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Restaurant Staff Roles & Responsibilities Worksheet

Restaurant staff
Every restaurant is staffed with a wide range of people, specializing in a particular job carried
out on the daily basis. The staff members have specific duties and responsibilities.
The food and beverage manager is responsible for the restaurant and the kitchen. Three people
report directly to him: the head waiter, the bar manager, and the head chef.
The head waiter manages the specialist wine waiters and the other waiters and waitresses. He
is in charge of their appearance, behavior and efficient service.
The bar manager is responsible for the bar staff. These are barmen and/or barmaids who are
highly qualified professionals and provide customers with a speedy and effective service.
The head chef manages the kitchens and under him comes the assistant or sous chef. Then any
other chefs report to the sous chef. Finally, the kitchen porters come at the bottom of that reporting
Task 1. Complete the sentences with the words below.
head chef
bar manager
food and beverage manager
sous chef
1. The ……………………………… manages the bars on a day-to-day basis.
2. The ……………………… serve drinks to customers, mix cocktails and clean all the glasses.
3. The ……………………………… manages the day-to-day running of the kitchen.
4. The ……………………………… serve food to restaurant customers.
5. The …………………………… helps the head chef and looks after the kitchen staff.
6. The …………………………… is responsible for the restaurant and the waiting staff.
Task 2. Read the text again and number the jobs according to their hierarchy.
a) food and beverage manager ………
b) kitchen porters ………
c) the head waiter ………
d) the head chef ………
e) the sous chef/assistant chef ………
f) the bar manager ………
Task 3. Read the text again and fill in the grid.
Head waiter
Sous chef
Bar manager
Reports to