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Albert Campbell CI School Announcement - April 24, 2020

Friday, April 24, 2020
Good Day Albert Campbell Parents and Guardians,
To begin, to all families who are fasting during the month of Ramadan, Ramadan Mubarak! Muslims fast
for 29-30 days every year in the month of Ramadan. Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam or part of
the framework of Muslim life. Muslims do not eat or drink from sunrise to sunset to experience what it
feels like to be poor and hungry, and to focus on self-control in order to be a better people. We wish
everyone participating in fasting during this month a blessed Ramadan!
We have now been working in our Remote Learning mode for three weeks. I would like to thank all of
you for your support and am amazed at how many of our students are fulling engaging in their school
work. As a staff we continue to strive for balance and sustainability while keeping students engaged and
Next week we will be sending out a brief google survey to parents and students to ask how you think we
are doing and what improvements we could make to better support our students. Your feedback is
invaluable and we help shape how our staff moves forward in this new learning environment.
We continue to recognize that student well-being and mental health is important during this difficult
time. Students are encouraged to contact their Guidance Counsellor or Vice-Principal for support.
Should you have any questions about the work being provided, please connect with your child’s
classroom teacher. A list of all teachers email addresses can be found on our school website: Albert
Campbell CI .
Should you have any other questions or concerns, please email me at tami.kelson@tdsb.on.ca
Please check www.tdsb.on.ca for regular updates, as well as letters that have been sent to parent
communities by Director John Malloy
Our yearbook is nearing completion and I would like to thank the Yearbook class and crew who, under
the direction and support of Mr. Young, have managed to create a phenomenal, lasting commemoration
of these most interesting of times. What an accomplishment!
Mark Submission to Colleges & Universities:
Grade 12 marks are being uploaded to universities and colleges on Monday, April 27, 2020. Marks were
shared with students by all grade 12 teachers this week.
Parent/Guardians Guide to Google Tools
Many of you have requested access to technology and deliveries have begun, but please be patient as
delivery will take time. The devices students will receive are from TDSB schools. Students in Grades 3 12 will receive a Chromebook. The device will be delivered to the student’s home by Purolator Courier.
No signature is required but the Purolator staff member will ask for and record the name of the person
who receives the delivery.
TDSB is providing the following types of support for the Chromebooks being used at home:
Assistance with logging in to the Chromebook
Assistance with account questions
Connecting to wifi
To receive assistance with questions about these topics please email studentdevicesupport@tdsb.on.ca
please be sure to include your child’s name and school along with your name.
If you requested a device and no longer need it:
If it is pending delivery, the only option is to refuse the delivery and it will be returned to the
If you have already accepted your device but no longer need it, TDSB is not able to pick it up and
is asking that you keep it and return it to Albert Campbell CI when schools reopen
Please note that once schools do reopen, we will be collecting these devices from you.
OSSTF Tentative Agreement Reached
The Ontario Public School Boards' Association (OPSBA) and the government of Ontario have reached a
tentative agreement with the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (OSSTF) at both the
teacher/occasional teacher and education worker central bargaining tables. OSSTF has indicated that
the new contract will be put to a ratification vote in May.
Links to Resources:
Ontario Government Support for Families
COVID 19 Emergency Assistance ◾If you are not currently on social assistance and do not want to apply
for social assistance, you can still apply for COVID-19 emergency assistance
Government of Canada Economic Relief
TTC Fare Relief
Access to Health Services
MCI The Doctor's Office ◾Telemedicine and Virtual Consults
Youth Link Counselling Line ◾Call (416) 967-1773 ext. 222
Coping Calendar