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Environment Policy & Management Course Profile

PA -306: Environment: Policy and Management
Credit Hours-03
Year: 3RD Year
Course Teacher: Dr. Farjana Nasrin
RATIONALE: This course/paper covers the study of subjects like understanding
of earth process and ecology, environmental management and policy, evaluating
pollution control (air-noise-water-land-industrial) and mitigation, deforestation and
loss of biodiversity, natural resource management, effects of global climate change
and developing flood control management techniques and EIA procedures. The
students will be enabled to think critically on environmental issues. The paper/course
educates students to systematically deal with environmental perspective of
conservation, preservation and management.
1. to develop and demonstrate a higher awareness of environment including the
responsible exercise of individual judgment and civic responsibility including with
environmental issues.
2. to understand the importance and application of science of ecology and its
impact on the cultural and social creation of human and earth’s physical and
biological system.
3. to develop the skill for environmental management.
4. to understand the role policy and legislation, institutional framework and
enforcement mechanism in environmental management.
After completion of this paper/course, students would be able to acquire conceptual
knowledge of contemporary environmental issues. They would be able to identify
the cause and sources of various environmental pollutions and manage remedial
measures with a social aspect. They would gain interdisciplinary experiences to
‘real-world’ environmental issues. After completion of this course, students would
be able to develop a fair understanding of social, economic and environmental
linkage of human production and consumption.
(Core Course)
1) Environment: Definition, Environment and its Components,
Segments of the Environment, Dimensions, Natural Resources,
The need for Public Awareness, Ecology.
2) Environmental Pollution: Air Pollution, Water Pollution,
Soil Pollution, Noise and Sound Pollution and Nuclear Hazards
(with Special reference to Bangladesh).
3) Environmental Degradation: Theories, Public Policies to
Deal with Environmental Degradation**, PopulationEnvironment Nexus, Degraded Environment Affecting
Population (with Special reference to Bangladesh).
4) Sustainable Development: Concept of Sustainable
Development, Facing the Challenges to ensure Sustainable
Development at local and Global level.
5) Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): Definition, EIA
Process, EIA at Project Level (with Special reference to
6) Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA): Definition,
SEA Process,Process
7) Environment at Global Perspective: Environmental
Discourse, Environmental Movements, Precautionary Principles,
Polluters Pay Principles, Beneficiary Pay Principles, Carbon
Trading, ISO 14000.
8) Environmental Governance at Bangladesh Perspective:
Environmental Governance, Management at National and SubNational Level, Policy Making Process, Environmental Policy
and Law, Bio diversity and its conservation, Causes of
Deforestation, Pollution of Rivers, Waste Management, Women
and Environment, NGOs and Environment, Environmental
9) Climate Changes and Global Warming: Their Effects and
Impact at Bangladesh and Global Perspective.
10) Disaster Management in Bangladesh: Natural and Manmade Disaster, the Effects of Disaster on the Environment,
Management at National Level.
Recommended Reading:
1)Miller, T. S.(2000) Living in the Environment: Principles, Connections and
Solutions, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company: USA.
2)Islam, Naznin (2012) Sustainable Development in Bangladesh, AHDP: Dhaka.
3)Steiner, A. George & John, F. Steiner (1991) Business, Government and Society:
A Managerial Perspective, Text & Cases (6th ed.), McGraw Hill: Singapore.
4)Ramchandra,Guha and Juan Martinez-Alier (1997) Varieties of
Environmentalism: Essays North and South, Earthscan: London.
5)Carter, Neil (2001) The Politics of the Environment: Ideas, Activism, Policy,
Cambridge: UK.
6)Gain, Philip (2002) (2nd ed.) Bangladesh Environment: Facing the 21st Century,
SEHD: Dhaka.
7)Dasgupta, Samir (ed.) (2009) Understanding the Global Environment, Dorling
Kindersley Private Ltd.: India.
8)Begum, Sahida (2009) Environmental Law and Environmental Court (Bangla),
Bangla Academy: Dhaka.
9) Nishat, Ainun et. al, (eds.) (2001) Bangladesh Environment Outlook: 2001,
CFSD, Dhaka.
10) Ahmed, Feroze, M. (eds.) (2002) Bangladesh Environment, Vo-1, 2, BAPA
(Bangladesh Paribesh Andolon), Dhaka.
11) Climate Change and Bangladesh (2007), published by Climate Change Cell ,
Government of Bangladesh, Department of Environment, Dhaka, September.
12) Anindita Basak (2009, Pearson Education, India) Environmental Studies,
13) Islam, Nazrul, Muhammad (eds.) (2007) Environmental Governance in
Bangladesh: A Macro Level Study, In: The Journal of Rural Development, Vol-34,
n-1, January, BARD, Comilla, pp. 97-118.
14) Najmun, Sabekun (2008) Eco feminism: Global and Bangladesh Context,
Asian Studies, Journal of the Dept. of Government & Politics, J. U. No-27,
15) Nasrin, Farjana (2016) New Environmental Challenges in Bangladesh:
Dominance of Business Groups in National Politics, Dynamics of Public
Administration, Vol.33, No.1, India, pp.68-82.
16) Nasrin, Farjana (2016) Current State of Environmental Management of
Bangladesh: A Review, Journal of Governance and Public Policy Institute of Public
Enterprise, Hyderabad, Vol.6, No. 2(July-Dec.), India, pp.11-22.
17) Nasrin, Farjana (2016) Role of Advocacy Groups in Environmental Policy
Making: Case for Bangladesh, IASSI Quarterly-Contribution to Indian Social
Science, India Vol. 35, No. 1- 2(January-June), pp.111-131.
18)Nasrin, Farjana (2016) Waste Management in Bangladesh: Current Situation and
Suggestions for Action, Research Journal of Social science, India Vol. 5, No. 10,pp.
19) Nasrin, Farjana (2016) Relationship between Women and Environment:
Challenges for Bangladesh, The Chittagong University Journal of Social Sciences,
Bangladesh, Vol. 30.
20) Nasrin, Farjana (2016) Environmental Movement in Bangladesh: A New
Dimension of Environment, Journal of Alternative Perspective in the Social
Sciences (USA) Vol.8, No.1, pp. 134-171.
21) Nasrin, Farjana (2015) A Critical Review of Project Experience of Bangladesh:
Need for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) at the Project Level, The
Chittagong University Journal of Social Sciences, Bangladesh, Vol. 29,pp.47-68.
22)Nasrin, F. (2017) NGOs in Advocacy: A Comparison between Bangladesh and
other Developed Countries. Public Affairs and Governance (India), Vol.5, No-2,
September, 2017.
23)Nasrin, F. (2021) Addressing Local and Global Sustainability in the Age of
Sustainable Development Goals. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandli L., Lange
Salvia A., Wall T. (eds) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Encyclopedia of
the UN Sustainable Development Goals(Book Chapter).
24)Nasrin, F. (2021) Challenges in Environmental Governance: Experiences from
Bangladesh. Dynamics of Public Administration Journal, January-June issue, V: 38,
N:1, India.
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