Principles of Biomedical Sciences (PBS)

Principles of Biomedical Sciences
First Year of the PLTW program
Anna Garcia
 Students are given a fictional character to work with and
solve the medical mystery
 Students are given a full crime scene with a body,
fingerprints, footprints, hair, spilled medications, etc.
 From there students have to gather clues to determine how
Anna Garcia died
Blood Splatter Unit
 Students dropped “blood” from various heights to determine
the blood splatter pattern if it was dropped from a victim at a
crime scene
Hair Analysis Unit
 A piece of hair was found in the crime scene of Anna Garcia
 Students looked at hair under a microscope to learn the
differences of peoples hair when looked at up close
 We then determined who the hair belonged to
Finger Print Unit
 A finger print was also found on the crime scene
 Students took each others fingerprints
 From there we learned the various points of identification in
a fingerprint
 The class learned all about diabetes when students learned
that their victim, Anna Garcia, had diabetes
 Students learned that there are two types of diabetes, type
one and type two
 We learned that Anna Garcia had type one
Type One
Type Two
 Anna Garcia also has sickle cell anemia
 As a class we learned all about sickle cell, prognosis,
treatment, etc.
 We also learned how to identify a normal red blood cell
verses a sickle cell
 Anna Garcia was over weight and had many heart problems
 We learned about the anatomy of the heart
 We also learned about pacemakers
Heart Disease
 We also learned about various heart disease
 Causes and prevention
 Diagnosis and treatment