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UAV Aerodynamic Modeling with Tornado VLM

For performance comparison of the baseline engine and the integrated engine, a reference UAV
platform is modeled to simulate the aerodynamics of the UAV for analysis of the different flight
phases. The Tornado vortex lattice method is used to approximate the aerodynamics of the lifting
surfaces by loading the geometrical parameters of the UAV into the program code based on
MATLAB. The UAV platform modeled is the Tigershark UAV. This UAV is chosen based on
the availability of the geometrical parameters as modeled y (reference) and the projected thrust
requirements that fit the modeled engine (describe the UAV). The performance data of the UAV
are (ref):
Wing Area
Fuel Capacity
Cruise Speed
Dash Speed
Stall Speed
Power Plant
Service Ceiling
Empty Weight
318 lbs
8-10 hours
56 knots
70 knots
25 HP motor
14,000 ft
210 lbs
The main wing is modeled using one airfoil section along the wingspan: the NACA 4415 airfoil.
The main wing also modeled with a plain flap system which has three flap settings; 0°, 5° (used
during take-off) and 20° (used during approach and landing). The flap system has a flap chord of
21% of the local wing chord. The wing is modeled as a rectangular section with no twist or taper.
The outer section of the wing houses the ailerons used for maneuvering. These ailerons are
however not modeled since the analysis assumes flight in a vertical plane thus no rolling or
yawing motions are considered. The horizontal and vertical stabilizers are modeled as having the
standard NACA 0012 airfoil section.
The center of gravity of the UAV is taken to be on the symmetry line at 33% of the chord line.
Mission profile definition
The mission profile gives a typical example mission that the UAV will have to perform as a case
study for performance comparison. It is used to assess the difference between a baseline micro
gas turbine engine and integrated micro gas turbine in terms of flight performance to draw
conclusions on the performance improvement brought by the Inverted Brayton Cycle engine as
an exhaust heat energy recovery system. The mission profile consists of the following seven
The UAV takes off with maximum power (restricted to a time of five minutes due to high
thermal and mechanical stresses at this engine throttle setting) until it reaches the screen height
and fulfills the user-specified take-off time, which cannot exceed the maximum operating
conditions of the engine. Take-off has a ground run and airborne phase to clear obstacle of height
usually equivalent to 50ft (15m). During the climb phase the engine is throttled back to the
maximum continuous engine setting. Once the UAV reaches the cruising altitude of 14,000ft,
defined for the reference UAV platform, the engine setting is such that drag equals thrust and
level flight can be maintained. Next, the UAV enters the descent phase until the altitude is
reduces to 3,000ft. A loiter maneuver is performed at this altitude followed by an approach
phase. During the approach phase the UAV first descents towards 1,000ft where it flies level to
intersect the ILS, to initiate the final descent phase. The landing phase starts as soon as the UAV
reaches the screen height (50ft). The landing phase has an airborne and ground run phase. The
mission is concluded once the UAV has come to a complete stop on the runway.
In developing this case study, several assumptions are made to simplify the calculations though
with a decreased accuracy of the results. However, since the study is an initial exploration and
comparison of performance of the two engines, detailed models and high accuracy results are not
yet desired. The inaccuracies in modeling the performance cuts across the two engine models
and thus the conclusions drawn are still dependable. The following assumptions are made during
the performance analysis:
The UAV flight is in the vertical plane thus the yawing and rolling motions are not
considered. Only pitching and level flight in the vertical plane is considered.
The UAV model is assumed to be a rigid point mass body. The forces that lead to the
translational motion are therefore considered acting on the center of gravity of the body.
The bending of the fuselage and wings due to the aerodynamic forces are not considered.
The wind effects are not included in the model. This does not affect the comparison of
the engine types.
Fuel is stored inside the fuselage.
The center of gravity is assumed to be located on the lateral symmetry axis at 33% of the
mean aerodynamic chord. This does not affect the results since no control and stability
analysis is done.
The lift coefficient is calculated assuming incompressible, inviscid irrotational flow
(Tornado method). The drag coefficient is obtained using the drag polar equation
approximation with the zero-lift drag coefficient obtained empirically using the
component build up technique. This method is based on the thin plate approximation.
This assumption will create an aerodynamic model with acceptable accuracy for this
Flight performance simulation.
A flight performance program is developed to numerically simulate the flight performance of the
baseline UAV with the two engines. The program follows the various mission segments
chronologically. The flight performance simulation generates the following output to determine
the mission performance:
Total and mission segment endurance and range.
The thrust
Fuel consumption
Lift and drag forces and coefficients.
The flight performance simulation is split into the following sections:
Aerodynamic properties analysis
Propulsion analysis
Mission phase analysis
Total mission analysis
Aerodynamic properties
An aircraft performance analysis requires the lift and drags forces to be calculated and thus the
lift and drag coefficients at different angles of attack, altitudes, velocities and aircraft
configurations (control surface settings and the landing gear). Some of the methods that can e
used to model the aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft include:
Empirical relations.
Vortex Lattice Method (VLM)
Euler equations.
Navier-Stokes equations (computational fluid dynamics analysis).
For this case study, a combination of the empirical relations and Vortex Lattice Method is used.
Empirical relations are used for zero lift drag coefficient estimation while the VLM is used to
model the lifting surfaces giving the lift coefficient for a case of incompressible inviscid flow.
These methods yield acceptable model parameters with small computation power and time.
VLM is important in the initial design phase of the aircraft, giving reasonable approximations of
the aerodynamic characteristics. VLM is an extended model of Prandtl’s classical lifting line
theory. A number of lifting panels are placed on the lifting surfaces, each containing a single
horseshoe vortex. The entire wing is covered by a lattice of horseshoe vortices, each having a
different unknown strength. A control point is placed on each panel. One can calculate the
normal velocity induced by all vortices using the Biot-Savart law at any control point. A set of
algebraic equations can be created by applying the flow-tangency condition at all control points.
This set of equations can be solved for all the unknown strength in order to calculate the lift and
drag coefficients. Some disadvantages of using VLM is that it can only be used for
incompressible and inviscid flows, since it is built on the potential flow which neglects viscous
effects. The empirical relations are therefore necessary since VLM cannot estimate the viscous
drag of a model. This results in a less accurate determination of the aerodynamic characteristics.
Several VLM software packages are available (Athena Vortex Lattice, Tornado, Vlaero+ etc.).
The Tornado software package is selected based on its ease of use, relative small learning curve
and availability. Tornado is available freely under a GNU general public license.
The total drag coefficient is determined using the drag polar equation which has three
components; the zero-lift drag/parasite drag coefficient (CD0), the lift dependent/lift induced drag
coefficient (CDi)and the wave drag (CDw).
CD = CD0 + CDi + CDw = CD0 + k*CL2 +CDw
k =
And e is the Oswald efficiency factor that is obtained empirically, AR is the aspect ratio.
The airspeed of the UAV is however below Mach 0.3 where the compressibility effects sets in;
the UAV therefore operates in the subsonic flow regime and the wave drag component is
therefore negligible.
The Tornado VLM program is used to determine the lift coefficient while empirical relations are
used to determine the parasite/zero-lift drag coefficient. The drag and lift coefficient depend on
the UAV configuration changes caused by flap settings and the landing gear configuration. The
take-off setting has an absolute flap deflection angle of 5 degrees and the landing setting has a
flap deflection of 20 degrees. The cruise setting is taken as a flap deflection of 0 degrees. The
landing gear of the UAV is non-retractable and thus the contribution to the total drag coefficient
is the same for all the flight phases.
Lift coefficient
The lift coefficient is modeled in Tornado y defining the lifting surfaces of the UAV which
include the main wing, the horizontal tail and two vertical tails. The flap settings are also
modeled in order to provide the lift coefficient at different flap settings for the different flight
phases. The results of the Tornado modeling are the CL-alpha graphs for each flap setting.
The Tornado geometry input for lift coefficient calculation
Zero-lift drag coefficient
The zero-lift drag coefficient is estimated using the component build-up technique which relies
on empirical relations for each component. Each external component (wing, horizontal & vertical
tail, fuselage, tail booms, flaps, landing gear and miscellaneous items) of the UAV has a certain
drag contribution which needs to be taken into account to estimate the total zero-lift drag
coefficient. The wing, fuselage, tail booms and horizontal & vertical tail zerolift coefficients are
calculated using the thin plate approximation. This approximation assumes that each component
is modeled as a thin flat plate with a certain skin friction coefficient, Cf. A form factor (𝐹𝐹) is
also introduced to compensates for the actual shape of the component, accounting for super
velocities and pressure drag resulting from the component shape. An interference factor (𝑄) is
also taken into account to represent the interference between the various components. The wetted
area of the component represents the total area of the component totally submerged in the flow.
A reference area usually taken as the wing planform area is also required in the calculation of the
zero-lift drag. It is a measure of the relative size of each component compared to other
components. The equation for calculating the zero-lift drag coefficient of each component is
given below;
CD0 =
The skin friction depends on the boundary layer conditions. The airflow over a thin plate as used
to approximate the coefficients always start with laminar flow at the leading edge. At some point
downstream, transition to turbulent flow occurs. This transition point can be calculated by
dividing the critical Reynolds number (Recr = 500,000) y the Reynolds number of the
component (Recomp). The component Reynolds number is calculated using the equation;
Recomp =
The transition point is;
(x/c)trans =
The laminar flow skin friction coefficient is calculated using the equation;
Cflam =
The turbulent flow skin friction coefficient is approximated as;
Cfturb =
The total skin friction coefficient is;
Cf = (x/c)trans*Cflam +Cfturb - (x/c)trans*Cfturb
Form factors
Aerodynamic analysis results
The lift coefficient
The lift coefficients obtained from the Tornado for different flap settings are plotted as the CLAOA graphs. The maximum lift coefficient for each flap setting is determined using the XFOIL
program for the given lifting surface airfoil.