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AM College MBBS Speech: Reflections & Gratitude

Honourable chief guest, Principal AM college Maj Gen Farukh Saeed , worthy faculty , staff and my
fellow cadets Assalam o Alaikum.
I Maham Saeed
I Zain Safdar
As term seniors 44th MBBS are joyous and feel extremely honoured to be able to commemorate the
day of our joining at AM college.
Three and a half years ago we all embarked upon this journey at Army medical college with high
hopes and expectations
We are well aware of the fact that if all of us rewind a decade of our lives , Our prestigious
almamater stood as this visionary school with unremarkable repute in our minds. Manifesting this
place as an enrolled cadet was undoubtedly a realization of our dreams .
As a student here with dreams transcending my humility, I feel honoured to be a part of a history to
be retold for generations to come of an institute that believed in us, pushed our intellectual and
physical boundaries to remodel and reshape us into compassionate humans. We all here from 44th
MBBS feel immense pleasure for this benevolence
Amcolians witness drastic changes in their 5 years at AM college. Started in the icy November of
2019 as the intimidated lost, nervous First year, not knowing what to do ,with a bunch of strangers I
think none of us had any idea this place will give us as much as it has today. We all still have a vivid
memory of waiting in the line to be interviewed and be allotted companies. The bonds we created
in those gruelling, physically exhausting zero days have found a niche in our hearts that will last
forever , Insha’Allah .
Today we are standing here as 4th year with a sea of memories, sentiments behind us and many
more to make .
It would be a white lie to say that this journey was an easy one with all things gold. I think each one
of us had our fair share of hardships and struggles and we are definitely still evolving and learning
with the process but what makes this arduous task of MBBS an attainable one is the dedication and
devotion to perfection of our worthy teachers without the guidance of a single one of whom making
it to the 4th year of medical school wont have been possible.
A round of applause for our endearing faculty
We as representatives 44th can not deny of the fact that the excellent display of comradery by 44th
has made this tenure all the more flamboyant and cherish able.
Lastly before we leave, just want to reiterate how grateful we both are to our comrades , faculty and
worthy chief guest Principal AM college Maj Gen Farukh Saeed HI(M) for making this small event a
delightful gathering. As dr sues rightfully said
Sometime you never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory
We surely look forward to many more such memories together.
Thank you so much.