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Bear Oliver Casting Call

Hi folks,
If you're reading this, it's probably because you've decided to audition for the role of Bear or Oliver in Sodor the
Modern Years.
Below are some demo scenes, for each character. In order to audition, please record the lines for the character you’d
like to audition for and email them to me in MP3 or WAV format. My email is wildnorwester@gmail.com.
I'll be closing this round of auditions at midnight on Sunday 24/July/2022, GMT.
I use a bit of shorthand in my scripts, as follows:
 N: is the narrator.
 TFC: is the Fat Controller
 Square brackets denote filming directions
Bear Script:
Bear [puzzled]: Is that all there is today?
Edward: I’m afraid so. The train from the quarry hasn’t arrived yet.
Bear [annoyed]: Shouldn’t it be here by now? It’s not like Boco or Sheffield to be late.
Edward: It’s not either of them. There’s a new engine working on our line.
Bear: Still settling in, is he? I understand.
Oliver Script:
Toad [worried]: Do you think we'll be here long, Mr Oliver?
Oliver [worried]: I don't know.
N: As the sun rose, Oliver couldn't help thinking about that question. Whether or not today would be the day he would
be subjected to the scrapper's torch. It wasn't pleasant. Jibes from the passing diesels didn't help, either. It was the
longest day he'd known. Eventually night fell, and his crew emerged from Isabel.
[Sound effect - Douglas' Whistle.]
Oliver [hopeful]: Did you hear that?
Toad [hopeful]: Indeed, Mr Oliver.
Oliver: Who do you think that is?
Oliver's Driver: One of Sir Topham's engines?
Oliver: Could be, we're close enough.
[Douglas arrives. Shot of him passing from Oliver's PoV.]
Douglas: Let's not hang about. Ye know this place makes my wheels wobble.
Oliver [whispering]: Excuse me.
[Douglas looks around, surprised. He spots Oliver.]
Oliver: I'm Oliver, this is my autocoach Isabel, and my breakvan Toad. Are you one of Sir Topham Hatt's engines?
Douglas: Aye, and proud of it. What are you doing here?
Oliver [hopeful]: Escaping.