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FANUC Robot Programming Lab Report

EGR 371 Robotics and Automation
Name of Course: EGR 371 Robotics and Automation
Title of Lab Assignment: Lab 4
Name of Reporter: Martha Baldwin
Date of the Lab: April 4, 2021
Martha Baldwin
EGR 371 Robotics and Automation
Martha Baldwin
Problem Statement:
The task of the laboratory was to program the FANUC robot with Motion Instructions of the
FANUC robot Teach Pendant (TP) programming language.
Required Lab Objectives:
The following objectives were completed within the lab:
1. Create a FANUC Robot TP program
2. Program the FANUC Robot with TP Motion Instructions for performing different robot
tasks, which includes the following:
1) Describe a robot task
2) Specify the required robot points P[n] for n= 1, 2, …., m for the robot task
3) Apply Joint Motion Type for the Motion Instructions
4) Apply Linear Motion Type for the Motion Instructions
5) Apply Circular Motion Type in the Motion Instructions
6) Apply the Motion Termination Type in the Motion Instructions
7) Apply correct TCP frame speed in the Motion Instructions
3. Teach Robot points P[n] in the Motion Instructions
Significance of Lab:
Objective 1 allows users to learn how to write their own TP program. Without this
knowledge, users cannot define their own programs to run the robot automatically. This can be
done using TP motion instructions.
Objective 2.1 introduces users to the concept of robot tasks and how to name them. These
tasks are to be performed by the robot and conducted through a program.
Objective 2.2 showed users how to write robot points P[n] within the TP Motion
Instructions. If done incorrectly, the code will not execute as desired.
Objective 2.3 was important for introducing users to the various types of motion instructions that
can be applied, specifically the Joint Motion Type. This motion type requires that all the robot
joints start and end at the same time.
Objective 2.4 allows users to learn how to use the linear motion type, which moves the
robot from one point to another along a single vector.
Objective 2.5 allows users to learn how to move in an arc between two points.
Objective 2.6 is crucial for users to indicate how the motion of the robot should end.
This way users can determine in what manner the actions of the robot should cease, the two types
being Fine and Continuous.
EGR 371 Robotics and Automation
Martha Baldwin
Objective 2.7 must be learned in order for users to understand how they can change the
speed of the robot as it moves.
Objective 3 was to show users how to teach the robot points to be used within the robot
TP program. Without these points, the robot does not have a reference for the space it is to
perform the task within.
Objective 4 was significant, as it would allow users to learn to test their program in the
Step Mode followed by the Continuous Mode. Knowing the differences between the two modes
is crucial for safely operating the robot.
Required Procedures: (Explain the given procedures for the lab, do NOT copy,
however, you can attach images, equations, and code provided in the assignment)
Understand the tasks that the robots are to perform. This consisted of Robot Tasks 1 and
2. Where Robot Task 1 consisted of the robot tip moving in a circle around a theoretical
part. Robot Task 2 required the robot tip to move in a figure-eight around a part.
Knowing the shapes to be made, the user must then define the robot points P[n] on the
workpiece. Where workpiece-1 would be used for Robot Task 1, and workpiece-2 would
be used for Robot Task 2.
Once the robot points were established, the UF[h] and UT[k] frames must be activated. In
this case, UT[1] and UF[1] would be used, once their data was cleared. The systems
could be selected by pressing [SHIFT] and [COORD] simultaneously, then select 1 for
UT and 1 for UF.
To create a FANUC Robot TP Program, press [SELECT] on the TP, then [F1] for
“TYPE”, then select “option 2” (TP Program) and [ENTER]. Select “CREATE” with
[F2], then select “option 2” (Upper Case) and use the keys to type the name. Press
[ENTER] after typing the program name, then [EDIT] with [F3]. Press “POINT” with
[F1] to list the possible default Motion Instructions. Add the necessary functions to have
the robot complete the first task.
Teach the Robot Points P[n] to the robot to be used within the TP Program. To do this,
press the [STEP] key to activate Step Mode. Test-run the robot program such that is goes
to point P[1], then jog the robot to the desired P[1] position. Press [SHIFT] and [F5]
(Touchup) simultaneously to record the point. Repeat this for the remaining points
needed to complete the program.
Finally, the program created can be tested, beginning with the Step-Mode. Once Step
Mode is activated, the user should highlight the cursor on the first line of the program,
then press and hold [SHIFT]. While holding, press [FWD] to progress to code from one
line to the next. Alternatively, the code can be run consecutively using the Continuous
Mode. Where the [FWD] key is used to run each line of code sequentially.
EGR 371 Robotics and Automation
Martha Baldwin
Required Results:
1. The tested robot program of task 1 was:
Figure 1: TP Program for Task 1
1) This function instructs the robot to move to the perch point 1, at 40% of the
coordinated speed and stop at the designated point accurately.
2) This function moves the robot to point 2 in 1 second and stop at the point accurately.
3) This function creates a circular path between points 2 ,3 and 4, travelling at 250
mm/sec before passing through point 4 at a minimum of 50% speed.
4) This function creates a circular path between points 4 ,5 and 2, travelling at 250
mm/sec before ending at point 2.
2. The program of task 1 was accurate and repeatable for the purposes of the lab.
3. The continuous termination type is to be used when the robot has a taught point that it
must move through but does not need to pause at before continuing the next function.
4. The tested robot program of task 2 was:
Figure 2: TP Program for Task 2
EGR 371 Robotics and Automation
Martha Baldwin
1) Move the robot using a Joint Motion function to position 1(the home position),
pausing accurately at 40%.
2) Perform a circular motion from position 2 to position 3 at a speed of 250 mm/sec but
passing the point continuously at a minimum speed of 50%.
3) Moves from point 3 to point 6 using a Joint Motion function, however, this could also
be done using a Linear Motion function. This motion is done at 40% of the
coordinated speed and passes through point 6 continuously at a minimum of 50% of
the speed.
4) This function creates a circular path between points 6 ,5 and 4, travelling at 250
mm/sec before passing through point 4 at a minimum of 50% speed.
5) Move the robot using a Joint Motion function to position 1(the home position), only
ending at 40% of the coordinated speed.
5. The robot was able to accurately and repeatably perform the task. However, the task
should have been done with the Linear Motion function to avoid any precision issues.
Required Result Analysis Questions:
1. The Joint Motion function approaches a point such that each of joints stop at the same
time. Whereas the Circular Motion function creates an arc between two points, and the
motors may not be moving simultaneously.
2. The joints are coordinated using the time required for the largest joint motion. Using that
time, the speeds necessary for the remaining joints can be calculated.
3. The Fine Motion type will accurately stop at a point before continuing to the next
function. Whereas the CNT motion termination will pass through a point and its accuracy
decreases as the speed approaches 100%.
VII. Conclusions of Required Lab Objectives:
1. A TP Program was created for two separate tasks, a circular pattern and a figure-eight
2. Robot Tasks:
1) The team was able to understand the purpose of a robot task and name each robot
2) The robot points were specified based on the requirements of the lab.
3) The Joint Motion function was used for each of the programs created.
4) The Linear Motion function could have been used, but it was not necessary for any of
the programs created.
5) The Circular Motion function was used for all of the programs and was able to be
effectively used for the second task.
6) The Motion Termination Type varied on the requirements of the lab, but the users
were able to learn the differences between the continuous and fine termination types.
EGR 371 Robotics and Automation
Martha Baldwin
7) The frame speed can be changed both for the termination type and for the overall
frame speed.
3. The Robot Points P[n] were taught for each of the programs written.
4. The program was run using the Step Mode and the Continuous Mode. Where the Step
Mode was used to teach the Robot Points P[n].