Mo tivatio n to wo rk Study this set o nline at: m/flashcards/mo tivatio n-to -wo rk1338 0 9 58 M asl ow's hi erarchi es of needs? Psychol ogi cal needs, Saf ety N eeds, Bel ongi ng and l ove needs, E steem needs, Cogni ti ve needs, Aestheti c needs, Sel f Actual i z ati on, T ransendence Al derf er's E RG T heory E xi stence needs, Rel ated N eeds, Growth N eeds Achi evement M oti vati on, M cCl el l and N eed f or af f i l i ati on, N eed f or power, N eed f or achi evement (T AT ) H ow to test i t? 4CF - Cl ai ruty, Chal l enge, Compl exi ty, Commi tment, F eedback SM ART - speci f i c, measurabl e, attai nabl e, Goal Setti ng theory, Latham and Locke rel avant, ti me-bound Backward Goal setti ng expectancy*i nstrumental i ty*val ence=moti vati on VI E T heory, Vroom Cost-benef i t anal ysi s Percei ved/Actual i nputs and outputs l ead to Percei ved/ Actual I nputs and E qui ty T heory, Adams outputs l eads to ei ther underpayment or overpayment moti vati on f rom the actual perf ormance of the task (not consequences) I ntri nsi c and extri nsi c moti vators moti vati on f rom consequences of the task eg money, promoti on, andbonuses. Pay, Bonuses, Prof i t Shari ng, and perf ormance rel ated pay Reward Systems studi es by de Waal and Jansen and i n the UK Mo tivatio n to wo rk Study this set o nline at: m/flashcards/mo tivatio n-to -wo rk1338 0 9 58 prai se, respect, recogni ti on, empowerment and a sense of bel ongi ng. N on monetory rewards study by Rose