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Spanish Class Rules: Respect, Responsibility, Effort

RESPETO-Las Normas de la clase de español
Respeta a las personas y las cosas de la clase
Español, español, español
Sé responsable
Prepárate para la clase
Esfuerzo (importa muchísimo)
Ten una actitud positiva
Obtén ayuda
What this looks like…
Respeta a las personas y las cosas de la clase
• Speaking respectfully and being considerate.
• Listening and not talking when someone is talking.
• Responding positively when your teacher redirects you.
• Putting away cell phones when the bell rings.
• Using I-pads for school work only.
• Cleaning up after yourself and putting things back where they
belong in the class.
Español, español, español
• Speaking Spanish as much as possible.
• Using the classroom expressions on the wall to help you and
support you.
• Finding ways to practice Spanish outside of the classroom.
Sé Responsable
• Taking responsibility for your actions and your outcomes in this
• Doing your part in group and partner work.
• Using electronic resources and online translators responsibly.
• Letting your teacher know if you will be missing school and finding
out what you missed.
• Limiting your use of bathroom passes and your time out of class.
Prepárate para la clase
• Arriving on time with your i-pad charged, items you need for class,
and your completed work.
• Using the links and other resources on Canvas to help you
prepare for assessments.
RESPETO-Las Normas de la clase de español
Esfuerzo (importa muchísimo)
• Following instructions and putting forth your best effort.
• Making use of the time we have in class.
Ten una actitud positiva
• “Showing up” for yourself and others. Language learning can be
hard work, but it can be fun with the right attitude.
• Remembering It is okay to make mistakes. Nothing is gained from
not trying. This is a safe place for trying out new things.
• Encouraging and supporting other members of the class.
Obtén Ayuda
• Asking for help and clarification when you need it.
• Attending tutorial time at lunch to make up work or get help.
Normas Adicionales (you may work with a partner or small group)
Add two classroom “ norms” to the list. Please try to the phrase them in
a positive way rather than telling people what not to do…
Instead of writing, Don’t throw trash on the floor!
You can write, Please put all trash in the trash can or recycling in the
recycling bin.
Write two suggestions or ideas for activities you would like to do in this
class this semester.
I have read and understand the classroom norms for Spanish 2 second