BIOL 101 Tutorial Quiz (24-28 October, 2022) 1. In animals, fertilization is to zygote as meiosis is to which of the following? a) mitosis b) diploid c) chromosome d) replication e) gamete 2. Why is it more practical to prepare karyotypes by viewing somatic diploid cells rather than haploid gametes? a) Somatic diploid cells do not contain organelles to interfere with karyotyping. b) Both sets of chromosomes, which are present in somatic diploid cells, need to be examined. c) DNA in haploid gametes will not stain. d) The chromosomes are larger in a somatic diploid cell. e) Haploid gametes do not have sex chromosomes. 3. In diploid species, diploid cells may undergo either mitosis or meiosis. Haploid cells may undergo mitosis (for certain species) but not meiosis because a) the sister chromatids cannot separate. b) the synaptonemal complex is too strong. c) crossing over has occurred. d) cohesins are no longer present. e) homologous chromosomes cannot pair. 4. How and at what stage is independent assortment accomplished? a) pairing of homologs during meiosis I b) separation of homologs during anaphase II c) separation of homologs during meiosis II d) metaphase alignment during meiosis I e) telophase separation during meiosis I 5. What allows sister chromatids to finally separate, and in which phase of meiosis does this occur? a) release of cohesin along sister chromatid arms in anaphase I b) crossing over of chromatids in prophase I c) release of cohesin at centromeres in anaphase I d) release of cohesin at centromeres in anaphase II e) crossing over of homologs in prophase I 6. Normal gametes produced from one meiotic event a) are genetically identical to each other. b) each have the same chromosome number. c) are genetically identical to the cells produced from meiosis I. d) are genetically identical to the parent cell. e) each have the same mutations. 7. Crossing over begins to occur during a) anaphase I. b) anaphase II. c) prophase I. d) metaphase II. e) telophase II. 8. In this cell, what phase is represented? a) mitotic metaphase b) meiosis I anaphase c) meiosis I metaphase d) meiosis II anaphase e) meiosis II metaphase 9. Why does sexual reproduction (via meiosis) have an advantage over asexual reproduction (via mitosis)? a) Meiosis is more efficient at producing offspring. b) Meiosis allows two parents to invest resources in offspring. c) Meiosis allows for more competition. d) Meiosis increases genetic variation among offspring. 10. The mosquito Aedes aegypti has a karyotype of 2n = 6. Which diagram shows this? 11. A haploid set of unreplicated chromosomes (n = 3) of the mosquito Aedes aegypti has a mass of 1.5 pg. What is the mass of DNA in single Aedes aegypti cell in prophase I? a) 1.5 pg b) 3 pg c) 4.5 pg d) 6 pg 12. A haploid set of unreplicated chromosomes (n = 3) of the mosquito Aedes aegypti has a mass of 1.5 pg. What is the mass of DNA in single Aedes aegypti cell in prophase II? a) 1.5 pg b) 3 pg c) 4.5 pg d) 6 pg 13. A haploid set of unreplicated chromosomes (n = 3) of the mosquito Aedes aegypti has a mass of 1.5 pg. What is the mass of DNA in single Aedes aegypti cell at the end of telophase II? a) 1.5 pg b) 3 pg c) 4.5 pg d) 6 pg 14. The mosquito Aedes aegypti has a karyotype of 2n = 6. Through independent assortment alone, how many chromosomal combinations can be made during meiosis? a) 3 b) 6 c) 8 d) 36 15. The mosquito Aedes aegypti has a karyotype of 2n = 6. Through independent assortment and recombination, how many chromosomal combinations can be made during meiosis? a) 12 b) 36 c) 144 d) many millions