student support topics.
Check your timetable for these
sessions and be sure to attend!
Including e.g. essay writing,
numeracy, reflective writing,
presentation skills, planning.
Good for quick questions or if
you would like feedback on a
short piece of writing or
problem etc.
Mon-Fri, 10-11am ,1-2PM
11am-12pm and 1-2PM
(Maths), subject to tutor
Student Development Sessions
Mental Wealth Competences - 2/2/23
Plagiarism/collusion Academic - 16/2/23
Group Presentation Techniques - 2/3/23
Technical/ Reflective Writing Academic- 9/3/23
Academic report writing -20/4/23
Academic Tutors:
Mike Grist
Angela Manser a.manser@uel.ac.uk
Drop-ins and My Feedback
• The 1-1 drop-in service gets you a 30-minute slot with one of the
Academic Tutor team, who can look at your written work and offer
advice and suggestions on all areas of academic writing and language,
including structure, grammar, research and many other areas.
• The My Feedback service provides line-by-line feedback on 1,500
words of your work, primarily focused on grammar, referencing,
and structure.
Drop-in sessions and My Feedback
• 1-1 Drop-in Booking instructions below:
• For Academic Writing – Drop in sessions open link below:
• https://moodle.uel.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=24191#writing
• MyFeedback Booking instructions below:
• To submit 1,500 words to MyFeedback – open link below:
• https://moodle.uel.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=24172&section=1
Academic Tutoring Drop Ins
English & Academic Writing
Monday – Friday
10 – 11am & 1-2 PM
Maths & Statistics
Monday – Friday
11 – 12pm & 1-2PM
Online via TEAMs
Book your slot on Study Skills (under Moodle>Student Links)
Go online on TEAMs at the scheduled time
A tutor will chat to you and call you
(Please remember to book with your UEL credentials)
Centre for Student Success
How to find us
Challenges of university study…
• Time can be scarce, balancing study, family life, work and
recreation can be demanding and often stressful.
• University study needs organisation, good planning skills and
• Studying needs concentration skills, ability to write and
present ideas and thoughts clearly.
• University work requires you to work with others through
collaborative learning and sharing ideas. You need tolerance
and effective communication skills.
Digital Proficiency - Use ICT effectively; understand the implications of the proliferation of technology and access to information.
Social & Emotional Identify, assess, and regulate one’s own emotions and moods & understand the underlying emotions of others
Intelligence (SEI)
• Deal with ambiguity and uncertainty. • Self-awareness & self-regulation • Active listening • developing
motivational attitudes
• Emotional resilience • Team / Groupwork, Managing your
audience •Coordinating with others • Negotiation
Physical Intelligence Perceive and optimise your physical responses to influence your emotion and affect your physical behaviour.
• Managing stress & physical resilience (health) • Attention span / reaction & response time
- (PI)
• Self-discipline & self-management of physical presence • Cognitive & muscle memory
Acquire, retain and use knowledge, recognise, pose, and solve problems.
Intelligence (CoI)
• Subject knowledge • Critical thinking • Complex problem-solving • Systems / routine problem-solving •
Research, synthesis & analysis
Cultural Intelligence Relate to and work effectively across cultures including intercultural engagement, cultural understanding, and
intercultural communication.
• Identity & Diversity - Within contexts of race, gender, ethnicity, age, disability, religion & belief and sexuality
Connections - (IC)
Understand and effectively meet the expectations of industry partners, through outputs and behaviours.
• Professional Body input • External Industrial visits • Job seeking, preparation • interview / selection
techniques, mentoring
Reflect on and engage in mutually beneficially interactions with our communities.
Connections & UEL • Engagement with inhouse activities as a student rep or ambassador, providing a service to another UEL
Give-Back (CC-GB) department • External community volunteering • Coaching
Entrepreneurship & The generation and application of ideas within a practical setting. Can lead to venture creation:
Student Development Sessions
Mental Wealth Competences - 2/2/23
Plagiarism/collusion Academic - 16/2/23
Group Presentation Techniques - 2/3/23
Technical/ Reflective Writing Academic- 9/3/23
Academic report writing -20/4/23
Academic Tutors:
Mike Grist
Angela Manser a.manser@uel.ac.uk
Digital Proficiency - Use ICT effectively; understand the implications of the proliferation of technology and access to information.
Social & Emotional Identify, assess, and regulate one’s own emotions and moods & understand the underlying emotions of others
Intelligence (SEI)
• Deal with ambiguity and uncertainty. • Self-awareness & self-regulation • Active listening • developing
motivational attitudes
• Emotional resilience • Team / Groupwork, Managing your
audience •Coordinating with others • Negotiation
Physical Intelligence Perceive and optimise your physical responses to influence your emotion and affect your physical behaviour.
• Managing stress & physical resilience (health) • Attention span / reaction & response time
- (PI)
• Self-discipline & self-management of physical presence • Cognitive & muscle memory
Acquire, retain and use knowledge, recognise, pose, and solve problems.
Intelligence (CoI)
• Subject knowledge • Critical thinking • Complex problem-solving • Systems / routine problem-
solving • Research, synthesis & analysis
Cultural Intelligence Relate to and work effectively across cultures including intercultural engagement, cultural understanding, and
intercultural communication.
• Identity & Diversity - Within contexts of race, gender, ethnicity, age, disability, religion & belief and sexuality
Connections - (IC)
Understand and effectively meet the expectations of industry partners, through outputs and behaviours.
• Professional Body input • External Industrial visits • Job seeking, preparation • interview / selection
techniques, mentoring
Reflect on and engage in mutually beneficially interactions with our communities.
Connections & UEL • Engagement with inhouse activities as a student rep or ambassador, providing a service to another UEL
Give-Back (CC-GB) department • External community volunteering • Coaching
Entrepreneurship & The generation and application of ideas within a practical setting. Can lead to venture creation:
One possible definition
‘In an academic context, reading and
writing critically means asking
questions of the text as we read, and
asking questions of the knowledge
claims’ (UCL Institute of Education,
2017, no page).
NB: Criticality is
arguably not just
ONE thing. It can
depend on context.
Does this match
A Model to Generate Critical Thinking
Copyright Learning Development, University of Plymouth, 2006
If you have any questions please email us at