The Yield Criterion of Laminated Media P. C. CHOU, B. M. McNAMEE AND D. K. CHOU Drexel University . 19104 Philadelphia Pa , (Received December 27, 1972) ABSTRACT This study examines the yield criteria for anisotropic laminated media. It will be shown that for laminated media with isotropic layers, the critenon of Tsai and Wu is a direct extension of Von Mises’. Also presented here is a set of equations governing the relative positions of the yield ellipses. Furthermore, a general expression for the yield condition of a laminated medium composed of generally anisotropic layers is obtained. INTRODUCTION criterion for a laminated medium with anisothe independent yield strength constants of the in terms of the strength constants and elastic properties of the individual In formulating the yield criterion, the laminated medium is transformed into yield Tcomposite tropic layers by characterizing HIS STUDY PROPOSES a layers. an equivalent medium which is homogeneous but anisotropic. In studying the yielding of homogeneous, anisotropic media, Hill [ 1] proposed a criterion that is quadratic in form. In his criterion there are only six independent constants, the principal strength constants. His interaction terms are not independent ; they are in terms of three of the six principal strength constants. Furthermore, his criterion is limited to specially orthotropic materials with plastic incompressibility, and with equal strength in tension and compression. It is defined only in the coordinate of material symmetry. Thus, Hill’s criterion can not be used for materials with general anisotropy. More recently, Tsai and Wu [2] proposed a general strength theory for anisotropic materials based on the concept of characterizing the independent strength constants as tensor quantities as suggested by Gol’denblat and Kopnov [3]. These strength components, as they are called, satisfy the invariant requirements of J. COMPOSITE MATERIALS, Vol. 7 (January 1973), Downloaded from at UNIV OF MICHIGAN on June 18, 2015 22 coordinate transformation similar to the compliance matrix. The number of independent strength tensors is reduced for materials exhibiting symmetry. It is a very convenient form which is easily applicable to practical problems. Nevertheless, the general form of Tsai and Wu’s criterion is an assumption made arbitrarily. In this paper, we will show that a yield criterion for a laminated medium with isotropic layers will have the same form as the one proposed by Tsai and Wu when the Von Mises’ yield criterion is applied to the individual layers. The formulation of this yield criterion is based on the assumptions made according to a smearing technique proposed by Chou, Carleone and Hsu [4]. The Von Mises’ yield criterion is applied to the individual layers to determine the incipient yielding conditions of the composite. Further, we will show that when the laminated composite consists of anisotropic layers and each layer yields according to the criterions of Tsai and Wu, the yield locus of the composite is an envelope formed by many intersecting ellipses. Each ellipse represents the yield locus of one layer under a combined state of equivalent stresses. All tensors are represented in contracted notation and superscripts designate the quantities associated with the corresponding layer. Quantities without superscripts are associated with the equivalent medium. YIELD CRITERION FOR A LAMINATED MEDIUM WITH ISOTROPIC LAYERS Consider a laminate made up of n layers of different isotropic materials rigidly bonded together and subjected to a general state of loads. The materials in the layers are assumed to be homogeneous and have equal strength in tension and compression. The laminate is then smeared into an equivalent medium by the lamination theory proposed by Chou, Carleone, and Hsu [4]. In this case, the equivalent medium is transversely isotropic with the 1-2 plane as the isotropic plane. According to the lamination theory of Reference [4], the stress-strain relation of the equivalent medium can be expressed as where Sq are functions of the the lamina stress components following form [5] : properties of the layers. Further, it can be shown that related by the equivalent stress components in the are where 23 Downloaded from at UNIV OF MICHIGAN on June 18, 2015 and for isotropic layers determine which layer will first reach the limiting state of stress established by the yield criteria for each layer. Here, the Von Mises yield criterion will be used to govern the yielding of each layer, Thus, Equation (2) enables When us to expressed in tensor form, for the kth layer, Equation (3) becomes where and Xk is the yield stress in uniaxial tension. 24 Downloaded from at UNIV OF MICHIGAN on June 18, 2015 Substituting Equation (2) into Equation (4) and simplifying yields, where Equation (5) is the yield criterion for the equivalent medium caused by yielding layer k. Therefore, the yield condition of a laminate is, in general, represented by n equations like Equation (5) and each equation is a hyper-ellipsoid in in the the six-dimensional equivalent stress space. These ellipsoids can intersect one another or can enclose one another. For the former case, a yield envelope is produced. For the latter case, the smallest ellipsoid governs the yielding of the composite under the combined equivalent stress states. in terms of the Due to the lengthy expression, no explicit formula for strength and elastic properties of the individual layers will be presented. However, m Equation (5) becomes: by permutating the indices, F~ F§ It can be immediately seen that Equation (6) has the same form as the one derived by Tsai and Wu [2] for a transversely isotropic material and both have five independent constants. An explicit yield equation in terms of the yield strength and elastic properties of the individual layers will be given for a repeated bilaminar medium composed of two isotropic materials subjected to a state of plane stress in the 1-2 plane as shown m Figure 1. Thus, the previous three-dimensional formulation is reduced to a two-dimensional stress problem. If the loads are applied in the 1-2 plane, and a3 0, Ft in Equation (5) can be expressed as follows: a4 Qs = = = 25 Downloaded from at UNIV OF MICHIGAN on June 18, 2015 +7gure l. 7 1 where Ek and ph respectively. The pit al olement of a repeated bllammar medium under a plane load modulus and the Poisson’s ratio of the kth layer Vk symbol represents the volume fraction of layer k. Also, it can are the Young’s 26 Downloaded from at UNIV OF MICHIGAN on June 18, 2015 which agrees with the stability condition be shown that surface failure as discussed in [2]. closed a for required Therefore, we arrive at the conclusion that the yield criterion presented here for the laminated medium is a direct extension of the Von Mises criterion; it has the same requirements as the criterion proposed by Tsai and Wu. In other words, Tsai and Wu’s criterion can be viewed as a direct extension of the Von Mises criterion for a laminated medium. An example will now be presented in which we will study the yield surfaces of three layered plates with isotropic layers subjected to loads applied in the 1-2 plane. Each plate is composed of two materials that are arranged in a repeated fashion (Figure 1 ). The first plate consists of structural steel and annealed aluminum. The second is made up of structural steel and aluminum, but the aluminum has been heat treated. The third is layered with high strength steel and malleable cast iron. All the physical properties of the laminas of the three bilaminar media are listed in Table 1. In all three cases, the laminas are of equal thickness. Equations of this plane stress problem have been coded on a computer, and the results are plotted in the two-dimensional equivalent stress space in Figures 2, 3, and 4. (F11 )2 - (Fkl 2 )2 > 0 Table 1. Physical Properties of Laminas in Example 1 For Case 1, the ellipse for yielding in the aluminum layer is enclosed by the ellipse for the steel as shown in Figure 2. Thus, aluminum always yields first in this case. However, if the aluminum is first heat treated and attains a higher yield strength, the ellipse for the steel is enclosed by the ellipse for the aluminum, see Figure 3. Thus, the steel always yields first for Case 2. For Case 3, where the cast iron has both higher Young’s modulus and yield strength than aluminum Figure 4 shows that the ellipses intersect one another to form a failure envelope for the composite. Thus, the materials with a lower yield stress in a laminated composite do not necessarily reach the established yield criteria first under combined stress states. 27 Downloaded from at UNIV OF MICHIGAN on June 18, 2015 Figure 2. Yield loci plotted on Figure 3. Yield loci plotted on a, - a2 plane, steel and aluminum. a, - az plane, steel and aluminum. 28 Downloaded from at UNIV OF MICHIGAN on June 18, 2015 Figure 4. Yield loci plotted on a, - (Tplane, steel and cast iron. Equation (5) which is the equation of an ellipse, when written in terms principal state of stress and for a plane stress loading condition reduces to where k these = 1, 2. It ellipses have can the be shown that the of the major axis, ak, and the minor axis bk, of following form where Therefore, the criteria for the ellipses to intersect one another is either a’ > a2 and bl < b2, or a’ < a2 and b’ > b2. From Equation (9) the factors Ak and Bk determine the ellipses will enclose one another or intersect one another, and the 29 Downloaded from at UNIV OF MICHIGAN on June 18, 2015 following conclusions can be drawn: the ellipses will the ellipses will intersect enclose one another. one another. Both Ak and Bk are independent of the thickness of the lamina. Thus, the thickness of the laminae does not determine the relative position of ellipses. 3) LAMINATES WITH ANISOTROPIC LAYERS The formulation for the laminates with isotropic layers discussed above can be generalized to laminates with anisotropic layers. The only change to be made is that the Von Mises yield criterion for each layer can be replaced by an anisotropic yield criterion, e.g., Tsai and Wu’s strength criterion. Similar to Equation (2), the lamina stresses and equivalent stresses are related by the following equation, [5, 6] . where and Tsai and Wu’s criterion for the individual layers are of the following form, 30 Downloaded from at UNIV OF MICHIGAN on June 18, 2015 where strength tensors of the second and fourth rank respectively. By substituting Equation (10) mto Equation (11), the yield equation for laminate with anisotropic layers is obtained as follows: Fkand F~,. i are ’I the where and Therefore, Equation (12) is the yield condition for a laminate with anisotropic layers caused by yielding in the kth layer. In addition, Equation (12) takes into consideration materials in which the magnitude of the tensile yield stress is different from the compression yield stress. In the following example, the material under study is S-Glass/xP-251 Resin [7]. Its properties are shown in Table 2. We will first investigate a laminate with a cross-ply of [0°/90°] [ [8] and then one with an angle-ply [45°/-45°] s. Also, we will study each lammate for two assumed possible cases. One case is that the yield strengths of the laminas are equal in tension and compression; the other case is that they are not equal. The results of these four examples are plotted in the equivalent stress space, as shown m Figure 5 to Figure 9. Since experimental data for the interaction term are not available for the S-Glass/xP-251Resin, we choose the theoretical upper bound value [2] for the present analysis. Furthermore, we will consider the loads are applied in the 1-2 plane. Because the mteraction term is the theoretical upper bound value, the results of this example show that the yield loci become open curves (Figures 5, 6, and 8), which have been indicated by Collins and Crane [9] . Moreover, the angle of inclination of the elhpses, 6 is defined by the following form (Figure 8) Fi Fi It is interesting to note that the direction of 0 depends not only on the sign but also on the sign of the difference of Thus this explains why the and of P121 Fl F22. 31 Downloaded from at UNIV OF MICHIGAN on June 18, 2015 Table 2. Physical Properties of the Fibrous Composite in Example 2 Figure 5. Yield loci plotted on a, - a plane, S-Glass/xP-251 resin, [00/900Js 0° yield locus rotate in a clockwise (negative) direction and the 90° rotates in counter-clockwise (positive) direction in Figures 5, 6 and 8 for the chosen Fi 2 . a CONCLUDING REMARKS By applying the Von Mises Yield Criterion to each layer of a laminated medium isotropic layers, we are able to arrive at a yield equation for the composite with 32 Downloaded from at UNIV OF MICHIGAN on June 18, 2015 Figure 6. Yield loci plotted Figure 7. Yield loci on plotted on a, - a2 plane, °1 - °2 S-Glass/xP-251 resin, {O° /900s. plane, S Glass/xR251 resin, /45°%45°Js . 33 Downloaded from at UNIV OF MICHIGAN on June 18, 2015 Figure 8. Yield loci plotted on °1 - °2 plane, S Glass/xR251 resin, [0° /900J S. Figure 9. Yield loci plotted on a, - a, plane, S-Glass/xP-251 resin, /45&dquo;/45’ / s’ 34 Downloaded from at UNIV OF MICHIGAN on June 18, 2015 I same form as the one proposed by Tsai and Wu for anisotropic elastic it bodies.Thus, may be considered as direct extension of the Von Mises criterion. Furthermore, we have obtained a set of equations governing the relative position of which has the yield layers. the loci. These may be used as design guidelines for a laminate with isotropic For the laminates with anisotropic layers, we have shown that for the examples studied all the ellipses intersect one another, but we are unable to conclude whether there could be other cases where the ellipses enclose one another. The yield surface of a laminated composite is the inscribed envelope of many ellipses. If this envelope can be approximated by another ellipse, the yield problem of laminates can be greatly simplified. It should be noted that the presented approach can be applied to a threedimensional state of stress. It is not limited to the conventional &dquo;plate bending and stretching&dquo; type of loading. In applying our approach to plane stress problems, we have neglected the effect of bending-stretching coupling. For certain arrangement of the layers in a laminate, such as symmetric stacking or thin repeated layers, the coupling effect disappears or becomes negligible. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research was partially supported by Army Ballistic Research Laboratory DAADOS-70-C-0175 and a NASA grant for the University Development Program at Drexel University. REFERENCES 1. R. Hill, The Mathematical Theory , of Plasticity Oxford, 1956. 2. S. W. Tsai and E. M. Wu, "A General Theory of Strength for Anisotropic Materials," J . , Vol. 5 (1971), p. 58. Composite Materials 3. I. I. Gol’denblat and V. A. Kopnov, "Strength of Glass Reinforced Plastics in the Complex Stress State," Mekhanika Polimerov , Vol. 1, No. 2 (1965), p. 70. 4. P. C. Chou, J. Carleone and C. M. Hsu, "Elastic Constants of Layered Media," J . Composite , Vol. 6 (1972), p. 80. Materials 5. P. C. Chou, B. M. McNamee and D. K. Chou, "The Yield Criterion of Laminated Media," will appear in the Proceedings of the Sixth St. Louis Symposium of Composite Materials in Engineering Design, May 1972. Also DU Mechanics and Structures Report 72-5, 1972. 6. N. J. Pagano, "Exact Moduli of Anisotropic Laminates" will appear in Composite Materials edited by G. P. Sendeckyj, Academic Press. 7. "Plastic for Aerospace Vehicles, Part I Reinforced Plastics," Military Handbook, MILHDBK-17A, January 1971, p. 3-72, Department of Defense. 8. "Structural Design Guide for Advanced Composite Application," Advanced Composite Division, Air Force Material Laboratory, Air Force Systems Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, August 1969. 9. B. R. Collins and R. L. Crane "A Graphical Representation of the Failure Surface of a . , Composite," J Composite Materials Vol. 5 (1971), p. 408. 35 Downloaded from at UNIV OF MICHIGAN on June 18, 2015