F&D CONCEPT STATEMENT TEMPLATE User Guide (1/3) What is an F&D concept statement? An outline of restaurant and bar concepts to explain − The relevance and contribution to the brand − What the operation will look like − How it will be positioned − What are the selling points or points of difference − Who is the target market − How it will be perceived − How much it will cost − What the financial performance is likely to be Who is the concept statement for? − − − − The Owner or Developer – to allow them to assess whether it is the right direction for a particular business The Area Operations team – to allow them to assess whether it is the right direction for a particular business The Interior Designer or Architect – to give them the direction to apply a design or scale an existing design in the space required The Hotel Operations team – to allow them to interpret the concept operationally, to develop locallyspecific standard operating procedures and to act as a point of reference for any future operational changes 1 F&D CONCEPT STATEMENT TEMPLATE User Guide (2/3) When should it be done? − − Before the design phase of a new hotel or renovation starts Ideally before an IMA is signed Who should prepare it? − − − Area Operations Team for new hotels CSO F&D where the Area Operations team request specific support Hotel GM for renovations with CSO F&D support if required Why should you use this template? − − It provides a ‘common language’ format to communicate with our stakeholders It makes life easier! 2 F&D CONCEPT STATEMENT TEMPLATE User Guide (3/3) How do I use the template? 1. Amend Brand Positioning by brand (slide 9) by deleting the paragraph which is not applicable (Park Inn by Radisson or Radisson Blu) 2. Start from Market Overview (slide 12) 3. Complete the information using the format determined – do not change the font type, Arial and try to stick to 2 font sizes, one for the headings and one for the text 4. The blue text provides more detailed information of what is required – delete these instructions before finalising the document 5. Use photos where suggested – this will help the reader visualise the concept’s direction 6. Create additional slides for multiple-outlet operations 7. Delete User Guide slides (slides 1-3) 8. Delete slide 15 or 16 as appropriate 9. Delete M&E slides not relevant to brand ( Experience Meetings / Smart Meetings) 10. Save as ppt and compress pictures 11. Save as pdf for distribution 3 4 CONCEPT STATEMENT Hotel Name Presentation Date Insert suitable visual relevant to the business for the background of this slide 5 CONTENTS F&D Positioning Market Overview Hotel Overview Our Competitors F&D Recommendations 6 POSITIONING THE ESSENCE We want to be seen as the leader in our market segments in the way we serve food and drink and in what we serve. For our core brands – Radisson Blu and Park Inn by Radisson – we want to be known for doing simple things well and doing them properly. The food and drink we serve is like the people who serve it: easy on the eye, long on flavour and texture, getting a big grin for all the right reasons and prompting you to buy more. Our people know it’s a business but, equally, they understand the best way to make money is to be nice to people and to deliver great food and drink with consistency. We’re not ashamed of the fact that all of the above is about delivering profit, nothing more than that. 8 WHAT IT MEANS For Radisson Blu Our food is refined, but not fine, dining, but definitely fresh, seasonal and sustainable. We specialise in being different with the food and drink we serve and we are forever looking for new ideas and ways to serve it. Food & Drink at Radisson Blu reflects the brand pillars: Iconic Stylish Sophisticated For Park Inn by Radisson It may be Blu’s little brother but it exudes confidence with colour in what it does for food and drink. We are not ‘up ourselves’ but we so do food properly and with consistency. We’re unashamed about our use of convenience food because every dish that appears on our menus has been developed by our team of highly-skilled Chefs to roll out across the estate where it makes sense. It is beautifully cooked and presented using the latest kitchen developments aimed at keeping labour costs low. Food & Drink at Park Inn by Radisson reflects the brand pillars: Choice Community Connection 9 QUITE SIMPLY, WE OFFER • Compelling restaurant & bar concepts aimed at the now drawing on our design heritage • Thought-provoking Meetings & Event Concepts that offer something really tangible • Food & Drink that embraces our strong Responsible Business heritage: healthy, seasonal, ethical and environmentally considerate 10 MARKET OVERVIEW THE MARKET Key Points Facts Population Key industries GNI per capita / (ranking) Macro-economic summary Micro-economic summary Refer to the hotel management paper to complete the listed items 12 HOTEL OVERVIEW HOTEL OVERVIEW Hotel Name Key selling points No. of rooms Guest segmentation F&D outlets M&E facilities M&E demand generators Restaurant & bar target market F&D demand generators Hotel competitor set F&D competitor set Refer to hotel management paper to complete the listed items 14 4-WALL CONCEPT BUILDING – RADISSON BLU • organic palettes • spatial zoning • ‘cosseted’ seating • artistic • lighting washes and glows • ‘layered’ locality • seasonal low lighting come nightfall • ethical • thought-provoking • experience-shaping • SERVICE & EXPERIENCE FOOD & DRINK DESIGN • referenced through concept DNA • relaxed & informal • • informed & informative standardised artwork • BAT controlled • ‘DJ-booth’ show kitchens • on-brand messaging • great sounds with bold volumes • concept story • key messages • digital engagement • relevant social media • blogging • experiential scents corner-to-corner design • mind-bending tableware accessorisation • stylish uniforms that flick one at corporate homogeneity • durable finishes • • COMMUNICATION 15 4-WALL CONCEPT BUILDING – PARK INN BY RADISSON SERVICE & EXPERIENCE FOOD & DRINK DESIGN • Adding color to lifesm • prescriptive or carefully controlled • spatial zoning • • diner style • communal tables • • • crew service approach what people want – this isn’t a journey • fresh, vibrant, uncomplicated • • the Park Inn attitude lighting washes and glows perfectly simple – simply perfect • • assisted self-service low lighting come nightfall off-site production wherever possible • inclusive • • tablets for menus • accessible sounds – music for all • durable finishes • accessorisation affordable COMMUNICATION standardised artwork • BAT controlled • on-brand messaging • concept proposition • key messages • relevant social media • customer engagement • visual • 16 THE COMPETITION COMP SET LOCATION MAP Replace the sample map with a map of the hotel location showing the position of the competitors 18 LOCAL FOOD & DRINK CULTURE 1. xxx 2. xxx 3. xxx 4. xxx 5. xxx Photo Placeholder Visual 19 NOTABLE RESTAURANTS 1. xxx 2. xxx List at least 3 restaurants and include visuals below with restaurant name below photos 3. xxx Photo Placeholder Photo Placeholder Photo Placeholder Restaurant 1 Restaurant 2 Restaurant 3 20 COMP SET 1 Complete details of comp set for hotel’s restaurants (use one slide for each competitor) bearing in mind these may not be located in hotels and not necessarily be in the local area Name Size Cuisine Key features Pricing Photo Placeholder Photo Placeholder Photo Placeholder 21 THE RECOMMENDATIONS OVERALL CONCEPT MISSION xxx Photo Placeholder Photo Placeholder Photo Placeholder Visual 1 Visual 2 Visual 3 23 CONCEPT SUMMARY • “Restaurant 1” – “Statement / Visual” • “Restaurant 2” – “Statement / Visual” • “Bar 1” – “Statement / Visual” • “M&E” – “Statement / Visual” • “Bar 2” – “Statement / Visual • “Restaurant 3” – “Statement / Visual” “Complete with outlet name, statement and visual” 24 CONCEPT STATEMENT RESTAURANT 1 xxx Photo Placeholder “Complete with text and visual – this should outline what the identity of the concept will be and include aspiration of experience, ambience & atmosphere with e.g. lighting, music, theatre ” Visual 25 VISUAL REFERENCES / INSPIRATION Photo Placeholder Visuals “Insert a serial of visuals to create the mood board of the outlet” 26 DESIGN DIRECTION • Descriptive words: – – – – – “Casual” “Eclectic” “Homely” “Domestic” “Muted” • Space allocation (m²/covers): • Key design elements: − xxx − xxx − xxx − xxx − xxx − xxx − xxx • Seating types: • No. of covers / mix: “The descriptive words listed are samples” 27 FOOD DIRECTION Summary statement: • Indicative Food item • xxx • xxx • xxx • xxx • xxx • xxx “Complete the summary statement listing the indicative food items” Photo Placeholder Photo Placeholder Visual Visual Photo Placeholder Photo Placeholder Visual Visual 28 DRINK DIRECTION Summary statement: • Indicative Drink item • xxx • xxx • xxx • xxx • xxx • xxx “Complete the summary statement listing the indicative drink items” Photo Placeholder Photo Placeholder Visual Visual Photo Placeholder Photo Placeholder Visual Visual 29 SERVICE DIRECTION Key service moments: 1. xxx 2. xxx 3. xxx Service ethos, pace & style: 1. xxx 2. xxx 3. xxx Photo Placeholder Uniform design: 1. xxx 2. xxx 3. Xxx Visual 30 FIT-OUT & LIVERY FF&E: 1. xxx 2. xxx 3. xxx 4. xxx 5. xxx 6. xxx Other furniture items: 1. Service stations: 2. Maitre d’ stand: Operating Equipment: 1. xxx 2. xxx 3. xxx 4. xxx 5. xxx 6. xxx Lighting: 1. xxx 2. xxx 3. xxx Entertainment: 1. PA & Speaker system 2. Content Indicative costing: • FF&E = xx / m² • Operating equipment = xx / m² 31 INDICATIVE FINANCIALS NO. OF ROOMS 0 OCCUPANCY 0% GUEST RATIO 0.00 BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER GUEST RATIO 0% COVERS 0 ASF 0.00 REVENUE 0 COVERS / DAY 0 ASF 0.00 ASD 0.00 REVENUE 0 GUEST RATIO 0% NON-RES COVERS PER DAY 0 ASF 0.00 ASD 0.00 REVENUE 0 TOTAL REVENUE 0 COGS 30% 0 LABOUR COST 30% 0 OTHER EXPENSES 10% 0 DEPARTMENT PROFIT #DIV/0! 0 “To complete this table refer to Area Director of Finance or Hotel Financial Controller” 32 CONCEPT STATEMENT BAR 1 xxx Photo Placeholder “Complete with text and visual – this should outline what the identity of the concept will be and include aspiration of experience, ambience & atmosphere with e.g. lighting, music, theatre ” Visual 33 VISUAL REFERENCES / INSPIRATION Photo Placeholder Visuals “Insert a serial of visuals to create the mood board of the outlet” 34 DESIGN DIRECTION • Descriptive words: – – – – – “Casual” “Eclectic” “Homely” “Domestic” “Muted” • Space allocation (m²/covers): • Key design elements: − xxx − xxx − xxx − xxx − xxx − xxx − xxx • Seating types: • No. of covers / mix: “The descriptive words listed are samples” 35 FOOD DIRECTION Summary statement: • Indicative Food item • xxx • xxx • xxx • xxx • xxx • xxx “Complete the summary statement listing the indicative food items” Photo Placeholder Photo Placeholder Visual Visual Photo Placeholder Photo Placeholder Visual Visual 36 DRINK DIRECTION Summary statement: • Indicative Drink item • xxx • xxx • xxx • xxx • xxx • xxx “Complete the summary statement listing the indicative drink items” Photo Placeholder Photo Placeholder Visual Visual Photo Placeholder Photo Placeholder Visual Visual 37 SERVICE DIRECTION Key service moments: 1. xxx 2. xxx 3. xxx Service ethos, pace & style: 1. xxx 2. xxx 3. xxx Photo Placeholder Uniform design: 1. xxx 2. xxx 3. Xxx Visual 38 FIT-OUT & LIVERY FF&E: 1. xxx 2. xxx 3. xxx 4. xxx 5. xxx 6. xxx Other furniture items: 1. Service stations: 2. Maitre d’ stand: Operating Equipment: 1. xxx 2. xxx 3. xxx 4. xxx 5. xxx 6. xxx Lighting: 1. xxx 2. xxx 3. xxx Entertainment: 1. PA & Speaker system 2. Content Indicative costing: • FF&E = xx / m² • Operating equipment = xx / m² 39 INDICATIVE FINANCIALS “To complete this table refer to Area Director of Finance or Hotel Financial Controller” NO. OF ROOMS 0 OCCUPANCY 0% GUEST RATIO 0.00 BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER TOTAL REVENUE COGS LABOUR COST OTHER EXPENSES DEPARTMENT PROFIT GUEST RATIO COVERS ASF REVENUE COVERS / DAY ASF ASD REVENUE GUEST RATIO NON-RES COVERS PER DAY ASF ASD REVENUE 30% 30% 10% #DIV/0! 0% 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0% 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rezidor makes no representation, warranty, assurance or guarantee that the projected results can be achieved and these shall not be taken as an endorsement of or recommendation on entering into any transaction whatsoever. Rezidor, its officers, employees, subcontractors and agents shall not be liable to any person for any loss, liability, damage or expenses arising directly or indirectly from or connected in any way with any use of or reliance on this projection and recipients of this projection must make their own enquiries to verify and satisfy themselves of all aspects of information contained within the projection. 40 COMMUNICATION & MARKETING 41 RESTAURANT & BAR COMMUNICATION CONCEPT STORY LOOK & FEEL • Concept description • Referenced through concept DNA • What’s the story behind it • Materials • Brand Artwork Tool • Palette • Informal language MESSAGES • News • Promotions & offers • Promo calendar – what’s coming • Loyalty • Partnerships – brands or businesses we align ourselves with MEDIA • Digital messaging • Social media – which ones? • 3rd party sites – which ones? • Off-line advertising – specify • On-line advertising – specify • In-house advertising -specify 42 CONCEPT STATEMENT MEETINGS & EVENTS Developed by professional meeting experts, Experience Meetings by Radisson Blu combines world class facilities and amenities, innovative gastronomy and reliable connectivity with great service and our 100% guest service guarantee. The concept combines the hardware components: Free Wi-Fi Brain Food for stabilised sugar levels Brain Box for creative thinking With the software elements: Success Factors sales process Yes I Can! service guaranteed Think Planet carbon offset programme Club Carlson for Planners rewards programme 43 VISUAL REFERENCES 44 DESIGN DIRECTION • According to Radisson Blu technical standards • Rooms are neutral in design to allow for multi-use – conferences, parties, weddings, shows 45 FOOD DIRECTION Following the 6 Brain Food principles designed to keep blood sugar levels consistent, prevent lethargy and aid concentration 1. Primarily fresh, locally-sourced ingredients 2. Pure ingredients with minimal processing 3. Predominantly wholegrain products, fruit and vegetables and fish 4. Low fat foods and lower-than-normal meat content 5. Natural sweeteners and low levels of added sugar 6. Always with great taste and multi-sensory delight 46 SERVICE DIRECTION Key service moments: 1. Success Factors touch points Service ethos, pace & style: 1. Yes I Can! Uniform design: 1. For events / functions xxxxx uniform will apply 2. Experience Meetings livery for day meetings 47 FIT-OUT & LIVERY FF&E: • According to Radisson Blu technical standards Operating Equipment: • Experience Meetings operating equipment listing 48 CONCEPT STATEMENT SMART MEETINGS & EVENTS • Smart M&E is Park Inn by Radisson’s meetings’ concept whose values are intended to allow for geographical flexibility and flexibility for guests, allowing them to give us their loyalty, engage with our values and participate in the brand ethos. This approach is in keeping with the Park Inn by Radisson key features of Choice and Community. • Innovation is at the heart of Park Inn by Radisson and the Smart M&E Values have been shaped to represent the core brand values of Friendly, Fresh, Vibrant & Uncomplicated 49 VISUAL REFERENCES – SMART M&E 50 DESIGN DIRECTION • According to Park Inn by Radisson technical standards • Rooms bring a literal sm take on Bringing Color to Life but larger function rooms move towards neutrality to allow for multi-use – conferences, parties, weddings, shows 51 FOOD DIRECTION - SMART FOOD Smart Food represents the core values of: • Assisted Self-service • Seasonal & Local and Great Tasting • Great flavours nutritionally balanced • Easy to Eat with great presentation • Reflecting the ‘now’ – reading trends • Ethical 52 SERVICE DIRECTION Key service moments: 1. Success Factors touch points Service ethos, pace & style: 1. Yes I Can! Uniform design: 1. For events / functions xxxxx uniform will apply 2. Park Inn by Radisson livery for day meetings 53 FIT-OUT & LIVERY FF&E: • According to Park Inn by Radisson technical standards Operating Equipment: • Smart Meetings & Events operating equipment listing 54