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Baluti Formation Sedimentology, Iraqi Kurdistan

Received: 15 January 2021
Revised: 28 February 2021
Accepted: 26 March 2021
DOI: 10.1002/gj.4142
Sedimentology of the Baluti Formation (Late Triassic) in the
Warte area, northeastern Iraqi Kurdistan region
Irfan Sh. Asaad1
| Sardar M. Balaky2 |
Department of Geology, College of Science,
Salahaddin University-Erbil, Erbil, Iraq
Department of Petroleum Geosciences,
Faculty of Science, Soran University, Erbil, Iraq
Scientific Research Center, Soran University,
Erbil, Iraq
Irfan Sh. Asaad, Department of Geology,
College of Science, Salahaddin University-Erbil,
Erbil, Kurdistan region, Iraq.
Email: irfan.asaad@su.edu.krd
Handling Editor: I. Somerville
Goran F. Hasan3
Mahdi Kh. Aswad1
A detailed sedimentological investigation of the Baluti Formation (Late Triassic) in
the Warte section, Imbricated Zone, northeastern Kurdistan region of Iraq has been
undertaken for the first time. The formation is comprised of 34 m of dolomitic limestone, marly limestone, and marly dolomitic limestone which is partially brecciated
and all interbedded with shale and several beds of marl in the lower part. Based on
the field observations and petrographic inspections, four different lithostratigraphic
units were identified in the studied section, which are, in ascending order: marly dolomitic limestone interbedded with marl and shale unit, brecciated marly dolomitic
limestone interbedded with shale unit, fractured marly dolomitic limestone unit, and
marly limestone interbedded with shale unit. The petrographic study of 19 thin sections of Baluti carbonates shows that the majority are composed of carbonate mud
(micrite). The skeletal grains include ostracods, calcispheres, benthonic foraminifera,
gastropods, bivalves, clasts, and bioclasts. While non-skeletal grains include peloids,
intraclasts, and extraclasts. The results of X-ray diffraction (XRD) of five samples and
scanning electron microscope (SEM) of three samples of the shale and marl of the
studied formation show that the main clay mineral is illite, whereas non-clay mineral
is dolomite. The carbonate rocks of the Baluti Formation were subjected to different
diagenetic processes, such as micritization, dolomitization, cementation, compaction,
solution, pyritization, neomorphism, and fracturing. Three main microfacies were
identified in the Baluti carbonates and according to their environmental interpretation, they are grouped into one basic type of facies association—subtidal-semi
restricted lagoon. Field observation, petrographic, microfacies, and textural analysis
indicate that the Baluti Formation in the Warte section was deposited in a shallow
marine, subtidal (lagoon) environment with semi-restricted conditions.
Baluti Formation, depositional environment, Kurdistan region of Iraq, Late Triassic,
green shales, calcareous, dolomitic, with intercalations of thin-bedded
limestones, silicified limestones, and solution-recrystallization brec-
The Baluti Formation was first described by Wetzel in 1950 and
cias. The Baluti Formation crops out in limited surface sections along
amended by Morton in 1951 (Bellen, Dunnigton, Wetzel, &
the High Folded, Imbricate and Northern Thrust Zones from Zakho
Morton, 1959) in its type section close to Baluti village, in the core of
area in the northeast to Ranya region in the southeast (Buday, 1980).
the Chia Gara anticline, south of Amadyia town. It comprises grey and
In subsurface sections the Formation was identified in several wells
Geological Journal. 2021;1–18.
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
is regarded as one of the units of the middle part of the AP6
tectonostratigraphic megasequence. Because it is typified by rare fossil content, the Rhaetian (Late Triassic) age of the Baluti Formation
Dashtak Fm.
West of Iran
Goff, 2006). According to Sharland et al. (2001), the Baluti Formation
Early Jurassic
including: Jabal Kand-l, Khlesia-l, Atshan-l, and W Kifl-l (Jassim &
Formation (Bellen et al., 1959; Jassim & Goff, 2006). The lateral equivalent unit of the Baluti Formation in the Iraqi western desert is the
Zor Hauran Formation (Buday, 1980). While in surrounding countries,
Minjur Fm.
Kuwait & Saudi
Upper Triassic Kurra Chine Formation and the overlying Liassic Sarki
Early Jurassic
was determined by its stratigraphic position between the underlying
and Northern Thrust Zones of Iraq (Al-Qayim, Omer, & Koyi, 2012).
While, in subsurface sections, it found in different tectonic zones
including the wells: Bakirman-1, Bjeel-1,2,3,7, Bekhma-1, Gulak-1,
Jabal Kand-l, Khlesia-l, Atshan-l, and Wadi Kifl-l (Buday, 1980; Csató,
Kiss, Toth, & Varga, 2014; Jassim & Goff, 2006) (Figure 1). In the Triassic period, the first tectonic event was the rifting of Gondwana
which led to opening of Neo-Tethys Ocean along the line of the present Zagros Thrust Zone and separation of the Iranian Plate
(Buday, 1980). In the Late Triassic, uplift occurred in the Rutba area in
three common facies: (i) Inner shelf carbonates and clastics on the Stable Shelf (Mulussa and Zor Hauran formations), (ii) Inner shelf carbonates and evaporates in the Foothill zone, and (iii) restricted lagoonal
western Iraq and the rest of the Stable Shelf was submerged creating
Baluti Fm.
Zor Hauran
Note: Adopted after Al-Husseini (2008), Buday (1980), Fortuny et al. (2015), Jassim and Goff (2006), Ozkan and Dinç (2018) and Ozkan and Elmas (2012).
and limbs of several anticlines in the Zagros High Folded, Imbricate,
Kasimlar Fm.
The Baluti Formation mainly crops out as isolated patches in the cores
Menteşe Fm.
of its depositional environment in areas that have not been studied
and subdivisions, in order to understand further the lateral continuity
lithostratigraphy, petrography, diagenesis, mineralogy, facies analysis,
of the Baluti Formation in the studied section in terms of
Southeast of
of this article is a detailed investigation of the sedimentological aspect
South of
mentology and palaeontology of the studied formation. The main aim
Southwest of
Omer (2020), which have all focused mainly on the stratigraphy, sedi-
and Samarrai (2019), Azo, Hanna, and Edilbi (2020), and Asaad and
and Abdul-
Razzak (2017), Asaad (2019), Asaad and Omer (2019), Lunn, Miller,
Naser (2016), Al-Mashaikie (2017), Al-Mashaikie
and McCann (2015), Shingaly (2016), Al-Mashaikie, Abdul-Razzak, and
Hanna (2007), Aqrawi, Goff, Horbury, and Sadooni (2010), Al-Juboury
Geologic Time Scale
includes the works of Buday (1980), Jassim and Goff (2006),
Lithostratigraphic divisions of Upper Triassic–Lower Jurassic successions in Iraq and surrounding countries
articles on the Baluti Formation in the outcrops of Northern Iraq. This
Ubaid Fm.
et al. (1959) in it is type section, there have been several published
Since the first description of the Baluti Formation by Bellen
Çanakli Fm.
West of Iraq
(Buday, 1980) (Table 1).
Kiziloren Fm.
Hoşgör, 2015) and Menteşe dolostone Formation in Turkey (Ozkan &
Dinç, 2018), and the upper part of Dashtak Formation in Iran
Alakilise Fm.
of Çanakli Formation, Kozluca Formation (Fortuny, Steyer, &
North of Iraq
lower part of Kiziloren Formation (Ozkan & Elmas, 2012), middle part
Butmah Fm
/Sarki Fm.
Minjur Formation in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia (Al-Husseini, 2008), the
Kurra Chine Fm.
it is equated with Mulussa-F Formation in Syria (Jassim & Goff, 2006),
F I G U R E 1 Location map of the Warte section including other previous studied outcrops and wells of Baluti Formation in Kurdistan region
with the tectonic divisions of Iraq after Al-Qayim et al. (2012) and Fouad (2015) [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
facies in the High Folded Zone (Kurra Chine and Baluti formations)
out in the valley and overlain by Jurassic units toward the top of Chia
(Jassim & Goff, 2006). In Northern Thrust Zone, the Baluti Formation
Rashkan Mountain. The exposed stratigraphic units in Warte area are:
exhibits shallow marine facies with tropical to subtropical humid cli-
Baluti Formation (Upper Triassic) and Sarki, Sehkanian, Sargalu,
mate conditions (Asaad, 2019).
Naokelekan, and Barsarin formations of Jurassic age (Figure 2).
The Baluti Formation in the Warte section is located within the
Imbricate Zone in which a few NW–SE trending thrusts were found.
These thrusts have led to a repetition of strata in the exposed succes-
sion. Generally, the Imbricate Zone in Iraq is characterized by severe
folds and faults in the Palaeozoic to Cenozoic sedimentary strata,
Field work was performed in the Imbricate Zone in the area around
which well progressed in the northern portion and becomes less
Warte town (Figure 1) in order to study the general geology and struc-
developed toward the Iranian border (Fouad, 2015).
tural relations of the area to choose a suitable section for the Baluti
The studied section runs along a seasonal stream in the Warte
Formation. The Warte section has not been investigated according to
valley. The general strike of the strata takes the direction of Zagros
any previously published works and thus there are few geologic data
Fold and Thrust Belts which is NW-SE trend. The oldest rocks
related to the study area because of its remote location. The studied
exposed in the studied section are of Upper Triassic age which crop
section is located about 150 m northeast of Khwartalesh village, 3 km
F I G U R E 2 Geological map of east Erbil area includes the studied section, modified from (Sissakian & Fouad, 2014) [Colour figure can be
viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
south of Warte town, 28 km southeast of Soran city in the foot of the
were collected perpendicular to the strike of the beds. Vertical sec-
Chia Rashkan Mountain in Warte Valley. The studied section is
tions were logged at intervals along the succession, detailed sedimen-
located on the main road between Warte to Ranya city (Figure 2). The
tological data obtained including grain size, texture, sedimentary
studied formation was described and logged in detail, recording the
structure, and fossil contents.
lithology and texture, grain size, mineralogy, macrofossils, trace fossils,
A total of 19 thin sections of carbonate samples was prepared
and sedimentary structures. The main lithology in the studied
at the Geology Department, College of Science, Salahaddin
section is dolomitic limestone, marly limestone, and shale. A total of
University-Erbil. The samples were cut perpendicular to bedding
25 samples from carbonate and shale were collected (Figure 3), in
planes and stained with the Alizarin Red S solution (ARS) following
addition to several samples were taken across the overlying boundary
the procedure of Friedman (1959) for distinguishing between the
with the Sarki Formation in order to check the nature and position of
calcite and dolomite. Detailed petrographic study and microfacies
its upper boundary in detail. Unfortunately, the lower boundary of the
analysis were performed. The petrographic description was based
Baluti Formation is not revealed because of poor exposure. Samples
mainly on Dunham's (1962) limestone classification scheme using
F I G U R E 3 Columnar section of Baluti Formation in the Warte section, Imbricate Zone, Northeastern Iraqi Kurdistan region [Colour figure can
be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
the polarized microscope. Whereas, five shale and marl samples cho-
sen for XRD analysis, in order to identifying their mineralogy. In
addition, three samples of shale were chosen for scanning electron
microscope (SEM) in order to identify the clay minerals and clarify
their origin, using the apparatus Cam Scan electron optics LTD,
The total thickness of the Baluti Formation in the Warte section is
Quanta 450, England. The samples were coated with gold 15 before
34 m. The lower boundary of the formation is not exposed in the
analysis with the coating instrument. The XRD and SEM analysis are
studied section which is supposed to overlie the Late Triassic Kurra
achieved at the laboratories of the Research Center of Soran Univer-
Chine Formation, because it is exposed in Rania area southwest of the
sity, Erbil Governorate.
Warte section. Whilst based on the field investigations and
petrographic study, the upper boundary with the Early Jurassic Sarki
to grey marly limestone interbedded with bluish dark grey shale
Formation is determined as gradational and conformable (Figure 3).
(Figure 5e) followed by 3 m of thick-bedded grey dolomitic limestone
interbedded with dark grey shale (Figure 5f). The sedimentary struc-
lithostratigraphic subdivisions (units) were identified from the Baluti
ture of this unit is only horizontal (planar) lamination Unit D. It is over-
Formation in the studied section (Figure 3):
lain by thick-bedded grey dolomitic limestone of Sarki Formation
marked by changing the microfacies from lime mudstone of the Baluti
Formation to medium to coarse crystalline dolomitized limestone of
4.1.1 | Marly dolomitic limestone interbedded with
marl and shale unit (Unit A)
Sarki Formation (Figure 5f1).
This 7.5 m thick unit forms the lower part of the studied section and
Petrography and diagenesis
is overlain by brecciated marly dolomitic limestone interbedded with
shale unit (Unit B). It consists of 4 m of thin- to medium-beds of frac-
Petrographic components
tured grey marly dolomitic limestone interbedded with yellow marl
including a 0.25 m interval of thinly-bedded dark grey silicified lime-
The petrographic investigations of 19 thin sections of carbonate rocks
stone overlain by 3.5 m of thin- to medium-beds of yellow to grey
of the Baluti Formation shows that there are few allochems observed
marly dolomitic limestone interbedded with grey to yellow marl and
and most were obliterated due to severe diagenetic processes affect-
thin beds of yellow shale (Figure 4b). The main sedimentary structures
ing the rocks of the studied formation. The identified skeletal grains
in this unit are horizontal (planar) laminations and bending of carbon-
involved ostracods (Figure 6a), benthonic foraminifera (Figure 6b),
ate rocks (Figure 4c).
gastropods (Figure 6c), calcispheres (Figure 6d), bivalves (Figure 6e),
phosphatized bioclasts (Figure 6f), and other bioclasts (Figure 7a).
Non-skeletal grains are comprised of peloids (Figures 6f and 7b), intra-
4.1.2 | Brecciated marly dolomitic limestone
interbedded with shale unit (Unit B)
clasts (Figures 6f and 7b), and extraclasts, which are mainly monocrystalline quartz (Figure 7c).
Unit B thickness of 4.5 m, comprises of 1 m of medium-bedded yellow
to grey brecciated marly limestone overlain by 2 m of medium- to
Diagenetic processes
thick-bedded grey brecciated dolomitic limestone followed by 1 m of
dark grey shale and 0.5 m of medium-bedded yellow to grey brecci-
The carbonate rocks of the Baluti Formation in the Warte area have
ated marly limestone (Figure 4d).Unit B overlain by the fractured
been affected by several diagenetic processes. The earliest diagenetic
marly dolomitic limestone unit. It is characterized by calcite geodes
processes recorded in the studied thin section are micritization in the
(Figure 4e) and honeycomb sedimentary structures (Figure 5a).
form of a micritic rim (or envelope) around molluscs (Figure 7d).
Micritization is commonly formed by borer organisms such as endolithic algae or fungi (Reid & Macintyre, 2000).
4.1.3 |
(Unit C)
Fractured marly dolomitic limestone
The other diagenetic process in the Baluti carbonates is dolomitization which occurs in both early and late phases. The early dolomitization is characterized by very fine crystals which are abundant in the
The total thickness of the unit is 5 m. The lower 2 m consists of thin-
lower part of the studied section and formed before the lithification
bedded grey fractured marly limestone (Figure 5b) and upper 3 m is com-
of sediments when still in connect with Mg-rich marine water
prised of thin-bedded grey fractured dolomitic limestone (Figure 5c).
(Tucker, 1981). The late dolomitization differs from the early diage-
Sedimentary structures of this unit involve only horizontal (planar) lami-
netic dolomite by its coarser crystals, formed in the stage of post-
nation. Zoophycos brianteus trace fossils of Zoophycos ichnofacies was
lithification of sediments by the influence of Mg-rich solutions which
observed on the marly limestone beds of the unit (Figure 5d) which pre-
mostly destroyed the original texture of the rocks (Chilingar, Bissell, &
fer fine-grained siliciclastic and carbonate rocks and common on the shelf
Wolf, 1967; Tucker, 1981). According to the Randazzo and
setting in Mesozoic rocks (Knaust, 2017). The unit C is overlain by marly
Zachos (1984) classification, three dolomite textures were identified;
limestone interbedded with shale unit (Unit D).
aphanotopic and sieve mosaic in the lower part (Figure 7c,e) and
fogged mosaic in the middle and upper parts of the studied
section (Figure 7f).
4.1.4 | Marly limestone interbedded with shale
unit (Unit D)
Cementation also occurred in the carbonates of the Baluti Formation and the main types are granular cement (Figure 6a) and blocky
calcite cement (Figure 8a) reflecting a specific diagenetic environment.
This unit comprises the uppermost part of the Baluti Formation in the
Granular cement formed in the vadose zone (marine and meteoric)
studied section. It consists of 14 m of thin- to medium-bedded yellow
while blocky calcite mostly formed in meteoric (phreatic and vadose)
F I G U R E 4 Photographs showing: (a) Studied section of Baluti Formation with overlying Sarki Formation. (b) Marly dolomitic limestone
interbedded with marl and shale unit. (c) Bending (red arrows) of marly dolomitic limestone unit interbedded with marl. (d) Brecciated marly
dolomitic limestone interbedded with shale unit. (e) Calcite geodes in the brecciated marly limestone beds. Scales: hammer 30 cm; pen 14 cm
[Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
F I G U R E 5 Photographs showing: (a) Honeycomb sedimentary structure in brecciated marly limestone beds. (b) Thin-bedded grey fractured
marly limestone. (c) Thin-bedded grey fractured dolomitic limestone. (d) Zoophycos brianteus trace fossils (red arrow) on the marly limestone bed.
(e) Thin- to medium-bedded yellow to grey marly limestone interbedded with bluish dark grey shale. (f) Thick-bedded grey dolomitic limestone
(red arrow) interbedded with dark grey shale underlying dolomitic limestone beds of Sarki Formation. (f1) Microphotograph showing the medium
to coarse crystals of zoned dolomite in Sarki Formation. Scales: hammer 30 cm; pen 14 cm [Colour figure can be viewed at
F I G U R E 6 Photomicrographs of Baluti Formation in the Warte section showing: (a) Ostracod lime mudstone, Ostracode carapace filled by
granular cement (red arrow). WB24., (p).P. (b) Benthonic foraminifera (red arrow)-peloidal lime wackestone, the benthonic foraminifera broken by
fractures and affected by neomorphism. WB1, P.P. (c) Gastropod (red arrow) lime wackestone affected by neomorphism. WB1., P.P. (d) Calcisphere
(red arrows)- peloidal (black arrows) lime wackestone submicrofacies. WB.4., P.P. (e) Intraclastic (red arrow)- bivalve (black arrows)- peloidal lime
packstone. WB.10., X.N. (f) Phosphatic bioclast lime mudstone, the clast is supposed to be the destroyed part of a conodont (red arrow). WB19.,
P.P. WB: Warte-Baluti, P.P: plane-polarized light. A.S: alizarin stained: X.N: crossed-nicols [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
F I G U R E 7 Photomicrographs of Baluti Formation in the Warte section showing: (a) Bioclastic packstone subjected to neomorphism and
affected by fracturing (red arrow). WB17., P.P (b) Intraclastic (red arrow)-peloidal lime packstone.WB1., P.P. (c) Early stage dolomitization
composed of very fine dolomite crystals forming aphanotopic fabric with some fine grains of monocrystalline quartz. Dolomitized lime mudstone
microfacies. B6., X.N. (d) Brecciated intraclasts (red arrow)- molluscs had micrite envelops (black arrow) and subjected to dissolution (white arrow)
dolomitized lime wackestone. WB9, X.N. (e) Sieve mosaic composed of coarse euhedral dolomite rhombs, with high intercrystalline porosity filled
by granular calcite cement (red arrows). WB9., P.P., A.S. (f) Fogged mosaic dolomite with cloudy center and clear rims (red arrows). WB23., X.N
[Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
F I G U R E 8 Photomicrographs of Baluti Formation in the Warte section showing: (a) Blocky calcite cement filled the vein (red arrow) in
microspar groundmass subjected to solution (yellow arrow)., WB24. X.N. (b) Fractures filled by blocky calcite cement (red arrow). WB10.,
X.N. (c) Benthonic foraminifera (red arrow) lime mudstone influenced by fracturing (black arrow). WB23. X.N. (d) Peloidal lime packstone affected
by stylolitization (red arrow). WB11. P.P. (e) Peloidal-bioclast lime packstone include framboidal pyrites (white arrow). WB10., P.P. (f) Authigenic
minerals evaporites (red arrows). WB5. X.N [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
and burial environments (Flügel, 2010). Compaction in both mechani-
and on the surface of the detrital grains (Figure 10a–d). Dolomite also
cal and chemical types was observed in the studied section. The
is of authigenic origin from calcite during meteoric diagenesis of the
mechanical compaction indicators are fractures that ordinarily are
Baluti rocks in the studied section and this is indicated by euhedral
filled by sparry calcite cement (Figure 8b,c), breaking of grains
carbonate grains of the shales of the studied section (Figure 10b). The
(Figure 6b) and deformation of allochems (Figure 6f). Chemical com-
high concentration of selenium mineral within the dark grey shale in
paction is exhibited by stylolitization which mainly is sutured seam
the lower part of the studied section (Figure 9a) is supposed to have
stylolite, irregular type with peaks of low amplitude type (Figure 8d).
come from magmatic intrusions, especially where it is found with sul-
Solution process have highly influenced the groundmass
fides (pyrites) (Stillings, 2017). Apatite which occurred in the middle
(Figure 8a) and most types of fossil shells of the Baluti Formation
part of the Baluti shale (Figure 9b) has a cauliflower-like aggregate
(Figure 7d) which is supposed to be the result of dissolution of meta-
nature (Figure 10d), which proves that it formed by bacteria from
stable minerals such as high-Mg calcite and aragonite and fresh water
direct precipitation from solutions (Lucas & Prevot-Lucas, 1997).
has been more efficient than marine water in this diagenesis (Asaad &
The occurrence of detrital quartz (Figure 10e,f) with feldspar
Balaky, 2020). Authigenic minerals (pyrite) also had a good imprint on
(Figure 9a,b) in studied samples of the Baluti carbonates indicate that
the studied rocks of the Baluti Formation and the most common type
they were transported from an area near to the depositional basin of
is framboidal pyrite (Figure 8e) which occurred in the lower and upper
the formation because they have a lower mechanical stability than
parts of the studied section. Whereas, evaporites are observed in the
quartz (Morad, 2003).
lower part of the studied formation (Figure 8f). The other diagenetic
process is neomorphism (Figure 6b) affected in variable percentage on
the Baluti carbonates in the studied section.
Microfacies analysis
Three main microfacies types were recognized in the carbonate rocks
of the Baluti Formation in the Warte section based on the classification of Dunham (1962), which is based mainly on the original texture
The results of the XRD analysis are shown in Figure 9. Based on the
of carbonate rocks. Each microfacies was later subdivided into several
X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis for selected shale and marl samples,
submicrofacies according to the significant fossils' types (Table 2).
the main constituents are dolomite, feldspar, calcite, quartz, apatite,
and selenium (Figure 9a,b). While, clay minerals are represented by
illite only. The majority of illite is of authigenic origin in the studied
Lime mudstone microfacies
section and this is indicated by morphology of illite seen in SEM
microphotographs which involves: illite rim cements (pore lining illite
This facies is characterized by a mud-supported fabric consisting of
fibres), which occur mainly in intergranular pores around the grains
more than 90% lime mud while the rest is composed of allochems
F I G U R E 9 X-ray diffractograms of the bulk clay samples of the Baluti Formation from the Warte section, Imbricated Zone. (a) WB3.
(b) WB12 [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
F I G U R E 1 0 Scanning electron microphotographs (SEM) showing: (a) anhedral carbonate grains (red arrows), diagenetic illite (black arrow). WB12.
(b) Well-developed euhedral, authigenic pyrite crystal (yellow arrow), euhedral dolomite rhombs (black arrows), white diagenetic illites (red arrow).
WB25. (c) Branched and rod-like cyanobacteria fossils (red arrow), illite (black arrows). WB25. (d) Diagenetic illite (red arrow), cauliflower-like forms
made by apatite (yellow arrow). WB25. (e) Detrital quartz grain (red arrow). WB12. (f) Bladed fragment of the cyanobacteria composed of mineralized
filaments (Red arrow), organic matter filling pores (white arrow), detrital quartz grain (Q). WB12 [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
Microfacies subdivisions of Baluti Formation in the Warte section
Main microfacies
Dunham (1962)
Subdivision of
Dunham (1962)
Lime Mudstone
Dolomitized lime
Lime Wackestone
Lime Packstone
Flügel (1982)
Environment of
It characterized by fine crystals of dolomite
distributed on the micritic groundmass of the
submicrofacies with rare grains of fine
monocrystalline quartz. It commonly occurs in
the lower part of studied section.
Subtidal (lagoon)
Benthonic foraminiferal
lime mudstone
Benthonic forams in micritic matrix,
characterized by fracturing which filled by
granular cement. Commonly exist in the upper
part of the formation.
Subtidal (lagoon)
Phosbioclast lime
Bioclasts of different phosphatized walled
bioclast is the main skeletal grain in micritic
matrix subjected to severe neomorphism. It
occurred in the upper part of the studied
Subtidal (lagoon)
Ostracod lime mudstone
Ostracods filled by granular calcite cement,
observed in the micritic matrix which faced to
Shelf lagoon with
Gastropoda lime
Microgastropda is the main skeletal grain among
bioclasts and and calcispheres in micritic
matrix. It characterized by neomorphism and
observed in the lower part of studied section.
Shelf lagoon with
Benthonic foraminiferalpeloidal lime
Benthonic forams with peloids and bioclasts in
micriitc matrix which affected by severe
neomorphism and fracturing and found in the
lower portion of the studied formation.
Shelf lagoon with
Brecciated intraclast
-molluscs dolomitized
lime wackestone
This subdivision characterized by macro and
micro breccia having both molluscs and
intraclasts grains in dolomitized micritic
matrix. Late dolomitization and dissolution are
the main diagenetic criteria and occurred in
the lower part of studied section.
Shelf lagoon with
Calcisphere-peloidal lime
Calcispheres and peloids are observed in the
micritic matrix. Peloid non-skeletal grains also
found in this microfacies. It common in the
lower part of the Baluti carbonate.
Shallow lagoon with
open circulation
Bioclastic lime packstone
It includes unidentified bioclasts affected by
neomorphism and fracturing and found in the
middle part of studied section.
Shallow lagoon with
open circulation
Peloidal-bioclast lime
It characterized by common peloidal grains with
bioclasts and subjected to neomorphism and
pyritization. It is present in the middle part of
the studied section.
Shelf lagoon with
Intraclast-peloidal lime
Main allochems involves intraclasts and peloids
which affected by dissolution. It is observed in
the lower part of the studied formation.
Shelf lagoon with
Peloidal lime packstone
Peloids grains in spary calcite matrix
characterized by stylolitization are common in
middle part of the formation.
Shelf lagoon with open
Intraclast -bivalve peloidal lime packstone
It observed in the middle part of the studied
section and include more than 90% of grains
which are mainly intraclasts, peloids, bivalves
with rare monocrystalline quartz.
Shelf lagoon with open
Diagnostic features
(Dunham, 1962). It is a common microfacies and found in the lower
(Figure 9a), phosphatised bioclast lime mudstone (Figure 9b), and
and upper parts of the studied section. It includes dolomitized lime
ostracod lime mudstone submicrofacies (Figure 9c). The main diage-
mudstone (Figure 6a), benthonic foraminiferal lime mudstone
netic processes observed in this facies are dolomitization in addition
to cementation and neomorphism. It is equivalent to the standard
bearing lime mudstone, overlain by 3 m of thick-bedded grey dolo-
microfacies SMF 8,14 and 19 of Flügel (1982) and facies zone FZ
mitic limestone within lime mudstone microfacies. The association is
7 and 8 of Wilson (1975).
also characterized by bearing authigenic mineral (pyrite) in the lower
and upper parts of studied section.
Lime wackestone microfacies
This microfacies is the second commonest microfacies of the Baluti
carbonates in the studied section. It is observed in the lower part of
The Baluti Formation was deposited in a shallow marine lagoonal envi-
the section. It has a texture composed of grains ranging between
ronment in the Late Triassic, corresponding to the second stage of the
10 and 50% in a mud-supported matrix (Dunham, 1962). It includes
opening of the Neo-Tethys Ocean, when further extensions formed
gastropod lime wackestone (Figure 9d), benthonic foraminiferal-
around the northern and eastern margins of the Arabian Plate
peloidal lime wackestone (Figure 9e), brecciated-intraclast-mollusc
(Sadooni & Al-Sharhan, 2004). In the Warte area, the dominance of
dolomitized lime wackestone (Figure 9f), and calcisphere-peloidal lime
mudstone microfacies within the Baluti Formation infers that sea
wackestone submicrofacies (Figure 10a). Cementation, dissolution,
bottom was stagnant and calm enough for lime mud to accumulate.
fracturing, and neomorphism are the main diagenetic processes
Dolomitized lime mudstone indicates a restricted platform environment
affected this microfacies. This facies corresponds to the standard
(Al-Hammdani, Al-Naqib, & Al-Youzbaki, 2005). The laminated grey
microfacies SMF 8, 9 and 14 of Flügel (1982) and facies zone FZ 7 of
shale of the Baluti Formation may refer to very slow motion of water
Wilson (1975).
and are often occurred in lagoonal deposits (Blatt & Tracy, 1996). The
occurrence of benthic foraminifera within the micritic-supported microfacies refers to a shallow water environment (Balaky, Abdula, &
Lime packstone microfacies
Perot, 2016; Bismuth & Bonnefous, 1981). Peloid, bioclast, and intraclast wackestone and packstone microfacies are common in the
This microfacies is composed of more than 60% grains leaving minor
lagoonal environment (Wadood, Khan, Li, Ahmad, & Jiao, 2021).
micrite between grain-supported limestones (Dunham, 1962). It is
Calcispheres can occur in both shallow warm and deep waters
widespread in the lower and middle parts of the studied formation.
(Masters & Scott, 1978). The association of calcispheres, ostracods, and
The petrographic investigation of this facies led to identifying the
gastropods with benthonic foraminifers indicates a lagoonal shallow
bioclast lime packstone, peloidal-bioclast lime packstone, intraclast-
marine environment (Asaad & Balaky, 2018). Phosphatised bioclast lime
peloidal lime packstone, peloidal lime packstone, and intraclast-
mudstone which forms from the remains of phosphate fossils such as
bivalve-peloidal lime packstone submicrofacies. The significant
teeth, bones, and conodonts occurs in the upper part of the studied
diagenetic processes affected upon this microfacies are neomorphism,
section and is characteristic of lag deposits that originating during
pyritization, fracturing and stylolitization. It corresponds to the stan-
periods of reduced sedimentation or non-deposition in a depositional
dard microfacies SMF 8, 9 and 18 of Flügel (1982) and facies zone FZ
regime (Flügel, 2010). Zoophycos ichnofacies refers to a very shallow
7 of Wilson (1975).
lagoonal, quiet water environment of the Baluti Formation in the studied section. This is indicated by the low diversity of skeletal grains inferring stressful conditions related to significant salinity variations and/or
Facies association
a restricted setting of the basin (Giannetti, Tent-Manclús, & BaezaCarratalá, 2017), confirmed by the presence of evaporites recognized in
The recognized microfacies of Baluti carbonates in the Warte
thin sections from the formation. On the other hand, cyanobacteria
section can be grouped according to their environmental interpreta-
which is present in the shale of the upper part of the Baluti Formation
tion into a subtidal (semi-restricted lagoon) facies association.
are phototrophic bacteria that can grew in different aquatic environ-
This facies association is equivalent to facies zone 7 and 8 of Wil-
ments, both marine and fresh waters, and tolerate a wide range of
son (1975). It is present in the whole succession of the Baluti Forma-
water temperature, pH, redox potential, and salinity (Al-Bassam &
tion in the studied section. The lower part consists mainly of 12 m of
Halodová, 2018) in association with the above-mentioned criteria that
yellow to grey marly dolomitic limestone partially brecciated within
may indicate a shallow marine environment for the Baluti Formation.
lime mudstone, wackestone, and packstone microfacies interbedded
The common existence of authigenic pyrite in the lower and upper
with grey to yellow marl and thin beds of yellow and grey shale char-
parts of the Baluti carbonates indicates a restricted-lagoonal condition
acterized by calcite geodes and honeycomb sedimentary structures.
(Asaad & Balaky, 2018; Kauffman & Sageman, 1990). Calcite geodes
The middle part comprises 5 m of thin-bedded grey fractured marly
which are observed in the lower part of the studied section are thought
dolomitic limestone within lime mudstone to wackestone microfacies
to have formed in cavities by evaporate dissolution, which developed
bearing Zoophycos brianteus trace fossils of Zoophycos ichnofacies.
during periodic hypersaline conditions in the shallow restricted lagoon
The upper part consists of 14 m of grey and blue shale interbedded
environment (Flügel, 2010) and confirmed by the presence of remnant
with thin- to medium-bedded yellow to grey of marly limestone
authigenic evaporites in thin sections.
F I G U R E 1 1 The depositional model
of the Baluti Formation at Warte
section and other localities in Iraqi
Kurdistan Region. (Galley Derash and
Sararu sections after Asaad and
Omer (2020) and Bakerman, Bekhme,
Bjeel, and Gulak wells after Csató
et al. (2014)) [Colour figure can be viewed
at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
Summarizing all the petrographic, facies, and textural analyses, it
consisting of clay and siltstone with little carbonate deposited in a flu-
is concluded that the Baluti Formation at the Warte section was
vial and lagoonal environment (Yousef, Al-Kadi, & Morozov, 2016)
deposited in a shallow marine environment, subtidal (lagoon) with
and marked the beginning of a regional transgression that continued
semi-restricted conditions, as depicted in the proposed model for the
through to the Early Jurassic (Brew, Barazangi, Al-Maleh, &
inferred palaeoenvironmental conditions of the Baluti Formation in
Sawaf, 2001).
Northeastern Kurdistan region of Iraq (Figure 11).
The depositional environment of the Baluti Formation in the
Warte section is relatively shallower compared to other localities
toward the west of the Iraqi Kurdistan region, for example, at Galley
Derash in the High Folded Zone and Sararu area in the Northern
1. Four different lithostratigraphic units were identified from the
Thrust Zone, which were deposited in a shallow marine environment
Baluti Formation in the Warte section based on field observation
and petrographic study, which are, in ascending order: unit
Omer, 2020). The stressed shallow water environment of the Baluti
A—Marly dolomitic limestone interbedded with marl and shale, unit
Formation in the studied section is indicated by the absence of ooids,
B—Brecciated marly dolomitic limestone interbedded with shale,
coated grains, dasycladacean green algae, red algae, ammonoids, and
unit C—Fractured marly dolomitic limestone unit, and unit
ripple marks, which were observed in both the Galley Derash and
Sararu sections (Asaad & Omer, 2020).Whereas, in Bakirman-1, Bjeel-
D—Marly limestone interbedded with shale.
2. Petrographically,
1,2,3,7, Bekhma-1, and Gulak-1 wells toward the southwest of Warte
section comprise of a variety of shallow water skeletal fauna
area, it was deposited in a tidal flat, lagoonal, and evaporitic environ-
including ostracods, calcispheres, benthonic foraminifers, gastro-
ment, which formed from dolomite and dolomitic, silicified and oolitic
pods, bivalves, phosphatised bioclasts, and bioclasts. While non-
limestones with green shales and anhydrite replacements (Csató
skeletal grains include peloids, intraclasts, and extraclasts. The
et al., 2014) that refers to a shallower and more restricted setting than
dominant groundmass in the studied section is micrite. The main
the Warte area. Regional correlation of the Baluti Formation with sur-
non-clay minerals in the shales and marls of the Baluti Formation
rounding areas shows that the Late Triassic Dashtak Formation which
are dolomite and the clay mineral is illite.
is mainly comprised of shallow water carbonate–evaporite sediments
3. The carbonate rocks of Baluti Formation were subjected to differ-
consisting of dolomite, evaporite, and shale rare in fossil content was
ent diagenetic processes such as micritization, dolomitization,
deposited in a supratidal and tidal flat to lagoonal environment within
cementation, compaction, solution, pyritization, neomorphism, and
the Neo-Tethys Ocean in the eastern Zagros Fault and Thrust belt in
Iran (Rahmani, Khoshnoodkia, Mohseni, & Hajian, 2018). It differs
4. Following Dunham's (1962) classification, and detailed microscopic
from the Baluti Formation in the Warte Section by containing multiple
investigation, three main microfacies were identified in the Baluti
evaporate intervals which were thought to have been deposited dur-
carbonates in the studied section, which are grouped into one
basic type of facies association relating to their environmental
et al., 2018). While in southeastern Turkey, the Çanakli Formation
interpretation of a subtidal-semi-restricted lagoon.
which forms the base of Cudi Group is mainly comprised of dolomite
(Fortuny et al., 2015), which was deposited in a lagoonal shallow
marine carbonate environment during the Late Triassic age
The authors would like to extend their appreciations to the Geology
(Ziegler, 2001). In northwestern Syria the Mulussa-F (Serjelu) Forma-
Department of Salahaddin University-Erbil for their help in preparing
tion is relatively dissimilar in facies than Baluti Formation by
thin sections and also the Research Center of Soran University is
appreciated for their help in XRD and SEM analyses. The gratitude to
Prof. Dr. Faraj Tobia from Geology Department Salahaddin
University-Erbil, for his helping in interpretation of XRD results.
Thanks to Mr. Bzhar A. Manaf, geologist from Petroleum Geoscience
Department in Soran University, for his help during the field work.
Mr. Peyman Aspoukeh, assistant lecturer of particle physics in Scientific Research Center of Soran University, is also thanked for his laboratory help. Mr. Waad Sh. Asaad and Mr. Miran K. Abduljalil are
thanked for computer facilities.
The peer review history for this article is available at https://publons.
The author elects to not share data.
Irfan Sh. Asaad
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How to cite this article: Asaad IS, Balaky SM, Hasan GF,
Aswad MK. Sedimentology of the Baluti Formation (Late
Triassic) in the Warte area, northeastern Iraqi Kurdistan
region. Geological Journal. 2021;1–18. https://doi.org/10.