Luca Pianarosa - LA3q Galaxies and the Universe | Lamford School HISTORICAL ROOTS OF THE MULTIVERSE Superheroes are expected to navigate their way around a whole labyrinth of different universes latest year's cinema Animated series "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" introduced the Spider-Man equivalents of various alternative universes "Spider-Man: No Way Home" three separate actors who have payed the web-slingers at different times 2022 2018 2021 Kevin Faige Anything is Possible The president of Marverl's Studios has called the multiverse "the next step in the evolution" The nothing-is-off-limit idea will allow to Marvel's Films to go to places where the previus 25-odd haven't Galaxies and the Universe | Lamford School General View Scientific possibility of Multiverse Brief introduction Go back to the discussion of other realities in ancient Greek philosophy and Hindu and Persian mythology. Plenty of books have been set in two or more realms. (CS Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia) "If a corporation can swallow up the rights to every screen incarnation of Batman, Superman, or Spider-Man, it can thrill fans by squeezing them into the same film ANY QUESTION? Galaxies and the Universe | Lamford School 1957 - Hugh Everett Interpretation Explenation Reality "Everett formulated a solution to a vexing problem in quantum theory" "Atomic particle can move through space and time in a multiplicity of direction at once" "When we interact with the particle we always find it at one place, not many" Galaxies and the Universe | Lamford School Understanding with Peter Byrne Multiverses theory When a scientist measures the position of an atomic particle, he splits into numerous copies of himself. Each copy resides in a different Universe, and each copy sees the particle in a different position. Galaxies and the Universe | Lamford School Explenantion Inspiration for films and comics Science-fiction DC's comics Same person but different life. Everett's vision become inspiration This postmodern concept was loved by readers Galaxies and the Universe | Lamford School The flash