Uploaded by Nicole Hardin

Spanish Schedule Project: ¡A escribir!

Nombre: ______________________________________________
P. ______
Score: _____ / 30
¡A escribir! - Talking About Schedules Mini Project
Direcciones: You are to write about your schedule . In your writing you are going to talk about what classes you
have using the word (tengo- I have), at what times your classes are, and also state (termina- ends) when they
finish. You will also write about 3 classes you like or don’t like. You will also state you favorite class (mi
favorita clase es).
Keywords to remember: (and - y) (mi - my, mis - my *plural) (de - of ) (on - los *for saying the days of the
week only) (también- too) (termnina- ends) (a la - means “at”. it’s used from 1:00-1:59) (a las - means “at”. it’s
used from 2:00-12:59)
This must be done on paper and turned in on Friday, 4/8/22 by the end of the day.