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Roman Empire Essay: History, Leadership, Christianity

Name: Jean Rose D Hernando
What is in Roman Empire? This question would probably the first thing that comes in
my mind when I heard the word Roman Empire.
This empire exists and as well as brought innovation that really helps the people not
just in the past but as well as up until the present time. And it cannot be can be called empire
without a leader to govern and imposes laws and policies and I realized that their is no perfect
leader even he had implemented or initiated a lots of programs and vast building projects but
still a character of being a good leader should be emphasize . The concept of checks and
balances, the term limits, the regular elections and the very significant one is the twelve
tables of law that settled the boundaries or territories of a certain nation. This serves as the
fundamental basis of the modern government. In addition , it is also important to note that
during this period the Christianity has flourished, from the teaching of Jesus Christ as being
called as the messiah and being adapted by the Roman citizen and spread all through out the
empire. Jesus Christ spread the message of love that implies of fighting for their rights,
injustices and freedom between samiritans and the Pharises. Moreover, the existence of Jesus
Christ has ended because he was being crucified in the cross by Pontius Pilate as he
committed a rebellion in the government. But what makes Christianity continues to spread in
the empire? And the primary reasons are it appears to the life of slaves or those people which
belongs to Plebieans that experience maladministration and injustices, it appealed to the poor
because it promises a better life after the death and taught them to a faith that all people are
equal regardless of what is your social status. In conclusion, the downfall of the Roman
empire has being rooted by not being able to survive to the different invaders which lead
them to be weakened and even brought another problems. And we should also consider the
capacity of the government and Emperor to protect the empire and its people.