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IS 554 Computational Thinking: Tech Flea Market Use Case

IS 554 – Computational Thinking
Use Case Introduction
Tech Flea Market
• Tech Flea Market is a newly founded startup that sells a
broad range of hardware products online
• Products:
• The shop sells products from multiple brands
Computational Thinking
Chair of Information Systems II | Prof. Dr. Christian Becker
Tech Flea Market
• All operations are restricted to the national borders of Germany
• There are five interdependent processes:
• You joined Tech Flea Market as their Chief Information Officer (CIO). It
is now up to you to implement all IT related processes and systems.
Computational Thinking
Chair of Information Systems II | Prof. Dr. Christian Becker
A - Development Process
 Choose one software development model that you would use for the
implementation process of the website.
 Sketch all relevant phases of the process and assign the key activities to
the corresponding phase.
Computational Thinking
Chair of Information Systems II | Prof. Dr. Christian Becker
B - Requirements
 Draw a use case diagram for Tech Flea Market. Include all relevant
actors and use cases.
 Create a use case text for ONE relevant use case.
Computational Thinking
Chair of Information Systems II | Prof. Dr. Christian Becker
© Microsoft 2021: Erstellen eines UML-Anwendungsfalldiagramms,
URL: https://support.microsoft.com/de-de/office/erstellen-eines-umlanwendungsfalldiagramms-92cc948d-fc74-466c-9457-e82d62ee1298
C - Architectures
 Outline the software architecture for Tech Flea Market’s website. What
advantages does this architecture have over other architectures?
 What individual processes take place at each involved entity of the
chosen architecture and how do they cooperate?
 Create an Entity-Relationship model of the database for the web shop.
Computational Thinking
Chair of Information Systems II | Prof. Dr. Christian Becker
D - Computer Networks
 Implement the layout for the main page of the online shop. You don’t
have to implement any backend functionalities (e.g., the logic that is
executed when clicking a button)
 Online tutorials (not required, but very helpful for getting started):
─ coursera: Introduction to web development (the first 1-2 chapters will
already give you a pretty good idea about basic HTML and CSS)
─ w3schools HTML Tutorial: https://www.w3schools.com/html/
Computational Thinking
Chair of Information Systems II | Prof. Dr. Christian Becker
Use Case Submission
Join an Exercise Group on ILIAS
• Group access closes on October 13
– After October 13, you cannot join or leave the group anymore
– With your group membership, you register for the case study assignment
• By registering for the case study, you are officially registered for the
module IS 554
– You have now started a part of the exam. It is therefore no longer possible
to withdraw from the exam
• Once you are registered for the case study, it is no longer possible to
drop the course
– The case study is an official part of the course assessment
Computational Thinking
Chair of Information Systems II | Prof. Dr. Christian Becker
Use Case Submission
In your group, prepare all four assignments
• You can either discuss the entire assignment as a group, or split the
tasks and work on them in smaller groups. You don‘t have to mark
which group member(s) prepared a specific subtask
• Upload your presentation to ILIAS until Nov 21, 23:59
• Present your solution in a 10 min pitch on November 24
– The presentation must be given live and all group members should be
prepared to participate in the ensuing discussion
Computational Thinking
Chair of Information Systems II | Prof. Dr. Christian Becker
Additional Remarks
• All content of the use case material (including lecture videos and
assignments) is relevant for the exam.
• You may either watch the accompanying lecture videos in the order as
numbered, or start with the video corresponding to your assigned task
(in case you split the tasks among individual group members). The
topics don‘t directly build on each other.
Computational Thinking
Chair of Information Systems II | Prof. Dr. Christian Becker