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Titanium & Aluminum in Aircraft Manufacturing

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Aircraft manufacturing
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Material requirements for aircraft building:
1.small weight
2.high specific strength
3.heat resistance
4.fatigue load resistance
5.crack resistance
6.corrosion resistance
Aluminium was widely used in subsonic aircraft. Aerotechnics of supersonic speeds faced with elevated temperatures of th
for which aluminium can not be applied due to low heat resistance. Structural materials reliably operating in complicate
of force and temperature fields under the influence of corrosive media, radiation and high pressures were required. Tit
alloys meet this requirement.
Currently a greater amount of titanium is incorporated in to aircraft. This is connected with the fact that the share of
materials with which aluminium intensively interacts and corrodes in the new airplanes is being increased. Titanium is no
these processes and results in increasing the life of components.
Three major trends of titanium application for aircraft building:
1.fabrication of items of complex space configuration:
­ hatch and door edging where moisture is likely to be accumulated (high corrosion resistance of titanium is used)
­ skins which are affected by engine combustion product flow, flame preventing fire safety­proof membranes (high te
melting and chemical inactivity of titanium is used)
­ thin­walled lead pipes of air system (minimum thermal titanium extension ratio compared to all other metals is used)
­ floor decking of the cargo cabin (high strength and hardness is used)
2.fabrication of designated high­loaded assemblies and units
­ landing gear
­ fastening elements (brackets) of the wing
­ hydrocylinders
3.engine part manufacture (see next section).
The following is manufactured from titanium alloys for aircraft applications:
Ailerons, panel and swivel wing assemblies, spar walls, panels, brackets, steering wheels, wedge meshes, air intake duc
frames, leading edge flaps and flaps, hydraulic systems, fasteners and a number of other parts.
The percentage of titanium contained in the air frame:
Boeing ­707 v less than 0,5 %, юN­24 v 0,48 %, рU­154 ­ 2 %, Boeing­777 v 8.5 %, рU­334 v 8,7 %, юN­148 v up to
and IL­76р ­ 12 % of the air frame weight.
VSMPO­AVISMA Corporation delivers titanium semi­finished products designated for aircraft parts manufacture to it
domestic customers:
­ landing gear forgings
­ plate, sheet, bar and billet for manufacture of swivel assemblies, guide rails, flaps, panels, spars, fastening elements
­ solid structures of die­forged forgings for electrohydraulic system.
JSC VSMPO­AVISMA Corporation is the world largest integrated producer of all types of semi­finished products from titan
lots of industrial branches applications: billet, forging, electrode, plate, sheet, bar, tube.
Products Quality Management System (QMS) of the Corporation was accepted practically by all the major world aircraf
building companies such as: Boeing, EADS, General Electric, Pratt&Whitney, Rolls­Royce, SNECMA, Goodrich and others. T
Aircraft manufacturing
international certificates of QMS, specific types of products as well as manufacturing processes, inspection and tes
constantly maintained, updated and increased.
The major production trends of titanium semi­finished products are as follows: manufacture of disk and blade
compressors, forgings and casing stock. As of today a great amount of products for aircraft engines and gas turbine plan
compressor units, power plants as well as ship GTP have been mastered by VSMPO­AVISMA Corporation. On an ann
volume of deliveries and stock range supplied to domestic and foreign facilities is increased. Currently VSMPO­AVISMA Cor
part not only in all domestic programs aimed at development of new engines and modernization of the production one
plenty of joint and international projects.
As is well known, strict requirements for products and materials of aircraft designation are stipulated by both fore
domestic engine­building companies.
In order to maintain a high production level a lot of investments for reconstruction of the existing equipment and purc
one are regularly made by VSMPO­AVISMA Corporation. For example, forging equipment, melting and heating furnaces
been computer aided. Cold hearth plasma furnace, multizone UST unit of billet and disk have been installed and FPI a
Currently, in the world, there is not a single new project with titanium alloy materials involved without VSMPO­AVISM
participation. In Russia and in CIS countries one could not find a single aircraft engine, aircraft or a helicopter, wh
titanium of VSMPO­AVISMA Corporation.
Aluminium in Aircraft manufacturing
Wide application of aluminium in industry is mainly explained by its large natural resources as well as a set of chemical
mechanical properties.
Aluminium is one of the most widespread metals, regarding its content in the earth's crust (~8 %).
Among one of aluminium's advantages shall be considered its low density (2.7 g/cm3), relatively high strength pro
thermal and electric conductivity, technological effectiveness, high corrosion resistance. Due to combination of the
aluminium is considered to be one of the most important engineering materials.
Aluminium alloys are the main structural material in aircraft industry at the present­day stage of subsonic and supe
development. Alloys of 2ххх, Зххх, 5ххх, 6ххх and 7ххх series are widely used for aircraft industry in the USA. 2
recommended for work at high operating temperatures and with increased values of fracture toughness ratio. Alloys of 7
recommended for operation of significantly loaded parts at lower temperatures and for parts with high corrosion res
stress. Alloys of Зххх, 5ххх and 6xxx series are used for low­loaded assemblies They are also used in hydraulic, oil and fue
Al­Zn­Mg­Cu high­strength aluminium alloys hardened by heat treatment and Al­Mg­Cu average­ and high­strength alu
are successfully used for aircraft equipment production in Russia. They are structural material for skin and inner se
components (body, wing, keel, etc.).
1420 alloy pertaining to Al­Zn­Mg system is used for airliner welded body design. Usage of aluminium­magnesium corro
welded alloys (AМг5, АМг6) and Al­Zn­Mg alloys (1915, В92, 1420) is provided for hydroplane production.
Aluminium welded alloys have undeniable advantage when designing space technology items. High strength­to­weight r
to­weight ratio of the material provided for manufacture of missile tanks, intertank and nose parts with high direct
Among the advantages of aluminium alloys (2219 and others) is their operationability under cryogenic temperatures in
liquid oxygen, hydrogen and helium. These alloys are capable of the so­called cryogenic hardening, i.e. strength and duc
simultaneously with the decrease of temperature.
1460 alloy pertains to Al­Cu­Li system and is most promising for design and manufacture of tank structures with regar
type of fuel ­ compressed oxygen, hydrogen or natural gas.
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