MODULE IN PHYSICS FOR ENGINEERS ENGGPHYS MECHANICAL AND MECHATRONICS ENGINEERING SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE Property and exclusive use SLU. Reproduction, storing a retrieval system, distributing, uploading posting online, transmitting form Property of of and forfor thethe exclusive use of of SLU. Reproduction, storing in in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or or posting online, or or transmitting in in anyany form or or byby anyany 1 means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents Page Title Page i Course Overview 1 Course Study Guide and House Rules 3 Study Schedule 5 Study Schedule Table 5 Short Term Academic Calendar 10 Assessment and Evaluation Guide 11 General Requirements 11 Formative Assessment Guide 11 Evaluative Assessment Guide 12 Technological Tools 13 Grading System 13 Course References 14 Facilitator Contact Details 14 Annexes A. Rubrics for Evaluation 15 Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 2 ENGGPHYS COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES PHYSICS FOR ENGINEERS As a result of their educational experiences in the subject EnggPhys, graduates should be able to: CLO 1: Demonstrate knowledge of physics concepts and principles by describing everyday phenomena and analyze problems on vectors, one- and two-dimensional motion and Newton’s laws. CLO 2: Demonstrate knowledge of physics concepts and principles by describing everyday phenomena and analyze problems on dynamics, work, energy, energy and power, impulse and momentum. CLO 3: Demonstrate knowledge of physics concepts and principles by describing everyday phenomena and analyze problems on heat and calorimetry, simple harmonic motion, mechanical waves, and electricity. CLO 4: Demonstrate ability to use mathematical tools, including calculus in solving problems involving physics concepts and principles. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 3 COURSE INTRODUCTION This course covers the following: vectors, kinematics, dynamics, work, energy and power, impulse and momentum, rotation, dynamics of rotation, elasticity, oscillation, fluid statics and kinematics, thermal expansion, thermal stress, heat transfer, calorimetry, waves, electrostatics, electricity, magnetism, optics, image formation by plane and curved mirrors, and image formation by thin lenses. Module and Unit Topics To ensure that you will demonstrate the above-cited course learning outcome at the end of the semester, this course designed to be delivered in 54 contact hours was structured into fourteen modules. Each module contains lecture notes and example problems for each topic. Each topic is designed using the 5E constructivist model of learning, developed by Rodger Bybee, that encourages students to engage, explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate their knowledge of topics covered therein. It means that at the end of each unit, each module, and the course as a whole, you will be assessed on your progress in attaining the course learning outcomes. Outcomes-based education dictates that only when you can demonstrate the course learning outcomes by the end of this course, can you be given a passing mark. The modules that form the building blocks to help you attain the course learning outcomes are as follows: Module 1: Vectors Introduction to vector quantities Unit conversion Vector Operations (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication) Module 2: Kinematics Motion along a straight line Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 4 Motion in two dimensions Module 3: Newton’s Law of Motion Newton’s 1st Law of Motion Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion Module 4: Work, Energy and Power Work and Energy Law of Conservation of Energy Power Module 5: Impulse and Momentum Impulse-Momentum relation Law of Conservation of Momentum Module 6: Rotational Motion, Dynamics of Rotation, Elasticity Concepts on Angular displacement, acceleration Torque Rotation of Rigid Bodies Hooke’s Law Young’s Modulus of Elasticity Angular velocity and angular Module 7: Oscillations Simple Harmonic Motion Simple Pendulum Spring-mass system Module 8: Fluids Properties of Fluids Archimedes’ Principle Module 9: Heat Transfer Conduction Convection Radiation Module 10: Waves Properties of Waves Transverse Waves and Longitudinal Waves Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 5 Mathematical representation of a wave Module 11: Electrostatics Basic concepts Electrostatic force Electric Field Module 12: Electricity Current, Voltage, Resistance Ohm’s Law Series and Parallel Circuits Module 13: Magnetism Magnetic Field Magnetic Field Intensity Magnetic Flux Module 14: Optics Nature of Light Refraction Reflection Course Study Guide The key to successfully finish this course lies in your hands. This module was prepared for you to learn diligently, intelligently, and independently. Doing this will help and prepare you, as this serves as a foundation for your higher Mechanical Engineering courses. Aside from meeting the content and performance standards of this course in accomplishing the given activities, you will be able to learn other invaluable learning skills which you will be very proud of as a responsible learner 1. Schedule and manage your time to read and understand every part of the module. Read it over and over until you understand the point. 2. Study how you can manage to do the activities of this module in consideration of your other modules from other courses. Be very conscious with the study schedule. Post it on a conspicuous place so that you can always see. Do not ask about questions that are already answered in the guide. 3. If you did not understand the readings and other tasks, re-read. Focus. If this will not work, engage all possible resources. You may ask other family members to help you. If this will not work again, email me first so that I can provide the necessary assistance. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 6 4. Do not procrastinate. Remember, it is not others who will be short-changed if you will not do your work on time. It will be you. 5. Before you start doing your tasks, read and understand the assessment tools provided. Do not settle with the low standards, target the highest standards in doing your assigned tasks. I know you can. 6. You are free to browse and read the different units of the module even prior to doing the tasks in each unit. However, you need to ensure that you will not miss any part of the module and you will not miss to accomplish every activity in every unit as scheduled. 7. Before the end of each term, you will be tasked to send back through correspondence the accomplished and scheduled modules for the term. Make sure that you will follow it up with me through email or any other media available for you. 8. While waiting for my feedback of your accomplished modules, continue doing the task in the succeeding units of the module that are scheduled for the next term. 9. If needed, do not hesitate to keep in touch with me through email. Remember, if there is a will, there is a way. 10. In answering all the assessment and evaluation activities, write legibly. It will help if you will not write your answers in the module if you are not yet sure of your answers. You must remember that all activities in the module are academic activities, which mean that the relevant academic conventions apply. Think before you write. a. Your answers should be composed of complete and grammatically correct sentences. Do not use abbreviations and acronyms unless these are introduced in the readings, and do not write in text-speak. Avoid writing in all caps and cursive. b. In the self-processed discussions, write appropriate and well-thought arguments and judgements. Avoid merely approving or disapproving with what is expressed in the material. You need to support your inputs in the discussions from reliable information or from empirical observation. Do not write uninformed opinions. c. Do not write lengthy answers. Stick to the point. Be clear what your main point is and express it as concisely as possible. Do not let your discussion stray. Make use of the spaces in the module as your guide. d. Quote your sources if there are in answering all the activities. 11. Lastly, you are the learner; hence, you do the module on your own. Your family members and friends at home will support you but the activities must be done by you. As Louisan, we always need to demonstrate our core values of competence, creativity, social involvement and Christian spirit. Additional Guidelines for Offline Students: Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 7 If you are a student opting for the offline mode of distance learning, you will be tasked to send back the accomplished requirements at given stages of the course through express mail correspondence on or before the scheduled date to me. Make sure you will follow it up with me through text or any other media available for you. While waiting for my feedback of your accomplished requirements, continue doing the task in the succeeding units of the module. If needed, do not hesitate to keep in touch with me through any available means. Remember, if there is a will, there is a way. Study Schedule Below are details in the conduct of this course arranged in chronological order visà-vis the topic learning outcomes and activities designed for you to undergo the five stages of the 5E constructivist learning model. Week Topic Learning Outcome Module 1: Vectors 1. Analyze and solve problems involving unit conversion. 2. Perform mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, and multiplication); on vector quantities and solve corresponding application problems Activities Engage: Introduce measurement and unit conversion Differentiate vector quantities from scalar quantities. Recall trigonometric functions of right triangles. Recall Sine and Cosine Laws Explore: Identify basic conversion factors. Identify the different mathematical operation of vectors. Explain: Methods of vector addition Vector Multiplication (Dot and Cross Product) Elaborate: Apply vector operation in solving actual engineering problems. Evaluate: Answer given problems Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 8 Assignment no.1 Module 2: Kinematics 1. Analyze and solve problems on Rectilinear Motion with constant acceleration. 2. Analyze and solve problems on Free-falling bodies. 3. Analyze and solve problems on Projectile Motion. Engage: Introduce rectilinear motion, free-falling bodies and projectile motion. Explore: Discuss the formulas on Rectilinear Motion and the concept of projectile. Explain: Demonstrate by solving example problems on rectilinear motion, freefalling bodies and projectile motion. Elaborate: Apply concepts of rectilinear motion and projectile motion in solving problems. Evaluate: Answer given problems Assignment no.2 QUIZ #1 AND SUBMISSION OF ASSIGNMENTS 1 AND 2 Module 3: Newton’s Law of Motion Apply Newton’s Laws of Motion to analyze and solve problems involving a body in equilibrium or a body in acceleration. Engage: State Newton’s three laws of motion. Explore: Discuss the concepts and procedure in solving problems for systems in equilibrium. Discuss the concepts and procedure in solving problems for systems with acceleration. Explain: Demonstrate by solving sample problems for systems under equilibrium. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 9 Demonstrate by solving sample problems for systems with acceleration. Elaborate Analyze and solve problems on Newton’s laws of motion Evaluate: Answer given problems. Assignment no.3 Module 4: Work, Energy and Power Solve problems on work done by a constant or by a varying force, as well as problems in mechanics, applying the concepts of gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, work-energy theorem, and mechanical power. Engage: Recall the different types of mechanical energies and the Law of Conservation of Energy. Explore: Discuss formulas used in determining mechanical energies possessed by a body. Discuss the Law of Conservation of Energy Explain: Solve sample problems in determining the mechanical energy of a body. Solve sample problems on Law of Conservation of Energy. Elaborate: Analyze and solve systems applying the “law of conservation of energy”. Evaluate: Answer given problem set. Assignment no.4 QUIZ #2 AND SUBMISSION OF ASSIGNMENTS 3 AND 4 Module 5: Impulse and Momentum Solve problems related to momentum, impulse, and conservation of momentum. Engage: Define Impulse and momentum. Introduce the “Law of conservation of momentum”. Explore: Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 10 Introduce the formula in determining Impulse and Momentum of a body. Analysis on the Law of Conservation of Momentum Explain: Solve sample problems on Impulse and Momentum. Solve sample problems on Law of conservation of Momentum. Elaborate: Analyze and solve systems applying the “law of conservation of Momentum”. Evaluate: Answer given problem set. Assignment no.5 Module 6: Rotational Motion, Dynamics of Rotation, Elasticity Solve problems on rotational motion, dynamics of rotation, and elasticity. Engage: Define angular displacement, angular velocity, angular acceleration, torque and Elasticity. Explore: Discuss the equations involved for rotating bodies. Discuss the concept of Torque Discuss Elasticity Explain: Solve sample problems on rotating bodies, torque and elasticity. Elaborate: Analyze and solve problems on rating bodies. Evaluate: Answer given problem set. Assignment no.6 Module 7: Oscillations Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 11 Solve problems on SHM involving horizontal spring system, vertical spring system, and simple pendulum. Engage: Illustrate bodies undergoing simple harmonic motion (SHM). Explore: Discuss the concept and equations used in solving problems involving SHM. Explain: Solve sample problems on systems involving horizontal and vertical springs. Solve sample problems on pendulum systems. Elaborate: Analyze and solve systems problems applying the concept of SHM. Evaluate: Answer given problem set. Assignment no7. MIDTERM EXAMINATION AND SUBMISSION OF ASSIGNMENTS 5, 6 AND 7 Module 8: Fluids Solve problems on the application of Archimedes’ Principle Engage: Identify and define basic properties of fluids. Explore: Discuss the equations in determining basic properties of fluid such as Density, specific weight, specific volume..etc. Discuss Archimides’ Principle Explain: Solve sample problems on Archimedes’ Principle Elaborate: Analyze and solve actual Engineering problems applying Archimedes’ Principle. Evaluate: Answer given problem set Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 12 Assignment no.8 Module 9: Heat Transfer Solve problems on heat transfer Engage: Identify and define the three modes of heat transfer. Explore: Discuss the equations in determining the rate of heat transferred by Conduction, Convection and Radiation. Explain: Solve sample problems on Heat transfer. Elaborate: Analyze and solve actual Engineering problems applying heat transfer by conduction, convection and radiation. Evaluate: Answer given problem set. Assignment no.9 Module 10: Waves Solve problems on the mathematical representation of a wave and problems related to the modes of mechanical waves Engage: Differentiate Transverse Waves and Longitudinal waves. Explore: Discuss the Properties of waves Discuss Mathematical representation of waves. Explain: Solve sample problems on the mathematical representation of a wave and problems related to the modes of mechanical waves Elaborate: Analyze and solve actual Engineering problems involving waves. Evaluate: Answer given problem set. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 13 Assignment no.10 QUIZ #3 AND SUBMISSION OF ASSIGNMENTS 8,9 AND 10 Module 11: Electrostatics Solve problems involving the different methods of charging, electric force, and electric field Engage: Define Electric Force and Electric Field. Explore: Discuss the concept of Electrostatic Force/s. Discuss charges located on an electric field. Explain: Solve sample problems on Electrostatics. Elaborate: Analyze and solve actual Engineering problems applying electric field and electric force. Evaluate: Answer given problem set Assignment no.11 Module 12: Electricity Solve basic problems involving current, resistance, and voltage in circuits that contain DC sources and resistors in series and/or parallel Engage: Discuss Electricity and ElectricCircuits Define Current, Voltage and Resistance. Explore: Discuss OHM’s Law. Discuss procedure and concept in solving Series and Parallel Circuits. Explain: Solve sample problems on Ohm’s Law. Solve sample problems on Series and Parallel Circuits Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 14 Elaborate: Analyze and solve actual Engineering problems on Electric Circuits. Evaluate: Answer given problem set Assignment no.12 QUIZ #4 AND SUBMISSION OF ASSIGNMENTS 11 AND 12 Module 13: Magnetism Solve problems involving magnetic field, magnetic flux intensity, and magnetic flux Engage: Discuss Magnets and Magnetism Define Magnetic field, Magnetic Field Intensity, Magnetic Flux Explore: Discuss concepts and equations used to determine Magnetic field intensity and Magnetic flux. Explain: Solve sample problems on Magnetic field, Magnetic Field Intensity and Magnetic Flux Elaborate: Analyze and solve actual Engineering problems on Magnetic field, Magnetic Field Intensity and Magnetic Flux Evaluate: Answer given problem set Assignment no.13 Module 14: Optics Solve problems involving the nature of light, refraction, and reflection. Engage: Introduce the Nature of Light Define refraction, and reflection Explore: Discuss concepts and equations for reflection and refraction. Explain: Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 15 Solve sample problems on reflection from mirrors. Solve sample problems on refraction Elaborate: Analyze and solve actual Engineering problems on reflection and refraction Evaluate: Answer given problem set Assignment no.14 FINAL EXAMS AND SUBMISSION AOF ASSIGNMENTS 13 AND 14 Evaluation The course modules rely on formative and summative assessments to determine the progress of your learning in each module. To obtain a passing grade in this course, you must: 1. Read all course readings and answer the pre-assessment quizzes, selfassessment activities, and reflection questions. 2. Submit all assignments and graded quizzes 3. Take the Midterm Examination. 4. Take the Final Examination. If you are a student under the offline DL mode, accomplish all print-based and electronically saved discussion activities and requirements, and submit them on time via express mail correspondence. Formative Assessment Activities Formative assessments for this course are applied to ungraded activities that are used to monitor your learning experience and provide feedback to improve both your learning approach as well as my instructional approach. • You are required to answer the pre-assessment quizzes, self-assessment activities, and reflection questions but your scores in activities will not be included in the computation of your final grade. • The reflection questions are designed to help you to critically analyze the course readings for better understanding while the pre-assessment quizzes and self-assessment activities are designed as a review management tool to prepare you for the graded quizzes and examinations. • Successfully answering formative activity questions and requirements will serve as prompts to tell you if you need to study further or if you may already move forward to the next unit of the module. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 16 • The completeness of your answers to the pre-assessment quizzes, selfassessment activities, and reflection questions will still be checked and will still be part of your course completion. Hence, all pre-assessment quizzes, self-assessment activities, and reflection questions must be answered. • In doing your formative assessment activities, you can always ask the help of your family and friends. • The pre-assessment quizzes, self-assessment activities, and reflection questions are required so you can take it anytime within the scheduled days assigned for each module. Summative Assessment Activities The evaluative assessments are graded activities designed to determine if your acquisition of learning and performance in tests is at par with standards set at certain milestones in this course. A. Quizzes, Examinations, and Assignments Graded quizzes, examinations, and assignments are essential to determine whether your performance as a student is at par with standards/goals that need to be achieved in this course. The scores obtained from each of the graded activities will contribute to your final grade, the weights of which are presented in the grading system described in the succeeding sections of this text. Direct scoring can be used on straightforward requirements like short answers and multiple-choice responses, while scoring rubrics will be provided for answers that are typically lengthy and involve a more complex level of thinking on your part. B. Final Course Requirement To achieve the course learning outcome, a final design submission of all experiments is required. You are going to accomplish this in groups and present learning outputs as scheduled in the study plan. For online students, a live presentation will be scheduled on Google Meet. For offline students a recorded and saved presentation will be accommodated for submission on a USB flash drive. A separate rubric will be used for the write up and the presentation. Technological Tools To be able to accomplish all the tasks in this course, you will need a computer or a laptop with the following software applications: Word Processing, Presentation, and Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 17 Publication for requirements that do not require online access. A smart phone with video recording and editing features will also be used for activities that will require you to record videos for saving and submission. If you are a student online, access to the institutional Google Classroom will be provided through your institutional account. An invitation to join the Google Classroom will be sent to you through the SLU Student Portal and your institutional email account, so make sure to activate your institutional email account. It is equally important that you check your SLU Student Portal account at least twice a week and turn your Gmail Notifications on in your mobile phone and computer. If you are a student offline, the delivery of instructions and requirements will be primarily through express mail correspondence of printed modules and saved digital content on a USB flash drive. Feedback and clarifications will be facilitated through text messaging and voice calls; hence, you need to have regular access to a cell phone. If you need to call, or you want to talk to me, send me a message first and wait for me to respond. Do not give my CP number to anybody. I will not entertain messages or calls from numbers that are not registered in my phone. Hence, use only the CP number you submitted to me. Contact Information of the Facilitator Engr. Ferdinand B. Itliong ENGGPHYS Course Facilitator Cellphone SLU local extension number Institutional email address : : Mechanical Engineering, loc. 273 : Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 18 MODULE 1: PHYSICAL QUANTITIES, UNITS AND VECTORS MODULE 1: PHYSICAL QUANTITIES, UNITS AND VECTORS 1.1 Physics and its importance The word physics comes from Greek, meaning “of nature” or “natural philosophy”. Physics is concerned with the description of nature—that is, the description and explanation of natural phenomena. In other words, physics is concerned with how and why things work or behave the way they do. Physics is an experimental science. Everything we know about the physical world and about the principles that govern its behavior has been learned through experiment, that is, through observations of the phenomena of nature. The ultimate test of any physical theory is its agreement with experimental observations. These observations usually involve measurements; thus physics is inherently a science of experiment and measurements. 1.2 Physical Quantities The study of Physics involves dealing with a lot of physical quantities. In mechanics, we have the basic or fundamental quantities like mass, length and time. All others are considered as derived quantities because they are obtained or defined by simple relations between the fundamental quantities. The fundamental quantities combined to form the derived quantity are sometimes called the dimensions of the derived quantity. Basic Quantities and Units Unit Meter Symbol m Kilogram kg Second s Description Measures length Measures mass Measures time Definition Distance light travel in 1/299792458 second. Mass of a special platinum-iridium cylinder in Paris. 9192631770 oscillations of a special light emitted by cesium-133 atoms. Combinations of these basic quantities and units give various derived quantities and units. Example: Force:1newton (N) = 1 kg-m/s2 In the proper expression of physical quantities, there should at least be a number (to indicate how large or how small the quantity is) and the unit (to indicate Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 19 the nature and type of the quantity). An expression that does not have one of these two is meaningless. 1.3 Standards and Units A standard is that quantity (usually in physical form i.e. an object) to which other quantities being measured are compared. The measured quantity is then expressed in terms of the standard, which now becomes the unit of the quantity. Example: When we say the height of the building is 10 meters, it means that the measured quantity (height of the building) is expressed in terms of the length of an object (standard), which is considered to be one meter long. Thus the "meter" is the unit for the height of a building. 1.4 Systems of Units: There are two systems of units in common use: The English or British system and the Metric system. A refinement of the old metric system was introduced in 1960 and is officially known as the International System of units or SI units. It is now modern practice to use this system. The English system is also known as the foot-pound-second (fps) system. The SI system may be classified into the meter-kilogram-second (mks) system and the Gaussian or centimeter-gram-second (cgs) system. It is therefore necessary to look at the more salient aspects of the SI system: 1. In the SI system, the standard units for the different basic quantities are well defined, clear and precise. Example: For Length: 1 meter is defined as the distance traveled by light in 1/299792458 sec The student is advised to look at the SI definitions for the other basic units. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 20 2. In the SI system of units, larger or smaller variations of these units are obtained by attaching the proper prefix. Prefixes in the Metric System or SI system Prefix Abbreviatio Power of 10 n Prefix Abbreviatio n Power of 10 exa E 1018 deci d 10-1 peta P 1015 centi c 10-2 tera T 1012 milli m 10-3 giga G 109 micro 10-6 mega M 106 nano n 10-9 kilo k 103 pico p 10-12 hecto h 102 femto f 10-15 deka da 101 atto a 10-18 1.5 Unit Consistency and Unit Conversion Unit consistency means that in a physical equation, each side of the expression should have the same units otherwise the equation is an error. Unit conversion is the process of changing the unit of a quantity to another one within the same system or into another system. In physical computations, this is usually done to attain unit consistency. The process of unit conversion may be relatively easy but it has to be done in an orderly manner to avoid errors. One should also have considerable knowledge of the needed conversion factors to be able to do it successfully. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 21 Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 22 Steps in Performing Unit Conversion: Example problems on Conversion of units: 1. Convert 120 km/hr to mi/hr. Solution: 120 𝑘𝑚 1𝑚𝑖 𝒎𝒊 × = 𝟕𝟒. 𝟓𝟕 1 ℎ𝑟 1.6093 𝑘𝑚 𝒉𝒓 Note that the unit km cancels out due to division. 2. As an astute observer walking around on continental crust (granite), you might decide to test the hypothesis that the Earth is made entirely of granite. You weigh a 1.00 ft3 piece of granite on your home scale and find that it weighs 171 lbs. Thus you determine that the granite has a density of 171 lb/ft3. Convert your granite's density to g/cm3. Solution: 171 𝑙𝑏 1000𝑔 1𝑓𝑡 3 1𝑖𝑛 3 𝒈 𝑥 𝑥 ( ) 𝑥 ( ) = 𝟐. 𝟕𝟒 𝑓𝑡 3 2.205𝑙𝑏 12𝑖𝑛 2.54𝑐𝑚 𝒄𝒎𝟑 Note that the units lb, ft3 and in3 cancels out due to division Formative Problems: Practice conversion of units by solving the following problems. 1. The density of propane is 36.28 lb/ft3. Convert this to kg/m3. (Ans..581.67) 2. A box measures 3.12 ft in length, 0.0455 yd in width and 7.87 inches in height. What is its volume in cubic centimeters? (Ans.. 7.91 x 103 cm3) 3. A block occupies 0.2587 ft3 . What is its volume in mm3 ? (Ans.. 7.326x106 mm3) Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 23 1.6 Vectors and Vector Operations Many physical quantities have magnitudes only but no direction. These are called scalars. Examples are mass, time, density, temperature, etc. There are however, many physical quantities such as force, velocity, displacement, etc. which have directions as well as magnitude and these aspects always have to be indicated when expressing these quantities. They are called vectors. In physical computation and analyses, we have to be aware of the difference between vectors and scalars because the mathematical treatments are not the same. For example, we add scalars arithmetically but we cannot do the same to vectors. Special methods are used. 1.6.1 BASIC ASPECTS ABOUT VECTORS 1. Vector Representation a. Graphical representation - Vectors are represented by arrows. b. Vector notations – Vectors are usually denoted with capital letters written in boldface or with special markings. (A or A, B or B, etc.) 2. Indicating Directions of (coplanar) vectors: METHOD 1: Using the angle θ that the vector makes with the “zero reference line (usually the positive x-axis) ” measured going Counterclockwise.Illustration: i. Vector A = 3 units at 35o is a vector having a magnitude of 3 units, and whose direction θA is 35o from the positive x-axis measured going counter-clockwise. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 24 ii. Vector A = 3 units at 1250 is a vector having a magnitude of 3 units, and whose direction θA is 125o from the positive x-axis measured going counter-clockwise iii. Vector A = 3 units at 2250 is a vector having a magnitude of 3 units, and whose direction θA is 225o from the positive x-axis measured going counter-clockwise. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 25 METHOD 2: Using Geographic Directions Illustration: Let us assume that the figure below shows vector A = 3 units, θA = 25o and vector B = 3 units, θB = 30o The figure above means that: i. ii. iii. iv. Vector A = 3 units 25o EN (East of North) Vector A = 3 units 65o NE Vector B = 3 units 30o SW Vector B = 3 units 60o WS Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 26 1.6.2 VECTOR OPERATIONS 1. VECTOR ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION: Vector addition is the process of combining two or more vectors into one. The combination is called the RESULTANT (R) of the vectors. Vector subtraction is just like addition. In vector subtraction, the negative of one vector is added to the other. For example, if two vectors A and B are to be added, the operation is indicated as A + B. However, if vector B is to be subtracted from vector A, the operation is indicated as A – B which is the same as A + (-B). NOTE: The negative of a vector is another vector whose magnitude is the same as the original vector but in the opposite direction. METHODS OF VECTOR ADDITION i. The Algebraic method (for co-linear vectors only). Co-linear vectors are vectors which lie along the same line. Example: For the vectors shown in the diagram, determine a) their resultant; b) C A-D E = 60 m B = 20 m C = 30 m D = 25 m A = 50 m Solution: For convenience we assign all vectors directed towards the right as positive while all vectors directed towards the left are negative. Since vectors are co-linear simple arithmetic is applied a) Resultant: R = A+B+C+D+E = 50m+(–20m)+(-30m)+ 25m+(-60m) = - 35 m, this implies that the magnitude of the resultant vector has a magnitude of 35 m and directed towards the left (negative sign) b) C-A-D = C+(-A)+(-D) = -30m + (-50m ) + (-25m) = -101m, this implies that the magnitude of C-A-D is 101m and directed towards the left (negative sign) c) The Parallelogram Method The procedure of "the parallelogram of vectors addition method" is a. b. c. d. draw vector 1 using appropriate scale and in the direction of its action from the tail of vector 1 draw vector 2 using the same scale in the direction of its action complete the parallelogram by using vector 1 and 2 as sides of the parallelogram the resulting vector R is represented in both magnitude and direction by the diagonal of the parallelogram A A A R B B B Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 27 e. Solve the resultant using sine law and cosine law d) The Polygon method (Graphical method in determining the magnitude and direction of the Resultant R) Many vectors can be added together in this way by drawing the successive vectors in a tip-to-tail fashion, as shown on the example below. Scale: 1 cm = 1 unit e) The Triangle method is similar to the Parallelogram Method but with the two vectors connected from tip-to-tail. Procedure: a. b. c. Construct the vector triangle by drawing the two vectors tip-to-tail. The vector that closes the triangle is the resultant. The resultant vector R of the two coplanar vectors can be calculated by trigonometry using "the cosine law" for a non-right-angled triangle. The angle between the vector and the resultant vector can be calculated using "the sine law" for a non-right-angled triangle. f) The Component Method Ay Many vector operations and analyses are carried out using their components. These are two or more vectors which when combined or A added will give the original vector. For coplanar vectors (assumed to be on the xy-plane) it is usually convenient to use two components which are perpendicular to each other: one along the x-axis which is then called the xcomponent and the other one along the y-axis which is then called the ycomponent. These two components are collectively called the rectangular components of the vector. Determining the Components of a Vector 1. F1x is the magnitude of the x-component of vector F1. 2. The sign of F1x is positive if it points in the positive x-direction, negative if it points in the negative x-direction. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 28 3. F1y is the magnitude of the y-component of vector F1. 4. The sign of F1y is positive if it points in the positive y-direction, negative if it points in the negative y-direction. UNIT VECTORS (3 – dimensional vectors) Let Vectors having a magnitude of unity with no units. Its purpose is to describe a direction in space. 𝑖̂= unit vector pointing in the x – axis 𝑗̂ = unit vector pointing in the y – axis 𝑘̂ = unit vector pointing in the z – axis y 𝑗̂ 𝑖̂ x 𝑘̂ z If A and B are in terms of their components: A = Ax𝑖̂+ Ay𝑗̂+ Az𝑘̂ Addition: and B = Bx𝑖̂ + By𝑗̂ + Bz𝑘̂ A + B = (Ax + Bx)𝑖̂ +(Ay + By)𝑗̂+ (Az + Bz)𝑘̂ Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 29 PRODUCT OF VECTORS: A) Scalar Product (Dot Product) o Results to scalar quantity i.e. magnitude only, no direction. A ∙ B = AB cos θ B Where A is the magnitude of vector A, and B is the magnitude of vector B, and θ is the angle between them. θ A If θ = 90o, A∙B = AB cos 90o, cos 90o = 0, A∙B = 0; scalar product of 2 perpendicular vectors is always 0. Using the unit vector computation: A∙B = (Ax𝑖̂+ Ay𝑗̂+ Az𝑘̂) ∙ (Bx𝑖̂+ By𝑗̂+ Bz𝑘̂) A∙B = AxBx + AyBy + AzBz B) Vector Product (Cross Product) o Vector quantity with a direction perpendicular to the plane of the vector and a magnitude given by: A x B = AB sin θ If A and B are parallel, θ = 0 or 180o then A x B = 0 since, sin 0 & sin 180o = 0. There are always two directions perpendicular to a given plane. Use the right hand rule. USING VECTOR REPRESENTATION: A x B = (Ax𝑖̂+ Ay𝑗̂+ Az𝑘̂) x (Bx𝑖̂+ By𝑗̂+ Bz𝑘̂) 𝑖̂ Where: 𝑖̂ x 𝑖̂= 0 𝑖̂ x 𝑗̂= 𝑘̂ 𝑘̂ x 𝑗̂= -𝑖̂ 𝑗̂x̂𝑗 = 0 𝑗̂ x 𝑖̂ = - 𝑘̂ 𝑖̂ x 𝑘̂ = -𝑗̂ 𝑘̂ x 𝑘̂ = 0 𝑗̂x ̂𝑘 = 𝑖̂ 𝑘̂ 𝑘̂ x 𝑖̂ = 𝑗̂ + 𝑗̂ vector product of two parallel vectors is always zero. ̂ A x B = (AyBz – AzBy)𝒊̂ + (AzBx – AxBz)𝒋̂ + (AxBy = AyBx)𝒌 Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 30 SAMPLE PROBLEMS FOR VECTOR ADDITION: 1. Given are the following vector quantities: A = 80 m due N B = 40 m 300 NW C = 60 m 150 NE D = 60 m SE Determine: a. Magnitude and direction of the resultant of vectors A and B (using Parallelogram Method) b. Magnitude and direction of the resultant of vectors A and B (using unit vectors) c. Magnitude and direction of the Resultant of the four given vectors using component method. The given vectors drawn in the Cartesian-plane: N A=80m B=40m C=60m 300 150 W 45 E 0 D=60m S Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 31 a) Using PARALLELLOGRAM METHOD: Let vector RAB represent the resultant of vectors A and B N RAB A=80m A=80m 1200 B=40m 300 W E By isolating the lower half of the parallelogram, our analysis in determining the magnitude and direction of RAB can be determined by applying Sine and Cosine Laws. By cosine law: S RAB = √𝟖𝟎𝟐 + 𝟒𝟎𝟐 − 𝟐(𝟖𝟎)𝟒𝟎 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝟏𝟐𝟎 = 𝟏𝟎𝟓. 𝟖𝟑𝒎 By sine law: sin 𝛷 sin 120 = 105.83 80 Angle Φ = 40.89o Direction of the resultant = 300 + 40.89o = 70.89o THEREFORE: RAB = 105.83m, 70.89 NW (or North of West) Note that the Triangle method will have the same solution as the parallelogram method. Connect the two vectors from tip-to-tail. The Resultant is a vector drawn from the tail of the first vector to the tip of the second vector. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 32 B=40m N RAB A=80m W E S b) USING COMPONENT N MET A=80m W E S Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 33 X-COMPONENT: AX =0 Y-COMPONENT: AY=80m N By B=40m 300 W E Bx X-COMPONENT: BX = 40 cos 30 = 34.64m Y-COMPONENT: BY = 40 sin 30 = 20m S By adding all x components of the vector: (vectors to the right “+”; vectors to the left “-“), we have: RABX = AX +BX = 0 +(-34.64) = - 34.64m The negative sign means that the x-component of RAB is towards the left. By adding all y-components of the vector: (vectors upward “+”; vectors downward“-“), we have: RABY = AY + BY = 80 + 20 = 100m Since the value of the y-component of the resultant is positive, it means that it is directed upwards. The x and y components of the resultant can now be drawn as: Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 34 N RAB RABY = 100m AB W E RABX = 34.64m S By Pythagorean Theorem: RAB = √𝟑𝟒. 𝟔𝟒𝟐 + 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟐 = 𝟏𝟎𝟓. 𝟖𝟑𝒎 From trigonometric functions of Right Triangles we have: 𝟏𝟎𝟎 Tan θAB = 𝟑𝟒.𝟔𝟒 θAB = 70.89O THEREFORE: RAB = 105.83m, 70.89 NW (or North of West) Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 35 c). Magnitude and direction of the Resultant of the four given vectors From Previous solution: The Components of vector A are: X-COMPONENT: AX =0 Y-COMPONENT: AY=80m The Components of vector B are: X-COMPONENT: BX = 40 cos 30 = 34.64m Y-COMPONENT: BY = 40 sin 30 = 20m For Vector C, the components are: N C=60m Cy 150 W E Cx S X-COMPONENT: CX = 60 cos 15 = 57.96m Y-COMPONENT: CY = 60 sin 15 = 15.53m Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 36 For Vector D, the components are: N W E 45 0 D=60m Dy Dx S X-COMPONENT: DX = 60 cos 45o = 42.43m Y-COMPONENT: DY = 60 sin 15o = 42.43m x-component of the Resultant: RX = AX + BX + CX + DX = 0 + (-34.64m) + 57.96m + 42.43m = 65.75m (to the right) x-component of the Resultant: RY = AY + BY + CY + DY = 80m + 20m + 15.53m + (-42.43m) = 73.1m (upward) Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 37 N Ry R θ W E Rx S RX = √𝟔𝟓. 𝟕𝟓𝟐 + 𝟕𝟑. 𝟏𝟐 = 𝟗𝟖. 𝟑𝟐𝒎 𝟕𝟑.𝟏 Tan θ = 𝟔𝟓.𝟕𝟓 θAB = 48.03O THEREFORE: R = 98.32m, 48.03 NE (or North of EAST) Formative Problems: 1. A = 1km due south, B = 2km due west. Determine the resultant. (ans..2.24km, 63.4o W of S) 2. A = 72.4 m, 32.0° east of north, B = 57.3 m, 36.0° south of west, C = 17.8 m due south. Determine the resultant. (ans..12.7m, 39o W of N) Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 38 SAMPLE PROBLEMS FOR DOT PRODUCT: SAMPLE PROBLEMS FOR CROSS PRODUCT: Assignment # 1 (due on June 24, 2020) 1. Do the following conversions: (a) 15 m to ft, (b) 12 in to cm, (c) 30 days to sec 2. A football field is 300 ft long and 160 ft wide. What are the field’s dimensions in meters and its area in square centimeters? Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 39 3. In the Bible, Noah is instructed to build an ark 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide and 30 cubits high. (A cubit was a unit of length based on the length of the forearm and equal to half of a yard.) What would the dimensions of the ark be in meters? What would its volume be in cubic meters? (Assume that the ark was rectangular.) 4. Which is longer and by how many centimeters, a 100-m dash or a 100-yd dash? 5. Vector is A =2.80 cm long and is above the x-axis in the first quadrant. Vector is 1.90 cm long and is below the x-axis in the fourth quadrant. Find using triangle method: a) A + B, b) B-A, c) A-B 6. Three ropes pull on a large stone stuck in the ground, producing the vector forces as shown in. Find the magnitude and direction of a fourth force on the stone that will make the vector sum of the four forces zero. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 40 MODULE 2: KINEMATICS MOTION ALONG A STRAIGHT LINE (Rectilinear Motion) Motion is apparent in widely ranging phenomena. Historically, motion was one of the first phenomena to be studied carefully. Some progress was made in the understanding of motion in ancient times, particularly by the philosophers of classical Greece, but it was not until the Renaissance that the basic laws of motion were discovered. Many individuals made important contributions, but two stand above the rest: Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) and Isaac Newton (1642-1727). Motion is defined as the continuous change in the position of a body. The study of the motion of a body irrespective of the causes is the branch of mechanics called Kinematics, which comes from a Greek word meaning “motion”. In our study of motion we will be using a particle (an object whose dimensions are negligible for the problem at hand and whose position is represented by a mathematical point) as a model, which is actually a very small body. However, larger bodies like a car or a sled can be represented by the particle if all parts of it can be considered to be moving in the same way or it does not rotate or change its shape while moving. We start our study with the simplest type of motion a body can undergo. This is called rectilinear motion or motion along a straight line. For the analysis, we will be considering the line of motion as a coordinate axis, i.e. the x-axis if the line of motion is horizontal or the y-axis if the line of motion is vertical. 2.1 BASIC CONCEPTS: 1. POSITION (x) of the body. This is to indicate the location of the body at any time as it moves. It is the distance from a given reference point along the path at any time. The reference point should not be confused with the starting point although sometimes they are considered the same for convenience. In cases where the line of motion is the y-axis, position is denoted by (y) 2. DISPLACEMENT (X) certain length of time. - this is the change in the position of the body during a Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 41 the Greek letter “delta” () stands for “change in” a quantity. X = X2 - X1 where x1 - is the initial position or position at time t1 x2 - is the final position or position at time t2 Displacement is different from distance traveled in the sense that displacement is a vector quantity directed from the initial to the final position. However in rectilinear motion, the magnitude of the displacement is the same as the distance travelled. 3. Time instant (t) and Time Interval (t) Time instant is a point in time, i.e. at the time 5 seconds after starting or time 2 seconds before it stops, etc. Time interval is a length of time, i.e. during the first 10 seconds or during the time from t1 = 5 seconds to t2 = 10 seconds etc. 4. Velocity of the body. Generally, the velocity is the rate of change in the position of the body. From this, it can be seen how fast a body is moving including its direction of motion. Average Velocity (vav) is the velocity of a body taken during a time interval 𝒗𝒂𝒗 = 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒂𝒍 = ∆𝒙 ∆𝒕 or between two points along its path. Instantaneous Velocity (v) is the velocity of a body at a particular time instant or point along its path. 5. Acceleration of the body is the rate of change in the velocity of the body. A body is said to be accelerating when the velocity is changing. This can happen in the form of a change in the magnitude of the velocity i.e. the body moves faster and faster or slower and slower, or in the form of a change in the direction. In rectilinear motion however, acceleration can happen mostly in the form of a change in magnitude (except at the instant when the body reverses its direction). Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 42 Average acceleration (aav) is the acceleration of the body taken during a time interval or during a certain displacement. 𝒂𝒂𝒗 = 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚 ∆𝒗 = ∆𝒕 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒂𝒍 Instantaneous acceleration (a) is the acceleration at a given time instant or point along its path. 2.2 Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear Motion or UARM UARM is one common type of rectilinear motion. In this type of motion, the change in velocity for consecutive equal time intervals is constant. For example, if the change in velocity during the first 5 sec is 20 m/s, the change in velocity during the second 5 sec will also be 20 m/s, so also during the third 5 sec and so on. The body therefore can be observed to be moving faster or slower at a uniform rate. If the acceleration is in the same direction as the velocity the body moves faster. In this case the acceleration is considered to be positive relative to the velocity. If the acceleration is opposite to the velocity the body moves slower. In this case the acceleration is said to be negative relative to the velocity. Basic Equations used for Analyzing UARM: To simplify the equations, it will be assumed here that initially (at t = 0), the position X = 0, Thus the time interval t will be the same as time instant t because ti = 0 and tf = t. The displacement X will also become same as position X because Xi = 0 and Xf = X at time instant t. Therefore vav = X/t = X/t and since vav = (vi + vf)/2 then 𝐗= (𝐯𝐢 + 𝐯𝐟 )𝐭 𝟐 In UARM, the average acceleration is equal to the instantaneous acceleration therefore 𝑎 = 𝐚𝐚𝐯 = 𝐯𝐟 − 𝐯𝐢 𝐭 The two equations above are considered as the basic equations for analyzing UARM. Any problem involving UARM can already be solved or analyzed by just Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 43 using these 2 equations. However, in many instances, the two will always be used together to solve even only a single quantity. Therefore there is a need for additional equations that will enable us to solve for a quantity directly using only one equation. To obtain these additional equations, we simply solve the two basic equations simultaneously by elimination of a particular unknown quantity. That’s why these additional equations are called derived equations. If vf is eliminated from the basic equations, X = vi(t) + (1/2)at2 If vi is eliminated, X = vf (t) - (1/2)at2 If t is eliminated vf2 = vi2 + 2aX Thus, there are 5 equations for analyzing UARM, each one having its own particular application. ** note that the subscript “i” refer to initial property while the subscript “f” are final properties. Examples: 1. Determine the average speed of a car that travels 80 km/hr for 2 hr, 100 km/hr for 1 hr and at 30 km/hr for 0.5 hr? Illustration of path and behavior of motion: 0 1 2 3 Solution: vave = 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑎𝑙 = 𝛥𝑋 𝛥𝑡 Where: ΔX = X01+X12+X23 Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 44 X01 = (80 km/hr)(2hr) = 160 km ---- displacement after the first 2 hours X12 = (100 km/hr)(1hr) = 100 km – displacement during the next hour X23 = (30 km/hr)(o.5hr) = 15 km – displacement during the last half hour Therefore: ΔX = 160km + 100km + 15 km = 275km Total time interval: Δt = 2 + 1 + 0.5 = 3.5 hr Vave = 275 km/3.5 hr = 78.5714 km/hr 2. You normally drive on a freeway at an average speed of 105 km/hr, and the trip takes 2 hr and 20 min. On a Friday afternoon, however, heavy traffic slows you down and you drive the same distance at an average speed of only 70 km/hr. How much longer does the trip take? Solution: Time difference = time during rainy days – time during normal day 1 ℎ𝑟 Let: tn = time on a normal day = 2 hr + (20min x 60 𝑚𝑖𝑛) = 2.3333hrs Solving for the distance travelled: X = (105 km/hr)(2.3333hr) = 245 km Solving for time of travel during rainy day (tR) tR = 245 km/(70 km/hr) = 3.5 hrs Therefore: Time difference = tR –tN = 3.5hr – 2.3333hr = 1.1667 hr The trip during a rainy day takes 1.1667 hrs longer compared to that on a normal day. 3. A car moving with constant acceleration covers the distance between two points 60 m apart in 6s. Its velocity as it passes the second point is 15 m/s. (a) what is its velocity at the first point? (b) What is the acceleration? X = 60m ; t = 6s; a =? 1 2 V1 =? V2 = 15 m/s Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 45 a. Solving for initial velocity: X = (vi + vf) t / 2 60m = (v1 + 15 m/s)(6s)/2 v1 = 5 m/s b. Solving for acceleration: X = vf (t) - (1/2)at2 60m = (15m/s)(6s) – ½(a)(6s)2 a = 1.6667 m/s2 2.3 Free Falling Bodies: An excellent example of motion with (nearly) constant acceleration is a free falling body. A body, which is dropped from a roof of a building, is a freely falling body if there is no air resistance. However, there is a more accurate meaning of a free falling body. It is a body such that the only force acting on it is the pull of gravity. This implies that there is no air resistance or air friction, for air friction is considered a force acting on a moving body. The motion of falling bodies has been studied with great precision. When the effects of air can be neglected, Galileo is right; all bodies at a particular location fall with the same downward acceleration, regardless of their size or weight. (The constant acceleration of a free falling body is called the acceleration due to gravity.) If the distance of the fall is small compared to the radius of the earth, the acceleration is constant. In the following discussion we use an idealized model in which we neglect the effects of the air, the earth’s rotation,, and the decrease of acceleration with increasing altitude. a. b. c. d. e. y = (vi + vf)t/2 vf = vi + gt y = vit + ½ gt2 y = vft - ½ gt2 vf2 = vi2 + 2gy Where: y = vertical displacement of the free falling body Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 46 g = constant acceleration due to gravity vf = final velocity vi = initial velocity t = time elapsed Note: for convenience, the following concept should be applied: The value of acceleration due to gravity “g” is always negative (g = -9.81 m/s2; g = -32.2 ft/s2; g = - 981 cm/s2) Velocities directed upward are positive, while velocities directed downward are negative. If the vertical displacement “y” is above the reference point (starting point) of the free falling body, it is positive, otherwise it is negative. The velocity at the highest point of a free falling body thrown vertically upward is zero. EXAMPLE PROBLEM ON FREE-FALL: You throw a ball vertically upward from the roof of a tall building. The ball leaves your hand at a point even with the roof railing with an upward speed of 15 m/s ,the ball is then in free fall. On its way back down, it just misses the railing. Find (a) the ball’s position and velocity 1.00 s and 4.00 s after leaving your hand; (b) the ball’s velocity when it is 5.00 m above the railing; (c) the maximum height reached; (d) the ball’s acceleration when it is at its maximum height. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 47 Solution: Assume that starting (y = 0 ) is the point where the object was released. Given: vi = 15 m/s upward --- initial velocity of the ball a) Find the ball’s position and velocity 1.00 s and 4.00 s after leaving your hand At t = 0: Position: y = vit + ½ gt2 y = (15m/s)(1s) + 1/2 (-9.81m/s2)(1s)2 y = 10.095 m Velocity: vf = vi + gt vf = 15m/s +(-9.81m/s2)(1s) vf = 5.19 m/s 1 second after release, the ball is 10.095 m above starting point with a velocity of 5.19 m/s and directed upward At t = 4s: Position: y = vit + ½ gt2 y = (15m/s)(4s) + 1/2 (-9.81m/s2)(4s)2 y = -18.48 m Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 48 Velocity: vf = vi + gt vf = 15m/s +(-9.81m/s2)(4s) vf = -24.24 m/s 4 second after release, the ball is 18.48 m below starting point with a velocity of 24.24 m/s m/s and directed downward. b) ) the ball’s velocity when it is 5.00 m above the railing vf2 = vi2 + 2gy vf2 = (15 m/s)2 + 2(-9.81m/s2)(5m) vf = ±11.26 m/s We get two values of because the ball passes through the point y = 5m,twice, once on the way up (so is positive) and once on the way down (so is negative) c) the maximum height reached vf2 = vi2 + 2gy at the maximum height final velocity vf =0 0 = (15m/s)2 + 2(-9.81m/s2)y y = 11.47m d) the ball’s acceleration when it is at its maximum height. At any point along the path of the projectile acceleration is always constant, therefore a = 9.81 m/s2 directed downward. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 49 2.1 Motion in Two-Dimensions PROJECTILE MOTION Projectile motion is an important special case of two dimensional motion. A projectile is any body that is given an initial velocity and then follows a path determined entirely by the effects of gravitational acceleration and air resistance. The path followed by a projectile is called its trajectory. To analyze this common type of motion, we’ll start with an idealized model, representing the projectile as a single particle with an acceleration (due to gravity) that is constant in both magnitude and direction. We’ll neglect the effects of air resistance and the curvature and rotation of the earth. Projectile motion is always confined to a vertical plane determined by the direction of the initial velocity (velocity of projection). This is because the acceleration due to gravity is purely vertical; gravity can’t move the projectile sideways. Thus projectile motion is two-dimensional. We will call the plane of motion the xy-coordinate plane, with the x-axis horizontal and the y-axis vertically upward. The x-component of acceleration is zero, and the y-component is constant and equal to –g (By definition, g is always positive; with our choice of coordinate directions, ay is negative.) In projectile motion a = g = 9.80 m/s2 directed downward Thus, ax = 0 and ay = - 9.80 m/s2 Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 50 EQUATIONS USED IN ANALYZING PROJECTILE MOTION 1. HORIZONTAL COMPONENT x = vxt 2. VERTICAL COMPONENT 𝑣𝑖𝑦 +𝑣𝑓𝑦 a. y = ( b. c. d. e. 2 )t vfy = viy + gt y = viyt + ½ gt2 y = vfyt - ½ gt2 vfy2 = viy2 + 2gy EXAMPLE PROBLEM ON PROJECTILE MOTION 1. An object is launched at a velocity of 20 m/s in a direction making an angle of 25° upward with the horizontal. a) What is the maximum height reached by the object? b) What is the total flight time (between launch and touching the ground) of the object? c) What is the horizontal range (maximum x above ground) of the object? a) What is the maximum height reached by the object? The formulas for the components Vx and Vy of the velocity and components x and y of the displacement are given by: Vx = V0 cos(θ) Vy = V0 sin(θ) - g t x = V0 cos(θ) t y = V0 sin(θ) t - (1/2) g t2 Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 51 In the problem V0 = 20 m/s, θ = 25° and g = - 9.8 m/s2. The height of the projectile is given by the component y, and it reaches its maximum value when the component VBY is equal to zero. That is when the projectile changes from moving upward to moving downward.(see figure above) VBY = V0 sin(θ) + g t 0 = (20m/s)sin25 +(-9.81m/s2)t Solving for t = 0.86s (time to reach maximum height) Find the maximum height by substituting t by 0.86 seconds in the formula for y 𝒗𝟎𝒚 +𝒗𝒃𝒚 y=( 𝟐 )t y = (20sin25 +0)(0.86s)/2 y = 3.635m b) What is the total flight time (between launch and touching the ground) of the object? The time of flight (t) is the interval of time between when projectile is launched until the projectile touches the ground and is located at y = 0. Thus y = voyt + ½ gt2 0 = (20sin25)(t) + ½(-9.81m/s2)t2 Solving for t t = 1.72 s c) What is the horizontal range (maximum x above ground) of the object? x = voxt Where t is the time from launch to point where projectile nearly reaches the ground. In this case it is the time solved in letter (b) t =.172 s Therefore X = (20cos25)(1.72s) X = 31.176m Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 52 ASSIGNMENT 2: DUE ON JUNE 24 1. A subway train starts from rest at a station and accelerates at a rate of 1.6 m/s2 for 14 s. It then runs at constant speed for 70 s after which it slows down at a rate of 3.5 m/s2 until it stops at the next station. Find the total distance covered. 2. A freight train moving at an initial speed of 40 m/s puts on its breaks, producing a deceleration of 0.5 m/s2. (a) How long will it take the train to travel the next 100 m? (b) At what speed will it be traveling the end of this 100 m? 3. How fast must a ball be thrown vertically upward to reach a height of 12 m from the point where it was thrown? How long will it take for the ball to go back to its original position? 4. A champagne bottle is held upright 1.2 m above the floor as the wire around its cork is removed. The cork then pops out, rises vertically and falls to the floor 1.4 s later. (a) What height above the bottle did the cork reach? (b) What was the cork’s initial velocity? (c) What is its velocity jus before it strikes the ground? 5. A boy throws a stone from the top of a building 46.0 m above ground. The stone is thrown at an angle of 33.0° below the horizontal and strikes the ground 55.6 m away from the building, find the following: (a) Time of flight. (b) Initial speed. (c) The magnitude and the direction of the velocity of the stone just before it strikes the ground. 6. A major leaguer hits a baseball so that it leaves the bat at a speed of 30.0 m/s and at an angle of 36.9o above the horizontal. You can ignore air resistance. (a) At what two times is the baseball at a height of 10 m above the point at which it left the bat? (b) Calculate the horizontal and vertical components of the baseball’s velocity at each of the two times calculated in part (a). (c) What are the magnitude and direction of the baseball’s velocity when it returns to the level at which it left the bat? Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 53 MODULE 3: NEWTON’S LAW OF MOTION References In Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear Motion (UARM), we concentrated on the analysis of the motion of a body irrespective of the factors that influenced the motion. This is called kinematics. We now proceed to the study of the relation between the motion of a body and the forces acting on it. It is here where we will find out why a body remains at rest, why it accelerates, why it moves along a curve, etc. This area of study is a branch of dynamic physics called kinetics. Newton’s Laws of Motion: The principles of dynamics are based on a set of laws formulated by Sir Isaac Newton. (1642-1727) The 1st Law (Law of Inertia) Any body will remain at rest or in motion along a straight line with constant velocity unless acted upon by a net external force. When the resultant of the forces acting on a body is zero, the acceleration of the body is also zero. Inertia – it is a property of a body that tends to preserve the state of rest of the body when it is at rest or to maintain the motion of a body when it is in motion. The mass of the body is a measure of its inertia. The 2nd Law (Law of Acceleration) When the vector sum of the forces acting on a body is not equal to zero, the body will move with an acceleration that is: (a) in the same direction as the vector sum, (b) directly proportional to the vector sum, (c) inversely proportional to the mass of the body. The 2nd Law therefore is just an extension of the 1st Law. The 1st Law tells us the state of motion of the body if the vector sum is zero while the 2nd Law tells us the state of motion if the vector sum is not equal to zero. The 3rd Law (Law of Action and Reaction) To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Whenever one body exerts a force a second body, the second body exerts a force back on the first that is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 54 3.1 Basic Concepts Before we go into further discussion of the laws and into their applications, there are several related concepts and quantities that we should first be familiar with in addition to the concepts on motion which were already considered in the previous chapter. 1. Force – it is hard to define force with a single statement. It is better understood by considering the different aspects about it as a physical quantity: a. Force is exerted either as a push or a pull. b. Force is a vector quantity. c. In many systems, force is exerted by one body to another through contact (contact force) but force can be exerted without the bodies in contact (noncontact force). d. Any force acting on a body can be replaced by its components. e. Any number of forces acting on a body can be replaced by a single force which is the vector sum or the resultant of the forces. 2. Mass (m) – amount of matter, which a certain body, contains. It is a scalar quantity that remains constant wherever it is. 3. Weight (W) – is the force exerted on a body by the earth due to gravity. It is always considered as acting at the center of gravity of the body and, as a vector quantity, it is directed downward. Relation between Mass and Weight: From Newton’s 2nd Law of motion: W = mg Mks cgs English m kg g Slug W N dyne lb g m/s2 cm/s2 ft/s2 Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 55 Example problem for Mass and Weight 1. At the surface of Mars the acceleration due to gravity is g = 3.72 m/s 2. A watermelon weighs 52 N at the surface of the earth. (a) What is its mass on the earth’s surface? (b) What are its mass and weight on the surface of Mars? Given: gm = 3.72 m/s2 = gravitational acceleration at the surface of moon We = 52 N = weight of watermelon at the earth’s surface a) To determine the mass of on the earth’s surface me = We/g me = 52N/9.81m/s2 = 5.3kg b) To determine the weight of Watermelon on Mars (Wm) Wm= mmgm Note that the mass of a body is constant wherever it is located thus m m =me Wm = 5.3kg(3.72m/s2) = 19.716N 4. Frictional force (f) and Normal force () Whenever two surfaces (bodies) in contact move or tend to move past each other, the two surfaces will always exert two forces on each other. One is always perpendicular to the surfaces in contact and it gives its name Normal Force while the other is always parallel to the surface in contact and always opposite to the direction of motion or impending motion. This is called Frictional Force or simply friction. Two general types of Frictional Force: a. Static friction (fs) – frictional force generated when one surface starts to slide across a surface (acts when motion is just impending, no actual motion yet). b. Kinetic friction (fk) – Frictional force acting when the body is in motion For the same two surfaces in contact, the sliding friction is always less than the static friction. The ratio of frictional force to the normal force is always constant. This constant is called the coefficient of friction (µ). The value of this constant is always between 0 and 1 except in idealized cases wherein the surfaces are assumed to be smooth wherein µ = 0. Relation between Frictional Force and Normal Force: f = Where is the coefficient of friction. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 56 5. Tension (T) A pulling force exerted on an object by a rope, cord, etc. 6. Free Body Diagram (FBD) The construction of free body diagrams is an integral part of the analysis of systems using Newton’s Law of motion. The FBD is a diagram of a body or object in question isolated from the other parts of the system and showing all the forces acting on it. Example problem on Friction and Normal Force: A box of weighing 20 N rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of static friction between the box and the surface is 0.4 and the coefficient of sliding friction is 0.2. a. How large is the frictional force exerted on the box? W = 15N floor N Normal force (always perpendicular To surfaces in contact) Since the box is at rest, frictional force is static friction, thus fs = sN Since the box is at rest there are no unbalanced force along the vertical axis therefore N = W = 15N fs = (0.4)(15N) = 6N = static frictional force ** note that if an external horizontal force is greater than the static frictional force the box will start to move along the direction of the horizontal force applied. b. How great will the friction force be if a horizontal force of P = 5 N is exerted on the box? W=15N P=5N W N Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 57 **Since the horizontal force P of 5N is less than the static frictional force of 6N, the will remain at REST. Therefore, frictional force is static friction, fs = 6N c. What is the minimum force that will start the box in motion? A minimum force of 6N will start the box in motion (impending motion) d. What is the minimum force that will keep the box in motion once it has been started? The minimum force that will keep the box in motion once it has been started is equal to kinetic friction, thus: Fk = kN = (0.2)(15N) =3N e. If the horizontal force P is 10 N, how great is the frictional force? Since the horizontal force P (15N) is greater than static friction (6N), the block will be in motion, therefore the fictional force is kinetic friction fk =3N 3.2 Newton’s 1st Law and Equilibrium of a Particle A very common application of Newton’s First Law is in the analysis of a particle in equilibrium. A particle is an idealized model for anybody where the forces acting can be considered to be acting at the same point. A particle in equilibrium is a body that is either at rest or is moving along a straight line at constant speed. Thus, as stated by Newton’s 1st Law, if a particle remains at rest or is moving along a straight line, there is no unbalanced force acting on it. The resultant of the forces acting on the body is equal to zero. Therefore for anybody that is at rest or moving at constant velocity along a straight line, the equation R = 0 can be applied to the forces acting on it, where R is the resultant or vector sum of all forces. Using components, the equation can be broken down into two: 1. Rx = 0 or the algebraic sum of all components along the x-axis is equal to zero. 2. Ry = 0 or the algebraic sum of all components along the y-axis is equal to zero. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 58 Example 1. A man is pushing a piano with mass 160 kg at constant velocity up a ramp that is inclined at 36.90 above the horizontal. Coefficient of kinetic friction k = 0.2. If the force applied by the man is parallel to the incline, calculate the magnitude of this force. k =0.2 F 36.90 F Wx FBD OF SYSTEM fk 36.90 N 53.1 0 WY W = 160kg(9.81m/s2)=1569.6N STEP1: Make sure forces are along x or y axis. If not resolve forces into components. In this case the weight W. Wx = Wcos 53.10 = (1569.6N)cos 53.1 =942.4196 N Wy = W sin 53.10 = (1569.6N)sin 53.1 = 1255.185 N STEP2: Apply NEWTON’S FIRST LAW of MOTION RY = 0 N – WY =0 N = WY =1255.185N RX = 0 F – fK – WX = 0 F = fK – WX = 0.2(1255.185N) + 942.4196N = 1,193.4566N Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 59 2. crates connected by a rope lie on a horizontal surface. Create A has a mass of100 kg, and crate B a mass of 150 kg. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the crates and the surface is 0.4. The crates are pulled to the right at constant velocity by a horizontal force P. determine: a. the magnitude of the force P b. the tension in the rope connecting the blocks. A FBD of BLOCK A: fk (friction) P B FBD of BLOCK B: Y T (Tension) fk (friction) Y P X NA (Normal Force) WA = 100kg(9.81m/s2) = 981N STEP 1: Make sure forces are along x or y axis. If not resolve forces into components. In this case all forces lie along the x or y axis. STEP 2: Apply Newton’s First Law of motion. Ry = 0 NA –W = 0 NA = W = 981N Rx =0 T –fk =0 T = fk =0.4(981N) =392.4 N X T (Tension) NA (Normal Force) WA = 150kg(9.81m/s2) = 1471.5N Ry = 0 NA –W = 0 NA = W = 1471.5 N Rx =0 P - T –fk =0 T =T - fk =392.4 - 0.4(1471.5N) =981 N Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 60 FORMATIVE PROBLEM: 3. Determine the value of force F so that the block will move to the right at constant velocity Coefficient of kinetic friction = 0.20 (Ans.. F = 130.544N) Given: F 300 W = 500N Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion: When a body accelerates, it means that the vector sum of the forces acting on it is not equal to zero. It is not in equilibrium and Newton’s 1st Law does not apply, instead it’s Newton’s 2nd Law. In more direct terms Newton’s 2nd Law states that “The vector sum of the forces acting on a moving body is equal to the product of its mass and its acceleration.” In equation form: R = ma Where: R = the resultant or vector sum of the forces applied on the body m = mass of the body a = acceleration of the body mks cgs English R N dyne Lb m kg g Slug a m/s2 cm/s2 ft/s2 Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 61 Using components, the equation can be broken down and applied in two forms: 1. Rx = max or the algebraic sum of all x components of forces is equal to the product of the mass and the x-component of the acceleration. 2. Ry = may or the algebraic sum of all y components of forces is equal to the product of the mass and the y-component of the acceleration. Example problem. 1. A worker applies a constant horizontal force with magnitude 20 N to a box with mass 40 kg resting on a level floor with negligible friction. What is the acceleration of the box? 2. You walk into an elevator, step onto a scale, and push the “up” button. You also recall that your normal weight is 625 N. Start answering each of the following questions by drawing a free body diagram. (a) If the elevator has an acceleration of magnitude of 2.5 m/s2, what does the scale read? (b) If you start holding a 3.85-kg package by a light vertical string, what will be the tension in this string once the elevator begins accelerating? a) To determine your mass: m = W/g = 625N/9.81=63.71kg Ry = may N – W = ma N – 625N = 63.71kg (2.5m/s2) N = 784.27N scale reading Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 62 b) To Determine the tension in string: Ry = may T – W = ma T -3.85kg (9.81m/s2) = 3.85kg (2.5m/s2) T = 47.4N 3. A block of mass 6 kg resting on a horizontal surface is connected by a cord passing over a light, frictionless pulley to a hanging block of mass 4 kg. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the horizontal surface is 0.5. After the blocks are released find: (a) the acceleration of each block (b) The tension on the cord 6 kg 4 kg Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 63 FBD of BLOCK A: FBD of BLOCK B: Y ax = a Y T (Tension) fk (friction) x aY = a T NA (Normal Force) x Y WA = 6kg(9.81m/s2) = 58.86N STEP 1: In this case all forces lie along the x or y axis. STEP 2: Apply Newton’s 2ND Law of motion. RY = (mA)(aY) =0; (since ay = 0) NA – WA =0 NA = WA =58.86N **Forces having the same direction as acceleration are POSITIVE; Forces whose direction are opposite the direction of acceleration are NEGATIVE. RX = mA(ax) T – fK = mAa WB = 4kg(9.81m/s2) = 39.24N Ry = (mB)aY ** note that since body Block A and B are connected by a single cord, the acceleration of block A is Equal to the acceleration of block B. Thus ax = ay = a WB – T = mBa 39.24N – T = (4kg)a T = 39.24N – 4kg(a) -- equation 2 Solving equations 1 and 2 simultaneously: a = 0.981 m/s2 T = 35.316 N T – 0.5(58.86N) = 6kg(a) T = (6kg)(a) + 29.43N – equation 1. ASSIGNMENT #3 due on July 1, 2020 1. The object weighs 50 N and is supported by a cord. Find the tension on the cord. 2. A bag of sugar weighs 5.00 lb on Earth. What would it weigh in Newtons on the Moon, where the free-fall acceleration is one-sixth that on Earth? Repeat for Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 64 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Jupiter, where g is 2.64 times that on Earth. Find the mass of the bag of sugar in kilograms at each of the three locations. A horizontal force of 140 N is needed to pull a 60.0 kg box across the horizontal floor at constant speed. What is the coefficient of friction between floor and box? A 40 lb block is on a horizontal surface. A force of 70 lb is applied to the block parallel to the surface. The coefficient of sliding friction is 0.2. What is the acceleration of the block? A 600 N man stands on a bathroom scale in an elevator. As the elevator starts moving, the scale reads 800 N. (a) Find the magnitude and direction of the acceleration. (b) What is the acceleration if the scale reads 450 N? (c) If the scale reads zero, should the man worry? Explain. A block of mass 6 kg resting on a horizontal surface is connected by a cord passing over a light, frictionless pulley to a hanging block of mass 4 kg. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the horizontal surface is 0.5. After the blocks are released find: (a) the acceleration of each block (b) The tension on the cord A 15 lb block slides down a plane inclined at 300 to the horizontal. Find the acceleration of the block: (a) if the plane is frictionless (b) if the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.4. A 150-N bird feeder is supported by three cables as shown in the figure below. Find the tension in each cable . 9. Two packing crates of masses 10.0 kg and 5.00 kg are connected by a light string that passes over a frictionless pulley as in the figure above. The 5.00-kg crate lies on a smooth incline of angle 40.0°. Find (a) the acceleration of the 5.00-kg crate and (b) the tension in the string. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 65 Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 66 MODULE 4: WORK, ENERGY AND POWER WORK: The physicist's definition of work is based on these observations. Consider a body that undergoes a displacement of magnitude s along a straight line. (For now, we'll assume that anybody we discuss can be treated as a particle so that we can ignore any rotation or changes in shape of the body.) While the body moves, a constant force F acts on it in the same direction as the displacement s (Fig. 6.2). We define the work W done by this constant force under these circumstances as the product of the force magnitude F and the displacement magnitude s: 𝑾 = 𝑭𝒔 (constant force in direction of straight − line displacement) The SI unit of work is the Joule (abbreviated J, pronounced “jewel," and named in honor of the 19th-century English physicist James Prescott Joule). The British unit of work is the foot-pound (ft-lb). 𝟏 𝑱𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒆 = (𝟏 𝑵𝒆𝒘𝒕𝒐𝒏)(𝟏 𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓) = 𝟏 𝑵·𝒎 𝟏 𝑱 = 𝟎. 𝟕𝟑𝟕𝟔 𝒇𝒕 − 𝒍𝒃 𝟏 𝒇𝒕 − 𝒍𝒃 = 𝟏. 𝟑𝟓𝟔 𝑱 Think of a person pushing a stalled car. If he pushes the car through a displacement s with a constant force F in the direction of motion, the amount of work he does on the car is given by W = Fs. But what if the person pushes at an angle Φ with the car's displacement (Fig. 6.3)? In this case only the parallel component Fll is effective in moving the car, so we define the work as the product of this force component and the magnitude of the displacement. Hence W = Flls = (FcosΦ)s, or Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 67 𝑾 = 𝑭𝒔𝒄𝒐𝒔𝜱 (𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒, 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 − 𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡) ENERGY: Energy can be defined as the capacity for doing work. The simplest case of mechanical work is when an object is standing still and we force it to move. Types of Mechanical Energy. 1. Kinetic Energy = Energy of Motion 2. Potential Energy = Stored Energy Like work, the kinetic energy of a particle is a scalar quantity; it depends on only the particle's mass and speed, not its direction of motion. A car has the same kinetic energy when going north at 10 mls as when going east at 10 mls. Kinetic energy can never be negative, and it is zero only when the particle is at rest. 𝟏 𝒎𝒗𝟐 (𝑑𝑒𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦) 𝟐 where m is the mass of the object, and v is the velocity of the object. 𝑲𝑬 = Potential energy (also a scalar quantity) is the ability of a system to do work due to its position or internal structure. Gravitational potential energy is energy of position. An object's gravitational potential energy with respect to a reference level is 𝐏𝐄 = 𝐦𝐠𝐡 = (𝐖𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭)𝐡(definition of potential energy) Where m is the mass of the object, g=9.81 m/s2, and h is the vertical distance above the reference level. The total mechanical energy (TME) is given by the equation: 𝐓𝐌𝐄 = 𝐏𝐄 + 𝐊𝐄 If no energy is lost or gained from the movement of a body, the final TME of the body is equal to its initial TME. The unit of energy is the same with work. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 68 POWER: Power is the time rate at which work is done. Like work and energy, power is a scalar quantity. When a quantity of work W is done during a time interval t, the average work done per unit time or average power Pave is defined to be 𝑾 𝑷 = 𝒕 The SI unit of power is the watt (W), named for the English inventor James Watt. 𝟏 𝑾 = 𝟏 𝑱/𝒔 𝟏 𝒌𝑾 = 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝑾 𝟏 𝑴𝑾 = 𝟏𝟎𝟔 𝑾 In the British system, the unit of power is the foot-pound per second (ft-lb/s). A larger unit called the horsepower (hp) is also used. 𝟏 𝒉𝒑 = 𝟓𝟓𝟎 𝒇𝒕 − 𝒍𝒃/𝒔 𝟏 𝒉𝒑 = 𝟕𝟒𝟔 𝑾 = 𝟎. 𝟕𝟒𝟔 𝒌𝑾 1. CJ is out with her friends. Misfortune occurs and CJ and her friends find themselves getting a workout. They apply a cumulative force of 1080 N to push the car 218 m to the nearest fuel station. Determine the work done on the car. s = 218m F = 1080N 𝑾 = 𝑭𝒔𝒄𝒐𝒔𝜱 W = (1080N)(218m)cos 0 = 235,440 N-m or J =235.44 kJ *connote that angle Φ = 0 because the angle between force direction of F and direction of s is 0. 2. A weight lifter lifts a 350-N set of weights from ground level to a position over his head, a vertical distance of 2.00 m. How much work does the weight lifter do, assuming he moves the weights at constant speed? 𝑾 = 𝜟𝑷𝑬 + 𝜟𝑲𝑬 Since velocity is uniform ΔKE = 0 W = (weight)(Δz) W = (350N)(2m) = 700 J Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 69 3. During the Powerhouse lab, Jerome runs up the stairs, elevating his 102 kg body a vertical distance of 2.29 m in a time of 1.32 s at a constant speed. a. Determine the work done by Jerome in climbing the stair case. b. Determine the power generated by Jerome. 𝑾 = 𝜟𝑷𝑬 + 𝜟𝑲𝑬 Since velocity is uniform ΔKE = 0 W = (102kg)(9.81m/s2)(2.29m) = 2291.42J 𝑾 𝑷 = 𝜟𝒕 𝟐𝟐𝟗𝟏.𝟒𝟐𝑱 𝑷 = 𝟏.𝟑𝟐𝒔 = 1735.92 J/s or Watts 4. A new conveyor system at the local packaging plan will utilize a motorpowered mechanical arm to exert an average force of 890 N to push large crates a distance of 12 m in 22 s. Determine the power output required of such a motor. W = FscosΦ Assuming that Force has the same direction as displacement s, Φ = 0 W = (890N)(12m)cos0 = 10680 J P = 10860J/22s =485.45 watts 5. A 78-kg skydiver has a speed of 62 m/s at an altitude of 870 m above the ground. a. Determine the kinetic energy possessed by the skydiver. b. Determine the potential energy possessed by the skydiver. c. Determine the total mechanical energy possessed by the skydiver. 𝟏 𝑲𝑬 = 𝒎𝒗𝟐 𝟐 KE = ½(78kg)(62m/s)2 = 149,916 J OR 149.916 kJ 𝐏𝐄 = 𝐦𝐠𝐡 2 PE = (78kg)(9.81m/s )(870m) = 665,706.6 J or 665.7066 kJ TME = PE + KE TME = 665.7066 KJ +149.916 KJ Assignment #4: due on July 1, 2020 1. Olive Udadi is at the park with her father. The 26-kg Olive is on a swing following the path as shown. Olive has a speed of 0 m/s at position A and is a height of 3.0-m above the ground. At position B, Olive is 1.2 m above the ground. At position C (2.2 m above the ground), Olive projects from the seat and travels as a projectile along the path shown. At point F, Olive is a mere picometer above the ground. Assume negligible air resistance throughout the motion. Use this information to fill in the table. (TME=total mechanical energy) Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 70 Position Height PE (m) (J) A 3 B 1.2 C 2.2 F 0 KE (J) TME (J) Speed (m/s) 0 2. Suzie (m=56 kg) is skiing at Bluebird Mountain. She is moving at 16 m/s across the crest of a ski hill located 34 m above ground level at the end of the run. Determine: a. Suzie's kinetic energy. b. Suzie's potential energy relative to the height of the ground at the end of the run. c. Suzie's total mechanical energy at the crest of the hill. d. If no energy is lost or gained between the top of the hill and her initial arrival at the end of the run, then what will be Suzie's total mechanical energy at the end of the run? e. Suzie's speed as she arrives at the end of the run and prior to braking to a stop. 3. Ima (m=56.2 kg) is traveling at a speed of 12.8 m/s at the top of a 19.5-m high roller coaster loop. a. Determine Ima's kinetic energy at the top of the loop. b. Determine Ima's potential energy at the top of the loop. c. Assuming negligible losses of energy due to friction and air resistance, determine Ima's total mechanical energy at the bottom of the loop (h=0 m). d. Determine Ima's speed at the bottom of the loop. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 71 MODULE 5: IMPULSE AND MOMENTUM IMPULSE (J) Impulse of a force is defined as the product of a force and the time during which it acts. If we let F be the force and t be the time during which it acts, then Impulse of the force J = F(t); (N-s; Newton-seconds) Impulse (J) is a vector quantity. Its direction is the same as the direction of the force. If the force varies with time, then t J = ∫t 2 Fdt 1 Where F is given as a function of time, t. Example 1) A force of 100 N to the right is applied to a body for 5 seconds. What is the impulse of the force? J F J = Ft = (100N)(5s) = 500 N-s in the same direction as F MOMENTUM (p) Momentum is the product of the mass (m) of a body and its velocity (v). p = m(v); (kg-m/sec) Momentum is a vector quantity. Its direction is the same as the direction of the velocity Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 72 Example: A 10 kg block is initially moving to the right at 20 m/s. Determine the change in momentum if : a ) finally the body is moving at 10 m/s to the left and b) the body is finally moving at 5 m/s downward. V1 = 20 m/s Solution: a) initial condition: p1 10 kg p1 = mv1 = 10kg (20m/s) = 200 kg-m/s condition: final V2 = 10 m/s 10 kg p2 p2 = mv2 = 10kg (100m/s) = 100 kg-m/s p = p2 – p1 = p2 + (–p1) = (-100 kg/m-s) + (– 200 kg-m/s) = - 300 kg-m/s ** FOLLOW THE RULES OF VECTOR ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION. b) Initial condition: V1 = 20 m/s p1 =10kg(20m/s) = 200 kg-m/s 10 kg Final condition: 10 kg V1 = 5 m/s p2 p2 = mv2 = 10kg (5m/s) = 50 kg-m/s p = p2 – p1 = p2 + (-p1) (vector operation ) p = p2 – p1 p2 = 50 kg-m/s - p1 = 200 kg-m/s Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 73 Using triangle method of adding vectors: p = √𝒑𝟐𝟐 + 𝒑𝟐𝟏 = √𝟓𝟎𝟐 + 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟐 = 111.8 kg-m/s Tan = 200/50 = 75.96o The IMPULSE – MOMENTUM relation As individual concepts, impulse and momentum would have few practical applications. If we want to apply them in the analysis of physical phenomena, we have to look at the relation between them. Let a body of mass m be initially moving with a velocity v1. A force resultant force F is then applied for a time t. The body will accelerate and attain a final velocity v2 after time t. “Impulse applied to a body or system is equal to the change in the momentum of the body or system. “ J = p2 - p1 EXAMPLE PROBLEM ON IMPULSE-MOMENTUM RELATION: 1. You throw a ball with a mass of 0.40 kg against a brick wall. It hits the wall moving horizontally to the left at 30 m/s and rebounds horizontally to the right at 20m/s (a) Find the impulse of the net force on the ball during its collision with the wall. (b) If the ball is in contact with the wall for 0.010 s, find the average horizontal force that the wall exerts on the ball during the impact. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 74 2. A soccer ball has a mass of 0.40 kg. Initially it is moving to the left at but then it is kicked. After the kick it is moving at 45° upward and to the right with speed of 30 m/s). Find the impulse of the net force and the average net force, assuming a collision time t = 0.01 seconds. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 75 The LAW of CONSERVATION of MOMENTUM From the Impulse-Momentum equation, it can be seen that if no force F is applied to a body or system, the final momentum is equal to the initial momentum or the total momentum of the body or system is conserved. This is the Law of Conservation of Momentum. “The total momentum of the body or system is conserved as long as no external force is applied to the body or system.” Computation of the Velocity of Recoil Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 76 A marksman holds a rifle of mass 3 kg loosely, so it can recoil freely. He fires a bullet of mass 5 grams horizontally with a velocity relative to the ground of vBX = 300 m/s. What is the recoil velocity of the rifle? What are the final momentum and kinetic energy of the bullet and rifle? Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 77 COLLLISION OF BODIES Collision is the forceful contact (impacts) between two bodies or among several bodies. Collision can be classified as elastic when the kinetic energy of the colliding bodies is conserved before and after collision or inelastic when the total energy after collision is less than the total energy before collision. Super elastic collision is when total kinetic energy after collision is greater than the total kinetic energy before collision. In all types of collision, the law of conservation of momentum applies, that is “The total momentum before collision = The total momentum after collision” Collision is quite complicated to analyze especially when the bodies disintegrate in several parts after collision. However, if we assume that the colliding bodies remain intact after collision, then the analysis can be highly simplified. We will only be concerned with the changes in the velocities of the colliding bodies. In many cases, the law of conservation of momentum is not enough to analyze and predict the outcome after collision. That’s why if necessary, the following additional relations can be used: Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 78 1. For elastic collisions: “The total kinetic energy before collision = The total kinetic energy after collision” 2. For all types of collisions The coefficient of restitution (e) is equal to the negative ratio of the relative velocity after collision to the relative velocity before collision. 𝑒= − 𝑢1 − 𝑢2 𝑢2 − 𝑢1 = 𝑣1 − 𝑣2 𝑣1 − 𝑣2 Where: v1 = velocity of body 1 before collision V2 = velocity of body 2 before collision u1 = velocity of body 1 after collision u2 = velocity of body 2 after collision If the collision is elastic, e = 1. If inelastic, e has value less than 1. If applicable and necessary, it is also possible to break down the law of conservation of momentum into component, that is: “The total momentum along the x-axis before collision = total momentum along the x-axis after collision.” and “The total momentum along the y-axis before collision = total momentum along the y-axis after collision.” This is usually being done in cases where the collision is oblique, that is, the bodies do not move along the same line before and after collision. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 79 Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 80 Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 81 Assignment #4: due on July 9, 2020 1. A 20 kg body is initially moving at 30 m/s to the right along a frictionless horizontal surface when a force F = 80 N is applied to it for 10 s. Determine its final velocity if a) F is directed to the right, b) F is directed to the left, and c) F is applied at an angle of 60o N of W. 2. A 0.25 kg baseball is travelling horizontally to the right at 40 m/s when it was hit by a bat and it bounced off at 60 m/s 60o above the horizontal to the left. How much impulse was applied to the ball by the baseball bat? 3. A 2.5 kg rifle fires a 50 gram bullet with a velocity of 300 m/s. Determine a) the velocity of recoil of the rifle and b) the kinetic energy that will be absorbed by the one firing the rifle. 4. A 5 kg block moving along a frictionless surface at 2 m/s to the right collides with a 10 kg block moving to the left at 5 m/s. Determine their velocities after collision if a) they stick together after collision; b) the collision is elastic; and c) the collision is inelastic wherein the coefficient of restitution is 0.8. How much kinetic energy is lost in this particular collision? Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 82 MODULE 6: ROTATIONAL MOTION Rotational motion plays an important role in nature, and here we investigate the behavior of rigid bodies when they rotate. A rigid body is one that does not deform as it moves. The equations involved here are similar to those that describe linear translational motion. What is a radian? Consider a planar object rotating about an axis perpendicular to its plane. We describe the position of a point on the object by the coordinates r and θ, where θ is measured with respect to the x-axis, as in Figure 1. When the object turns through an angle θ, the point moves a 𝒔 distance s along the arc. We define the angle θ in radians as 𝜽 = 𝒓 or 𝒔 = 𝒓𝜽 . 1 radian is an angle subtended at the center of the circle by an arc of length equal to the radius of the circle. Figure 1 You can see that if θ is doubled, the arc length s will also be doubled. Since θ is the ratio of two lengths, it is a dimensionless quantity. The circumference of a circle is 𝒔 = 𝟐𝝅𝒓 so θ for a full circle is 2π. Thus 2π rad = 360o. It is easy to convert radians to degrees or degrees to radians using a ratio 𝜽 (𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒔) 𝟐𝝅 = 𝜽 (𝒅𝒆𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒔) 𝟑𝟔𝟎𝒐 What is RPM? RPM means revolutions per minute (rev/min). One revolution is equal to 2π rad or 360o. Sometimes the angular velocity of a rotating body is expressed in RPM. EXAMPLES: 1. What angle in radians is subtended by an arc 3 m in length, on the circumference of a circle whose radius is 2 m? 𝒔 3𝑚 SOLUTION: 𝜽 = 𝒓 = 2𝑚 = 𝟏. 𝟓 𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒏 2. What angle in radians is subtended by an arc of length 78.54 cm on the circumference of a circle of diameter 100 cm? What is the angle in degrees? 𝒔 78.54 𝑐𝑚 SOLUTION: 𝜽 = 𝒓 = 100 = 𝟏. 𝟓𝟕𝟎𝟖 𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒏 ( 2 ) 𝑐𝑚 𝜃 = 1.5708 𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑛 ∗ 360𝑜 = 𝟗𝟎𝒐 2𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑 Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 83 3. The angle between the two radii of a circle of radius 2 m is 0.60 rad. What length of arc is intercepted on the circumference of the circle by the two radii? SOLUTION: 𝑠 = 𝑟𝜃 = 2𝑚 ∗ 0.60 = 𝟏. 𝟐 𝒎 4. What is the angular velocity (in rad/s) of the crankshaft of an automobile engine that is rotating at 4800 RPM? 𝑟𝑒𝑣 1 𝑚𝑖𝑛 2𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝒓𝒂𝒅 SOLUTION: 𝜔 = 4800 𝑚𝑖𝑛 ∗ 60 𝑠 ∗ 1 𝑟𝑒𝑣 = 𝟓𝟎𝟐. 𝟔𝟓𝟒𝟖 𝒔 Average angular velocity Average angular velocity 𝜔𝑎𝑣𝑒 of the body in the time interval ∆𝑡 = 𝑡2 − 𝑡1 is the ratio of the angular displacement ∆𝜃 = 𝜃2 − 𝜃1 to ∆𝑡. 𝝎𝒂𝒗𝒆 = ∆𝜽 ∆𝒕 = 𝜽𝟐 − 𝜽𝟏 𝒕𝟐 − 𝒕𝟏 Instantaneous angular velocity 𝜔 The angular velocity of a rotating body may be constant, may be increasing or decreasing. At one particular moment, the angular velocity of the body is called the instantaneous angular velocity. It is the limit of the average angular velocity as ∆𝑡 approaches zero, i.e., the first derivative of 𝜃 with respect to time. EXAMPLE: A merry-go-round is being pushed by a child. The angle the merry-go-round has 𝒓𝒂𝒅 turned through varies with time according to the equation 𝜽𝒕 = (𝟐 𝒔 ) 𝒕 + (𝟎. 𝟎𝟓 𝒓𝒂𝒅 𝒔𝟑 ) 𝒕𝟑 . a) Calculate the angular velocity of the merry-go-round as a function of time. b) What is the initial value of the angular velocity? c) Calculate the instantaneous value of the angular velocity at t = 5 s and the average angular velocity for the time interval t = 0 to t = 5 s. SOLUTION: a) The angular velocity as a function of time is the first derivative of θ with respect to time. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 84 𝝎(𝒕) = 𝒅𝜽 𝒓𝒂𝒅 𝒓𝒂𝒅 =𝟐 + (𝟎. 𝟏𝟓 𝟑 ) 𝒕𝟐 𝒅𝒕 𝒔 𝒔 b) The initial value of the angular velocity is taken when time t = 0. 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝒓𝒂𝒅 𝜔𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 = 𝜔𝑖 = 2 + (0.15 3 ) 02 = 𝟐 𝑠 𝑠 𝒔 c) When the time t = 5 s, the instantaneous angular velocity is 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝒓𝒂𝒅 𝜔5 𝑠𝑒𝑐 = 2 + (0.15 3 ) (5 𝑠)2 = 𝟓. 𝟕𝟓 𝑠 𝑠 𝒔 For the average angular velocity for the time interval from t = 0 to t = 5 s, first calculate the value of θ at time t = 0, then at time t = 5 s. 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑟𝑎𝑑 When t = 0; 𝜃1 = (2 𝑠 ) (0) + (0.05 𝑠3 ) (0)3 = 0 When t = 5 s; 𝜔𝑎𝑣𝑒 = 𝜃2 = (2 ∆𝜃 ∆𝑡 = 𝜃2 − 𝜃1 𝑡2 − 𝑡1 = 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑠 ) (5 𝑠) + (0.05 16.25 𝑟𝑎𝑑−0 5 𝑠−0 𝑟𝑎𝑑 = 𝟑. 𝟐𝟓 𝑠3 ) (5 𝑠)3 = 0 = 16.25 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝒓𝒂𝒅 𝒔 Angular acceleration α If the angular velocity of a rotating body changes, there is an angular acceleration. It is understood that the angular velocity of the body either increases or decreases. Average angular velocity 𝜶𝒂𝒗𝒆 = Instantaneous angular ∆𝝎 ∆𝒕 = 𝝎𝟐 − 𝝎𝟏 𝒕𝟐 − 𝒕𝟏 acceleration EXAMPLE: 𝒓𝒂𝒅 A rigid object rotates with an angular velocity that is given by 𝝎(𝒕) = 𝟒 𝒔 − (𝟎. 𝟖 𝒓𝒂𝒅 𝒔𝟑 ) 𝒕𝟐 a) Calculate the angular acceleration as a function of time. b) Calculate the instantaneous angular acceleration at t = 2 s and the average angular acceleration for the time interval t = 0 to t= 2 s. SOLUTION: a) The angular acceleration as a function of time is the first derivative 𝜔 of with respect to time. 𝒅𝝎 𝒓𝒂𝒅 𝜶= = − (𝟏. 𝟔 𝟑 ) 𝒕 𝒅𝒕 𝒔 b) When the time t = 2 s, the instantaneous angular acceleration is 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝛼2 𝑠𝑒𝑐 = − (1.6 3 ) (2 𝑠) = −𝟑. 𝟐 𝒓𝒂𝒅/𝒔𝟐 𝑠 Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 85 For the average angular acceleration for the time interval from t = 0 to t = 2 s, first calculate the value of 𝜔 at time t = 0, then at time t = 2 s. 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑟𝑎𝑑 When t = 0; 𝜔1 = 4 𝑠 − (0.8 𝑠3 ) 02 = 0 When t = 2 s; 𝛼𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝜔2 = 4 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑠 − (0.8 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑠3 ) (2 𝑠)2 = 0.8 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠 𝑟𝑎𝑑 0.8 𝑠 − 0 ∆𝜔 𝜔2 − 𝜔1 𝒓𝒂𝒅 = = = = 𝟎. 𝟒 𝟐 ∆𝑡 𝑡2 − 𝑡1 2𝑠−0 𝒔 MOTION WITH CONSTANT ANGULAR ACCELERATION Whenever a body rotates with constant angular acceleration, its change of angular velocity is constant for equal time interval. For example, a body which is initially at rest, rotates with constant acceleration of 4 rad/s 2. When time is 0, the angular velocity of the body is 0, after 1 sec its angular velocity is 4 rad/s, after 2 sec (from starting time), its angular velocity is 8 rad/s, after 3 sec ( from starting time), its angular velocity is 12 rad/s, etc. Relation of Linear and Angular Quantities: Motion with constant linear acceleration (a = constant) 𝑣𝑖 + 𝑣𝑓 𝑥= 𝑡 2 Motion with constant angular acceleration (α = constant) 𝜔𝑖 + 𝜔𝑓 𝜃= 𝑡 2 𝜔𝑓 = 𝜔𝑖 + 𝛼𝑡 𝑣𝑓 = 𝑣𝑖 + 𝑎𝑡 1 𝑥 = 𝑣𝑖 𝑡 + 𝑎𝑡 2 2 1 𝜃 = 𝜔𝑖 𝑡 + 𝛼𝑡 2 2 1 𝑥 = 𝑣𝑓 𝑡 − 𝑎𝑡 2 2 1 𝜃 = 𝜔𝑓 𝑡 − 𝛼𝑡 2 2 𝑣𝑓2 = 𝑣𝑖2 𝜔𝑓2 = 𝜔𝑖2 + 2𝛼𝜃 + 2𝑎𝑥 EXAMPLES: 1. An electric motor is turned off, and its angular velocity decreases uniformly from 1000 RPM to 400 RPM in 5 sec. a) Find the angular acceleration of the motor. b) Find the number of revolutions the motor made in the 5-s interval. c) After the 5-s interval, how many more seconds are required by the motor to come to rest? Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 86 SOLUTION: 𝑟𝑒𝑣 1 𝑚𝑖𝑛 2𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑟𝑎𝑑 ∗ ∗ = 104.7198 𝑚𝑖𝑛 60 𝑠 𝑟𝑒𝑣 𝑠 𝑟𝑒𝑣 1 𝑚𝑖𝑛 2𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝜔1 = 400 ∗ ∗ = 41.8879 𝑚𝑖𝑛 60 𝑠 𝑟𝑒𝑣 𝑠 𝜔𝑖 = 1000 a) 𝜔1 = 𝜔𝑖 + 𝛼𝑡 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑟𝑎𝑑 41.8879 = 104.7198 + 𝛼 (5 𝑠) 𝑠 𝑠 𝜶 = −𝟏𝟐. 𝟓𝟔𝟔𝟒 b) 𝜃 = 𝜔𝑖 +𝜔1 2 𝑡= 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑟𝑎𝑑 +41.8879 ) 𝑠 𝑠 (104.7198 2 𝜃 = 366.5192 𝑟𝑎𝑑 ∗ 𝒓𝒂𝒅 𝒔𝟐 ∗5𝑠 1 𝑟𝑒𝑣 = 𝟓𝟖. 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑 𝒓𝒆𝒗 2𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑 c) 𝜔𝑓 = 𝜔1 + 𝛼𝑡 0 = 41.8879 𝒕 = 𝟑. 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑 𝒔 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑟𝑎𝑑 + (−12.5664 2 ) 𝑡 𝑠 𝑠 2. The angular velocity of a bicycle wheel is 4 rad/s at t = 0, and its angular acceleration is constant and equal to 2 rad/s2. A spoke OP on the wheel is horizontal at t =0. a) What angle does this spoke make with the horizontal at time t = 3 s? b) What is the wheel’s angular velocity at this time? SOLUTION: a) The angle θ is given as a function of time by the equation 1 𝜃 = 𝜃𝑖 + 𝜔𝑖 𝑡 + 𝛼𝑡 2 2 Since the spoke initially positioned horizontally, 𝜃𝑖 = 0 𝑟𝑎𝑑 1 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝜃 = 0 + (4 ) (3 𝑠) + (2 2 ) (3 𝑠)2 = 21 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑠 2 𝑠 1 𝑟𝑒𝑣 𝜃 = 21 𝑟𝑎𝑑 ∗ = 3.3423 𝑟𝑒𝑣 2 𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑 The body turns through three complete revolutions plus an additional 360𝑜 0.3423 rev ( 0.3423 𝑟𝑒𝑣 ∗ 1 𝑟𝑒𝑣 = 123.228𝑜 ). The line OP thus turns through 123.228o and makes an angle of 56.772o(180o-123.228o) with the horizontal. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 87 b) At time t = 3 s 𝜔𝑓 = 𝜔𝑖 + 𝛼𝑡 = 4 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝒓𝒂𝒅 + (2 2 ) (3 𝑠) = 𝟏𝟎 𝑠 𝑠 𝒔 TORQUE: The ability of a force to rotate a body about some axis is measured by a quantity called torque (Greek letter ‘tau’). a) The torque due to a force of F has a magnitude of Fd i) is torque (N·m). ii) F is the applied force (N). iii) d is the lever arm (also called the moment arm) distance (m). b) The lever arm is the distance from the axis of rotation to a line drawn along the direction of the force. Note that d r sin Where r is the magnitude of the displacement from the axis to the point of the applied force F and Φ is the angle between the direction of r and the direction of F. c) As a result, we can rewrite the torque equation as Fr sin Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 88 d) Torque is actually a vector which points in a direction perpendicular to the plane defined by the F and r vectors. e) The net torque is found by summing all torques (i.e., multiple forces acting on a rotating object). N net i 1 2 ... N F1d1 F2 d 2 ... FN d N i 1 i) is positive if the rotation is counter clockwise (CCW). ii) is negative if the rotation is clockwise (CW). Assignment #6. Due July 9, 2020 1. (a) What angle in radians is subtended by an arc 1.50 m long on the circumference of a circle of radius 2.50 m? What is this angle in degrees? (b) An arc 14.0 cm long on the circumference ofa circle subtends an angle of 128o. What is the radius of the circle? (c) The angle between two radii of a circle with radius 1.50 m is 0.700 rad. What length of arc is intercepted on the circumference of the circle by the two radii? 2. A turntable rotates with a constant 2.25 rad/s2 angular acceleration. After 4.00 s it has rotated through an angle of 60.0 rad. What was the angular velocity of the wheel at the beginning of the 4.00-s interval? 3. A circular saw blade 0.200 m in diameter starts from rest. In 6.00 s it accelerates with constant angular acceleration to an angular velocity of 140 rad/s. Find the angular acceleration and the angle through which the blade has turned. 4. At t=0 a grinding wheel has an angular velocity of 24 rad/s. It has a constant angular acceleration of 30 rad/s2 until a circuit breaker trips at t = 2s. From then on, it turns through 432 rad as it coasts to a stop at constant angular acceleration. (a) Through what total angle did the wheel turn between t = 0 and the time it stopped? (b) At what time did it stop? (c) What was its acceleration as it slowed down? Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 89 MODULE 7: OSCILLATION PERIODIC MOTION A marble rolling back and forth on its springs, and a pendulum bob keeping time in a clock are all examples of periodic motion or oscillation, a motion that repeats itself in a definite cycle. Periodic motion occurs whenever a body has a stable equilibrium position and a restoring force that acts when it is displaced from equilibrium. Basic Concepts: 1. Equilibrium Position (e.p.) – the position of the body when the forces acting on it have zero resultant; the position of the body when it is at rest. 2. Restoring Force (F) – the net force, acting on a body, directed back toward the equilibrium position. It is called restoring force because it acts to restore equilibrium. (newtons) 3. Displacement (x) – the distance of the body from the e.p. at any instant. (meter) 4. Amplitude (A) – is the m maximum magnitude of displacement from equilibrium – that is, the maximum value of x. (meter) 5. Period (T) – is the time for one cycle (one complete roundtrip). It is always positive. (seconds) 6. Frequency (f) – is the number of cycles in a unit of time. (hertz) A particular kind of periodic motion is known as simple harmonic motion. When the restoring force is directly proportional to the displacement from equilibrium, the oscillation is called simple harmonic motion (SHM). When an object is disturbed from equilibrium, its motion is probably simple harmonic motion. Here are some examples of periodic motion that approximate simple harmonic motion: Harmonic oscillator – a body that undergoes simple harmonic motion. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 90 Equations for SHM: Our prototype for SHM is a mass attached to a spring. Using Hooke's law, we have that Fx F = kx F = -kx equation 1 By Newton’s 2nd Law F = ma equation 2 Equate 1 and 2 yields a=- 𝒌 𝒎 x acceleration of a body in SHM where: k = force constant of spring, N/m m = mass of body, kg x = displacement, m SHM and Conservation of Energy From conservation of energy, we then find that the energy at any point is Total Energy = Kinetic energy + Potential Energy Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 91 E=K+U E = ½mv2 + ½kx2 constant Consider the body at the extreme position or at xmax = A, v = 0, then E = U = ½kA2 Because E is constant : ½kA2 = ½mv2 + ½kx2 A Then, v x2 2 mk instantaneous velocity of the vibrating body But Period m k T 2 and Frequency f 1 1 T 2 k m It is usually more convenient to work with the angular frequency, . This is defined to be 2 f so Thus, v A 2 k m x2 and a = - 2x Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 92 Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration in SHM The reference circle compares the circular motion of an object with its horizontal projection. The displacement as a function of time for SHM with phase angle is X(t) = Acos(t + φ) vx (t)= -Asin(t + φ) ax (t)= -2Acos(t + φ) φ = phase angle in SHM φ= arctan(- vox/ xo) Amplitude, A: 𝒗𝟐 𝒐𝒙 A =√𝒙𝟐𝒐 + ( 𝝎𝟐 ) SHM occurs whenever : i. ii. iii. there is a restoring force proportional to the displacement from equilibrium: F ∝ −x the potential energy is proportional to the square of the displacement: PE ∝ x2 the period T or frequency f = 1 / T is independent of the amplitude of the motion. iv. the position x, the velocity v, and the acceleration a are all sinusoidal in time. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 93 Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 94 Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 95 Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 96 THE SIMPLE PENDULUM SIMPLE PENDULUM – an idealized model consisting of a point mass suspended by a massless, unstretchable string. The path of the point mass is not a straight line but the arc of a circle with radius L equal to the length of the string. - Laws of the Simple Pendulum 1. The amplitude does not affect the period of a simple pendulum. 2. The angle of swing does not affect the period. 3. The mass of the body does not affect the period. 4. The period is directly proportional to the square root of its length. 5. The period is inversely proportional to the square root of the acceleration. A pendulum executes SHM, if the amplitude is not too large. Equation for a Simple Pendulum 𝑔 = √𝐿 𝐿 T = 2√𝑔 Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 97 Assignment: due July 9, 2020 1. A simple harmonic oscillator takes 12.0 s to undergo five complete vibrations. Find (a) the period of its motion, (b) the frequency in hertz, and (c) the angular frequency in radians per second. 2. A 7.00 kg object is hung from the bottom end of a vertical spring fastened to an overhead beam. The object is set into vertical oscillations having a period of 2.60 s. Find the force constant of the spring. 3. At an outdoor market, a bunch of bananas attached to the bottom of a vertical spring of force constant 16.0 N/m is set into oscillatory motion with an amplitude of 20.0 cm. It is observed that the maximum speed of the bunch of bananas is 40.0 cm/s. What is the weight of the bananas in newtons? 4. A block-spring system oscillates with an amplitude of 3.50 cm. The spring constant is 250 N/m and the mass of the block is 0.500 kg. Determine (a) the mechanical energy of the system, (b) the maximum speed of the block, and (c) the maximum acceleration. 5. ) A 326-g object is attached to a spring and executes simple harmonic motion with a period of 0.250 s. If the total energy of the system is 5.83 J, find (a) the maximum speed of the object, (b) the force constant of the spring, and (c) the amplitude of the motion. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 98 MODULE 8: FLUIDS OSC We begin our study with fluid statics, the study of fluids at rest in equilibrium situations. Like other equilibrium situations, it is based on Newton’s first and third laws. We will explore the key concepts of density, pressure, and buoyancy. We can analyze many important situations using simple idealized models and familiar principles such as Newton’s laws and conservation of energy. Even so, we will barely scratch the surface of this broad and interesting topic ILLATION 8.1 PROPERTIES OF FLUID: 1. DENSITY (ρ) An important property of any material is its density, defined as its mass per unit volume. A homogeneous material such as ice or iron has the same density throughout. We use ρ (the Greek letter rho) for density. If a mass m of homogeneous material has volume V, the density is: 𝛒= 𝐦 𝐕 Two objects made of the same material have the same density even though they may have different masses and different volumes. That’s because the ratio of mass to volume is the same for both objects. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 99 2. SPECIFIC GRAVITY (SG) The specific gravity of a material is the ratio of its density to the density of water at it is a pure number without units. It is also called the “relative density” of a material. 𝐒𝐆𝐅 = 𝛒𝐅 𝛒𝐇𝟐𝟎 WHERE: SGF and ρF are the specific gravity and density of the fluid respectively and ρH2O = 1000 kg/m3 3. SPECIFIC WEIGHT (δ) The specific weight is defined as its weight (W) per unit volume. 𝛅= 𝐖 𝐦𝐠 = = 𝛒𝐠 𝐕 𝐕 Example Problem: Saponification is a process wherein soap is added to a certain type of oil to produce grease. One such grease is said to have 75.7 % by volume oil and 24.3% by volume soap, wherein the oil and soap have densities 760 kgm/m3 and 6,250 kgm/m3, respectively. This kind of grease is sold by packs shaped like a box with dimensions 20 cm x 40 cm x 10 cm. Calculate: a) the mass of oil per pack (kg), b) the mass of soap per pack (kg),c) the weight of each pack (N), d) the specific weight of grease (N/m3), e) the specific gravity of grease Solution: The total volume per pack VT = 0.2m x 0.4m x 0.1m = 0.008 m3 To solve for mass of oil per pack: mo = ρo(Vo) mo =(760 kg/m3)[(0.757)(0.008 m3) = 4.603 kg To solve for mass of soap per pack: ms= ρs(Vs) 3 ms =(6250 kg/m )[(0.243)(0.008 m3) = 12.15 kg Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 100 To solve for the weight of each pack: WT = (mT)(g) WT = (4.603 +12.15)kg (9.81 m/s2) = 164.347 N To solve for the specific weight of grease: δT = WT/VT = 164.347 N / .008m3 = 20,543.37 N/m3 To solve for the specific gravity of grease: SGT = ρT /ρH2O Where ρT = mT /VT = (4.603 +12.15)kg / 0.008 m3 =2094.1 kg/m3 SGT = (2094.125 kg/m3) / (1000 kg/m3) = 2.0941 8.2 BUOYANCY Buoyancy is a familiar phenomenon: A body immersed in water seems to weigh less than when it is in air. When the body is less dense than the fluid, it floats. The human body usually floats in water, and a helium-filled balloon floats in air. Example Problem: A 15.0-kg solid gold statue is raised from the sea bottom. What is the tension in the hoisting cable (assumed massless) when the statue is (a) at rest and completely underwater and (b) at rest and completely out of the water? Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 101 Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 102 Assignment # 8: due on July 16, 2020 1. A spherical tank 2 m in diameter contains steam. If the mass of steam is 0.8 kg: a. Determine the density of steam. b. What is its specific weight if g = 9.81 m/s2 2. An 11-m3 rigid tank of air is separated by a thin membrane into side A with a volume of 6 m3 and side B with an initial 2.4 kg/m3. The membrane is broken and the resulting density of the mixture is 1.82 kg/m3. Find the initial density of air inside A in kg/m3. 3. On a part-time job, you are asked to bring a cylindrical iron rod of length 85.8 cm and diameter 2.85 cm from a storage room to a machinist. Calculate the weight of the rod. 4. A cube 5.0 cm on each side is made of a metal alloy. After you drill a cylindrical hole 2.0 cm in diameter all the way through and perpendicular to one face, you find that the cube weighs 7.50 N. (a) What is the density of this metal? (b) What did the cube weigh before you drilled the hole in it? 5. A 950-kg cylindrical can buoy floats vertically in salt water. The diameter of the buoy is 0.900 m. Calculate the additional distance the buoy will sink when a 70.0-kg man stands on top of it. 6. A slab of ice floats on a freshwater lake. What minimum volume must the slab have for a 45.0-kg woman to be able to stand on it without getting her feet wet? 7. An ore sample weighs 17.50 N in air. When the sample is suspended by a light cord and totally immersed in water, the tension in the cord is 11.20 N. Find the total volume and the density of the sample. 8. A hollow plastic sphere is held below the surface of a freshwater lake by a cord anchored to the bottom of the lake. The sphere has a volume of 0.65 m3 and the tension in the cord is 900 N. (a) Calculate the buoyant force exerted by the water on the sphere. (b) What is the mass of the sphere? (c) The cord breaks and the sphere rises to the surface. When the sphere comes to rest, what fraction of its volume will be submerged? Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 103 MODULE 9: HEAT TRANSFER 9-1 THERMODYNAMICS AND HEAT TRANSFER - The science of thermodynamics deals with the amount of heat transfer as a system undergoes a process from one equilibrium state to another, and makes no reference to how long the process will take. But in engineering, we are often interested in the rate of heat transfer, which is the topic of the science of heat transfer. - The basic requirement for heat transfer is the presence of a temperature difference. There can be no net heat transfer between two mediums that are at the same temperature. 9-2 TEMPERATURE Temperature – measure of the hotness or coldness of a body. It is also defined as the measure of the internal energy of a body. Conversion of temperature reading to another temperature scale: TF = 1.8(Tc) + 32 𝐓𝐅 − 𝟑𝟐 𝐓𝐂 = 𝟏. 𝟖 TK =TC + 273 TR = TF + 46O WHERE: TF = Temperature expressed in degree Fahrenheit (oF) TC = Temperature expressed in degree Celsius (oC) TK = Temperature expressed in Kelvin (K) TR = Temperature expressed in Rankine (R) NOTE: Tk and TR are called the absolute temperatures Example: 1. A fluid system has a temperature of 26 oC. What is its temperature expressed in Rankine.? Solution: TF = 1.8(Tc) + 32 TF = 1.8 (26) +32 = 78.8 oF TR = TF + 46O TR = 78.8 + 460 = 538.8 R Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 104 2. A Celsius and Fahrenheit thermometer are used to measure the temperature of a certain substance. If the temperature readings from both thermometers are numerically equal, What is the temperature of the substance. Solution: TF = 1.8(Tc) + 32 Since temperatures are numerically equal: TF =TC =T T = 1.8T + 32 T = - 40 This means that – 40 oC = - 40 oF 9-3 MODES OF HEAT TRANSFER 1. Conduction is the transfer of energy from the more energetic particles of a substance to the adjacent, less energetic ones as a result of interactions between the particles. - - - The rate of heat conduction through a medium depends on the geometry of the medium, its thickness, and the material of the medium, as well as the temperature difference across the medium. Experiments have shown that the rate of heat transfer 𝑸̇ through the wall is doubled when the temperature difference ΔT across the wall or the area A normal to the direction of heat transfer is doubled, but is halved when the wall thickness L is doubled. Thus we conclude that the rate of heat conduction through a plane layer is proportional to the temperature difference across the layer and the heat transfer area, but is inversely proportional to the thickness of the layer. In the limiting case of thickness →0, the relation above reduces to the differential form, which is called Fourier’s law of heat conduction. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 105 Where: the constant of proportionality k is the thermal conductivity of the material, which is a measure of the ability of a material to conduct heat expressed in (W/m-oC or BTU/hr-ft-oF). CONDUCTION IN PLANE WALLS Consider steady heat conduction through a large plane wall of thickness Δx and area A, as shown in Fig. 1–21. The temperature difference across the wall is ΔT = T2 - T1. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 106 CONDUCTION CYLINDERS OF LENGTH L Example. A temperature difference of 85◦C is impressed across a fiberglass layer of 13 cm thickness. The thermal conductivity of the fiberglass is 0.035 W/m·◦C. Compute the heat transferred through the material for a heat transfer surface area of 1 m 2. T1 − T2 Δx Q = (0.035 W/m-oC)(1m2)(85 oC)/(0.13m) = 0.387 W or watts Q = kA Steam at flows in a stainless steel pipe (k = 15 W/m · °C) whose inner and outer diameters are 5 cm and 5.5 cm, respectively. Determine the rate of heat loss from the steam for 1 m length of the pipe if the temperature drop across the thickness of the pipe is 10 oC. T1 − T2 Q = 2πLk 𝑟 ln(𝑟2 ) 1 o o Q = 2π(1m)(15 W/m- C)(10 C) / ln(2.75cm/2.5cm) Q = 9888.532 W or watt Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 107 2. Convection is the mode of heat transfer between a solid surface and the adjacent liquid or gas that is in motion, and it involves the combined effects of conduction and fluid motion. The rate of convection heat transfer is observed to be proportional to the temperature difference, and is conveniently expressed by Newton’s law of cooling as: Where: h - the convection heat transfer coefficient in W/m 2 · °C or Btu/h · ft2 · °F As - the surface area through which convection heat transfer takes place Ts is the surface temperature T∞ - the temperature of the fluid sufficiently far from the surface. Note that at the surface, the fluid temperature equals the surface temperature of the solid. Example: A 5-cm-external-diameter, 10-m-long hot water pipe at 80°C is losing heat to the surrounding air at 5°C by natural convection with a heat transfer coefficient of 25 W/m2 · °C. Determine the rate of heat loss from the pipe by natural convection, in Watts Q = hAs(Ts - T∞) 2 o Q = (25 W/m - C)[ π(0.05m)(10m)] [(80 -5)oC] = 2945.24 W or watts Note that the heat transfer surface area of a cylinder with length L is: As = π(diameter)(length) Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 108 3. Radiation is the energy emitted by matter in the form of electromagnetic waves (or photons) as a result of the changes in the electronic configurations of the atoms or molecules. The rate of radiation that can be emitted from a surface is given by the Stefan-Boltzmann law as: When a surface of emissivity Ɛ and surface area As at an absolute temperature Ts is completely enclosed by a much larger surface at absolute temperature Tsurr separated by a gas (such as air) that does not intervene with radiation, the net rate of radiation heat transfer between these two surfaces is given by: Where: Ɛ – Emissivity of the surface ( a measure of how close a surface approximates a black body) 0 ≤ Ɛ ≤ 1 Ơ - Stefan-Boltzmann constant (5.67 x 10 -8 W/m2-K4 and 0.1714 x 10-8 BTU/hr-ft2 –R4) As – surface area of radiating body Ts and Tsurr – Absolute temperature of radiating body (Temperatures in K or R) Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 109 Example: Consider a person whose exposed surface area is 1.7 m2, emissivity is 0.7, and surface temperature is 32°C. Determine the rate of heat loss from that person by radiation in a large room having walls at a temperature of (a) 300 K and (b) 280 K. Solution: Ts = 32 oC + 273 = 305 K a) Q = ЄσAs(Ts4 –Tsurr4) Q = 0.7 (5.67 x 10 -8 W/m2-K4)(1.7 m2)[(3054 - 3004)K4] Q = 37.4 W b) Q = 0.7 (5.67 x 10 -8 W/m2-K4)(1.7 m2)[(3054 - 2804)K4] Q = 169.2 W Assignment #9: due July 16, 2020 1. The inner and outer surfaces of a 5-m by 6-m brick wall of thickness 30 cm and thermal conductivity 0.69 W/m ·°C are maintained at temperatures of 20°C and 5°C, respectively. Determine the rate of heat transfer through the wall, in Watts. 2. The inner and outer surfaces of a 0.5-cm-thick 2-m by 2-m window glass in winter are 10°C and 3°C, respectively. If the thermal conductivity of the glass is 0.78 W/m · °C, determine the rate of heat loss, in Watt, through the glass. What would your answer be if the glass were 1cm thick? 3. Consider a person standing in a room maintained at 20°C at all times. The inner surfaces of the walls, floors, and ceiling of the house are observed to be Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 110 at an average temperature of 12°C in winter and 23°C in summer. Determine the rates of radiation heat transfer between this person and the surrounding surfaces in both summer and winter if the exposed surface area, emissivity, and the average outer surface temperature of the person are 1.6 m 2, 0.95, and 32°C, respectively. 4. Hot air at 80°C is blown over a 2-m by 4-m flat surface at 30°C. If the average convection heat transfer coefficient is 55 W/m2 · °C, determine the rate of heat transfer from the air to the plate, in kW. 5. Two surfaces of a 2-cm-thick plate are maintained at 0°C and 80°C, respectively. If it is determined that heat is transferred through the plate at a rate of 500 W/m2, determine its thermal conductivity. 6. For heat transfer purposes, a standing man can be modeled as a 30-cmdiameter, 170-cm-long vertical cylinder with both the top and bottom surfaces insulated and with the side surface at an average temperature of 34°C. For a convection heat transfer coefficient of 15 W/m2 · °C, determine the rate of heat loss from this man by convection in an environment at 0°C. 7. Hot air at 80°C is blown over a 2-m by 4-m flat surface at 30°C. If the average convection heat transfer coefficient is 55 W/m2 · °C, determine the rate of heat transfer from the air to the plate, in kW. 8. Convert 125 oC to a) oF, b) K, c) R 9. The increase in temperature of water as it is being heated is 80 oC. Determine this change in temperature expressed in a) oF and b) oR Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 111 MODULE 10: HEAT TRANSFER ENGAGE How is heat transferred? How do you explain the heat transfer processes in cooking using an electric stove? Cite simple situations where you can observe heat transfer. What do you think happens to objects when they transfer heat? EXPLORE Read Module 10: Heat Transfer (pp 86 – 89) EXPLAIN HEAT TRANSFER - The movement of energy from a warmer object to a cooler object. HEAT - Form of energy transferred from one body to another due to difference in temperature - usually measured by the temperature (Celsius, C; Fahrenheit, F; Kelvin, K) FACTORS that affect Energy gained or lost by an object during heat transfer: o Mass o specific heat o change in temperature *3 Processes by which heat is being transferred from one body to another: 1. Conduction 2. Convection 3. Radiation 86 CONDUCTION The transfer of thermal energy between neighboring molecules in a substance due to a temperature gradient. Temperature gradient – is the rate of change of temperature with distance. It is a process by which heat energy is transferred from particle to particle by collisions or direct interactions. ** For example, if you hold one end of a long metal bar and insert the other end into a flame, you will find that the temperature of the metal in your hand soon increases. The energy reaches your hand by means of conduction. INSULATORS VS CONDUCTORS: INSULATORS – these are materials that do not transfer heat well e.gAir, wood, wool CONDUCTORS – materials that transfer heat well e.gSilver, fiberglass, tile EQUATIONS FOR CONDUCTION: where: = heat conducted (cal or J) = area (cm2 or m2) = temperature difference (°C) = = time (sec) = thickness (cm or m) = coefficient of thermal conductivity ( ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ) = power (watts) CONVECTION It is the transfer of heat by the motion of a volume of hot fluid from one place to another. Heat transfer by the actual movement of the heated material itself. ** 2 Process: Force Convection – if the heated substance is forced to move by a fan or pump. Natural Convection - the change in density that takes place when a fluid is heated. *example: Airflow at a beach 87 EQUATIONS for CONVECTION: where: = heat transfer coefficient ( ) = area (m2) = temperature difference between the surface and the bulk of the fluid away from the surface (K) = rate of convective heat flow (watts) Value if h applies to natural convection of air at atmospheric pressure: 1. Horizontal plate with air passing the top surface 2. Horizontal plate with air passing the bottom surface 3. Vertical plate 4. Horizontal plate or vertical pipe of diameter D ( ) RADIATION It takes place by means of electromagnetic waves which require no material medium for their passage. It consists of electromagnetic waves which transmit energy from a source to an absorber. EQUATION for RADIATION where: = Stefan Boltzmann constant = = emissivity e = 0, ideal reflector 88 e = 1, ideal absorber = surface temperature (K) = area (m2) = power (watts) Figure 10.1 In a fireplace, heat transfer occurs by all three methods: conduction, convection, and radiation. Radiation is responsible for most of the heat transferred into the room. Heat transfer also occurs through conduction into the room, but at a much slower rate. Heat transfer by convection also occurs through cold air entering the room around windows and hot air leaving the room by rising up the chimney. ELABORATE EXAMPLE SITUATIONS: CONDUCTION: 1. when you hold one end of an iron rod while the other end is in direct contact with a flame. Heat will transfer through the metal by conduction. 2. The knives and forks use a wooden handle to break with the conduction of heat. 3. When you pour hot coffee to the cup containing it. Hot liquids transfer the heat to the container containing them, causing the latter to warm up a bit. 4. Compresses (hot water bags) used to relax muscles. The heat is transferred from the compress to the skin and from there to the muscles. 5. An ice cube melts when placed on apersons hand. The heat from the skin is transferred to the ice cube causing it to melt. CONVECTION: 1. The heat transfer of a stove. 2. Hot air balloons, which are held in the air by hot air. If it cools, the balloon immediately begins to fall. 3. When the water vapor fogs the glass of a bath, by the hot temperature of the water when bathing. RADIATION 1. The transmission of electromagnetic waves through the microwave oven. 2. The light emitted by an incandescent lamp. 3. The emission of gamma rays by a nucleus. 89 COMPUTATION EXAMPLES: CONDUCTION: 1. The wall of shed in which ice is stored consists of an outer layer of wood 2cm and an inner layer of rock wool 3cm thick. Find the heat conducted through 50m 2 of the wall in 1hr. When the outer wood surface is at 20°C and the inner rock wool surface is at 5°C. Also find the temperature of the wood-rock wool interface. CONVECTION: 1. A Bathroom is heated by a floor-to-ceiling steam pipe that is 10cm in diameter. The ceiling height is L=3.0m and the temperature of the bulk of air in the room is 22°C. If the pipe surface is at 90°C, what is the rate of convective heat transfer? RADIATION: 1. A copper ball 2cm in radius is heated in a furnace to 400°C. If the emissivity is 0.3, at what rate does it radiate energy? 2. The sun‘s surface has a temperature of about 5800K, and the radius of the sun is about 7x108m. Calculate the total energy radiated by the sun each day, assuming the emissivity is e=1. By way of comparison, the total energy consumed worldwide each year by humans is about 1021J. EVALUATE 1. Identify whether the given situations are examples of conduction, convection or radiation. a. Solar ultraviolet radiation, precisely the process that determines the Earth‘s temperature. b. Ironing of clothes c. When you walk barefoot on the hot street, and it burns your toes. d. The heat transferred by hand or hair dryer e. When teaspoons get hot when placed in hot coffee f. The heat transfer generated by the human body when a person is barefoot. g. The heat emitted by a radiator. h. A thermometer works because the liquid in it contracts when heated. 2. Identify the word/s defined in each item a. the measure of the amount of energy in matter b. The movement of energy from a warmer object to a cooler object c. Materials that do not transfer energy (heat) easily d. The transfer of heat through empty space 90 3. Answer the following questions as either TRUE or FALSE a. b. c. d. e. the Sun directly heat the air in our atmosphere higher temperature means faster moving molecules Air a great conductor of heat Heat always comes from cooler temperature to warmer temperature The transfer of heat When the warmth of the sun heats rocks is an example of radiation f. A thermometer works because the liquid in its contracts when heated which is an example of conduction g. temperature is a measure of total kinetic energy PRACTICE PROBLEMS: 1. The thermal conductivity of ice is 5.2 x 10-4 kcal/m-s-oC. At what rate is heat lost by the water in a 6m by 10m outdoor swimming pool covered by a layer of ice 1cm thick if the water is at a temperature of 0oC and the surrounding air is at a temperature of -10oC? 2. Forced air flows over a heat exchanger in a room heater, with a convective heat transfer coefficient, h = 150 BTU/hr-ft2-oF. The surface temperature of the heat exchanger is held at 200oF while the air in the room is maintained at 72 oF. Find the surface area of the heat exchanger if 20,000 BTU/hr is delivered by the heater. 3. An incandescent lamp filament, with a surface area of 100mm 2, operates at a temperature of 2300oC. Assume that the filament acts like a blackbody(e = 1). (a) What is the rate of radiation from the filament? (b) If the walls of the room in which the lamp operates are at 27oC, What is the rate at which the filament absorbs radiation? (c) At what rate does electrical energy have to be supplied to the filament to keep its temperature constant? (Ignore conduction and convection losses from the filament.) 91 MODULE 11: ELECTROSTATICS ENGAGE What happens when two atoms like charges are near each other?(i.e. both are positively charged) An electron is negatively charged particle of an atom. What happens when an atom loses an electron? What happens to the force between two atoms when they are placed too far from each other? When a rubber comb is run through the hair and is then placed near small pieces of paper, the pieces of paper are attracted to the rubber comb. Explain why? EXPLORE Read Module 11: Electrostatics (pp 92 - 95) EXPLAIN Electrostatics - Branch of physics that deals with the study of charges at rest - "Electrostatic" pertains to electric charges at rest or to fields or phenomena produced by stationary charge(s) - Static electricity is the accumulation of electrical charges on the surface of a material; may result in sparks, shocks or materials clinging together. Electric Charges - one of the basic properties of the elementary particles of matter giving rise to all electric and magnetic forces and interactions. There are two types of electric charges: positive and negative these charges are commonly known as protons (+) and electrons (–) 92 Atomic Structure: Particle Electron (e) Proton (p) Neutron (n) Charge -1.6 x 10-19 C or -4.8 x 10-10esu (or statC) +1.6 x 10-19 C or +4.8 x 10-10esu (or statC) 0 Mass (kg) 9.1094 x 10-31 1.6726 x 10-27 1.6749 x 10-27 *1C = 3 x 109statC ELECTRON THEORY: 1. A neutral body is one that has exactly as many electrons as there are protons. 2. When a neutral body gains electron from an outside source, it acquires a negative charge. Hence, a negatively charged body has more electrons than protons. 3. When neutral body loses some of its own electrons, it acquires a positive charge. Hence, a positively charged body has fewer electrons than protons. LAWS OF ELECTROSTATICS: 1. INTERACTION OF CHARGES: a. Like charges repel b. opposite charges attract , and each other c. Charged particle and neutral attract: Example: a charged comb (ran through the hair) attracts bits of uncharged (or neutral) bits of paper + - - - - + Figure 11.1 Direction of interaction of Charges 93 2. LAW OF CONSERVATION OF CHARGE - The algebraic sum of the electric charge in any closed system remains constant - charge is always conserved - When all objects involved are considered prior to and after a given process, the total amount of charge among the objects is the same before the process starts as it is after the process ends. ELECTRIFICATION (CHARGING OF BODY): - The process of gaining or losing electron (transfer of electrons from one material to the other) The Triboelectric Series - a list of materialsshowing which have a greater tendency to become positive (+) and which have a greater tendency to become negative (−) - atoms of different materials hold on to their electrons with different strengths the materials would acquire the same amount of charge (but opposite type or sign) - the greater the separation in the series, the greater the exchange of charges Methods of Electrification/ Charging: 1. Friction - results in a transfer of electrons between two objects that are rubbed together 2. Conduction - charging a neutral body by bringing into contact with a charged body - (also known as charging by contact) involves the contact of a charged object to a neutral 3. Induction - The charging body is brought near the neutral body, thus inducing it to have an opposite charge as that of the charging body - object is charged without actually touching the object to any other charged object **OTHER PROCESSES: Polarization is the process of separating opposite charges within an object. The positive charge becomes separated from the negative charge. By inducing the movement of electrons within an object, one side of the object is left with an excess of positive charge and the other side of the object is left with an excess of negative charge. Charge becomes separated into opposites. 94 Grounding : the process of removing the excess charge on an object by means of the transfer of electrons between it and another object of substantial size. When a charged object is grounded, the excess charge is balanced by the transfer of electrons between the charged object and a ground. Ground: an object that serves as a seemingly infinite reservoir of electrons; the ground is capable of transferring electrons to or receiving electrons from a charged object in order to neutralize that object. (ex. ground or earth) 3. COULOMB’S LAW OF ELECTROSTATICS (CHARLES AUGUSTIN DE COULOMB) - The electric force F between two electric charges is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. ELECTRIC FORCE - The attractive or repulsive interaction between any two charged objects; an action-at-a-distance force - hold atoms together; makes possible the existence of material things, human activities, and properties and attributes (tasting, smelling, thinking, etc) COULOMB’S LAW | || | Where: F = force between the charges; N or dynes q1& q2 = magnitude of the charges; C or esu (or statC) r = distance between them; m or cm k = Coulomb‘s constant (depending on Where: 95 ELABORATE ELECTRIFICATION: (Amounts of charge given are fictitious and given for purposes of illustration only) CHARGING BY FRICTION: 1. What type of charge would each material acquire for each of the following pairs rubbed together? Assume they are all initially uncharged or neutral. a) acetate and wool b) paper and polyester 2. Which pair would acquire higher amount of individual charge? 96 CHARGING BY CONDUCTION: 1. Initially, object A is positively charged with +8μC; object B is neutral 2. A is brought in contact with B. Since A is positively charged, electrons in B are attracted towards A. Then the A and B are pulled apart. 3. B loses electrons; so, it becomes positively charged. A gains those electrons lost by B; so, A becomes less positively charged. As shown in no. 1 and 3, by conservation of charge: 4. The total charge in the system of charges is the same before and after the charging process. CHARGING BY INDUCTION 1. Initially, object A is negatively charged with -15μC; objects B and C are neutral 3. 2. A is brought close to but not in contact with B. Since A is negatively charged, electrons in B are repelled and move as far away as possible from A. These electrons transfer to C. Then the A and B are pulled apart. B loses electrons; so, it becomes positively charged C gains those electrons lost by B; so, C becomes negatively charged. A retains its original charge As shown in no. 1 and 3, by conservation of charge: 4. The total charge in the system of charges is the same before and after the charging process. 97 POLARIZATION: 1. Initially, object A is negatively charged with -10μC, and B is neutral. 2. Since A is negatively charged, electrons on the left edge of Bare repelled and move as far away as possible from A. There are no other objects these electrons can go to. So, they accumulate at the right edge of B. 3. B neither loses nor gains electrons; the electrons only move to a different part of the object. So, B remains in its initial state which is being neutral. 4. GROUNDING 1. Identify the following particles as being charged or uncharged. If charged, indicate whether they are charged positively or negatively. (n = neutron, p = proton, e = electron) 98 2. b) 3.12 x 1014 protons and 4.5488 x 1016 a) 8.25749 x 1017 protons and 5.26 x 1014 electrons; the charge on this object is ____ C. electrons; the charge on this object is ____ + C. + (Amounts of charge given are fictitious and given for purposes of illustration only) a. Neutralizing a positively charged object Object A is brought in contact with ground, which has abundance of electrons. Electrons from ground are attracted to A because this object is positively charged (means that it has ―electron vacancies‖). When enough electrons have transferred into A (or filled up the ―electron vacancies‖), A becomes neutral. b. Neutralizing a negatively charged object Object A being negatively charged repel electrons at the surface of the ground. These electrons move as far away as possible from A. The surface of the ground now becomes positively charged. In turn, electrons from object A are attracted to the ground. When enough electrons have transferred out of A, A becomes neutral. 99 COULOMB’S LAW: Given: located at (+0.2 m,0) located at (+0.6 m,0) Determine the magnitude and direction of the force on each charge. Draw the charges along a line. and have opposite types of charge; so, they are attracted to each other. is pulled by is pulled by The force vector of each charge is directed toward the other charge: 100 Given: located at (0,+0.3 m) located at (0, -0.2 m) Determine the magnitude and direction of the force on each charge. EVALUATE 1. Three charged particles are aligned along the x axis as shown. Find the electric force between the three charges. 2. Three point charges are located on a circular arc as shown. aFind the electric force that would be exerted on a 5nC point charge placed at P. 3. Two particles, with charges of 20nC and -20nC, are placed at the points with coordinates (0, 4cm) and (0, -4cm) respectively. Find the electric charge on a 10nC located at the origin. 101 MODULE 12: ELECTRICITY ENGAGE In your opinion, how do electricity work, does it move from positive to negative or otherwise? Why is it important to follow the electric specifications on chargers and appliances? A small amount of current is generated by putting your tongue to a 9V battery, however the amount of current cannot be felt by holding 9V battery using your dry hands. What is the concept behind the difference between the amount of current generated? EXPLORE Read Module 12: Electricity (pp142–147) EXPLAIN CURRENT, RESISTANCE AND ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE I. ELECTRIC CURRENT charges in motion DC (Direct Current) : is a constant flow between two points having a different electrical potential and thecharge flow is one way (ex. cell or battery) AC (Alternating Current) :the charge flows alternately backwards then forwards in a circuit many times everysecond (ex. power plant, generator, mains supply) Direction of Current CONVENTIONAL FLOW ELECTRON FLOW ` In a metallic conductor, the moving charges are electrons — but the current still points in the direction positive charges would flow. A conventional current is treated as a flow of positive charges (would move from the positive battery terminal and toward the negative terminal). 102 The motion of positive charge carriers in one direction has the same effect as the actual motion of negative charge carriers in the opposite direction. So for historical reasons, however, we use the following convention: A current arrow is drawn in the direction in which positive charge carriers would move, even if the actual charge carriers are negative and move in the opposite direction. Current as the rate of flow of electric charge through a conductor connected between two points of different potentials where: I = current, Ampere (amp or A) t = time, s Q = total charge that flows, coulomb * Note that for a metallic conductor, charges that flow are electrons Q= Nq where: N = number of electrons that flow during a time t q = charge of an electron, |qe| = 1.6x10-19 C Current in Relation to the Drift Velocity of the Charges When an electric field ⃗ is established in a conductor, the charge carriers (assumed positive) acquire a drift speed in the direction of ⃗ ; the current is related to the drift speed by where: A = cross sectional area of conductor (m2) n = free electron(conduction electron) density or concentration of particles = the number of carriers per unit volume (n = N/V) (nq) = carrier charge density Current Density in a Conductor, J It is the current per unit cross-sectional area. 103 II. RESISTIVITY AND RESISTANCE Resistivity, The quantitative measure of a material‘s opposition to the flow of current. It is an intrinsic property of the material (metal element) which depends only (if temperature is constant) on the chemical composition of the material and temperature, not its shape or size. Good conductors have small resistivity; good insulators have large resistivity. Resistance, R It is the obstruction or opposition offered by the material (conductor) in the flow of current through it. It is the extrinsic property of the material which depends upon the amount of material present (shape and size). Ohm’s Law: For many materials (including most metals), the ratio of the current density to the electric field is a constant that is independent of the electric field producing the current. Materials and devices that obey Ohm‘s Law are said to be ohmic Resistance: the ratio of the potential difference across a conductor to the current in the conductor Resistance of a block of material along the length : Resistance and Temperature Over a limited temperature range: III. ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE, emf or ℰ the maximum potential difference between two electrodes of a galvanic or voltaic cell energy per unit electric charge that is imparted by an energy source, such as an electric generator or a battery. Sources of Electrical Energy: burning oil or coal, hydroelectric plant, geothermal, wind, solar, nuclear, natural gas, hydrogen, biofuel, biomass, fruits and vegetables with moderate to high levels of acidity, cell 104 IV. OHM’S LAW Georg Simon Ohm (1787 – 1854), a German physicist, is credited with finding the relationship between current and voltage for a resistor. The voltage across a resistor is directly proportional to the current, i flowing through the resistor. Ohm further defined the constant of proportionality for a resistor to be the resistance, R. Thus, the resistance, R is the ability of an element to resist the flow of electric current; measured in ohms (Ω). The power dissipated by a resistor is given by: ( ) V. SERIES RESISTORS AND VOLTAGE DIVISION What is Series? - Two or more elements are in series if they exclusively share a single node and consequently carry the same current. - The equivalent resistance of any number of resistors connected in a series is the sum of the individual resistances. ∑ - For the given figure: - The current in a series circuit is the same for each of the elements or resistors. - The total voltage in a series circuit is equivalent to the summation of all resistance voltages or voltage drops in the circuit 105 To determine the voltage across each resistor; Ohm‘s Law , Substitute - Note that source voltage is divided among the resistors in direct proportion to their resistances This is regarded as the principle of voltage division In general, if a voltage supply has resistors in series with the source voltage , the th resistor can be expressed as: VI. Parallel Resistors and Current Division What is Parallel? - Two or more elements are in parallel if they are connected to the same two nods and consequently have the same voltages across them. - The equivalent resistance o 2 parallel resistors is equal to the product of their resistance divided by their sum. - - - Generally, the equivalent resistance of circuit with resistors in parallel is: a The current in a parallel circuit is equivalent to the summation of all branch currents in the circuit The resistance voltages are each equal to the source voltage of the parallel circuit. 106 To determine the current through each resistor Ohm‘s Law Substitute - Note that the total current is shared by the resistors in inverse proportion to their resistances. This is regarded as the principle of current division Generally ELABORATE CURRENT, RESISTANCE and EMF 1. Suppose you wish to fabricate a uniform wire from 1.00 g of copper. If the wire is to have a resistance of 0.500 Ω and all the copper is to be used, what must be a) the length and b) the diameter of this wire? Density of copper g/cm3, and resistivity Ω·m. 2. A 34.5 m length of copper wire at 20.0°C has a radius of 0.25 mm. If a potential difference of 9.00 V is applied across the length of the wire, determine the current in the wire. b) If the wire is heated to 30.0°C while the 9.00 V potential difference is maintained, what is the resulting current in the wire? Temperature coefficient of resistivity is Resistivity is . 3. A toaster has a heating element made of Nichrome wire (resistivity is 150x 10 -8Ω·m and temperature coefficient of resistivity is 0.4x10 -3/°C). When the toaster is first connected to a 120 V source (and the wire is at a temperature of 20.0°C), the initial current is 1.50 A. The current decreases as the heating element warms up. When the toaster reaches its final operating temperature, the current is 1.20 A. Find a) the power delivered to the toaster when it is at its operating temperature b) the final temperature of the heating element 107 SERIES CONNECTION 1. Given 4 resistors connected in series, R1=2Ω, R2=1Ω, R3=4Ω and R4=8, connected to a 30 Vol source, find for a) Total Resistance b) Total Current and c) Voltage drops across each resistor. PARALLEL CONNECTION 2. If the resistors in Problem 4 are connected in parallel, find for the a) Total Resistance, b) Total Voltage and c) Currents through each resistor. SERIES-PARALLEL COMBINATION Problem 1 By combining the resistors in the given circuit, find Problem 2 Find for the circuit shown: EVALUATE 1. A steady current of 2.5 A exists in a wire for 4.0 min. (a) How much total charge passed by a given point in the circuit during those 4.0 min? (b) How many electrons would this be? 2. A 200-km-long high-voltage transmission line 2 cm in diameter carries a steady current of 1000 A. If the conductor is copper with a free charge density of 8.50 x 1028 electrons per cubic meter, how many years does it take one electron to travel the full length of the cable? 3. An 18-gauge copper wire (ρ = 1.72x10-8 .m) has a diameter of 1.02 mm and a crosssectional area of 8.20x10-7m2. It carries a current of 1.67 A. Find (a) the electric-field magnitude in the wire; (b) the potential difference between two points in the wire 50m apart; (c) the resistance of a 50m length of this wire. 108 4. A certain lightbulb has a tungsten filament with a resistance of 19 V when at 20°C and 140 V when hot. Assume the resistivity of tungsten varies linearly with temperature even over the large temperature range involved here. Find the temperature of the hot filament. (αTungsten = 4.5 x 10-3/OC) 5. When an external resistance of 10 ohms is connected to a source, a current of 0.5A flows, when the resistance is changed to 20 ohms, the current becomes 0.3 amperes. What are the open circuit emf and the internal resistance of the source? 6. A battery has an emf of 15.0 V. The terminal voltage of the battery is 11.6 V when it is delivering 20.0 W of power to an external load resistor R. (a) What is the value of R? (b) What is the internal resistance of the battery? 7. Find the voltage needed so that a current of 10 A will flow through the series circuit shown in the figure. 8. Find the voltage across each resistor in the circuit of Problem 7. Show that the voltage drop equals the applied voltage of 100V. 9. For the given circuit, find (a) the total resistance, (b) each branch current, and (c) the total current. 10. Find I3 in the parallel circuit using current divider. 109 MODULE 13: MAGNETISM ENGAGE In your opinion, do you use electromagnetism in your daily lives? Can you cite example where you apply or use them? How do compass (navigation) work? In your opinion, what is the importance of the earth‘s magnetic field? EXPLORE Read Module 13: Magnetism (pp110 - 115) EXPLAIN ELECTROMAGNETISM Many applications of electricity are based on the fact that electric current passing thru a conductor produces a magnetic field around the conductor or vice versa, i.e. when a conductor moves thru a magnetic field, an electromotive force (emf) is generated and hence current could flow if there is a complete loop. This is called electromagnetism. The operation of such devices or machines like the electric motor, generator, the transformer, the inductor coils, etc. are all based on this phenomenon. A. The Magnetic Field It is a region in space wherein a force acts on a charge moving through it. Ex. The space around a magnet The space around a current-carrying conductor 110 One characteristic of a magnetic field is its direction which is usually indicated by a set of lines drawn in the magnetic field called magnetic field lines (also called magnetic lines of force or lines of induction). Figure13.1 Different Examples of Magnetic field Note: When the lines are curved, the magnetic field is non-uniform and the direction at any point is taken by the tangent to a line passing through that point. Figure13.2 Magnetic field taken at point P B. Magnetic Flux (∅) A set of magnetic field lines or a group of lines taken or computed as one C. Magnetic Flux Density ( ) at a point Magnetic flux passing per unit area of a surface placed at the point perpendicular to the magnetic field. 111 Note: 1. If the surface area A is PERPENDICULAR to βthen, 2. If the surface area A is NOT PERPENDICULAR to βthen, ∅ = βA ∅ = βAcosθ Magnetic flux density is a vector quantity and its direction is the same as the direction of the magnetic field at a point. SOURCES OF MAGNETIC FIELD I. MAGNETIC FIELD OF A MOVING CHARGE When a charge moves through a portion of space, a magnetic field is created around the charge. To obtain the magnetic field produced by a charge, q, moving at velocity v, at a point located at a displacement r from charge, we need a mathematical expression the field in terms of q, v and r. where: β = magnetic field at any point ―P‖ near the moving charge (Tesla or Gauss) q = electric charge (Coulomb, statcoulomb) v = speed of the electric charge (m/s, cm/s) r = distance of the point from the charge θ = angle between r and v μ0= permeability of free space (Permeability is the measure of the ability of a material to support the formation of a magnetic field within itself.) = 4π x 10-7T.m/A 112 Direction: RIGHT HAND RULE Thumb: velocity, v 4 fingers: magnetic field, β NOTE: If the point charge is negative, the directions of the field and field lines are the opposite with that of positive charge. II. MAGNETIC FIELD at any POINT NEAR a STRAIGHT CONDUCTOR a) Short Straight Conductor The magnetic field due to the electric current in a straight wire is such that the field lines are circles with the wire at the center. Where: βP = magnetic field at a point P away from the conductor I = current through the conductor r = perpendicular distance between point P and conductor θ1& θ2 = angles it make at the point with the conductor USING RIGHT HAND RULE: Thumb: current, I 4 Fingers: magnetic filed, 113 b) Long Straight Conductor For infinite/long straight conductor, θ1& θ2 = 90O and sin(90O) = 1, so the equation now becomes III. MAGNETIC FIELD of a CIRCULAR COIL or LOOP The field depends on the distance x along the axis from the center of the loop to the field point. Where: βP = magnetic field at a point P along the axis of the coil N = number of turns I = current in the coil a = radius of the coil r = distance from the point P to the radius of coil Note: At the center of the coil (r=a), IV. MAGNETIC FIELD due to a SOLENOID A long coil of wire consisting of many loops is called a solenoid and each loop produces a magnetic field. Between any two wires, the fields due to each loop tend to cancel. Toward the center of the solenoid, the fields add up to give a field that can be fairly large and fairly uniform. 114 Let ―P‖ be any point along the axis of solenoid Where: field at solenoid βP = magnetic point P along the axis of the a N = number of turns I = current in the solenoid L = length of the solenoid ELABORATE Magnetic Field: 1. The figure below is a perspective view of a flat surface with area 3cm 2 in a uniform magnetic field. The magnetic flux through this surface is +0.9 mWb. Find the magnitude of the magnetic field. 2. Determine the flux that passes through the area as shown on the figure below. 115 3. A pair of point charges, q1 = 5µC and q2 = -3µC are moving in a reference frame as shown. At this instant, what are the magnitude and direction of the net magnetic field produced at the origin? v1 = 6x105m/s and v2 = 8x105 m/s. 4. A coil consisting of 25 turns has a radius of 20cm and carries a current of 8 Amp. Determine the magnetic field at (a) its center and (b) a point on its axis 10cm from its center. Draw a diagram to indicate the current and the magnetic field. (The coil is along the x-z plane whose current is moving from the z to the x-axis.) EVALUATE 5. A +6µC point charge is moving at a constant speed of 8x10 6 m/s in the +y-direction, relative to a reference frame. At the instant when the point charge is at the origin of this reference frame, what is the magnetic-field it produces at point with coordinates x=0.5m and y=0.5m? 6. Two infinitely long wires carrying 12A and 8A in opposite directions are laid parallel in air 10 cm apart. Find the resultant magnetic field at a point a) midway between the wires. b) 2cm from 8A and 12cm from 12A. c) 8cm from 8A and 10cm from 12A. 7. In the figure, solve for the resultant magnetic field at point ―O‖. Coil 1: I 1 = 2A N1 = 30 turns a1 = Coil 2: I 2 = 4A N2 = 25 turns a2 = 116 8. A solenoid is positioned with its axis on the y-axis as shown. The current I = 10 A and its radius is 0.1m. It has 100 turns. Solve for the flux density at point ―O‖. 117 MODULE 14: OPTICS ENGAGE What is the difference between refraction and reflection? What is the difference between transparent, translucent and opaque objects? How is it that when you raise your right hand infront of a mirror your image raises its left hand? Why is the word Ambulance is spelled backward in front of the vehicle? Why do a spoon placed on a glass with water looks like it is broken? If you can see the face of a friend who is under water can your friend also see you? Justify your answer. EXPLORE Read Module 14: Optics (pp117 - 123) EXPLAIN OPTICS — NATURE OF LIGHT Optics – branch of physics that deals with the study of the behavior and properties of light *Light – a transverse wave, and it is the only visible wave/ray among the electromagnetic spectrum. It can travel through a vacuum and many other media. In a vacuum, the speed of light is a constant, c = 3 x 108 m/s. Light will travel slower through different media. 118 REFLECTION AND REFRACTION OF LIGHT A light ray that encounters a change in media will: reflect, and/or refract (pass through), and/or be absorbed. Reflection of Light – the return or bouncing of light wave from a surface A reflection can occur in an organized way (smooth surface) or in a random way (rough surface). * Reflection off of a smooth surface is called specular reflection. * Reflection off of a rough surface is called diffuse reflection. Law of Reflection: The angle of incidence with respect to the normal of the reflecting surface θi, equals the angle of reflection θr: The amount of energy that is reflected compared to the amount incident is called the reflectivity of the surface. This also is called albedo. The reflectivity of a mirror is about 96% (albedo = 0.96). 119 Refraction of Light When light travels from one medium to another, part of the light can be transmitted across the media surface and refracted. a) Refraction means that the light beam bends. b) b) This bending takes place because the light beam‘s velocity changes as it goes from one medium to the next. If the light goes from the medium of high velocity to the one of low velocity, it is bent toward the normal to the surface If the light goes the other way, it is bent away from the normal. Light moving along the normal is not deflected. The index of refraction of a transparent medium is the ratio between the speed of light in free space or vacuum, c and its speed in the medium, v: * The greater its index of refraction, the more a beam of light is deflected on entering a medium. Law of Refraction (Snell’s Law): According to Snell‘s law, the angles of incidence θi and refraction θr are related by the formula where v1 and n1 are, respectively, the velocity of light and index of refraction of the first medium and v2 and n2 are the corresponding quantities in the second medium. Snell‘s law is often written 120 THIN LENSES The most familiar and widely used optical device (after the plane mirror) is the lens. A lens is an optical system with two refracting surfaces. The simplest lens has two spherical surfaces close enough together that we can neglect the distance between them (the thickness of the lens); we call this a thin lens. There are 2 basic types of lenses: a) Convex Lens (Converging lens): i) Lens thicker at center than edges. ii) Light rays are refracted towards the focal point, F, on the other side of the lens. b) Concave Lens (Diverging lens): i) Lens thinner at center than edges. ii) Light rays are refracted in a direction away from the focal point, F, on the inner side of the lens. Thin Lens Equation: Just as we had for mirrors, the thin lens equation is Where: Di = Image distance Do= Object distance f = Focal length f = (+) for convex lens; ( – ) for concave lens 121 Graphical Methods for Lenses We can determine the position and size of an image formed by a thin lens by using a graphical method very similar to the one we used for spherical mirrors. 1. A ray parallel to the axis emerges from the lens in a direction that passes through the second focal point of a converging lens, or appears to come from the second focal point of a diverging lens. 2. A ray through the center of the lens is not appreciably deviated; at the center of the lens the two surfaces are parallel, so this ray emerges at essentially the same angle at which it enters and along essentially the same line. 3. A ray through (or proceeding toward) the first focal point emerges parallel to the axis. MIRROR A mirror is a surface that can reflect a beam of light in one direction instead of either scattering it widely in many directions or absorbing it. A. Plane Mirrors. Images formed by plane (i.e., flat) mirrors have the following properties: The image is as far behind the mirror as the object is in front. The image is unmagnified, virtual, perverted and upright. *Perverted means that the image is flipped about the vertical, i.e. when you raise your right hand infront of a plane mirror, your image raises its left hand i.e. when you have a mole on your left cheek, your image will have its mole on the right 122 B. Spherical Mirrors. Spherical mirrors have the shape of a segment of a sphere. Concave mirror: Reflecting surface is on the ―inside‖ of the curved surface. Convex mirror: Reflecting surface is on the ―outside‖ of the curved surface. Focal Length and Focal Point The focal point of a mirror is the point where parallel rays converge after reflection from a concave mirror (converging mirror), or the point from which they appear to diverge after reflection from a convex mirror (diverging mirror). The distance from the focal point to the vertex is called the focal length, denoted as f. If the radius of curvature of the mirror is R, the focal length f is R/2. For a concave mirror, f is positive, and for a convex mirror, f is negative. Mirror Equation When an object is a distance Do from a mirror of focal length f, the image is located a distance Di from the mirror, where: 123 This equation holds for both concave and convex mirrors. Graphical Methods for Mirrors We can also determine the properties of the image by a simple graphical method. 1. A ray parallel to the axis, after reflection, passes through the focal point F of a concave mirror or appears to come from the (virtual) focal point of a convex mirror. 2. A ray through (or proceeding toward) the focal point F is reflected parallel to the axis. 3. A ray along the radius through or away from the Radius of curvature R intersects the surface normally and is reflected back along its original path. 4. A ray to the vertex V is reflected forming equal angles with the optic axis. ELABORATE: REFRACTION: 1. A layer of oil (n = 1.45) floats on water (n = 1.33). A ray of light shines onto the oil with an incidence angle of 40o. Find the angle the ray makes in water. THIN LENSES: 1. An object OO’, 4 cm high, is 20 cm in front of a thin convex lens of focal length + 12 cm. Determine the position and height of its image II’ (a) by computation and (b) by construction (ray diagram) 2. An object OO‘, is 9 cm high, is 27 cm in front of a concave lens of focal length -18 cm. Determine the position and height of its image II‘ (a) by computation and (b) by construction (ray diagram). MIRRORS 1. An object OO’, 5 cm high, is 25 cm from a concave mirror of radius 80 cm. Determine the position and the relative size of the image II‘ (a) by the use of the mirror equation and (b) by construction. 124 2. An object OO’ 6 cm high is located 30 cm in front of a convex spherical mirror of radius 40 cm. Determine the position and height of its image II’ by (a) use of the mirror equation and (b) construction. EVALUATE 1. the speed of light in an unknown medium is measured to be 2.76 x 10 8 m/s. (a) What is the index of refraction of the medium? 2. Optical fibers are generally composed of silica, with an index of refraction around 1.44. (a) How fast does light travel in a silica fiber, and (b) How long will it take for that light to travel from Baguio to Manila (distance between the two cities 128miles) 3. Light travels from fiber optic cable into diamond with an angle of refraction (θ r) of 36.1 °. if the refractive index of fiber optic cable is 1.6 and the refractive index of diamond is 2.4, determine (a) the angle of incidence(θ i); (b) critical angle; (c) the speed of light in each material. 4. A light ray strikes a reflective plane surface at an angle of 58° with the surface. (a) Find the angle of incidence.(b) Find the angle of reflection.(c) Find the angle made by the reflected ray and the surface.(d) Find the angle made by the incident and reflected rays. 5. If the reflective surface in problem no. 4 is placed at an angel 10° above the horizontal. Calculate all required values. 6. A ray of light is reflected by two parallel mirrors (1) and (2) at points A and B. The ray makes an angle of 30° with the a parallel line between the two mirrors. Calculate for (a) the angle of reflection at the point of incidence A; (b) the angle of reflection at the point of incidence B (c) the apporxinatenumber of reflections made by the two mirrors if the distance between the two mirrors id d = 4 cm and the length L of the two mirror system is 3 meters, (d) In a real system, at each reflection, there are losses of the light energy travelling between the two mirrors. If L and d are fixed, what can be done to decrease the number of reflections on the mirrors and hence the energy lost by reflection? 30° 125 7. An 2cm object is placed 20 cm from a concave mirror. The focal length is 10 cm. Determine (a) The image distance (b) the image size (c) magnification and (d) describe the image formed 8. An image formed by a concave mirror is 3 times greater than the object. If the radius of curvature 20 cm, determine the object distance in front of the mirror and describe the image formed 9. The focal length of a convex mirror is 10 cm and the object distance is 15 cm. Determine (a) the image distance (b) the magnification of image (c) the image size of the object is 3 cm tall and (d) describe the image formed 10. A biker sees the image of a motorcycle behind it 1/6 times its original size when the distance between the biker and motorcycle is 30 meters. Determine (a) the radius of curvature of the rear-view mirror (b) the image distance (c)describe the image formed 126 A. Main Reference Freedman, R.A. and Young, H.D. (2012). University Physics: with Modern Physics. San Francisco, CA: Pearson Education, Inc. Giancoli, D. C. (2008). Physics for scientists and engineers. Pearson Education International. Serway, R. A., & Vuille, C. (2014). College physics. Cengage Learning. B. Books Bord, D.J. & Ostdiek, V.J. (2012). The World of Physics, Philippines: Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd. Cummings, K et. al. (2004). Understanding Physics. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited. 112