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Research Group Leader Automotive Human Factors Job - Dresden

“Friedrich List” Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences - Dresden Institute of Automobile Engineering
Chair of Automobile Engineering
Technische Universität Dresden, 01062 Dresden
The Chair of Automotive Engineering is offering the position of
Research Group Leader Automotive Human Factors (m/w/d)
(TV-L 14 if personal requirements are met),
starting 01.04.2023. The position is permanent. It is possible to attain further academic
qualification (usually habilitation).
You lead a team of scientists on behavior and modeling of drivers and road users,
objectification of subjective driving impressions and user-friendly design of humanmachine interfaces. You will also coordinate the activities of the professorship of
automotive engineering in university teaching. Our vehicle technology test center with 11
state-of-the-art test benches for vehicle physics and a highly immersive driving simulator
that is unique in the world, are available to you as instruments. They build on extensive
preliminary work in the form of existing driver models, traffic models and tool chains. The
professorship in automotive engineering is part of the faculty for transport sciences
"Friedrich List" at the TU Dresden with extensive interdisciplinary cooperation
If you are interested in a dynamic, team-oriented working environment for future
mobility, you have come to the right place. Our partners include well-known international
institutes, well-known vehicle manufacturers, as well as market-leading suppliers and
development service providers. Interest in new challenges and personal development is
particularly important to us.
Your tasks include:
• Management of the Automotive Human Factors research group: This includes the
professional scientific orientation, the establishment and expansion as well as the
leadership of the employees of the research group. You report to the head of the
Institute / Professorship.
• Alignment of research topics in the scientific context of behavior modeling,
objectification of subjective driving impressions and user-friendly design of
human-machine interfaces, especially for partially and highly automated driving.
Postal address (letters)
Visitor address
Tax ID No.
TU Dresden, 01062 Dresden Jante-Bau
Postal address (parcels etc.) George-Bähr-Str. 1b 203/149/02549
TU Dresden
01069 Dresden
Turnover tax ID No.
Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
DE 188 369 991
Electronically signed or encrypted documents cannot be received.
Bank details
Commerzbank AG
Ramp side
Dresden branch
entrance, marked
parking space in
DE52 8504 0000 0800 4004 00 courtyard
“Friedrich List” Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences - Dresden Institute of Automobile Engineering
Chair of Automobile Engineering
Technische Universität Dresden, 01062 Dresden
Strategic development and expansion of scientific reputation, organization and
writing of strategic research proposals (especially DFG), responsibility for the
publication strategy, participation in conferences / meetings.
Academic supervision of doctoral candidates in the specialist group.
Commercial responsibility for the activities of the department.
Coordinating teaching, in particular the design of a master's degree program
"Automotive Systems Engineering".
Readiness to deliver your own lectures.
That’s what we expect from you:
• Successfully completed university education with a successfully completed or
imminent doctorate, preferably in the fields of vehicle technology, (traffic)
psychology, computer science, mechatronics, electrical engineering or similar.
• Scientific experience and exposure in at least one of the following areas: vehicle or
traffic modelling, analysis of traffic participant behavior, driving simulation,
planning and execution of psychological studies or similar.
• An existing network in the previously mentioned areas is desirable.
• Initial experiences in the successful submission of research proposals.
• High level of creative competence, objective oriented way of working, capacity for
teamwork, personal initiative.
• German and English language skills, both at B2 level.
If you are interested in working independently in a highly motivated team environment,
we look forward to receiving your application.
Please send your expressive application until 21.02.2023 to (the entry stamp of the
Central Mail Service of TU Dresden applies): TU Dresden, "Friedrich List" Faculty of
Transport and Traffic Sciences, Chair of Automotive Engineering, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günther
Prokop, George-Bähr-Straße 1b, 01062 Dresden.
Your application documents will not be returned, please only submit copies. Travel costs
cannot be covered.