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Breakfast Initiative: Health, Education, and Success

Breakfast Initiative
Breakfast and Future Success
Why Talk About It?
You may have heard may times
“breakfast is the most important meal
of the day.”
Any thoughts about this statement?
Why Breakfast?
According to the World Health Organization
(2009), the most important social determinant of
health is …
Why Breakfast?
Children and youth who succeed in school and
graduate from secondary school are:
 less likely to live in poverty
 more likely to be successfully employed
The Link
 There is a direct link between healthy eating and
 Healthy eating during childhood and adolescence
promotes optimal growth and development and physical
and mental well-being.
 Healthy meals and snacks regularly throughout the day
according to appetite is important.
Toronto Study
• Feeding our future was a two year study done by
the Toronto Districts School Board 2008-09
• The study followed 6,000 students
• It looked at the effect of providing breakfast on
student health, behaviour, attendance, attention
and achievement
Toronto Study Results
78% of secondary students who ate breakfast at
school were on track for graduation compared to
61% of students who only ate breakfast on a few
days or not at all.
Breakfast eaters were less likely to be suspended
(3% vs. 6%).
Breakfast eaters were more likely to attend school!
(4.8% absenteeism rate vs. 6.7%)
Toronto Study Results
75% of students who ate breakfast on most school days,
rated their health as “excellent” or “good” compared to only
58% of those who ate breakfast two days or less
No breakfast = No Nutrients
Breakfast makes you Brighter
Full Stomach = Full Mind
Toronto Study …
• Study confirms eating breakfast can really make a positive
• In this study, breakfast was provided at school but still
confirms that eating breakfast had a positive impact on
learning, reported health and absenteeism rates.
• Eating breakfast starts the day off well no matter if it is
eaten at home or at school
Think Pair Share
After discussing the benefits of eating a
healthy breakfast take 9 minutes to
complete the following activity:
• Think for 3 minutes
• Pair for 3 minutes
• Share for 3 minutes
After completing the Think/Pair/Share activity we discussed
some of our personal influences in regards to healthy eating
Research shows that children model their eating habits after
their parents/caregivers behaviours and choices
 What are some benefits and drawbacks of this?
 If our caregivers are not modeling positive eating
behaviours, what can we do?
 How may better eating habits benefit our families as a
Down Goes Breakfast
 Even though eating breakfast is associated with
positive outcomes research shows that as children
get older breakfast consumption declines:
By grade 10, 60% of girls did not eat breakfast daily
• Individually write 1 reason per sticky
note why you might not eat breakfast
• In groups of 3 or 4, place your ideas into
• Share your ideas. Why are we skipping
What the research shows
 There are lots of reasons why breakfast consumption
 Some of the major reasons include:
 lack of time
 sleeping in late
 long bus rides
 lack of role modeling
 not being hungry
What does a healthy
breakfast look like?
A healthy breakfast
should consist 3 of the 4
food groups from
Canada’s Food Guide
• What are the 4 food groups?
• Why include at least 3 of the 4
food groups at a meal?
• Give examples of breakfasts that
include 3 of the 4 food groups.
Role Playing
• Create a skit about the importance of
eating breakfast
• Make sure to follow the instructions
• Work in your stick it/stack it groups
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