Family Traits Survey Student name: Trait 1 Trait 2 Family Member You Pedigree Rubric Trait 3 Criteria Points Possible 3 Different Traits Surveyed 3 8+ Family Members Surveyed 8 3 generations 3 Shaded correctly 3 Appropriate Key Shown 3 Title with family name and trait 2 Uses appropriate symbols 3 Names correctly labeled under symbols 2 Neat/Legible 3 Total Points Earned 30 Summative Points *Note- Only choose traits that you know exist within your family. (Example- don’t choose red hair if no one in your family has red hair!) *Also, it is very important to pick a trait that not every family member has in common. For instance, if some of your family has blue eyes and some have brown eyes, that would be a great trait to study! However, if every family member has brown eyes (and no blue) that would not be a good trait to study. You must survey at least seven different blood-related family members (Parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins). However, the more people you survey, the more you will find out about your inheritance! Family Pedigree Assignment Introduction: A pedigree is a family tree that shows the relationships among family members and traces a specific genetic trait within the family. By following a few guidelines, you can make a pedigree chart for your family. You might even be able to find a pattern in the way a family characteristic is inherited. Directions: You will survey 7 or more family members to see what inherited traits exist within members of your family. Sample traits have been suggested for you. Using a poster board or large piece of paper, create your family pedigree of one particular trait. Please see the rubric to know what needs to be included. This assignment is due on Tuesday, February 17th. You will hand in your survey, rubric, and family pedigree chart for a 30 point SUMMATIVE grade. If for any reason the family traits survey opens up difficult or sensitive issues or if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to let me know. *The goal of this project is for students to learn a little more about why we look the way we do – and it should be fun! REMEMBER: • Pick 3 different traits for your survey and write these results on your data table. You will draw a pedigree of only ONE of these traits. • Survey as many family members as possible (biological relatives). *You are only required to survey one side of the family, but you may do both if you choose! • Have fun! Trait Eyelash length Widow’s Peak Dimples Freckles Ear Lobe Hair on middle finger Roman nose Toe Length Hand use Curved Thumb Sample Traits Dominant Long (1 cm. +) Widow’s peak Dimples Freckles Detached Hair on middle finger Roman nose (bent) 2nd toe longer Right-handed Hitchhiker’s Thumb Recessive Short (Less than 1 cm.) Straight hairline No Dimples No Freckles Attached No hair on middle finger Straight nose Big toe longer Left-handed Straight Thumb