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Maternal and Child Nursing Exam Questions

MCN - Vzisb
bs nursing (Southwestern University PHINMA)
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The most common normal position of the fetus in utero is:
A. Transverse position
B. Vertical position
C. Oblique position
D. None of the above
The first maneuver is also known as:
A. Pawlik’s grip
B. Lateral grip
C. First pelvic grip
D. Fundal grip
The third maneuver is also known as:
A. Pawlik’s grip
B. Lateral grip
C. First pelvic grip
D. Fundal grip
The fourth maneuver is also known as
A. Pawlik’s grip
B. Lateral grip
C. First pelvic grip
D. Fundal grip
The hormone responsible for a positive pregnancy test is:
a) Estrogen
b) Progesterone
c) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
d) Follicle Stimulating Hormone
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What is Perineal Care?
a. Washing a patient’s back
b. Washing a patient’s genital and anal area
c. Giving a complete bed bath
d. Washing a patient’s genitalia only
The perineum
a. Is the cleaning and care of a patient’s genital and anal areas
b. The area between the external genitals and the anus
c. A tube inserted through the urethra and into the bladder
d. A Foley catheter
The water temperature is to be ____degrees Fahrenheit when preparing for giving perineal care.
a. 120
b. 105
c. 97
d. 98.6
When performing peri-care to a female clients you always wipe ___
a. Back to front
b. Until peri area is red
c. Front to back
d. Using back and forth motion
How many times can you use a wipe?
a. Twice
b. Until you can’t use it anymore
c. Six
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d. Once
When performing peri-care on male clients, for uncircumcised male you need to first __
a. Turn the penis to the side
b. Push the foreskin forward
c. Pull back the foreskin
d. Gently pat dry the area with a dry towel before washing
A nurse is bathing a newborn. In what position does the nurse place the newborn when shampooing the
hair and scalp?
a. Football hold
b. On the counter with head over the sink
c. In baby bath tub
d. Cradle hold
The nurse is cleaning the umbilical cord of the newborn, what is the preferred solution used to clean the
cord site?
a. Normal Saline
b. Mild soap and water
c. Triple dye and saline
d. 70% alcohol
How often is cord care completed?
a. Every shift change
b. Every diaper change
c. Twice a day
d. Every other shift
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What is the best method for teaching the new mother how to bathe her newborn upon discharge?
a. Demonstration with return demonstration
b. Send her home with pamphlets showing proper technique
c. Provide her with “bath in a bag” to take home
d. Give her a video on newborn bath care
When obtaining a wound culture to determine the presence of a wound infection, from where should
the specimen taken
A. Necrotic Tissue
B. Wound Drainage
C. Around the wound circumference
D. Cleansed the wound
Whenever possible a dressing should be all of the following except:
A. Sterile
B. Larger than the wound
C. Thick and compressible
D. With loose ends and lint
When applying a dressing to an open bleeding wound, you use a sterile dressing primarily for which
A. To minimize risk of drying
B. To minimize risk of infection
C. To minimize exposure to the patient’s clothes
D. To minimize further injury
As a nurse taking care for a patient with impaired tissue integrity, the following are signs of infection you
check on the patient’s wound daily except for one:
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A. Redness
B. Swelling
C. Warmth
D. Pallor
To avoid risk for infection of a baby’s cord, how should the nurse apply the diaper?
A. It must be snuggly fit over the umbilicus
B. The diaper must be below the cord clamp
C. There is no such thing as an infection on the baby’s cord
D. Avoid the use of cheap diapers
What is the maximum time the second stage of labor expected to last?
A. 2 hours
B. 2 and ½ hours
C. 3 hours
D. 3 and ½ hours
Which of these involves making a cut to the opening of the vagina?
A. mastectomy
B. episiotomy
C. Caesarean section
D. Laparoscopy
Your midwife will say baby is “fully engaged “ when:
A. His head is down
B. His head is low and pressing on your cervix
C. His head is visible
D. His head is out
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Dilation is measured in:
A. Percentages
B. Centimeters
C. Inches
D. ratio and proportion
The thinning and softening of the cervix is called:
A. Dilation
B. Effacement
C. Duration
D. Interval
The instrument that is used for episiotomy:
A. iris scissor
B. cord scissor
C. bandage scissor
D. surgical scissor
What is the correct order of the cardinal movements?
a. Engagement Flexion Descent – Internal Rotation – Extension – External Rotation – Expulsion
b. Engagement Flexion Descent – Extension – Internal Rotation – External Rotation – Expulsion
c. Internal Rotation – Engagement – Extension – Expulsion – External Rotation
d. Engagement – Internal Rotation – Extension – Expulsion – External Rotation
Which position would the nurse suggest for second-stage labor if the pelvic outlet needs to be
a. Sitting
b. Squatting
c. Side-lying
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d. Semi recumbent
What position would be least effective when gravity is desired to assist in fetal descent?
a. Lithotomy
b. Walking
c. Kneeling
d. Sitting
You are evaluating the fetal monitor tracing of your client, who is in active labor. Suddenly you see the
fetal heart rate (FHR) drop from its baseline of 125 down to 80. You reposition the mother, provide
oxygen, increase intravenous (IV) fluid, and perform a vaginal examination. The cervix has not changed.
Five minutes have passed, and the fetal heart rate remains in the 80s. What additional nursing measures
should you take?
A. Call for help and notify the care provider immediately
b. Start Pitocin
c. Have her empty the bladder
d. Insert a foley catheter
A nurse in a delivery room is assisting with the delivery of a newborn infant. After the delivery, the nurse
prepares to prevent heat loss in the newborn resulting from evaporation by:
A. Warming the crib pad
B. Turning on the overhead radiant warmer
C. Closing the doors to the room
D. Drying the infant in a warm blanket
A nurse is assessing a newborn infant following circumcision and notes that the circumcised area is red
with a small amount of bloody drainage. Which of the following nursing actions would be most
A. Document the findings
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B. Contact the physician
C. Circle the amount of bloody drainage on the dressing and reassess in 30 minutes
D. Reinforce the dressing
A nurse in the newborn nursery is monitoring a preterm newborn infant for respiratory distress
syndrome. Which assessment signs if noted in the newborn infant would alert the nurse to the
possibility of this syndrome?
A. Hypotension and Bradycardia
B. Tachypnea and retractions
C. Acrocyanosis and grunting
D. The presence of a barrel chest with grunting
A nurse in a newborn nursery is performing an assessment of a newborn infant. The nurse is preparing to
measure the head circumference of the infant. The nurse would most appropriately:
A. Wrap the tape measure around the infant’s head and measure just above the eyebrows.
B. Place the tape measure under the infants head at the base of the skull and wrap around to the front
just above the eyes
C. Place the tape measure under the infants head, wrap around the occiput, and measure just above the
D. Place the tape measure at the back of the infant’s head, wrap around across the ears, and measure
across the infant’s mouth.
A nurse Is assessing a newborn infant who was born to a mother who is addicted to drugs. Which of the
following assessment findings would the nurse expect to note during the assessment of this newborn?
A. Sleepiness
B. Cuddles when being held
C. Lethargy
D. Incessant crying
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Oral Rehydration Therapy is giving of fluids by mouth to prevent and correct the:
A. hypertension
B. asthma
C. dehydration
D. diabetes mellitus
Recipe of Oral Rehydrating solution, EXCEPT:
A. sugar
B. salt
C. pepper
D. water
The most important reason to add glucose in Oral Rehydrating Solution is:
A. to add water and salt in absorption of intestinal cells.
B. to prevent hypokalemia
C. to maintain sugar level in the body
D. to prevent sepsis
These are the benefits of Oral Rehydrating Solution, Except:
A. It reduces stool output or stool volume by about 25%
B. It reduces the vomiting by almost 30%
C. It reduces the need for unscheduled I.V therapy by more than 30%
D. It cures diarrhea and vomiting
World Health Organization adopted Oral Rehydrating Solution (ORS) as the main strategy for treatment
of diarrheal dehydration in which year?
A. 1978
B. 1990
C. 2010
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D. 2020
Which of the following is not a Millennium Development Goal?
A. Improve maternal health
B. Enhance child mortality
C. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
D. Combat HIV, AIDS, malaria and other diseases
Sustainable Development Goal number 1 is about poverty. What is the aim of this goal?
A. Cut poverty in half by 2030
B. Reduce poverty by 75% in 2030
C. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
D. Help each nation make progress in ending poverty
The stage in the family life cycle wherein the nurse serves as a counselor to a family with teenagers, a
step in family growth:
A. Family with an adolescent
B. Family with young adult
C. Family in the middle years
D. Family with a Preschool child
It refers to the family one is born into (e.g., oneself, mother, father, and siblings, if any)
A. Family of Orientation
B. Family of Procreation
C. Nuclear family
D. Adoptive family
Downloaded by Gianna Louisse Marie Diaz (diazgianna2002@gmail.com)
An adolescent client asked what body structure is responsible for the production of Follicle Stimulating
Hormone (FSH). Your appropriate response is:
A. Testes
B. Hypothalamus
C. Ovary
D. Anterior Pituitary Gland
The genetic disorder does not occur unless 2 genes for the disease are present
A. Heterozygous Dominant
B. Heterozygous Recessive
C. Homozygous Dominant
D. Homozygous Recessive
What is the most appropriate role for the nurse involved in genetic counseling?
A. Assess the options available to a couple and select the best ones to present for the couple to choose
B. Instruct the couple on the need for an immediate abortion if both parents have the trait for a
dominant disease.
C. Limit the information provided to the couple about the genetic defect to avoid influencing their
D. Inform the couple of the procedures they may undergo in genetic screening and in genetic counseling.
It is the Individual perception that one’s own culture is superior to all others
A. Ethnocentrism
B. Transcultural Nursing
C. Ethnicity
D. Stereotyping
Downloaded by Gianna Louisse Marie Diaz (diazgianna2002@gmail.com)
The nurse is assessing a laboring woman for pain. Which is most important for the nurse to remember?
A. Pain threshold sensation can vary widely from one culture to another
B. Communication of pain is acceptable in all cultures, so she will readily tell you if she is in pain.
C. Ways of expressing pain is fairly universal
D. Use of a 0 (no pain) to 10 (the most pain) scale is an objective way of assessing pain.
Which are the following measures that assist in reducing breast tenderness?
A. Wash the breasts with warm water and keep them dry.
B. Avoid wearing bra
C. Wash the nipples and the areola with soap and water.
D. Wear tight-fitting clothes to support the breasts.
The pregnant patient informs the nurse that she has been having leg cramps. Which if the following
exercises should be recommended by the nurse?
A. Pelvic rocking and abdominal breathing exercises
B. Squatting exercises
C. Tailor-sitting exercises
D. Dorsiflexing the feet with the legs extended.
The nurse is performing Leopold’s Maneuver. During the first maneuver, the fetal part is hard, round and
movable. The nurse concludes that the fetal presentation is:
A. Cephalic
B. Breech
C. Shoulder
D. Footling
Downloaded by Gianna Louisse Marie Diaz (diazgianna2002@gmail.com)
What lunar month is considered the age of gestation when sex (gender) of the fetus can be determined?
A. Second
B. Third
C. Fifth
D. Fourth
At what age of gestation does bone ossification centers starts forming?
A. 4th week
B. 8th week
C. 12th week
D. 16th week
Fetal structure that carries blood from the umbilical vein to the inferior vena cava:
A. Foramen ovale
B. Ductus arteriosus
C. Ductus venosus
D. Aorta
1Sperm go into an egg and fertilizes it. Chromosomes with 30,000 genes combine and determine
physical characteristics of what will soon be the baby?
A) 2 cell egg
b) Fertilization
c) Day 21
d) Morula
When 50% of pregnancy fail-only a 50% of the baby surviving at the point of ______.
a) Implantation
b) Day 23
c) Gastrulation
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d) Day 21
The morphology of the embryo forms 3 different layers: the ectoderm, mesoderm, and ______.
a) Emoderm
b) Endoderm
c) Nesoderm
d) Morulation
In which week does the baby start developing its ears and toes?
a) Week 5
b) Week 7
c) Week 6
d) Week 8
The first division of after fertilization happens at what stage?
a) 4 cell stage
b) Ovulation
c) 2 cell stage
d) 3 cell stage
The use of DEXAMETHASONE is to:
A. stimulates fetal lung maturation by stimulating surfactant production.
B. ß-adrenergic receptor agonist/tocolysis
C. turning inside out of the uterus with either birth of the fetus or the delivery of the placenta
D. Increased hydration
The following are common causes of dysfunctional labor. Which of these can a nurse, on her own
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A. Pelvic bone contraction
B. Full bladder
C. Extension rather than flexion of the head
D. Cervical rigidity
Anoxia is caused from:
A. manipulation of forceps
B. intrapartum
C. fracture of the arm
D. prolapsed cord
Which measure would be least effective in preventing postpartum hemorrhage?
A. Administer Methergine 0.2 mg every 6 hours for 4 doses as ordered
B. Encourage the woman to void every 2 hours
C. Massage the fundus every hour for the first 24 hours following birth
D. Teach the woman the importance of rest and nutrition to enhance healing
During Prenatal Check-up the client ask the physician for What is the most common complication for the
mother of an oversized fetus? The Best response by the physician is:
A. Uterine dysfunction
B. Precipitate labor
C. Prolonged labor
D. Diabetes mellitus
Which is a primary power of labor?
a. Uterine contractions
b. Pushing of the mother
c. Intrathoracic pressure
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d. Abdominal contraction
During labor a client who has been receiving epidural anesthesia has a sudden episode of severe nausea,
and her skin becomes pale and clammy the nurse immediate reaction is to:
a. Notify the physician
b. Check for vaginal bleeding
c. Elevate the client’s legs
d. Monitor the FHR every 3 minutes
To assess the uterine contraction during labor, the nurse:
a. Asks the woman if she is having a contraction.
b. Palpates above the symphysis pubis.
c. Palpates just below the xyphoid process of the sternum.
d. Performs a sterile vaginal examination.
Which assessment finding is MOST indicative that a postpartum patient is developing puerperal
A. Increased pulse rate
b. Foul- smelling lochia
c. Elevated body temperature
d. A white blood cell count of 25,000/mcg
A mother who delivered her neonate earlier in the day stated that she has urinated four times within the
last hour but only in small amounts. What should be the INITIAL ACTION of the nurse?
A. Explain that this is normal during the first 24 hours after delivery.
b. Palpate her fundus to assess uterine consistency and location.
c. Catheterize her immediately to expel any retained urine.
d. Begin measuring and recording and recording her intake and output
Downloaded by Gianna Louisse Marie Diaz (diazgianna2002@gmail.com)
A maternity nurse is providing instruction to a new mother regarding the psychosocial development of
the newborn infant. Using Erikson’s psychosocial development theory, the nurse would instruct the
mother to.
A. Allow the newborn Infant to signal a need
B. Anticipate all of the needs of the newborn infant
C. Avoid the newborn infant during the first 10 minutes of crying
D. Allow the infant to cry, once lessen, then attend to the infant
The parents of a two (2)-year-old boy arrive at a hospital for a visit. The child is in the playroom when the
parents arrive. When the parents enter the playroom, the child does not readily approach the parents.
The nurse interprets this behavior as indicating that:
A. The child is withdrawn
B. The child is self-centered
C. The child has adjusted to the hospitalized setting
D. This is a normal pattern
A nurse is preparing to care for a five (5)-year-old who has been placed in traction following a fracture of
the femur. The nurse plans care, knowing that, which of the following is the most appropriate activity for
this child?
A. Large picture books
B. A radio
C. Crayons and coloring book
D. A sports video
A 16 year old boy is hospitalized, according to Erik Erikson, what is an appropriate intervention?
A. Tell the friends to visit the child
B. Encourage the boy to learn missed school lessons
C. Call the priest to intervene
D. Ask the patient’s girlfriend to visit
Downloaded by Gianna Louisse Marie Diaz (diazgianna2002@gmail.com)
An infant weighed 8 lbs. at birth. How many lbs. should the infant weigh at 6 months?
A. 24 lbs
B. 10 lbs
C. 16 lbs
D. 32 lbs
Which position would the nurse suggest for second-stage labor if the pelvic outlet needs to be
a. Sitting
b. Squatting
c. Side-lying
d. Semi recumbent
What are the four P’s that make up the process of labor birth?
a. Preparation, Powers, Position, Psyche
b. Powers, Passage, Passenger, Psyche
c. Powers, Passage, Preparation, Procedure
d. Preparation, Position, Professional Help, Place
When should the umbilical cord be clamped in a normal infant?
a. At 2-3 minutes after delivery
b. After the infant has been breathing well for 5 minutes
c. Immediately after delivery
d. After the placenta has been delivered
In what sequence should the nurse measure the vital signs when he/she is performing a newborn
a. Pulse, respiration, temperature
b. Respiration, pulse, temperature
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c. Temperature, pulse, respiration
d. Temperature, respiration, pulse
If an infant is heavily meconium stained at delivery:
a. It is important to stimulate respiration before suctioning the airways
b. The mouth should be suctioned before the shoulders are delivered
c. The mouth should only be suctioned after the infant is completely delivered
d. Only the nose should be suctioned after the infant is completely delivered
When withdrawing medication from a vial, why is it important to first inject air into the vial?
A. It prevents the buildup of negative pressure in the vial.
B. It prevents the buildup of positive pressure in the vial.
C. It prevents the accumulation of air bubbles.
D. It prevents contamination of the medication
When a nurse returns to assess a patient’s response to the medication, which part of the nursing process
is being fulfilled?
A. Assessment
B. Planning
C. Implementation
D. Evaluation
The amount of drug prescribed by a physician for a patient in a given time and frequency is:
A. Route
B. Dosage
C. Prescription
D. Duration
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As a nurse, if you notice a mistake with a patient’s medication, what should you do?
A. Give the patient a different medication.
B. Do your best to fix it on your own.
C. Report the error.
D. Make a mental note about the error and share it the next staff meeting.
Mrs. Cruz has an order for Chloromycetin 750 mg q8 hours. The drug comes in 500 mg tablet. Which of
the following would be the correct dosage?
A. 1 tab
B. 1 and ½ tab
C. 2 tabs
D. 2 and ½ tab
The amniotic fluid of a client has a greenish tint. The nurse interprets this to be the result of which of the
a. Lanugo
b. Hydramnios
c. Vernix
d. Meconium
Which of the following would the nurse most likely expect to find when assessing a pregnant client with
abruption placenta?
A. Excessive vaginal delivery
b. Rigid, board-like abdomen
c. Tetanic uterine contractions
d. Premature rupture of membranes
The nurse in charge is caring for a postpartum client who had a vaginal delivery with a midline
episiotomy. Which nursing diagnosis takes priority for this client?
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A. Risk for deficient fluid volume related to hemorrhage
b. Risk for infection related to the type of delivery
c. Pain related to the type of incision
d. Urinary retention related to periurethral edema
The multigravida mother with a history of rapid labor who is in active labor calls out to the nurse, “The
baby is coming!” Which of the following would be the nurse’s first action?
A. Inspect the perineum
b. Time the contractions
c. Auscultate the fetal heart rate
d. Contact the birth attendant
The dark red uterine discharge expelled in the first 2–3 days postpartum is:
a. Lochia rubra
b. Lochia serosa
c. Lochia alba
d. Lochia moro
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