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Oil & Gas Project Management Course - French Azerbaidjan University

Project Management
(November 29th to December 2nd 2022)
French Azerbaidjan University
Olivier Gouraud
v The aim of the course is to present the general activities related to the Management of
Large industrial Projects with respect to Exploration and Production of oil and gas
fields, including Technical and Economic aspects.
v Examples from the world E&P industry will be provided together with some
information on Total SA current projects.
v Graduate students, engineers and economists will get useful information to understand
the key phases and parameters of such industrial project.
Mobile FR: +33 6 82 87 84 55
Email :
Olivier Gouraud was born in Paris on January 12, 1950. He is married with four
children. He graduated in 1973 as aeronautical engineer and served 2 years as
officer in the French Navy prior joining the “Société Nationale des Pétroles
d’Aquitaine” in 1975, which became subsequently Elf Aquitaine, and then Total.
From 1975 to 1989, he took various responsibilities as mechanical engineer for the
development of Elf Aquitaine offshore fields and was expatriate in Norway for 2
years and in Angola for 5 years where he had the responsibility of the Construction
From 1989 to 2010, he developed a position of Business Development Manager in
Paris within the Gas and Power Division of Total. Initially in charge of gas sales and
transportation contracts negotiations for Total assets in the North Sea, in France
and in Italy, he switched to Business Management for gas assets in South East
Europe, Turkey and Caspian Area.
From September 2010 to December 2012, he was the Gas Commercial Director of
Total E&P Azerbaijan BV, expatriate in Baku.
During the last 20 years, he delivered several lectures on Oil and Gas Exploration
and Production Projects Management to international Master Students on E&P
activities within the frame of TPA (TOTAL Professor Associates), a non-profit
organization created in 2001 to reinforce the relationships between the petroleum
industry and universities/engineering schools. TPA is based in France and has
activities in more than 40 countries in the world.
Business Skill:
Wide experience in oil and gas E&P projects (project developments, Construction,
Pipelines and offshore installations and project management (15 years experience, 9
years expatriate).
International negotiations in Natural Gas Sales, in Gas Transportation, and in Business
Development (20 years experience in Europe 33 and Central Asia) with large
experience in Market Evaluation, Asset Management, and international corporate
PART A: Presentation of Oil & Gas Environment. (1 Days)
1. Presentation of the Oil & Gas Environment
2. Introduction to E&P Operations
3. Challenges
PART B: The Preparation of the Sanction of a Development Project (2 Days)
1. Introduction
2. The Field Evaluation
1. Reserves
2. Parties Involved
3. Petroleum Contracts
4. Introduction to economic analysis
3. The Project Development Studies
1. Introduction
2. The Pre Development Studies
1. The Preliminary Studies- Appraisal
2. The Conceptual Studies
3. The Pre-Project Studies
1. FEED (Front End Engineering Design)
2. Contracting Strategy
3. PEP (Project Execution Plan)
4. The decision to Develop
PART C: Project execution Phase (2 Days)
1. Project Organisation
2. Operations
3. Cost and Technical Control, HSE
PART D: Annexes:
1. Contract Award Process
2. Main Contract Documents
Key Words
Project Management (20 h)
Project, management, oil & gas, organization, contracts, costs, planning, risks, economy,
Purpose and Role
of the Course
Main Chapters
To provide an overview of upstream oil & gas project selection, decision, definition
and execution processes.
All main Project Management principles and topics for such large industrial projects
are reviewed.
They are illustrated by the presentation of actual large upstream projects including
film screening of each project.
A. Project Fundamentals
• Definitions - Characteristics of Projects
• Project Life
• Principles of Project Economic Evaluation
B. Field Development Studies
• Objectives, Overall Process
• Key Steps, Activities
• Project Decision Process
C. Project Execution
• Definitions, Project Characteristics & Objectives
• Main Project Phases
• Project Actors and Organization
• Contract Strategy
• Types of Contract – Contractors Selection
• Project Costs
• Project Schedule and Progress Control
• Risk Management
• Project Quality
• Safety
• Project Functional Acceptance
• Experience Feedback and Project Closeout
D. Project examples
Presentations of actual large oil & gas projects are made as course goes
along to illustrate the content:
• Franklin Elgin (HP/HT offshore UK)
• Shah Deniz (Offshore Azerbaijan)
• Girassol Project (Offshore deep water Angola)
• South Pars (Offshore/onshore Iran))
• Dalia (Offshore Deep water Angola)
Lectures. Students’ participation is solicited.
Teaching Method
The course is reinforced by a large number of examples and shared of experience. It
includes also the display of videos in relation to particular project developments phases
The course will require the involvement of the students in respect of various exercises.
Test and
One quiz with multiple choice questions at the end of the course (45 min)
Engineering background preferable, but not an obligation.