Scribe Journal: Team Project & Java Programming Attempt

Scribe Journal
First thing we did as a group was assigning the individual roles to the various team members.
Jaime Alejandro Rivera Arias was assigned to be the chair of the group and oversee the team
to make sure we . Nathan Corr was assigned to be the scribe and document all the work that
was being done. Gustavo Henrique Vieira Barbosa and Alexander Paz Reiter were the group
members that would complete the remaining tasks based off their strengths. Gustavo's role
was to focus on typing the the java code and Alexander's role was to offer advice when
needed and complete the Group Reflection Document.
After we assigned the roles, the chair of our group, Jaime, filled out the PBL Team Work Plan.
This would make it clear for each group member about which tasks they are assigned to
complete and this would ensure our team would complete our objectives in a timely manner.
After the plan was set out, Jaime and Gustavo began on working on the .java file. The group
members debated what would be the most efficient way to approach the problem and
implement the requirements into the program. After some planning about how the program
would work, Gustavo began typing the code with the advice of Jaime and Alexander.
Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful in creating a fully functional java program as our team
strengths is not with programming. Although we failed this task, we would not approach this
problem any differently if we were to do it again as we gave it the most time we possibly could
and nothing we done could have been improved on.
Alexander filled out the group reflection document. When filling out the document, the team
discussed the topics that appeared in the template, what we felt needed to be mentioned in
the report and making sure we were all in agreement about what was said.