Cc Cc parle, parle, 6 6 Nanomaterials Nanomaterials Syllabus Syllabus °° Introduction to to nano nano -- materials materials Introduction ee Graphite Graphite e° Fullerene Fullerene ¢° Carbon nanatubes Carbon nanatubes e° Nanowires Nanowires °° Nanocones Nanocones °° Haeckelites. Their Their electronic electronic and and mechanical mechanical properties properties Haeckelites. e° Production CNTS Production methods methods for for CNTS °° Applications of Applications of nano nano materials materials inin i) i) Medicine Medicine ii) ii) Catalysis Catalysis iii) iii) Environmental Environmental Technologies Technologies iv) Electronics and related iv) Electronics and relatedfields. fields. Vv) Vv) Mechanics. Mechanics. Applied Chemistry Applied Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) —6.1 ee 6-2 6-2 Nanomaterials Nanomaterials Introduction § The word word nanotechnology nanotechnology was was used used for for the the first first time time in in 1974 1974 by by Prof. Prof. Nan’o Nan’o The of Tokyo of Tokyo Science Science University University while while explaining explaining the the silicon silicon machined machined down downto to the small the small particle; particle; smaller smaller than than one one micron. micron. °° Nanoscience can Nanoscience can be be defined defined as, as, the the study study of of phenomena phenomena and and manipulation manipulation of of materials at materials at atomic, atomic, molecular molecular and and macromolecular macromolecular scales, scales, where where properties properties differ significantly differ significantly from from those those at at aa larger largerscale. scale. e6 Nanotechnology can Nanotechnology can be be defined defined as, as, “the “the design, design, characterisation, characterisation, production production and application and application of of structures, structures, devices devices and and systems systems by by controlling controlling shape shape and and size at size at the the nanometre nanometrescale.” scale.” | 6.2 Nanomaterials 6.2.1 Manufacture/Preparation 6.2.1 Manufacture/Preparation of of Nanomaterials Nanomaterials >> [[ May May 2009 2009! !] ] e@ Materials Materials comprising comprising of of particles particles with with aa size size between between 11 to to 100 100 nm nm (ie. (ie. 10°m) 10 °m) are are normally normally considered considered as as nanomaterials. nanomaterials. ee One nanometre One nanometre (nm) (nm) is is 10 10°m °m i.e. i.e. one one thousand thousand millionth millionth of of aa metre metre which which is is about the about the size size of of 66 carbon carbon atoms atoms in in aa line line or or 10 10 hydrogen hydrogen atoms atomsin in a line. line. e° These objects These objects are are too too small small to to see see without without very very powerful powerful electron electron microscope. microscope. 8° Nanomaterials can Nanomaterials can be be of of different different shapes shapes such such aslike as like rod, rod, plate plate or or any any other other complex geometry. complex geometry. °° @e The spherical The spherical particles particles which which are are less less than than 10 10 nm nm arecalled are called as as clusters. clusters. _ Particles at Particles at nanoscale nanoscale (100-0.2 (100-0.2 nm) nm) show show variation variation in in the the properties properties of of materials from materials from those those at at aa larger larger scale scale (Normal (Normalsizes). sizes). ax are ow Applied Chemistry Applied Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) e° 6-3 6-3 Nanooma Nan mate ter rial ial ss Below 100 Below 100 nm nm with with every every lower lower value value the the properties properties like like melting melting point, point, colour colour i.e. wavelength i.e. wavelength of of optical optical transition, transition, ionisation ionisation potential, potential, hardness, hardness, catalytic catalytic activity and activity and selectivity, selectivity, magnetic magnetic properties properties vary. vary. ®e These are These are the the same same properties properties in in materials materials which which remain remain almost almost constant, constant, whenparticles when particles are are not not in in nano nanoscales. scales. _e _e Due to Due to their their remarkably remarkably reduced reduced size, size, such such materials materials provide provide challenging challenging usage in usage in the the various variousfield. field. Table 6.2.1 Table 6.2.1 : The The sizes sizes of of nanoscale nanoscale objects objects Object 0 Diameter rogen atom H-Hyd H-Hydrogen atom 0.1 0.1 nm nm uckminsterfullerence Ceo-B Ceo-Buckminsterfullerence 0.7 0.7 nm nm n nanot ube (single wall) Carbo Carbon nanotube(single wall) 1.8nm 0.4-1.8nm 0.4-— n atoms 66 carbo carbon atomsaligned aligned Inm lnm DNA DNA 2nm 2nm ns Protei Proteins 5-50 nm nm 5-50 um Dot CdSe CdSe Quant Quantum Dot 2-10 nm nm 2-10 ome Ribos Ribosome 25 nm nm 25 Virus Virus 0 nm 75-100 nm 75-10 Semiconductor Chip Semiconductor Chip Features Features 90 nm* 90 nm*or or shows howe Mitochondria Mitochondria 500-1000 nm 500-1000 nm Bacteria Bacteria 1000-10000 nm 1000-10000 nm Capillary (diameter) Capillary (diameter) 8000 nm 8000 nm White blood White bloodcell cell 10000 nm 10000 nm *Currently the the semiconductor semiconductor chips chips are are being being reduced reduced to to 20 20 nm nm byby aa *Currently technique nanolithography. technique nanolithography. Applied Chemistry -- | (MU) Applied Chemistry (MU) 6-4 6-4 Va Va Nanomaterials Nanomaterials Nano-materials can. Nano-materials can. be be manufactured manufactured either either of of the the following following methods methods (modes) (modes) (i) (i) Top to Top to bottom bottom (ii) Bottom (i) Bottom up up e° Top Top to to bottom bottom method method involves involves milling milling bulk bulk material material with with normal normal size size particles bulk particles bulk to to small small particles particles (nanosize). (nanosize). e° Bottom up Bottom up method method involves involves forming forming objects objects from from individual individual atoms atoms or or molecules molecules and and joining joining them. them. e.g. e.g. wood wood madeupof made up of cells cells of of trees trees which which are are on on the the nanoscale. nanoscale. °e Wood Wood comprises comprises of of cellulose cellulose which which is is nothing nothing but but simple simple glucose glucose units units combined. combined. ee In high quantity quantity of In potatos, potatos, which which has has high of starch, starch, comprises comprises of of repeating repeating units units of of glucose. glucose. 82 But But we we use use wood wood andpotatoes and potatoes for for different different purposes. purposes. °e This This isis because, because, they they differ differ in in linkages linkages of of glucose. glucose. These These are are natural natural polymers. polymers. Fig. 6.2.2 Fig. 6.2.2 :: The The chemical chemical composition composition of of starch starch Thus extraordinary Thus extraordinary properties properties shown shown by by nanomaterials nanomaterials are are due due to to the the difference in difference in the the arrangement arrangementof of simple simple materials. materials. +i es a ; mee Applied Chemistry Applied Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) vw ° ° ae 6-5 6-5 Nanomaterials Nanomateria ls The The properties properties of of materials materials can can be be different different at at the the nanoscale nanoscale for for two two main main reasons. reasons. °° 1. 1. Increase in Increase in relative relative surface surface area, area, and and 2. 2. Quantumeffects. Quantum effects. These factors These factors can can change change or or enhance enhance properties properties such such asreactivity, as reactivity, strength strength andelectrical and electrical characteristics. characteristics. °° With decrease With decreasein in size size of of particle, particle, aa greater greater number number of of atoms atoms are are found found at at the the surface as surface as compared compared to to those those inside. inside. ee For example, For example, aa particle particle of of size size 30 30 nm nm has has 5% 5% of of its its atoms atomsonits on its surface, surface, At 10 At 10 nm nm 20% 20% of of its its atoms, atoms, At its atoms. At 33 nm nm 50% 50% of ofits atoms. °8 Thus nanoparticles Thus nanoparticles have have aa much much greater greater surface surface area area per per unit unit mass mass as as compared with compared with larger largerparticles. particles. °® The The catalytic catalytic chemical chemical reactions reactions occur occur mainly mainly on on surfaces. surfaces. Thus Thus given given mass mass of of material material in in nanoparticulate nanoparticulate form form will will be be much much more more reactive reactive than than the the same mass same mass of of material material made madeup up of oflarger larger particles. particles. Example :: U.S. Example U.S. silver silver dollar dollar °° The silver The silver dollar dollar contains contains 26.96 26.96 grams gramsofcoin of coin silver, silver, has has a a diameter diameterof of about about 40 40 mm, mm, and and has has a a total total surface surface area area of of approximately approximately 27.70 27.70 square square centimeters. centimeters. °° If the If the same same amount amount of of coin coin silver silver were were divided divided into into tiny tiny particles particles —— say say 11 nanometer nanometer in in diameter diameter —— the the total total surface surface area area of of those those particles particles would would be be \w ww 11,400 square 11,400 square meters. meters. °° Thus the Thus the surface surface area area increases increases by by 4.115 4.115 million million times times than than the the surface surface area area of the of the silver silver dollar, dollar, when when not not in in nanosize. nanosize. [Sane eerie ene erp eer rrreen es | = | eA ni Applied Applied Chemistry Chemistry -- I (MU) (MU) ee | 6-6 6-6 Nanomaterials Nanomaterials In other In other materials materials such such as as crystalline crystalline solids, solids, as as the the size size of of their their structural structural components decreases, decreases, there is much much greater greater interface area within the components there is interface area within the material; material; this this can can greatly greatly affect affect both both mechanical mechanical and and electrical electrical properties. properties. °° Most metals Most metals are are made made up up of of small small crystalline crystalline grains; grains; the the boundaries boundaries between the grain grain slow arrest the the propagation propagation of of defects defects when when the between the slow downor down or arrest the material is material is stressed, stressed, thus thus giving givingit it strength. strength. ee If these If these grains grains can can be be made made very very small, small, or or even even nanoscale nanoscale in in size, size, the the interface area interface area within within the the material material greatly greatly increases, increases, which which enhances enhances its its strength. strength. °° For example, example, nanocrystalline nanocrystalline nickel nickel is as strong strong as as hardened hardenedsteel. For is as steel. 8° Understanding Understanding surfaces surfaces and and interfaces interfaces isis aa key key challenge challenge for for nanomaterials. nanomaterials. °e The known The known allotropes allotropes of of carbon carbon are, are, (i) (i) Graphite Graphite (ii) (ii) Diamond. Diamond. But But Nanotechnology has Nanotechnology has helped helpedto to get get the the third third allotrope allotrope of of carbon. carbon. Fullerenes Fullerenesor or Coo. Ceo. 16.3 46.3 Graphite Graphite yA yA °° Allotrope of Allotrope of carbon carbon i.e. i.e. graphite graphite acts acts as as aa lubricant. lubricant. It It also also forms forms aa carbon carbon “e “G C€ DH eam fiber material fiber material used used in in tennis tennis rackets rackets and and bicycles. bicycles. °e milOC¢ “O “‘ These varied These varied uses uses of of graphite graphite are are been been mainly mainly due due to to its its structure structure as as 3. JO oat p. aae A? shownin shown in Fig. Fig. 6.3.1. 6.3.1. Fig. 6.3.1 Fig. 6.3.1 : Molecular Molecular model model of of graphite graphite °e Each Each of of the the carbon carbon atoms atoms is is bound bound to to three three other other carbon carbon atoms atoms in in the the same same plane, at plane, at aa molecular molecularlevel. level. | ————== —_ ne el Applie Appliedd Chemis Chemisttry ry -- | (MU) (MU) 6-7 6-7 Nanerfa sienontetiats aieiie °« The The planar planar surface surfacess do do not not have have covalen covalentt links links and and are are therefore therefore free free is to move relative moverelati to one ve to one another, another, which which gives gives graphite graphite its its lubricant lubricant properties. properties. e® Because of Because of the the structural structural uniqueness, uniqueness, graphite graphite has has slippery slippery movement movement in in molecular form. molecular form. #6.4 q6.4 Fullerene Fullerene § ao ~ >» [[ Dec. Dec. 2007, 2007, Dec. Dec. 2008, 2008, May May 2009, 2009, Dec. Dec. 2009 2009 !! ]} °° The fullerenes The fullerenes can can be be considered, considered, after after graphite graphite and and diamond, diamond,to to be be the the third third well-defined allotrope well-defined allotrope of of carbon. carbon. °e Fullerenes were Fullerenes werefirst first isolated isolated in in 1990, 1990, in in considerable considerable quantity. quantity. ee The molecule The molecule was was named named after after R. R. | Buckminster Buckminster Fuller, Fuller, the the inventor inventor of of geodesic domes, geodesic domes, which which conform conform to to the the same same underlying underlyingstructural structural formula. formula. °° AA hollow, hollow, pure pure carbon carbon molecule molecule in in which which the the atoms atoms lie lie at at the the vertices vertices of of a.a. polyhedron with polyhedron with 12 12 pentagonal pentagonal faces faces and and any any number numberof of hexagonal hexagonalfaces. faces. ee (When graphite (When graphite was was vaporised vaporised with with aa short-pulse, short-pulse, high-power high-power laser) laser) itit turned into turned into Fullerence Fullerence —— Cgpo. Cgpo. °° But this But this was was not not aa practical practical method method for for making making large large quantities. quantities. Fig. 6.4.1 Fig. 6.4.1 :: Chemical Chemical structure structure of of Buckminster-fullerene-C,, Buckminster-fullerene-C,, °° Each carbon Each carbon isis bound bound to to three three other other carbons carbons in in aa _ pseudo-spherical pseudo-spherical arrangement arrangement consisting consisting of of alternating alternating pentagonal pentagonal and and hexagonal hexagonal rings, rings, in in the manner the mannerofa of a soccer soccer ball. ball. Hence Hence its its nickname, nickname, buckyball. buckyball. Applied Applied Chemistry Chemistry - | (MU) (MU) 6-8 6-8 Nanomaterials Nanomaterials s Every Every carbon carbon is is equivalent. equivalent. NMR NMR spectrum spectrum of of Cg Ceo reveals reveals a a single single line. line. e Buchminster Buchminster fullerene fullerene is is aa beautiful beautiful thing thing it it was was found found as as aa byproduct byproduct of of | Ap soot formation. formation. soot . Scrape the Scrape the inside inside of of the the chimney chimney and and you you will will get get few few buckyballs buckyballs on on the the finger. finger. 8 Properties and Properties and applications, ition Fullerences are Fullerences are spheroidal spheroidal organic organic molecules. molecules. Following Following are are the the physical physical and of fullerences, fullerences, and chemical chemical properties propertiesof e Fullerene Fullerene and and its its derivatives derivatives show show superconductivity superconductivity and and ferro-magnetism. ferro-magnetism. ns fullerenes See fullerenes are are used used in in synthetic, synthetic, pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical, and and industrial industrial ) pplications, as drugs or as inhibitor inhibitor of of the the HIV HIV protease, protease, to to make make new new drugs oraapplications, proteins. proteins. —_— _— ee aCeo Ceo fullerene fullerene are are used used in in cosmetics cosmetics preparation preparation applicable applicable in in halting halting the the 4 —— SO process of aging. processof aging. ° The Theothertype other type of of fullerene fullerene Cgp Cgp can can act act as as aa very very good good MRI MRI contrast contrast agent. agent. e They They can can be be useful useful in in light light emitting emitting diodes diodes (LED), (LED), molecular molecular electronics electronics and and computing, computing, as as lubricants, lubricants, rocket rocket fuel fuel etc. etc. e Fullerene due to to its Fullerene C59, C59, shows shows odd odd magnetic magnetic and and electronic electronic properties properties due its shape shape being intermediate being intermediate between between aa sphere sphere and and aa disk. disk. ° Quantum Quantum dots dots are are crystals crystals so so small small that that their their properties properties are are subject subject to to quantum quantum effects. effects. They They are are also also called called as as zero zero directional directional objects. objects. ° The Thesize size of of Quantum Quantum dot dot isis larger larger than than an an atom atom though though the the difference difference isis negligible. negligible. The The smallest smallest such such quantum quantum dot dot contains contains only only 33 atoms atoms like like water. water. ea Be ee : = .s Applied Applied Chemistry Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) °° 6-9 6-9 Nanomaterials Nanomaterials Same Same quantum quantum dots dots are are made made up up of of virtual virtual matier matier composed composed of of confined confined electrons. electrons. f f ., °° . Such Such quantum quantum dots dots exist exist in in crystal crystal format format though though their their massis mass is very very low. low. ee Quantum dot dot is is a a nanoparticle nanoparticle with with unusual unusual properties. properties. Quantum °° Quantum Quantum well well are are formed formed when when the the electrons electrons are are traped traped in in an an island island of of conducting conducting and and semiconducting semiconducting material material which which is is surrounded surrounded entirely entirely by by an an insulator. insulator. These These traps traps are are called called as as quantum quantum wells. wells. ll °° The The traps traps are are of of very very thin thin layers layers similar similar to to computer computer chips chips — — nanometer nanometer thick. thick. II °° It It was was found found that that electrons electrons can can movefreely move freely only only in in two two dimensions. dimensions. rr ee The The distance distance they they travel travel in in the the third third dimension dimension was was found found to to be be smaller smaller than than the the wavelengthof wavelength of electrons. electrons. 3 sqossceemmrnianat senescence ia YO (pins "| ~. (6.6 §6.6 Carbon Carbon Nanotubes Nanotubes (CNT’s) (CNT’s) {| f > > [[ May May 2008, 2008, May May 2010 2010! ]] 4d ®e Carbon sheets are Carbon particles particles as as graphene graphene sheets are made made into into tubular tubular forms forms called called as as Carbon nanotubes. Carbon nanotubes. .e e° They their lengths lengths are up to They have have diameters diameters of of few few nanometers nanometers and and their are up to several several micrometers. micrometers. 0O ee They They were were discovered discovered in in 1991 1991 by by lijima. lijima. ®e Carbon nanotubes future applications. Carbon nanotubes have have very very important important future applications. Structural features features | Structural ie° S74 s Each made up Each nanotube nanotube is is made up of of a a hexagonal hexagonal network network of of covalently covalently bonded bonded carbon atoms. carbon atoms. ’ Applied Applied Chemistry Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) 6-10 6-10 Nanomaterials Nanomaterials Carbon nanotubes Carbon nanotubesare are of of two two types types: : (i) (i) single-walled single-walled (ii) (ii) multi-walled. multi-walled. carbon nanotube nanotube (SWNT) (SWNT) consists consists of of aa single single graphene graphene AA single-walled single-walled carbon cylinder multi-walled carbon carbon nanotube nanotube (MWNT) (MVWNT) consists consists of of cylinder whereas whereas aa multi-walled several graphene several graphenecylinders cylinders which which are are arranged arrangedin in concentric concentric form. form. Dueto Due to such such structures, structures, these these CNTS CNTS show showelectronic, electronic, mechanical, mechanical, optical optical and and chemical characteristics, chemical characteristics, thermal thermal conductivity, conductivity, density, density, and and lattice lattice structure. structure. which make which make them them highly highly useful useful for for many many application. application. The The intrinsic intrinsic properties properties of of CNTS CNTS depend depend on on the the diameter. diameter. 6.7 6.7 /Methods of Preparation Methodsof Preparation for for CNTS CNTS and and Fullerenes Fullerenes | There There are are five five methods methodsfor for preparation preparation of of CNTs, CNTs, and and Fullerenes. Fullerenes. Arc method Arc method Laser method Laser method Chemical Vapour Chemical Vapour Deposition Deposition [CVD] [CVD] Ball Ball milling milling Flame synthesis Flame synthesis 6.7.1 6.7.1 Arc Arc Method Method A ° This isis the This the first first method method for for producing producing CNTs CNTs and and fullerenes fullerenes in in reasonable reasonable quantities. quantities. °© In this In this method, method, an an electric electric current current is is applied applied across across two two carbonaceous carbonaceous | | } electrodes in electrodes in an an inert inert gas gas atmosphere.This atmosphere. This isis called called plasma plasma arcing. arcing. _ —_ e° The The carbon carbon arc arc discharge discharge method, method, has has been been initially initially used used for for producing producing Ceo Ceo A —| fullerenes. fullerenes. |? |? Applied Chemistry Applied Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) ee 6-11 6-11 Nanomaterials Nanomaterials It isis the It the most most common common and and perhaps perhaps easiest easiest way way to to produce produce CNTs, CNTs,asit as it isis rather simple. rather simple. ee It involves It involves the the evaporation evaporation of of one one electrode electrode as as cations cations followed followed by by deposition deposition Sieeae a at the at the other other electrode. electrode. This This plasma-based plasma-based process processis is similar similar to to electroplating electroplating — —— ——_—___—_— - ee process. process. ofof ——— —_——— °e dd This method This method creates creates CNTs CNTs through through arc-vaporization arc-vaporization of of two two carbon carbon rods rods -- placed placed end end to to end, end, separated separated by by approximately approximately 1mm, 1mm, in in an an enclosure enclosurethatis that is usually filled usually filled with with inert inert gas gas at at low low pressure. pressure. e® Recent investigations Recent investigations have have shown shown that that itit isis also also possible possible to to create create CNTs CNTs with the with the arc arc method methodin in liquid liquid nitrogen. nitrogen. —_—_ —_—_ °e AA direct direct current current of of 50 50 to to 100 100 A, A, driven driven by by aa potential potential difference difference of of approximately 20 approximately 20 V, V, creates creates aa high high temperature temperature discharge discharge between between the the two two electrodes. electrodes. |. le The discharge The discharge vaporizes vaporizes the the surface surface of of one one of of the the carbon carbon electrodes, electrodes, and and forms aa small forms small rod-shaped rod-shaped deposit deposit on on the the other other electrode. electrode. eie The fullerenes The fullerenes appear appear in in the the soot soot that that is is formed, formed, while while the the CNTs CNTs are are deposited on deposited on the the opposing opposingelectrode. electrode. °6 This technique This technique produces produces aa complex complex mixture mixture of of components, components, and and requires requires further purification further purification to separate to separate the the CNTs CNTs from from the the soot soot and and the the residual residual catalytic metals catalytic metals present present in in the the crude crude product. product. 6.7. 6.7. aser aser Method Method »» [[ Dec. Dec. 2007 2007 | }} "= °° In 1996 In 1996 CNTs CNTswerefirst were first synthesized synthesized using using aa dual-pulsed dual-pulsed laser laser and and achieved achieved yields of yields of >70 >70 wt% wt% purity. purity. =ne Seo Yeo Ns3 In this In this method method the the samples samples were were prepared prepared by by laser laser vaporization vaporization of of graphite graphite :| rods with rods with aa 1: 1: 11 catalyst catalyst mixture mixture of of Cobalt Cobalt and and Nickel Nickel at at 1200°C 1200°C in in flowing flowing | argon, argon, followed followed by by heat heat treatment treatment in in aa vacuum vacuum at at 1000°C 1000°Cto to get get the the Ceo Ceo and and ~~ a4 | - other other fullerenes. fullerenes. — So = -_ ;: ae a Applied Chemistry Applied Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) ®° 6-12 6-12 ;. Nanomaterials Nanomaterials ack} a The minimizes the the amount The use use of of two two successive successive laser laser pulses pulses minimizes amount of of carbon carbon —_ os deposited as deposited as soot. soot. °° The Thesecond second laser laser pulse pulse breaks breaks up up the the larger largerparticles particles ablated ablated by by the thefirst first one, one, and feeds and feeds them them into into the the growing growing nanotube nanotubestructure. structure. °@ EE The material The material produced produced by by this this method method appears appears as as aa mat matof of “ropes”, “ropes”, 10-20nm 10-20nm in diameter in diameter and and up up to to 100um 100um or or more morein in length. length. °° ti Each rope Each rope is is found found to to consist consist primarily primarily of of aa bundle bundle of of single single walled walled nanotubes, aligned nanotubes, aligned along along aa common commonaxis. axis. e° By varying By varying the the temperature, temperature, the the catalyst catalyst composition, composition, and and other other process process parameters, the parameters, the average average nanotube nanotube diameter diameter and and size size distribution distribution can can be be varied. varied. °° Arc-discharge and Arc-discharge and laser laser vaporization vaporization are are currently currently the the principal principal methods methods for for obtaining small obtaining small quantities quantities of of high high quality quality CNTs. CNTs. Drawbacksof Drawbacks of Arc Arc and and laser laser method method Both methods Both methods involve involve evaporating evaporating the the carbon carbon source, source, Hence Hence to to increase increase production to production to the the industrial industrial level level using using these these approaches, approaches, is is difficult. difficult. Both methods Both methods produce produce CNTs CNTsin in highly highly tangled tangled forms, forms, mixed mixed with with unwanted unwanted forms of forms of carbon carbon and/or and/or metal metal species. species. Hence, CNTs Hence, CNTs produced produced are aredifficult difficult to to purify, purify, manipulate, manipulate, and and assemble assemble for for building nanotube-device building nanotube-device architectures architectures for for practical practical applications. applications. Ais Ais Chemical Vapor Chemical Vapor Deposition Deposition [CVD] [CVD] In this In this method, method, hydrocarbon hydrocarbon such such as as acetylene acetylene is is subjected subjected to to chemical chemical vapour deposition vapour deposition catalytically catalytically using using metal metal catalyst, catalyst, such such as as cobalt cobalt or or iron. iron. Method is Method is established established for for last last 20 20 years years and and has has been been in in use use for for producing producing various carbon various carbon materials materials such such as as carbon carbonfibers, fibers, filaments filamentsetc. etc. Hydrocarbon used Hydrocarbon used are, are, acetylene, acetylene, ethylene, ethylene, methane methaneetc. etc. | zm s 7 zu Sie [| Applied Chemistry - | (MU) Applied Chemistry - | (MU) 6-13 6-13 Nanomateri Nanomaterials als Table 6.7.1 _ Table 6.7.1 :: Someof Some of the the sources, sources,catalyst, catalyst, temperatures temperatures are are as asfollows follows :: a Carbon Carbon source source : af oe _ Temp Temp _ee oA Ethylene Ethylene 545°C 900°C 900°C 545°C Catalyst Catalyst .Ni/Fe/CO .Ni/Fe/C O SWCNTand SWCNT and MWCNT MWCNT . n H./CH4 | HL/CH, 1000°C catalytic catalytic | CO/Ni/Fe CO/Ni/Fe 1000°C d Acetylene Acetylen e 1S Product Product |. High yield yield of of onon| High decomposition decompos ition MgO MgO SWCNT SWCNT 600°C == 600°C Cobalt Cobalt SWCNT SWCNT e MWCNT MWCNT wr r Carbon source source with with| >> 800°C 800°C Carbon H)/CHy, H/CH, oxide solid solid solution solution oxide atmosphere, any| powders powders atmosphe re, any (Reducible to nonnon(Reducibl e to metal catalyst catalyst metal containing CNT containi ng CNT Metal catalyst catalyst Metal CWCNT CWCNT reducible reducible se se : . transition transitio n | oxide) oxide) / CH, CH4 or - =|| or oxides oxides with one one or or more more with | ad metal metal 500°C >> 500°C Decomposition Decomposition MWCNT MWCNT : Any source. | > 600°C Any carbon carbon source. > pone a1cetyl | | |<.8: acetylene acetylene ogog i po i | (main) (main) / (minor (minor quantity) quantity) | ‘al ‘al Composite Composit e C/zeolite catalyst C/zeolite catalyst . bee| eee | +Few MWCNT + Few MWCNT — ~ \ \:% \ ay, Sa eee Applied Chemistry Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) Applied j A 6-14 6-14 Nanomaterials Nanomaterials 6.7.4 6.7.4 Ball Ball Milling Milling Ball for the Ball milling milling and and subsequent subsequent annealing annealing isis aa simple simple method methodfor the production production of of CNTs. CNTs. CNTs CNTs of of carbon carbon and and boron boron nitride nitride can can be be produced produced from from their their respective respective powders powders by by thermal thermal annealing. annealing. These These CNTs CNTs are are fully fully nanoporous nanoporous microstructures. microstructures. Method Method consists consists of of placing placing graphite graphite powder powder into into a a stainless stainless steel steel container container containing containing four four hardenedsteel hardened steel balls. balls. The The container container is is purged, purged, and and argon argonis is introduced. introduced. The milling milling isis carried carried out out at at room room temperature temperature for for up up to to 150 150 hours. hours. On On The completion of completion of milling, milling, the the powder powder isis annealed annealed under under an aninert inert gas gas flow flow at at temperatures temperatures of of 1400°C 1400°C for for six six hours. hours. The mechanism The mechanism of of this this process process is is not not known, known, but but by by using using the the ball ball milling milling process process nanotube nanotube nuclei nuclei are are formed, formed, and and by by using using annealing annealing process process growth growth of of nanotubeis nanotube is activated. activated. It isis observed It observed that that this this method method produces produces more more multi multi walled walled nanotubes nanotubes (MWCNT)andfew (MWCNT) and few single single walled walled nanotubes nanotubes (SWCNT). (SWCNT). 6.7.5 6.7.5 Other Other Methods Methods CNTs can CNTs can also also be be produced produced by by diffusion diffusion flame flame synthesis, synthesis, electrolysis, electrolysis, use use of of solar solar energy, energy, heat heat treatment treatment of of aa polymer, polymer, and and low-temperature low-temperature solid solid pyrolysis. pyrolysis. In flame flame synthesis, synthesis, combustion combustion of portion of of the hydrocarbon gas gas provides provides In of aa portion the hydrocarbon the elevated the elevated temperature temperature required, required, with with the the remaining remaining fuel fuel conveniently conveniently serving as the required required hydrocarbon hydrocarbon reagent. serving as the reagent. Thus the the flame flame constitutes efficient source of both both energy energy and and Thus constitutes an an efficient source of hydrocarbon material. hydrocarbon raw raw material. Combustion synthesis be used for high-volume commercial production, Combustion synthesis can can be used for high-volume commercial production, by modifying by modifying various various parameters of of process. process. a! a a= Applied Chemistry Applied Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) —_ : 6.8 Properties of Carbon 6-15 6-15 Nanotubes Nanomaterials Nanomaterials | a, Bectiieal Conductivity onHC Conductivity (1) (1) CNTscanbe CNTs can be highly highly conducting, conducting, and and hence hence can can be besaid said to to be be metallic. metallic. (2) (2) Their Their conductivity conductivity has has been been shown shown to to be be aa function function of of (1) (1) chirality, chirality, (2) (2) degree degree of of twist twist (3) (3) diameter. diameter. (3) (3) CNTs CNTs can can be be either either metallic metallic or or semi-conducting semi-conducting inin- their their electrical electrical behavior. behavior. Conductivity Conductivity in in MWNTsis MWNTs is quite quite complex. complex. (4) (4) The resistivity The resistivity of of the the SWCNT SWCNT ropes ropes isis found found to to be be of of the the order order of of 10-4 ohm-cm 10-4 ohm-cm at at 27°C. 27°C. Thus Thus SWCNT SWCNT ropes ropes are are the the most most conductive conductive carbon fibers carbon fibers known. known. (5) (5) They are They are able able to to sustain sustain much much higher higher stable stable current current densities, densities, as as high high as 10-13 as 10-13 A/cm?. A/cm?. Jt has has been been reported reported that that individual individual single single walled walled nanotubes nanotubes may may (6) It (6) contain defects. contain defects. These These defects defects allow allow the the single single walled walled nanotubes nanotubesto to act act as transistors. as transistors. Likewise, Likewise, joining joining CNTs CNTs together together may may form form transistortransistorlike like devices. devices. nanotube with with aa natural natural junction junction (where (where aa straight straight metallic metallic section section (7) AA nanotube (7) isis joined joined to to aa chiral chiral semiconducting semiconducting section) section) behaves behaves as as aa rectifying rectifying diode —— that diode thatis, is, aa half-transistor half-transistor in in aa single single molecule. molecule. (8) (8) ItIt has has also also recently recently been been reported reported that that single single walled walled nanotubes nanotubes can can route route electrical electrical signals signals at at speeds speeds up up to to 10 10 GHz GHz when when used used as as interconnects on interconnects on semi-conducting semi-conducting devices. devices. b) b)} Strength and Strength and Elasticity Elasticity (1) (1) The carbon The carbon atoms atoms of of aa single single sheet sheet of of graphite graphite form form aa planar planar honeycomblattice, honeycomb lattice, in in which which each each atom atom isis connected connected via via strong strong chemical chemical bondto bond to three three neighboring neighboring atoms. atoms. Because of of these these strong strong bonds, bonds, the the basal basal plane plane elastic elastic modulus modulus of of (2) Because (2) graphite isis one graphite one of of the the largest largest of of any any known known material. material. Z Applied Applied Chemistry Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) 6-16 6-16 rf : Nanomaterials Nanomaterials (3) (3) For this For this reason, reason, CNTs CNTs are are expected expected to to be be the the ultimate ultimate high-strength high-strength fibers. fibers. Single Single walled walled nanotubes nanotubes are are stiffer stiffer than than.steel, steel, and and are are very very resistant resistant to to damage damage from from physical physicalforces. forces. (4) (4) Pressing on Pressing on the the tip tip of of aa nanotube nanotube will will cause cause itit to to bend, bend, but but without without damageto damage to the the tip. tip. When When the the force force is is removed, removed, the the nanotube nanotube returns returns to to its original its original state. state. (5) (5) This property This property makes makes CNTs CNTs very very useful useful as as probe probe tips tips for for very very highhighresolution scanning resolution scanning probe probe microscopy. microscopy. (6) (6) The current The current Young’s Young’s modulus modulusvalueof value of single single walled walled nanotubes nanotubesis is about about 11 TeraPascal, TeraPascal, but but this this value value has has been been widely widely disputed, disputed, and and aa value value as as high as high as 1.8 1.8 Tpa Tpa has has been been reported. reported. (7) (7) Young’s modulus Young’s modulus depends depends on on the thesize size and and chirality chirality of of the the single single walled walled nanotubes, ranging nanotubes, ranging from from 1.22 1.22 Tpa Tpa to to 1.26 1.26 Tpa. Tpa. Ch, oe cc They have They have calculated calculated aa value value of of 1.09 1.09 Tpa Tpa for for aa generic generic nanotube. nanotube. Thermal Conductivity Thermal Conductivity and and Expansion Expansion (1) (1) CNTs exhibit CNTs exhibit superconductivity superconductivity below below 26°K 26°K (approximate (approximate -253°C). -253°C). (2) (2) CNTs can can adopt adopt electrical electrical properties properties and and behave behave as semiconductorsor CNTs as semiconductors or even as even as metals. metals. (3) (3) They are They are exceptionally exceptionally strong strong and andstiff stiff against against axial axial strains. strains. (4) (4) CNTs possess high CNTspossess high flexibility flexibility against against non-axial non-axial strains. strains. (5) (5) CNTs are used in nanoscale and CNTs are used in nanoscale molecular molecular electronics, electronics, sensing sensing and actuating devices, actuating devices, or or as as reinforcing reinforcing additive additive fibers fibers in in functional functional composite materials. composite materials. (6) (6) CNTs show CNTs show very very high high thermal thermal conductivity. conductivity. (7) (7) Polymeric Polymeric materials materials reinforced reinforced by by CNTs CNTs also also significantly significantly improve improve the the thermal and thermal and thermomechanical thermomechanical properties properties of of the the composites. composites. d d ield ield Emission Emission (1) (1) When electrons from from aa metal vacuum, under When electrons metal tip tip are are tunneled tunneled into into vacuum, under application application of of aa strong strong electric electric field. field. (2) (2) Field emission Field emission isis resulted resulted the the small small diameter diameter and and high high aspect aspect ratio ratio of of CNTs isis very very favorable favorable for for field field emission. emission. CNT'T's , Applied Chemistry Applied Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU)-- (3) (3) 6-17 6-17 , Nanomaterials Nanomaterials Even Even for for moderate moderate voltages, voltages, aa strong strong electric electric field field develops develops at at the the free free end end of of supported supported CNTs CNTs because becauseof of their their sharpness. sharpness. (4) This This phenomenon phenomenon was was observed observed by by de de Heer Heer and and co-workers co-workers at at EPFL EPFL in in (4) 1995. 1995. (5) (5) These These field field emitters emitters are are found found to to be be superior superior to to conventional conventionalelectron electron sources sources and and hence hence they they find find their their way way into into all all kind kind of of applications, applications, most most importantly importantly flat-panel flat-panel displays. displays. (6) (6) It It isis remarkable remarkable that that after after only only five five years years Samsungactually Samsung actually realized realized a a very very bright bright color color display, display, which which will will be be shortly shortly commercialized commercialized using using this this technology. technology. (7) (7) Studying the Studying the field field emission emission properties properties of of multi multi walled walled nanotubes, nanotubes, Bonard Bonard and and co-workers co-workers at at EPFL EPFL observed observed that that together together with with electrons, electrons, light light is is emitted emitted as as well. well. This This luminescence luminescence is is induced induced by by the the electron electron field field emission, emission, since since it it is is not not detected detected without without applied applied potential. potential. This This light light emission emission occurs occurs in in the the visible visible part part of of the the spectrum, spectrum, and and can can sometimes sometimes be be seen seen with with the the naked naked eye. eye. e) e) High High Aspect Aspect Ratio Ratio ; (1) (1) CNTs CNTs represent, represent, high high aspect aspect ratio ratio about about 1000 1000: :1. 1. (2) (2) The lower loading The high high aspect aspect ratio ratio indicates indicates that that aa lower loading of of CNTs CNTs isis needed needed compared compared to to other other conductive conductive additives additives to to achieve achieve the the same sameelectrical electrical conductivity, conductivity, such such as as carbon carbon black, black, chopped chopped carbon carbon fiber fiber or or stainless stainless steel fiber. steel fiber. (3) (3) Due to Due to low low loading loading of of CNTs CNTs the the toughness, toughness, of of polymer polymer resins’ resins’ isis presented especially presented especially at at low low temperatures, temperatures, as as well well as as maintaining maintaining other other key key performance performance properties properties of of the the matrix matrix resin. resin. CN (4) CN (4) have proven have proven to to be be an an excellent excellent additive additive to to impart impart electrical electrical onductivity in onductivity in plastics. plastics. f)f) ighly ighly Absorbent Absorbent (1) (1) The large The large surface surface area area gives gives high high absorbency absorbency to to CNTs CNTs which which make make them ideal them ideal for for use use in in air, air, gas, gas, and and water waterfiltration. filtration. we ie Applied Applied Chemistry Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) (2) (2) 6-18 6-18 Nanomaterials Nanomaterials Replacing Replacing activated activated charcoal charcoal with with CNTs CNTs in in certain certain ultra ultra high high purity purity applications, has applications, has been been successful. successful. eesnageg “ jo. 6.9 Applications Applications of of Carbon Carbon Nanotubes Nanotubes —§ The The most most important important application application of of carbon carbon nanotubes nanotubesare: are: ° Ascatalyst As catalyst support support e In In batteries batteries Fuel Fuel Cells: Cells: He, He, Li Li storage storage ° As As field field emitters emitters for for instrumentation instrumentation . capacitors capacitors ° As electrodes in Aselectrodes in electrochemistry electrochemistry e In microscopy microscopy In ° As nanotube nanotube sensors sensors As ° Asdiodes, diodes, transistors transistors and and capacitors capacitors As ° As nanoscale reactors, ion ion channels channels As nanoscale reactors, ° As transport As membranesfor membranes for molecular molecular transport ° Asfilling materials in in polymer polymer composites composites As filling materials | 6.10 Nanowires | »> [[ May May 2010 2010! ! ]] ° AA nanowire nanowire is is an an extremely extremely thin thin wire wire with with a a diameter diameter of of the the order order of of aa few few nanometers (nm) or or less, meters. | nanometers (nm) less, where where 11 nm nm == 10°? 10° meters. e Nanowires are are like ordinary wires an abnormally abnormally less less thickness thickness 10 10 Nanowires like ordinary wires with with an atoms atoms diameter, diameter, length length can can be be longer longer even even up up to to 1000 1000 nm nm ie. i.e. 11 um. um. ° Nanowiresare Nanowires are synthesized synthesized gradually gradually just just like like crystal crystal growth. growth. ° Nanowires of various combinations combinations of Nanowires of various of materials materials which which not not only only carries carries current current but but also also information information are are not not only only synthesized synthesized but but are are being being manufactured. Applied Chemistry Applied Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) 6-19 6-19 Nanomaterials Nanomaterials Manufacture Manufacture °e There are There are two two processes processes in in nanotechnology nanotechnology by by which which nanowires nanowires can can be be manufactured are manufactured are (i) (i) suspension suspension (ii) (ii) deposition. deposition. Suspension Suspension °e In suspended nanowire nanowireis by its its ends ends in in an an evacuated evacuated In this this method method aa suspended is held held by chamber, chamber, and and then then isis chemically chemically etched etched or or bombarded bombarded with with high-speed high-speed atoms atomsor or molecules molecules to to reduce reduce its its diameter. diameter. °° Another Another method method involves involves indenting indenting the the surface surface of of aa wire wire in in the the center center of of aa suspended span, span,raising the temperature, temperature, and and then then stretching stretching the the wire wire while while suspended raising the itit is is near near its its melting melting point. point. Deposition Deposition ee In In this this method method deposited deposited nanowire nanowire is is fabricated fabricated on on aa surface surface consisting consisting of of some some non-conducting non-conducting substance substance such suchasplastic as plastic or or glass. glass. °° The The process process isis similar similar to to that that by by which which semiconductor semiconductor chips chips are are grown, grown, except except that that the the result result is is aa linear linear (one-dimensional) (one-dimensional) structure structure rather rather than than aa flat (two-dimensional) (two-dimensional) or or solid solid (three-dimensional) (three-dimensional) structure. structure. flat Application Application e° Nanowires can Nanowires can be be usedinfield used in field effect effect transistors transistors (FET), (FET), light light emitting emitting diodes diodes (LEDs), (LEDs), nanolasers, nanolasers, solar solar cells, cells, thermoelectric thermoelectric devices, devices, optical optical detectors, detectors, chemical chemical andbiological and biological sensors. sensors. °° Fields Fields expected expected to to benefit benefit from from nanotechnology nanotechnology include include water water purification, purification, sanitation, sanitation, agriculture, agriculture, alternative alternative energy energy (particularly (particularly photovoltaics), photovoltaics), home home and and business business construction, construction, computer computer manufacturing, manufacturing, communications, communications, and and medicine medicine disease disease detection detection and and intervention. intervention. jj6.11 »» [[ Dec. Dec. 2007, 2007, May May 2009, 2009, Dec. Dec. 2009 2009 ! ]] °@ Carbon nanocones, Carbon nanocones, were were discovered discovered in in 1994 1994 which which are are the the most most simple simple example of example of the the nanostructured nanostructured carbon. carbon. °® They are They are made, made, of of the the hexagonal hexagonal plane plane with with aa different different number number of of pentagonal pentagonal defects, defects, more more precisely, precisely, from from one onetofive. to five. Applied Chemistry Apptied Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) 6-20 6-20 Nanomaterials Nanomaterials °° Eachcut, Each cut, or or the the pentagonal pentagonaldisclination, disclination, has has the the angle angle 22 xx /6. /6. ee The positive disclination) The fivefold fivefold (or (or positive disclination) could could be be stable, stable, but but the the most most stable stable configuration for configuration for more more than than one one defect defect isis the the configuration, configuration, where where they they are are separated separated by by hexagons. hexagons. Fig. 6.11.1 Fig. 6.11.1 : The The carbon carbon nanocone nanocone ii °° |: | The nanocones The nanoconesare are produced produced by by (i) (i) Carbon condensation Carbon condensation on on aa graphite graphite substrate substrate Gi) Gi) Pyrolysis Pyrolysis of of heavy heavy oil. oil. (ii) (iii) Laser Laser ablation ablation of of graphite graphite targets. targets. 6e In In laser laser ablation, ablation, graphite graphite surface surface isis heated heated with with intensive intensive short short laser laser pulse. pulse. °e The graphite The graphite evaporates evaporates some some number number of of atoms atoms from from the the graphene graphene sheet, sheet, and as shown shown above. above. and other other atoms atoms rearrange rearrange into into the the conical conical surface surface as The growth The growth of of nanocones nanoconesis is yet yet under under study. study. »» [[ Dec. Dec. 2007, 2007, Dec. Dec. 2008, 2008, Dec. Dec. 2009, 2009, May May 2010 2010 ! }} ae The presence The presence of of defects defects such such as as pentagons pentagons and and heptagons heptagons in in fullerenes fullerenes modifies the modifies the electronic electronic properties. properties. e° AA new new hypothetical hypothetical type type of of graphene graphene sheet, sheet, which which admits admits pentagons, pentagons, heptagons heptagons and and hexagons, hexagons, has has been been proposed, proposed, noting noting that that the the number number of of heptagons heptagons and and pentagons pentagons should should be be the the same same in in order order to to compensate compensate for for the the negative negative curvature curvature of of the the heptagons heptagons and and the the positive positive curvature curvature of of the the pentagons pentagons(Fig. (Fig. 6.12.1). 6.12.1). es " - i Ys he Applied Applied Chemistry Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) e 6-22 6-22 Nanomaterials Nanomaterials These arrangements These arrangements are are now now called called ‘Haeckelites’ ‘Haeckelites’ in in honour honour of of Ernst Ernst Haeckel, Haeckel, aa German German zoologist zoologist who who produced produced aa beautiful beautiful drawing drawing of of radiolaria radiolaria (micro(microskeleta skeleta of of zoo-plankton), zoo-plankton), in in which which heptagonal, heptagonal, hexagonal hexagonal and and pentagonal pentagonal rings were rings were observed. observed. Properties Properties e They They show show metallic metallic behaviour. behaviour. ° Thus, Thus, it it isis possible possible to to roll roll up up Haeckelite Haeckelite sheets sheets to to form form nanotubes, nanotubes, which which will will be conductors, conductors, independent independentof the diameter diameter and andchirality. be of the chirality. ° Another property Another property of of Haeckelite Haeckelite tubes tubes retain retain stiffness stiffness of of classical classical CNTs, CNTs, composed composed of of only only hexagons; hexagons; (the (the Young’s Young’s modulus modulus of of Haeckelite Haeckelite tubes tubes is is around around 1.0 1.0 TPa.) TPa.) e In addition, In addition, Haeckelites Haeckelites also also exhibit exhibit local local rugosity rugosity due due to to the the local local curvature curvature introduced by introduced by the the presence presence of of heptagons heptagons and and pentagons pentagons(Fig. (Fig. 6.12.1). 6.12.1). | 6.13 of Nanomaterials 6.13 Applications Applications of Nanomaterials | >»> [[ Dec. Dec. 2008, 2008, May May 2009 2009 !! ]] Some important Some important current current and and potential potential short short and and long-term long-term applications applications of of nanomaterials nanomaterials are are as as follows. follows. 6.13.1” Nenomechanios 618.0” Nenomechanios 5“ Molecules conformation due to change in temperature, pH, light, Molecules can can change change conformation due to change in temperature, pH,light, electrontransferetc. electrontransfer etc. ° Recently Recently nanoscale nanoscale electromechanical electromechanical rotor rotor of of size size 300 300 nm nm rectangular rectangular blade blade mounted mounted on on multiwall multiwall nanotube nanotube was was functionalised. functionalised. ° Using Using electron electron microscopy microscopy itit isis shown shown that that as as aa voltage voltage isis applied applied to to the the stator stator electrode, electrode, the the metal metal blade blade orientation orientation changes. changes. ° Thus Thus further further developments developments in in this this area area can can be be deflectable deflectable mirrors, mirrors, detection detection of motion of motionofof microfluide microfluide system system etc. etc. Applied Chemistry Applied Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) 6-23 §-23 Nanomaterials Nanomaterials 4 una | 4Ue Single molecule molecule nanocar, nanocar, thermally thermally driven, driven, with Single like with fullerene fullerene based based wheel wheellike reported. also reported. motion is also motionis Mechanical applications Mechanical applications are are mainly mainly dependent dependent on on the the very very strong strong carbon carbon nanotubes which nanotubes which are areasstiff as stiff and and hard hard as as diamond diamond but buthighly highly flexible. flexible. These tubes These tubes are are semi-conducting semi-conducting or or metallic. metallic. The The composite composite textile textile material material containing carbon containing carbon nanotubes nanotubes and and polymer polymer polyvinyl polyvinyl alcohcl alcohol are are being being produced. produced. The nanotubes The nanotubes with with 30 30 um umin in diameter diameterand and tensile tensile strength strength of of 1.4 1.4 to to 1.8 1.8 GPa GPa are are reported reported to to be be produced produced and and have have future future applications applications in in helmedts,_ helmeds,_ protective textiles, protective textiles, bullet bullet proof proof cloths clothsetc. etc. Cutting tools Cutting tools made made of of nanocrystalline nanocrystalline materials, materials, such such as as tungsten tungsten carbide, carbide, tantalum carbide tantalum carbide and and titanium titanium carbide, carbide, are are more more wear wear and and erosionerosion- resistant, resistant, and and last last longer longer than than their their conventional conventional (large-grained) (large-grained) counterparts. counterparts. Drilis used Drilis used to to bore bore holes holes in in circuit circuit boards. boards. Living cells Living cells are are described described as as living living machines. machines. Nanotechnology Nanotechnology builds builds up up the the tiny machines tiny machines through through these these biological biological systems, systems, DNA-RNA, DNA-RNA, self self assembly assembly etc. resulting etc. resulting in in moreefficient more efficient machines. machines. In chemical In chemical reactions reactions e.g. e.g. when when small small amount amount of of tin tin are are deposited deposited on on Cu Cu (111) single single crystal crystal at at 290 290 K, K, it it is is observed observed that that tin tin crystal crystal proceed proceed (111) spontaneously spontaneously in in a a systematic systematic fashion fashion leaving leaving behind behind bronzealloy. bronze alloy. Lubricants Lubricants Nanospheres of Nanospheres of inorganic inorganic materials materials could could be be used used as as lubricants, lubricants, in in essence essence by acting by acting as as nanosized nanosized ball ball bearings’. bearings’. The controlled The controlled shape shape make make them them more more durable durable than than conventional conventional solid solid lubricants and lubricants and wear wear additives. additives. These nanoparticles These nanoparticles reduce reduce friction friction between between metal metal surfaces, surfaces, particularly particularly at at e a high normal high normalloads. loads. Applied Chemistry Applied Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) 6.13.2 6.13.2 6-24 6-24 Nanomaterials Nanomaterials Medicine vA Medicine we »» [[ May May 2008, 2008, May May 2009 2009! ]] ‘‘ Nanomaterials are Nanomaterials are of of the the size size 11 xx 10° 10° m. m, Hence Hence they they are are comparable comparable or or even even smaller than smaller than aa single single cell cell 10 10 —— 100 100 um um and and virus virus 20 20 —— 450 450 nm, nm, protein protein 55 —— 50 50 nm. Thus nm. Thus the the materials materials can can freely freely move move through through tissues, tissues, they they can can also also bind bind to to a a biological biological system. system. .s Endothelian layers Endothelian layers of of fast fast growing growing tumour tumour tissues tissues are are porous porous thus thus these these nanoparticles nanoparticles can can pass pass through through them them bringing bringing out out aa specialised specialised effect effect as as aa medicine. medicine. ‘e Drug delivery Drug delivery isis done done through through self self assemblies assemblies like like phospholipids phospholipids or or through through block block polymers. polymers. The The drugs drugs molecules molecules can can be be interrelated interrelated in in lipohilic lipohilic wall wall which which acts acts like like aa cell cell membrane. membrane. .‘ Liposome Liposome protects protects the the drug drug from from being being assimilated assimilated during during digestion digestion or or metabolised in in certain certain environments. environments. Hydrophobic Hydrophobic character character of of the the liposome liposome metabolised dissolves dissolves drug drug and and allows allows itit toto pass pass through. through blood, blood, brain brain unaffected. unaffected. ®s When itit arrives When arrives at at aa specific specific targetted targetted site site the the drug drug isis released released due due to to temperature or temperature or PH PH at at the the site site inflamed inflamed of of the the organ organ or or the the concentration concentration at at the site the site lyposomes lyposomes have have PH PH 44 —— 55 and and tumour tumourtissues tissues also also have have PH PH 44 --5.5. Thus Thus lyposomes lyposomes open open up up at at PH PH 4-5 4-5 allowing allowing the the drug drugto to be be released. released. °° Magnetic components Magnetic components like like FesO. FesO. magnetite magnetite or or FesO3 FesO3 are are coated coated with with SiOe SiOz and then and then with with biocompatible biocompatible polymer. polymer. ®® This polymer This polymer has has attachment attachment point point for for the the attachment attachment with with toxic toxic drugs drugs or or anti anti bodies. bodies. A A magnet magnet isis placed placed outside outside the the body body near near the the target target site site to to capture the the magnetic particles, flowing flowing in in a a circulatory circulatory system. system. capture magnetic particles, ss Similarly the Similarly the action action of of cytostatic cytostatic anticancer anticancer drugs drugs isis localised localised there there by by reducing reducing side side effects effects on on the the patients patients body body especially especially arthritis, arthritis, dextrane dextrane coated coated with with iron iron oxides oxides are are used used and and are are extracted extracted via via liver liver treatment. treatment. °° For localised localised destruction destruction of of cancer cancer cells cells this this technique technique isis used. used.It called as as For It isis called artificially induced artificially induced hyperthermia. hyperthermia. Magnetic Magnetic particles particles are are dispersed dispersed through through out out the the target target tissue. tissue. Ap a a Applied Applied Chemistry Chemistry -- || (MU) (MU) 6-25 6-25 Nanomaterials Nanomaterials An An alternating alternating magnetic magnetic field field of of sufficient sufficient strength strength 00 ~-15 15 KA KA M™ M°?and and frequency frequency 0.05 -— 1.2 1.2 MHz MHz isis applied applied to to heat heat up up the the deceased deceased area area and and 0.05 maintained at at 42°C 42°C for for 30 30 mings, mins, thus thus destroying destroying cancer cancer tissues, tissues, retaining retaining maintained healthy tissues tissues intact. intact. healthy Magnetic particles particles are are also also used used for tagging the the specific specific biological biological entities entities Magnetic for tagging like lung lung cancer cancer cells, cells, certain certain bacteria, bacteria, urological urological cancer cancer cells cells and and also red like also red blood cells cells thus making itit possible possible to to remove remove these these cells cells through through magnetic magnetic blood thus making Magnetic particles particles are are also also used used as as contrast contrast enhancing enhancing agents agents in in the the MRI. MRI. Magnetic This shortens shortens the the relaxation relaxation time time Ti T: and and Te Tefor the tissue. tissue. This for the Larger particles Larger particles of of 30 30 nm nm are are rapidly rapidly collected collected at at liver, liver, spleen spleen where where as as particles particles << 10 10 nm nm are are collected collected in in the the reticuloendothetial reticuloendothetial cells cells through through out out the the body body 1.8. 1.6. lymph lymph nodes nodes bone bone marrow marrow etc. etc. Tumourcells Tumour cells do do not not have have reticuloendothetial reticuloendothetial system system of of healthy healthy cells. cells. Thus Thus by contrast contrast the the site these particle can be located in in MRI. MRI. by site with with these particle tissue tissue can be located Thus making making it it easier accurate to to detect tumeur, liver liver tumour tumour and Thus easier accurate detect brain brain tumour, and lymph lymph nodes. nodes. Thus Thus coating coating of of incompatible incompatible metallic metallic material material with with ceramic ceramic type type of of coating coating or interface interface or formed by by self self assembly of monomolecular monomolecular layers layers play play an an formed assembly of important important role role in in medicalfield medical field giving giving biocompatibility biocompatibility and and application. application. Nanomaterials Nanomaterials due due to to their their specific specific size size interface interface grain grain boundaries boundaries posses posses unique unique properties. properties. e.g. e.g. hydrophobic hydrophobic anddirt and dirt repelling repelling molecules molecules — — reflecting reflecting the the lotus lotus effect effect triggered triggered as as a a function function of of temperatureor temperature or light light exposure. exposure. a — separation through through fluid flow. separation fluid flow. /we Applied Applied Chemistry Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) 6.13.3 6.13.3 Catalysts Catalysts 6-26 6-26 Nanomaterials Nanomaterials tL tL » » [[ May May 2008, 2008, May May 2009 2009 |! }} In general, In general, nanoparticles nanoparticles have have aa high high surface surface area, area, and and hence hence provide provide higher higher catalytic catalytic activity. activity. Nanotechnologies are Nanotechnologies are enabling enabling changes changes in in the the degree degree of of control control in in the the production of production of nanoparticles, nanoparticles, and and the the support support structure structure on on which which they theyreside. reside. ItIt isis possible possible to to synthesise synthesise metal metal nanoparticles nanoparticles in in solution solution in in the the presence presence of of aa surfactant surfactant to to form form highly highly ordered ordered monodisperse monodisperse films films of of the the catalyst catalyst nanoparticles on nanoparticles on aa surface. surface. This allows This allows more more uniformity uniformity in in the the size size and and chemical chemical structure structure of of the the catalyst, which catalyst, which in in turn turn leads leads to to greater greater catalytic catalytic activity activity and and the the production production of of fewer fewer byproducts. byproducts. ItIt may may also also be be possible possible to to engineer engineer specific specific or or selective selective activity. activity. These These more more active active and and durable durable catalysts catalysts could could find find early early application application in in cleaning cleaning up up waste waste streams. streams. This This will will be be particularly particularly beneficial beneficial ifif it it reduces reduces the the demand demand for for platinumplatinumgroup group metals, metals, whose whose use use in in standard standard catalytic catalytic units units isis starting starting to to emerge emerge as as aa problem, problem, given given the the limited limited availability availability of of these these metals. metals. 6.13.4 in Environmental A 6.13.4 Applications Applications in Environmental Technology Technology ye At present At present the the use use of of nanomaterials nanomaterials in in environmental environmental technology technology isis not not yet yet explored but explored but isis on on the the way wayto to be be in in use. use. Nanoporus Nanoporus aluminosilicates aluminosilicates (zeolites) (zeolites) are are being being used used in in radio radio nuclides nuclides and and poisonous poisonous transition transition metals metals removal removal from from waste waste water water due due to to their their high high adsorption. adsorption. Nanporous Nanporous membranes membranes polymer polymer membranes membranes with with definite, definite, desired desired adjustable adjustable pore size pore size are are used used as as mnicrofilters microfilters for for dust dust particles particles from from air air and and water. Applied Chemistry Applied Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) 6-28 6-28 Nanomaterials Nanomaterials At At present present atomic atomic scale scale memory memory is is possible. possible. A A bit bit isis encoded encoded by by the the pres/abs pres/abs of -Si atom atoms prevent prevent or or absorb of —Si atom inside inside 55 xx 44 == 20 20 atoms. atoms. Thus Thus 19 19 atoms absorb the the heat, heat energy. energy. Thus Thus storage storage capacity capacity of of hard hard disks disks is is increased. increased. Thin Thin films films of of organic organic materials emitting emitting light (OLED) are known. Thin transistors TFT TFT and and thin thin materials light (OLED) are known. Thin film film transistors film film organic organic photovoltaic photovoltaic cells cells are are known. known. The deposition The deposition at at aa reasonable reasonable cost cost isis possible possible because because of of organo organo inorganic inorganic metallic metallic compounds compounds which which are are normally normally the the self self assembeled, assembeled, nanomaterials. nanomaterials. They They can form can form thin thin films films by by simple simple techniques techniques the the spray, spray, spin spin cooling cooling vapour vapour deposition, inkjet deposition, inkjet printing printing etc. etc. a) a) Displays Displays (1) (1) The huge The huge market market for for large large area, area, high high brightness, brightness, flat-panel flat-panel displays, displays, as as used in used in television television screens screens and and computer computer monitors, monitors, is is driving driving the the development development of of some some nanomaterials. nanomaterials. Nanocrystalline zinc Nanocrystalline zinc selenide, selenide, zine zine sulphide, sulphide, cadmium cadmium sulphide sulphide and and lead lead telluride telluride synthesized synthesized by by sol-gel sol-gel techniques techniques (a (a process process for for making making ceramic ceramic and and glass glass materials, materials, involving involving the the transition transition from from aa liquid liquid ‘sol’ ‘sol’ phase to to aa solid solid ‘gel’ ‘gel’ phase) phase) are are candidates candidates for for the the next next generation generation of of phase light-emitting light-emitting phosphors. phosphors. CNTs CNTs are are being being investigated investigated for for low low voltage voltage field-emission field-emission displays; displays; their their strength, strength, sharpness, sharpness, conductivity conductivity and and inertness inertness make make them them potentially potentially very very efficient efficient and and long-lasting long-lasting A emitters. ye emitters. b) b) Batteries Batteries With the the growth growth in in portable portable electronic electronic equipment equipment (mobile (mobile phones, phones, (1) (1) With navigation devices, navigation devices, laptop laptop computers, computers, remote remote sensors), sensors), there there is is great great demandfor demand for lightweight, lightweight, high-energy high-energy density density batteries. batteries. (2) (2) Nanocrystalline materials Nanocrystalline materials synthesized synthesized by by sol-gel sol-gel techniques techniques are are candidates candidates for for separator separator plates plates in in batteries batteries because because of of their their foam-like foam-like (aerogel) structure, (aerogel) structure, which which can can hold hold considerably considerably more more energy energy than than conventional conventional ones. ve VS Applied Chemistry Applied Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) e« 6-27 6-27 Nanomateriais Nanomaterials This technology This technology invites invites for for future future applications applications like like potable potable water water and and separation of separation of viruses viruses and and bacteria. bacteria. °° Gold nanoparticles Gold nanoparticles are are used used for for degradation degradation of of toilet toilet odour. odour. TiO» TiO: isis used used as as aa tunnellight tunnel light shield shield coating coating itit converts converts deposited deposited carbon carbon to to CO, CO, thus thus keeping keeping the shield the shield transparent. transparent. Nano Nano ZnO ZnO isis used used for for degradation degradation of of chlorinated chlorinated phenols. phenols. °e Futuristic Futuristic use use of aa of nanocoating nanocoating on on the the swimming pool swimming pool walls walls by by photocatalytically active photocatalytically active material material can can lead lead to to activation activation of of oxygen, oxygen, forr:ing forn:ing hydroxyl ions hydroxyl ions which which are are antibacterial antibacterial (alkaline) (alkaline) and and also also degrade degrade organic organic compounds. compounds. e© Nanobased sensors, Nanobased sensors, metal metal sensors, sensors, polymer polymer sensors sensors are are used used to to analyse analyse gas gas mixtures by mixtures by measuring measuring solubility solubility of of gases, gases, vapour vapour pressure, pressure, melting melting point point etc. biegenseors etc. biosensors will will be be used used in in future future as as aa lab lab on on chin chin by by chemists, chemists, biochemists, physicians, biochemists, physicians, engineers engineersetc. etc. e® The potential The potential of of nanoparticles nanoparticles to to react react with with pollutants pollutants in in soil soil and and groundwater groundwater and and transform transform them them into into harmless harmless compounds compounds isis being being researched. researched. ee In one In one pilot pilot study study the the large large surface surface area area and and high high surface surface reactivity reactivity of of iron iron nanoparticles were nanoparticles were exploited exploited to to transform transform chlorinated chlorinated hydrocarbons hydrocarbons (some (some of of which are which are believed believed to to be be carcinogens) carcinogens) into into less less harmful harmful end end products products in in groundwater. groundwater. se ItIt isis also also hoped hoped that that they they could could be be used used to to transform transform heavy heavy metals metals such such as as lead and lead and mercury mercury from from bioavailable bioavailable forms forms into into insoluble insoluble forms. forms. 6.13.5 6.13.5Applications Applications in in Electronics Electronics te pee fae -( eation ‘0 ation bleehomics Eleebrmies £ £ Telecormmunienr Telecormmunienr yyyD ray ray 2008, 2008, May May 2010 2010 !]!] To To increase increase the the speed speed at at which which electric electric charges charges work, work, the the distance distance between between them needs them needs to to be be decreased. decreased. Thus Thus number number of of transistors transistors per per unit unit area area increases increases every year. every year. But But there there 1s is aa limit limit for for this this growth. growth. AA time time at at which which the the space spaceto to store store one one bit bit becomes becomes about about 44 nm, nm, the the things things happen happen at at quantum quantum level level heat heat will will be be developed, developed, neighbourings neighbourings bits bits would would interact. interact. -5 YS v Applied Applied Chemistry Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) 6-28 6-28 Nanomaterials Nanomaterials At present At present atomic atomic scale scale memory memory isis possible. possible. AA bit bit isis encoded encoded by by the the pres/abs pres/abs of —Si of —Si atom atom inside inside 55 xx 44 == 20 20 atoms. atoms. Thus Thus 19 19 atoms atoms prevent prevent or or absorb absorb the the heat heat energy. Thus Thus storage storage capacity capacity of of hard hard disks disks is is increased. Thin films films of organic energy. increased. Thin of organic materials emitting materials emitting light light (OLED) (OLED) are are known. known. Thin Thin film film transistors transistors TFT TFT and and thin thin film organic film organic photovoltaic photovoltaic cells cells are are known. known. The deposition The deposition at at aa reasonable reasonable cost cost isis possible possible because because of of organo organo inorganic inorganic metallic compounds metallic compounds which which are are normally normally the the self self assembeled, assembeled, nanomaterials. nanomaterials. They They ‘can form ‘can form thin thin films films by by simple simple techniques techniques the the spray, spray, spin spin cooling cooling vapour vapour deposition, deposition, inkjet inkjet printingetc. printing ete. a), a), v2 Displays Displays (1) (1) The The huge huge market market for for large large area, area, high high brightness, brightness, flat-panel flat-panel displays, displays, as as used used in in television television screens screens and and computer computer monitors, monitors, is is driving driving the the development development of of some some nanomaterials. nanomaterials. (2) (2) Nanocrystalline Nanocrystalline zine zine selenide, selenide, zine zine sulphide, sulphide, cadmium cadmium sulphide sulphide and and | lead telluride telluride synthesized synthesized by by sol-gel sol—gel techniques (a process for making making lead techniques (a process for ceramic and ceramic and glass glass materials, materials, involving involving the the transition transition from from aa liquid liquid ‘sol’ ‘sol’ phase to phase to aa solid solid ‘gel’ ‘gel’ phase) phase) are are candidates candidates for for the the next next generation generation of of light-emitting phosphors. light-emitting phosphors. CNTs CNTs are are being being investigated investigated for for low low voltage voltage jield-emission jield-emission displays; displays; their their strength, strength, sharpness, sharpness, conductivity conductivity and and inertness make very efficient efficient and long-lasting inertness make them them potentially potentially very and long-lasting .oe A emitters. emitters. b) b) Batteries Batteries (1) (1) With the With the growth growth in in portable portable electronic electronic equipment equipment (mobile (mobile phones, phones, navigation great navigation devices, devices, laptop laptop computers, computers, remote remote sensors), sensors), there there isis great demandfor demand for lightweight, lightweight, high-energy high-energy density density batteries. batteries. (2) (2) Nanocrystalline materials Nanocrystalline materials synthesized synthesized by by sol-gel sol-gel techniques techniques are are candidates candidates for for separator separator plates plates in in batteries batteries because because of of their their foam-like foam-like (aerogel) (aerogel) structure, structure, which which can can hold hold considerably considerably more more energy energy than than conventional ones. conventional ones. eee oa Applied Applied Chemistry Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) (3) (3) 6-29 6-29 Nanomaterials Nanomaterials Nickel-metal hydride Nickel-metal hydride batteries batteries made made of of nanocrystalline nanocrystalline nickel nickel and and metal hydrides metal hydrides are are envisioned envisioned to to require require less less frequent frequent recharging recharging and and to last to last longer longer because becauseof of their their large large grain grain boundary boundary (surface) (surface) area. area. c) c) Magnetic Materials Magnetic Materials X X (1) (1) It has It has been been shown shown that that magnets magnets made made of of nanocrystalline nanocrystalline yttrium-— yttrium-— samarium-—cobalt grains grains possess possess unusual unusual magnetic magnetic properties properties due due to to samarium—cobalt their extremely their extremely large large grain grain interface interface area area (high (high coercivity coercivity can can be be obtained because obtained because magnetization magnetization flips flips cannot cannot easily easily propagate propagate past past the the grain boundaries). grain boundaries). This This could could lead lead to to applications applications in in motors, motors, analytical analytical instruments like instruments like magnetic magnetic resonance resonance imaging imaging (MRI), (MRI), used used widely widely in in hospitals, hospitals, and and microsensors. microsensors. (2) (2) Overall magnetisation, Overall magnetisation, however, however, isis currently currently limited limited by by the the ability ability to to align the align the grains’ grains’ direction direction of of magnetisation. magnetisation. Nanoscale-fabricated magnetic magnetic materials materials also also have have applications applications in in (3) (3) Nanoscale-fabricated data storage. data storage. (4) (4) Devices such Devices such as as computer computer hard hard disks disks depend depend on on the the ability ability to to magnetize small magnetize small areas areas of of aa spinning spinning disk disk to to record record information. information. If If the the area required area required to to record record one one piece piece of of information information can can be be shrunk shrunk in in the the nanoscale (and nanoscale (and can can be be written written and and read read reliably), reliably), the the storage storage capacity capacity of of the the disk disk can can be be improved improved dramatically. dramatically. In In the the future, future, the the devices devices on on computer computer chips chips which which currently currently operate operate using using flows flows of of electrons electrons could could use use the the magnetic magnetic properties properties of of these these electrons, electrons, called called spin, spin, with with numerous advantages. numerous advantages. (5) (5) Recent Recent advances advances in in novel novel magnetic magnetic materials materials and and their their nanofabrication nanofabrication are encouraging are encouraging in in this this respect. 6.13.6 6.13.6 Nanomaterials Nanomaterials 6-30 6-30 (MU) Chemistry -- | (MU) Applied Chemistry Applied General Applications General Applications » » [[ May May 2010! 2010 ! ] b) b) Composites Composites a) a) Clays Clays ce) ce) Surfaces and Surfaces Coatings Coatings and e) e) Paints Paints f) f) Fuel Cells Fuel Cells g) g) Fuel Additives Fuel Additives h) h) Composites Nanotube Composites Carbon Carbon Nanotube i) i) Ceramics Ceramics j) j) Purification Water Water Purification (1) (1) d) ' d) : i Cosmetics and Cosmetics Sunscreens Sunscreens and been long been have long nanoparticles have occurring nanoparticles naturally occurring containing naturally Clays containing Clays continuous undergoing continuous are undergoing and are materials and construction materials as construction important important as improvement. improvement. nano-sized and nano-sized plastics and containing plastics — containing composites — (2) based composites particle based Clay particle (2) Clay car in car use in as use such as applications such finding applications also finding are also — are clay — of clay flakes of flakes bumpers. bumpers. b) b}) Composites Compasites (1) (1) composites, in composites, is in nanotubes is and nanotubes An important important use use of of nanoparticles nanoparticles and An which and which components and separate components more separate or more one or combine one materials that combine materials that component. each component. of each properties of best properties the best overall the exhibit overall to exhibit designed to are designed are (2) (2) but properties, but mechanical properties, to mechanical only to not only applies not ity applies This multi-functionality This multi-functional carbon Currently, carbon ones. Currently, magnetic ones. and magnetic electrical and optical, electrical to optical, extends to extends to polymers to in polymers used in are used CNTs are multi-walled CNTs of multi-walled bundles of and bundles fibres fibres and as antistatic antistatic such as applications such or enhance control with applications conductivity, with enhance conductivity, control or packaging. packaging. (3) (3) long-term potential long-term composites isis aa potential in composites CNTs in individual CNTs of individual use of The use The nanoparticles where nanoparticles application. nanocomposite isis where of nanocomposite type of particular type application. AA particular to filler to asa a filler used as black used carbon black example, carbon act for example, matrix; for in aa matrix; fillers in as fillers act as from range from can range black can carbon black of carbon particles of However, particles tyres. However, car tyres. reinforce car reinforce falls // black falls carbon black all carbon not all so not tens size, so in size, nanometres in of nanometres hundreds of to hundreds tens to within nanoparticles. of nanoparticles. definition of our definition within our = —_ Applied Chemistry Applied Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) c) c) 6-31 6-31 Nanomaterials Nanomaterials Coatings and Coatings and Surfaces Surfaces (1) (1) Coatings with Coatings with thickness thickness controlled controlled at at the the nanonano- or or atomic atomic scale scale have have been in been in routine routine production production for for some some time, time, for for example example in in molecular molecular beam. beam epitaxy epitaxy or or metal metal oxide oxide chemical chemical vapor vapor depositionfor depositionfor optoelectonic optoelectonic devices, or devices, or in in catalytically catalytically active active and and chemically chemically functionalized functionalized surfaces. surfaces. (2) (2) Recently developed Recently developed applications applications include include the the self-cleaning self-cleaning window, window, which isis coated which coated in in highly highly activated activated titanium titanium dioxide, dioxide, engineered engineered to to be be highly hydrophobic highly hydrophobic (water (water repellent) repellent) and and antibacterial, antibacterial, and and coatings coatings based on based on nanoparticulate nanoparticulate oxides oxides that that catalytically catalytically destroy destroy chemical chemical agents. agents. “Wear and and scratch-resistant scratch-resistant hard hard coatings coatings are are significantly significantly improved improved by by (3) “Wear (3) nanoscale intermediate nanoscale intermediate layers layers (or (or multilayers) multilayers) between between the the hard hard outer outer layer and layer and the the substrate substrate material, material. The The intermediate intermediate layers layers give give good good bonding and bonding and graded graded matching matching of of elastic elastic and and thermal thermal properties, properties, thus thus improving adhesion. improving adhesion. range of of enhanced enhanced textiles, textiles, such such as as breathable, breathable, waterproof waterproof and and (4) AA range (4) stainresistant fabrics, stainresistant fabrics, have have been been enabled enabled by by the the improved improved control control of of porosity at porosity at the the nanoscale nanoscale and and surface surface roughness roughness in in aa variety variety of of polymers and polymers and inorganics. inorganics. d) d) Sunscreens and Sunscreens and Cosmetics Cosmetics (1) (1) Nanosized Nanosized titanium titanium dioxide dioxide and and zinc zinc oxide oxide are are currently currently used used in in some some sunscreens, sunscreens, as as they they adsorb absorb and and reflect reflect ultraviolet ultraviolet (UV) (UV) rays rays and and yet yet are are transparent to transparent to visible visible light light and and s0 s0 are are more more appealing appealing to to the the consumer. consumer. Nanosized iron iron oxide oxide isis present present in in some somelipsticks lipsticks as as aa pigment pigment but but itit isis (2) Nanosized (2) our understanding our understanding that thatit it isis not not used used by by the the European European cosmetics cosmetics sector. sector. The use use of of nanoparticles nanoparticles in in cosmetics cosmetics has has raised raised aa number number of of concerns concerns (3) The (3) about consumer about consumersafety. safety. ee r r aaa r Applied Applied Chemistry Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) e) e) 6-32 6-32 ., Nanomaterials Nanomaterials Paints Paints (1) (1) Incorporating could improve improve their Incorporating nanoparticles nanoparticles in in paints paints could their performance, performance, for for example example by by making making them them lighter lighter and and giving giving them them different different properties. properties. Thinner Thinner paint paint coatings coatings (‘lightweighting’), (‘lightweighting’), used used for for example example on on aircraft, aircraft, would would reduce reduce their their weight, weight, which which could could be be beneficial beneficial to to the the environment. environment. However, However, the the whole whole life life cycle cycle of of the the aircraft aircraft needs needs to to be be considered before considered before overall overall benefits benefits can can be be claimed. claimed. (2) (2) It may It may also also be be possible possible to to substantially substantially reduce reduce solvent solvent content content of of paints, paints, with resulting with resulting environmental environmental benefits. benefits. New types types of of foulingresistant foulingresistant marine marine paint paint could could be be developed developed and and are are (3) New (3) urgently needed urgently needed as as alternatives alternatives to to tributyl tributyl tin tin (TBT), (TBT), now now that that the the ecological impacts impacts of of TBT TBT have been recognised. recognised. ecological have been Anti-fouling surface surface treatment treatment isis also also valuable valuable in in process process applications applications 4) . Anti-fouling ((4). such as such as heat heat exchange, exchange, where where itit could could lead lead to to energy energy savings. savings. If If they they can be can be produced produced at at sufficiently sufficiently low low cost, cost, fouling-resistant fouling-resistant coatings coatings could be could be used used in in routine routine duties duties such such as as piping piping for for domestic domestic and and industrial water industrial water systems. systems. (5) (5) remains speculation speculation whether whether very very effective effective anti-fouling anti-fouling coatings coatings ItIt remains could reduce could reduce the the use use of of biocides, biocides, including including chlorine, chlorine, Other Other novel, novel, and and more long-term, more long-term, applications applications for for nanoparticles nanoparticles might might lie lie in in paints paints that that change colour colour in in response change in in temperature temperature or or chemical change response to to change chemical environment, environment, or or paints paints that that have have reduced reduced infra-red infra-red absorptivity absorptivity and and so so reduce heat reduce heatloss. loss. (6) (6) Concerns about Concerns about the the health health and and environmental environmental impacts impacts of of nanoparticles nanoparticles may require may require the the need need for for the the durability durability and and abrasion abrasion behaviour behaviour of of nano-engineered nano-engineered paints paints and and coatings coatings to to be be addressed, addressed, so so that that abrasion abrasion products products take take the the form form of of coarse coarse or or microscopic microscopic agglomerates agglomerates rather rather than than individual individual nanoparticles. Applied Chemistry Applied Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) f) f) 6-33 6-33 Nanomaterials Nanomaterials Fuel Cells Fuel Cells Engineered surfaces surfaces are are essential essential in in fuel fuel cells, cells, where where the the external external (1) Engineered (1) surface properties surface properties and and the the pore pore structure structure affect affect performance. performance. (2) (2) The hydrogen The hydrogen used used asas the the immediate immediate fuel fuel inin fuel fuel cells cells may may bebe generated from generated from hydrocarbons hydrocarbons by by catalytic catalytic reforming, reforming, usually usually in in aa reactor module reactor module associated associated directly directly with with the the fuel fuel cell. cell. (3) (3) The potential The potential use use of of nano-engineered nano-engineered membranes membranes to to intensify intensify catalytic catalytic processes could processes could enable enable higher-efficiency, higher-efficiency, small-scale small-scale fuel fuel cells. cells. These These could act could act as as distributed distributed sources sources of of electrical electrical power. power. (4) (4) It may It may eventually eventually be be possible possible to to produce produce hydrogen hydrogen locally locally from from sources sources other than other than hydrocarbons, hydrocarbons, which which are are the the feedstocks feedstocks of of current current attention. attention. g) Fuel g) Fuel Additives Additives Research isis underway Research underway into into the the addition addition of of nanoparticulate nanoparticulate ceria ceria (cerium (cerium oxide) to oxide) to diesel diesel fuel fuel to to improve improve fuel fuel economy economy by by reducing reducing the the degradation degradation of of fuel fuel consumption over consumption overtime. time. h) h) Carbon Nanotube Carbon Nanotube Composites Composites (1) (1) CNTs have CNTs have exceptional exceptional mechanical mechanical properties, properties, particularly particularly high high tensile tensile strength and strength and light light weight. weight. An An obvious obvious area area of of application application would would be be in in nanotubereinforced composites, nanotubereinforced composites, with performance with performance beyond beyond current current carbon-fibre composites. carbon-fibre composites. One current current limit limit to to the the introduction introduction of of CNTs CNTs in in composites composites isis the the (2) One (2) problem of problem of structuring structuring the the tangle tangle of of nanotubes nanotubes in in aa well-ordered well-ordered manner so manner so that that use use can can be be made made of of their their strength. strength. Another Another challenge challenge isis generating strong generating strong bonding bonding between between CNTs CNTs and and the the matrix, matrix, to to give give good good overall composite overall composite performance performance and and retention retention during during wear wear or or erosion erosion of of composites. composites. Applied Applied Chemistry Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) (3) (3) 6-34 6-34 Nanomaterials Nanomaterials The The surfaces surfaces of of CNTs CNTs are are smooth smooth and and relatively relatively unreactive, unreactive, and and so so tend tend to slip slip through through the the matrix matrix when whenit stressed. to it isis stressed. (4) (4) One approach approach that that isis being being explored explored to to prevent prevent this this slippage slippage isis the the One attachment attachment of of chemical chemical side-groups side-groups to to CNTs, CNTs, effectively effectively to to form form ‘anchors. ‘anchors’. (5) (5) Another limiting Another limiting factor factor isis the the cost cost of of production production of of CNTs. CNTs. However, However, the the potential potential benefits benefits of of such such light, light, high high strength strength material material in in numerous numerous applications applications for for transportation transportation are are such such that that significant significant further further researchis research is likely. likely. i)i) Ceramics Ceramics (1) (1) Ceramics Ceramics are are hard, hard, brittle brittle and and difficult difficult to to machine. machine. However, However, with with a a reduction reduction in in grain grain size size to to the the nanoscale, nanoscale, ceramic ceramic ductility ductility can can be be increased. increased. Zirconia, Zirconia, normally normally a a hard, hard, brittle brittle ceramic, ceramic, hag hag even even been been rendered rendered superplastic superplastic (for (for example, example, able able to to be be deformed deformed up up te to 300% 300% of of its its original original length). length). (2) (2) Nanocrystalline ceramics, ceramics, such such as as silicon silicon nitride nitride and and silicon silicon carbide, Nanocrystalline carbide, have been been used used in in such such automotive automotive applications applications as high-strength have as high-strength springs, ball bearings valve lifters, lifters, because because they they can can be be easily springs, ball bearings and and valve easily formed and formed and machined, machined, as as well well as as exhibiting exhibiting excellent excellent chemical chemical and and high-temperature high-temperature properties. properties. They They are are also also used used as as components components in in high-temperature furnaces. furnaces. Nanocrystalline Nanocrystalline ceramica can be be preased preased high-temperature ceramica can into into complex complex net net shapes shapes and and sintered sintered at at significantly significantly lower lower temperatures temperatures than than conventional conventional ceramics. ceramics. j) j) Water Water Purification Purification (1) (1) Nano-engineered membranes membranes could could potentially potentially lead lead to to more more energyenergyNano-engineered efficient water water purification purification processes, processes, notably notably in in desalination desalination by by reverse reverse efficient osmosis. osmosis. Applied Applied Chemistry Chemistry -- | (MU) (MU) 6-35 6-35 a nee Nanomaterials Nanomaterials Again, these these applications applications would would represent represent incremental incremental improvements improvements (2) Again, (2) in technologies technologies that that are are already already available. available. They would use use fixed fixed in They would nanoparticles, nanoparticles, and and are are therefore therefore distinct distinct from from applications applications that that propose propose to use to use free free nanoparticles. nanoparticles. k) k) Military Battle Battle Suits Suits Military (1) (1) Enhanced Enhanced nanomaterials nanomaterials form form the the basis basis of of aa state-ofstate-of- the-art the-art ‘battle battle suit?’ suit? that that isis being being developed developed by by the the Institute Institute of of Soldier Soldier Nanotechnologies Nanotechnologies at at MIT. MIT. short-term development development isis likely likely to to be be energy-absorbing energy-absorbing materials materials (2) AA short-term (2) that that will will withstand withstand blast blast waves; waves; longer-term longer-term are are those those that that incorporate incorporate sensors sensors to to detect detect or or respond respond to to chemical chemical and and biological biological weapons weapons (for (for example, responsive example, responsive nanopores nanopores that that ‘close’ ‘close’ upon upon detection detection of of aa - biological biological agent). agent). is speculation developments could could include include materials materials which which There is speculation that that developments (3) There (3) monitor physiology physiology while while aa soldier is still still on the battlefield, battlefield, and monitor soldier is on the and uniforms with uniforms with potential potential medical medical applications, applications, such such as as splints splints for for broken broken bones. bones. O72 Q..2 State the State the size size of of HH atom, atom, Cg, Cg, ¢c nanotubes, nanotubes, DNA DNA molecule molecule etc. etc. on on nanometerscale. nanometer scale. Why the Why the properties properties of of nanomaterials nanomaterials are are different different than than the the conventional conventional materials. materials. on OO wT on oO wm 2POaHLO S822 2 2 O© Define Define nanomaterials. nanomaterials. ALP Q.1 Oak Ww Ww Review Review Questions Questions State State the the structural structural details details of of graphene. graphene. State the State the structura! structural! details details of of graphite. graphite. State the the structural fullerene. State structural details details of of fullerene. What What are are carbon carbon nanotubes nanotubes whatare what are their their types. types. List the List the methods methods for for production production of of carbon carbon nanotubes. nanotubes. 6-36 6-36 (MU) Chemistry -- | (MU) Applied Chemistry Applied Q.9 Q.9 Nanomaterials Nanomaterials the with the carbonanotubes with of carbonanotubes preparation of the preparation for the method for one method any one Explain any Explain methods. other methods. the other over the method over this method of this limitations of and limitations of and advantages of advantages their applications? applications? are their whatare and what made and they made are they how are nanomines, how are nanomines, What are 10 What Q. 10 Q. Describe materials? Describe interesting materials? are interesting haecklites are and haecklites nanocones and why nanocones and why How and 11 How Q. Q. 11 structures. their structures. their Q. Q. 12 12 Explain Explain the the use use of of nanomaterials nanomaterials inin (i) (i) Medecine Medecine (ii) (ii) Electronics Electronics (iii) (iii) Environment Environment pollution pollution control control (iv) (iv) Mechanics Mechanics (Theory) || Questionss (Theory) Universityy Question 6.14 Universit || 6.14 —s “De “Beec..2200007.7 Q.Q. 11 6.4) (Section 6.4) fullerene. (Section of fullerene. usesof and uses properties and structure, properties the structure, Explain Explain the Marks) (2 Marks) (2 Q.22 Q. SWCNT of SWCNT production of the production Describe the MWCNT ?? Describe (ii) MWCNT and (ii) SWCNT and (i) SWCNT are (i) What are What 6.7.2) (Section 6.7.2) method. (Section LASER method. by LASER by Q.3 Q.3 Marks) (6 Marks) (6 Write short Write short notes notes on, on, any any two two the the following following : (i) (i) Nanocones Nanocones (Section (Section 6.11) 6.11) 6.12) (Section 6.12) (ii) Haeckelites (Section (ii) Haeckelites Marks) (6 (6 Marks) “May 2008 “May2008 Q. 11 Q. s. carbon-nanotubees. of carbon-nanotub types of different types Explain different s ?? Explain carbon-nanotubees are carbon-nanotub What are What 6.6) (Section (Section 6.6) 2. Q. 2. Q. Marks) (2 (2 Marks) following : the following of the two of any two of any filed of the filed in the materials in nano materials of nano use of the use Explain the Explain (i) (i) Medicine (Section Medicine (Section 6.13.2) 6.13.2) (ii) (ii) Electronics Electronics (Section (Section 6.13.5) 6.13.5) 6.13.3) (Section 6.13.3) Catalysis (Section (iii) (iii) Catalysis Marks) (6 Marks) (6