JAN 6 - 10:00 AM Anna Garcia's death is reported JAN 6 The morning of her death, Eric Piedmont had tried to text her and apologize for getting mad at her during lunch from the day before. JAN 5 The last thing she posted before her death was 14 hours ago, she was working in the lab. JAN 5 The day before her death, she had taken migraine medication for the bruise on her face. JAN 5 The day before her death, she played soccer with Sam Greene and got a huge bump/ bruise on her face. JAN 4 2 days before Anna Garcia's death, she talked to Dominique Hall, she congratulated Anna on getting the scholarship, but she seemed a little jealous. The next day they met up and worked/ studied together in the lab. JAN 4 About 2 days before her death, 42 hours before, she met up with Taylor Diaz and Eric Piedmont. JAN 4 2 days before Anna Garcia's death, she had planned to meet with her professor, Dr. Elise Opal, the following day at 10:00 AM. JAN 3 3 days before her death, Anna Garcia was seen in the lab with Taylor Diaz and Eric piedmont. We were able to tell from her social media that she spent a lot of time in the lab. JAN 1 5 days before Anna Garcia's case was reported, she had received news that she had been selected to earn a scholarship that both she and Domonique Hall wanted.