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Soc 101 Syllabus: Intro to Sociology, Fullerton College

Sociology Department
Soc 101 – Introduction to Sociology
Spring 2021
I just wanted to extend a warm welcome to each of you in the class! I look forward to
being your instructor this semester & hope to provide you with the information & tools
you need so you may reach your goals for this course!
Instructor – Victoria Petersen (formerly Elmquist)
Email: vpetersen@fullcoll.edu
Mobile Phone (714) 747-7432
Emailing, calling, texting, or face timing are all welcomed ways of communicating with
me. In all communication please be professional, friendly, identify what class you are in,
& give me your first & last name so that I can respond accordingly. I am usually very
quick to reply to students (usually within 24 hours) but please take into consideration I
may be in some way unable to answer you immediately but I believe your questions are
important & I will get back to you as soon as possible.
It is expected that students log into the course on Canvas at least once a week. Students
will also need to regularly check their Fullerton College assigned emails for instructor
Netiquette Requirements
Each student is expected to conduct himself/herself in a professional manner during the
class - taking full advantage of the learning opportunities available. This includes
completing all online discussions and assignments, adhering to proper netiquette, etc.
Netiquette refers to a set of behaviors that are appropriate for online activity especially with email and threaded discussions. The core rules of netiquette can be
found at the Netiquette website. Please read through these netiquette rules to ensure
that you are familiar with what will be the expected online behavior for this course.
Three hours lecture per week. This course introduces concepts, theories and vocabulary
associated with the field of sociology. The major sociological perspectives are explored
surrounding social control, social interaction, social differentiation, and social
institutions. The processes of social change are understood in the context of collective
human behavior. Fulfills the Multicultural Education Requirement for graduation. (CSU)
Upon successful completion of the Sociology AA/AA-T degree, students will be able to:
1. Define the "sociological imagination" and identify how the discipline of
sociology is relevant to the study of contemporary society.
2. Identify the steps in the research process and how the scientific method is
used in the field of sociology, as well as demonstrate reasonable knowledge of
descriptive and inferential statistics.
3. Differentiate between the major sociological theoretical perspectives structural functionalism (functionalist), social conflict (conflict) and symbolic
interactionism (interactionist).
4. Demonstrate a reasonable knowledge of current social problems, including
the ability to describe their effects on individuals as well as society at large.
Upon successful completion of SOC 101, students will be able to:
1. Define the "sociological imagination" and identify how the discipline of
sociology is relevant to the study of contemporary society.
2. Identify the steps in the research process and how the scientific method is
used in the field of sociology.
3. Differentiate between the major sociological theoretical perspectives –
structural functionalism (functionalist), social conflict (conflict) and symbolic
interactionism (interactionist).
Our class will take place entirely online. There are no scheduled in person class
meetings for this course.
Online learning requires a great deal of patience, self-discipline, good time-management
skills, organization, independence, self-direction and comfort with technology. Check to
see if you are ready to take an online class. http://online.fullcoll.edu/are-you-ready-foronline-learning/
Online classes are very different from in person classes. In many ways online classes can
be more challenging as you do not have the benefit of having important information
being provided to you by an instructor via lecture for example. In an online class you
are held responsible for such things as: reading the ebook, going over Power Points,
utilizing the chapter outlines, participating in online learning modules, answering
concept connection questions, participating in discussion boards, & utilizing study
guides, all in an effort to largely learn the information on your own. Studies show the
successful online student is independent, self-motivated, able to learn in isolation,
willing to ask questions as soon as questions arise, does well with written instructions, is
good at expressing his/herself in writing, & aware of technology as both a convenience
& a barrier. Please take these things into consideration when deciding to take any solely
online class including this one.
Technical Requirements
Students are expected to:
1. Have basic computer competency which includes:
a. the ability to use a personal computer to locate, create, move, copy,
delete, name, rename, and save files and folders on hard drives and
secondary storage devices such as USB drives
b. the ability to use a word processing program to create, edit, format,
store, retrieve, and print documents
c. the ability to use their FC email accounts to receive, create, edit, save,
and send an email message with and without an attached file; and
d. the ability to use an Internet browser such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox,
or Internet Explorer to search and access web sites in the World Wide
2. Have ongoing reliable access to a computer with Internet connectivity for
regular course assignments
3. Utilize Microsoft® Office including Word and PowerPoint in order to learn
content and communicate with others
4. Maintain and access their Fullerton College student email account weekly
5. Use Internet search and retrieval skills to complete assignments
6. Apply educational technology skills to complete expected competencies
7. Utilize other software applications as course requirements dictate.
8. Utilize Canvas to access course materials and complete assignments.
For more information about the Distance Education website at Fullerton College, visit
the following website: http://online.fullcoll.edu/
Text: Introduction to Sociology by Openstax, 2nd edition.
Picture of textbook
Free digital textbook available at https://openstax.org/details/books/introduction-sociology-2e
Buy for $17 at https://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Sociology-2e-HeatherGriffiths/dp/1680921010/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=Openstax+Sociology+2e&qid
Microsoft Word (All assignments submitted must utilize Microsoft Word)
This course is set up & run through Canvas. You will access our class directly through
Canvas where announcements, the syllabus, chapter objectives, concept connections,
discussion boards, study guides, & general information is posted each week right on the
center of your page as we move along through the course together. You will need to log
into Canvas weekly & keep track of assignments & due dates. In order to facilitate this
process I will post a to do list, announcement, & send out an email of what needs to be
completed each week, where it can be located, when it’s due, & how many points it is
If you have technical difficulties with the Fullerton College website, you can contact IT.
Fullerton College Academic Computing Technologies at Telephone: (714) 992-7019 Fax:
(714) 992-9901 or at https://act.fullcoll.edu/
Having trouble with Canvas or want to learn more. For help with Canvas, call 844-6004948. You may also click on the help button when you log into the Canvas site on your
student portal. You may also visit the Fullerton College/Canvas information page to
learn more. http://online.fullcoll.edu/canvas/
All students should be aware of what needs to be done in the case of an emergency,
such as an earthquake, a fire, or other disasters, natural or otherwise. Be sure to look at
the Fullerton College Emergency Preparedness website for critical information. Click
for Fullerton College Emergency information.
Students enrolled in Distance Education courses at Fullerton College are expected to
conform to the established Standards of Student Conduct and Discipline Policy the same
as all other students who are enrolled at the College. As cited in BP5500, “A student
who violates the standards of student conduct shall be subject to disciplinary action
including, but not limited to, the removal, suspension or expulsion of the student.” You
are in violation of the Standards of Student Conduct and Discipline Policy any time you
allow someone else to login and/or complete your coursework on your behalf. For more
information about Standards of Student Conduct:
http://staffwww.fullcoll.edu/dcraig/info/studentconduct.pdf Link to College Policy on
Academic Honesty: http://acg2.fullcoll.edu/POLICIES/BEHONEST.HTM
If at any point you decide to stop participating in the course or wish to drop the course,
you will officially need to drop the course and should be advised of the following
deadlines: To withdraw from a course without a “W”- deadline is Sunday February 7th.
To withdraw from course with a “W”- deadline is Sunday April 25th. Unfortunately not
officially dropping the course when you intended to do so may result in an “F” as your final
Fullerton College is committed to providing educational accommodations for students
with disabilities upon the timely request by the student to the instructor. Verification of
the disability must also be provided. The Disability Support Services office functions as a
resource for students and faculty in the determination and provision of educational
accommodations. For a direct link to the Disability Support Services office:
Online students can access the Fullerton College Library of scholarly journal articles,
books, and other important documents needed for completing research and other
assignments. Utilize the following link http://library.fullcoll.edu/
For those of you needing assistance with writing, please take advantage of the resources
through Fullerton College. http://writingcenter.fullcoll.edu/
Chapter Quizzes: Within the weekly modules that are posted in Canvas there will be
chapter quizzes posted most weeks (the exception is weeks where you take an exam or
your socialization paper is due). See class schedule at the end of this syllabus. The
quizzes are assigned in order to increase the likelihood of you reading the text and help
you conceptualize, learn, and retain the information being presented in the course. The
quizzes will contain 5 multiple choice or true/false questions from the chapter and each
quiz will be worth up to 10 points which accumulated throughout the semester will
account for 100 points or 11.11% of your final grade. You will have 15 minutes to
complete each quiz from the time you begin.
Concept Connections: Concept connections will ask you to personally relate to the
material & possibly share experiences and or opinions that relate to the most relevant
concepts in a given chapter. You will access the questions in Canvas & then submit your
answers directly through the assignment prompt. Your responses will be graded on
whether you answered the questions completely, demonstrated an understanding of
the material, effort (evaluated by length), insight, organization of your work, as well as
spelling & grammar. Generally, 1-2 full pages of writing is required. Please separate
your work into paragraphs where appropriate. There will be a total of 5 concept
connections throughout this course. Each concept connection assignment will be worth
up to 20 points which accumulated throughout the semester will account for 100 points
or 11.11% of your final grade.
Discussion Boards: Discussion boards are a way for students in an online class to
interact with one another in the course. You will access discussion boards in Canvas.
Your discussion board posts will be graded on whether you answered the question(s)
completely, demonstrated an understanding of the material, effort (evaluated by
length), insight, organization of your work, as well as spelling & grammar. Please
separate your work into paragraphs where appropriate. There will be a total of 5
discussion boards during this course. Each discussion board is worth up to 20 points
which accumulated throughout the semester will account for 100 points or 11.11% of
your final grade. You may receive up to 10 points for responding to my post & up to
another 10 points for responding to two other classmates’ posts.
Socialization Paper: Around week 5 in the semester when we are studying the concept
of socialization students will be asked to write a paper about their socialization process
from early childhood until now. The socialization paper will ask students to consider the
ways in they have been impacted by people, events, and entities around them. A writing
prompt explaining further details about this assignment is posted & can be accessed in
Canvas. The Socialization Paper is due Sunday March 7 at 11pm and is worth up to 100
points or 11.11% of your final grade.
Exams: There will be a total of 5 exams during the semester. Each exam will cover 3
chapters. All exams will be taken in Canvas & will consist of 50 multiple choice
questions worth 2 points each, totaling 100 points possible per exam or 11.11% of your
final grade. All 5 exams will be cumulatively worth 500 points or 55.56% of your final
grade. Reading the eBook, taking notes, completing the chapter quizzes, answering the
concept connection questions, participating in the discussion boards, as well as utilizing
the study guides that are provided will help you learn the course content as well as
prepare you for exams. You will have 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete each exam.
Once you begin an exam you must complete it in the allotted time. You cannot save
your progress & come back to the exam later. Once 75 minutes is up the exam will
automatically be submitted. If you lose your internet connection or are accidentally
logged off, attempt to log back in immediately & continue the exam. If you do not take
an exam during the exam window you will receive a zero for that exam.
Exam Windows: All exams (EXCEPT for the FINAL EXAM – see course schedule) will
open in Canvas on Fridays at 8:00 am & remain open for your participation until Sunday
evenings at 11:00 pm.
You will need to log into Canvas on a weekly basis. It is your responsibility to keep track
of important updates and assignment deadlines so that you turn in work in a timely
manner, etc.
All work is due at 11:00 pm on Sunday evenings with the exception of the final exam.
Alternative Procedure for Submitting Work
In case of technical difficulties with Canvas, the instructor will communicate with
students directly through Fullerton College email and assignments can be sent through
email before the due date.
No late submissions of work will be accepted unless there is a verifiable reason that is
provided to the instructor before the due date and then is approved by the instructor
for late submission. Do not wait until the last minute to complete coursework & then
beg for more time due to an unforeseen circumstance on the last day something is due!
You will earn your final grade in this class according to the following points & percentages:
Class Component
10 Chapter Quizzes (Worth up to 10 points each)
5 Concept Connections (Worth up to 20 points each)
5 Discussion Boards (Worth up to 20 points each)
Socialization Paper
5 Exams (Worth up to 100 points each)
% & Course Grades:
90 – 100% = A
80 – 89% = B
70 – 79% = C
60 – 69% = D
00 – 59% = F
Total Points Possible
Points & Course Grades:
810– 900
720 – 809
630 – 719
540 – 629
000 – 539
Our class will have the benefit of having an embedded tutor in our course for the entire
semester. Each week you will have the ability to take part in an extra credit assignment
and possibly earn up to 5 extra credit points towards your final grade. During weeks
where you will be taking an exam our tutor will also host optional study sessions that
will also be worth up to 5 extra credit points for attending and participating in. None of
this is mandatory but rather optional and can benefit your overall understanding of the
material as well as your overall final grade. Our embedded tutor will send out weekly
announcements as to what the extra credit opportunities are for that week as well as
keep track of your total extra credit points earned during the semester. At the end of
the semester all of your extra credit points earned during the semester will be entered
into a grade column within Canvas after the final exam has closed.
Our class will run Monday thru Sunday with the exception of the last week of our
course. See schedule below. All work is due by Sunday evenings at 11pm.
Mon 1-25 – Sun 1-31
Introduction to Course___________________________
Quiz on Syllabus
Introduction Discussion Board
Mon 2-1 – Sun 2-7
Chapter 1 (Introduction to Sociology)_______________
Chapter 1 Quiz
Chapter 1 Concept Connections
Mon 2-8 – Sun 2-14
Chapter 3 (Culture)______________________________
Chapter 3 Quiz
Chapter 3 Discussion Board
Mon 2-15 – Sun 2-21
Fri 2-19 - Sun 2-21
Chapter 4 (Society & Social Interaction)______________
Exam 1 (Chapter’s 1, 3, & 4))
Mon 2-22 - Sun 2-28
Chapter 5 (Socialization)__________________________
Chapter 5 Quiz
Chapter 5 Concept Connections
Introduction to “Socialization Paper”
Mon 3-1 – Sun 3-7
Chapter 6 (Groups & Organization)__________________
Socialization Paper Due!
Mon 3-8 – Sun 3-14
Fri 3-12 – Sun 3-14
Chapter 7 (Deviance, Crime, & Social Control)
Exam 2 (Chapter’s 5-7)
Mon 3-15 – Sun 3-21
Chapter 8 (Media & Technology)____________________
Chapter 8 Quiz
Chapter 8 Concept Connections
Mon 3-22 – Sun 3-28
Chapter 9 (Social Stratification in the U.S.)____________
Chapter 9 Quiz
Chapter 9 Discussion Board
Mon 3-29 – 4-4
NO SCHOOL (Spring Recess)_______________________
Mon 4-5 – Sun 4-11
Fri 4-9 – Sun 4-11
Chapter 11 (Race & Ethnicity)______________________
Exam 3 (Chapter’s 8, 9, & 11)
Mon 4-12 – Sun 4-18
Chapter 12 (Gender, Sex, & Sexuality)_________________
Chapter 12 Quiz
Chapter 12 Concept Connections
Mon 4-19 – Sun 4-25
Chapter 13 (Aging & the Elderly)____________________
Chapter 13 Quiz
Chapter 13 Discussion Board
Mon 4-26 – Sun 5-2
Fri 4-30 – Sun 5-2
Chapter 14 (Marriage & Family)____________________
Exam 4 (Chapter’s 12-14)
Mon 5-3 – Sun 5-9
Chapter 15 (Religion)_____________________________
Chapter 15 Quiz
Chapter 15 Concept Connections
Mon 5-10 – Sun 5-16
Chapter 16 (Education)___________________________
Chapter 16 Quiz
Chapter 16 Discussion Board
Mon 5-17 – Sat 5-22
Thurs 5-20 – Sat 5-22
Chapter 17 (Government & Politics)_________________
Exam 5 (Chapter’s 15-17)