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MC591 Assignment One 01.02.23

MC591–Robot Dynamics and Control
Individual Assignment one
Due Date: 03 March 2023, 17:00.
1. Show your working clearly.
2. Ensure that each problem involving calculations also has MATLAB function to
solve the same problem.
3. Half of the marks will be award to the MATLAB program and the rest to
detailed working per quantitative question.
4. This is an individual assignment, as such collusion or any form malpractice
will be penalized.
1. A cylindrical-coordinate robot has a vertical reach of 480mm and a vertical stroke of
300mm. How far do parts have to be raised so as to be reachable?
[8 Marks]
2. What is the worst-case overall precision of a cylindrical robot with a maximum reach of
400mm, maximum stroke 150mm, a minimum angular displacement of 0.15 degrees, radial
precision 0.5mm, and vertical precision 0.3mm. When would the manipulator have overall
precision of a) 1mm, b) 0.9mm, and c) 0.8mm?
[12 marks]
3. What is the minimum number of axes a robot needs to insert and tighten four nuts on four
vertical bolts on a metal plate as shown in the figure opposite? The nuts are supplied through
a vertical spring-activated feeder. Explain the action of each axis. How does the situation
change if the nuts were to be placed on a metal plate which is on a vertical plane? [6 Marks]
A cylindrical robot is driven by 3 digital-to-analog converters (DACs), each converter has 4bits. The base of the robot has a range of 360 degrees. The radial axis has a horizontal reach
and stroke of 300mm and 200mm respectively. The vertical axis has vertical reach and
stroke of 480mm and 360mm respectively. Evaluate:
[28 Marks]
a) The volume of the work envelope
b) The vertical precision
c) The radial precision
d) The angular precision about the base.
e) The horizontal precision.
f) The total precision.
g) What would happen if we double the number of bits in the DACs?
An incremental shaft encoder with 12 slots and 2 emitter-detector pairs is used to measure
the angular velocity of a high-speed motor shaft. The precision of the load shaft is measured
and found to be 0.05 degrees/count. Determine the gear ratio between the motor shaft and
the load shaft.
[4 Marks]
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6. Find the number of degrees of freedom for the following planar mechanisms.
[12 Marks]
7. Find the number of degrees of freedom for the following planar mechanisms.
[4 Marks]
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