UrbanBuzz Building sustainable communities EASY Project title Project summary Evidencing Adaptable Sustainability Sustainable communities are perceived as those which are able to adapt to changing dynamics of their composition. A key consideration has to be the quality of services and opportunities afforded by the social infrastructure in the face of change. Boroughs are currently experiencing high population churn, resulting in uncertainty in their demographic composition. There need to be robust mechanisms for compiling and updating the evidence-base on population change, on which policy and planning changes must necessarily be founded. Lead organisation UEL Project coordinator Allan Brimicombe Contact details T: 0208 223 2352 a.j.brimicombe@uel.ac.uk Website www.urbanbuzz.org www.uel.ac.uk/geo-information/ EASY Project value £172,311 grant plus £90,823 contribution in kind Start/end dates 4/6/07 to 3/12/08 Project partners UCL; Terra Cognita; Thames Gateway London Partnership UrbanBuzz project monitor Gemma Moore gemma.moore@ucl.ac.uk This project aims: • To use a wide range of available administrative and other data sets to construct an integrated evidence base of demographic, social and cultural change by small-area geography • To develop micro-simulation models for the boroughs that will produce demographic projections by small-area geography, but also managing the uncertainties in the base data • To promote the use of the evidence-base and the demographic projections in support of social infrastructure planning in the boroughs • To deliver knowledge transfer through capacity building and skills enhancement to make these sustainable activities, so that Local Authorities can continue to monitor change and adapt to change. EASY is a series of knowledge transfer activities that also aims to deliver useful, well-founded tools and products to Local Authorities that will underscore their ability to develop sustainable communities.