ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LAB MANUAL COURSE NAME: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE COURSE CODE: CS-4103 YEAR: 2020 DEPT: COMPUTER SCIENCES & INFOMAATION TACHNOLOGY List of Experiments Labs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Experiment Write a python program to print the multiplication table for the given number? Write a python program to check whether the given number is prime or not? Write a python program to find factorial of the given number? Write a python program to implement List operations (Nested List, Length, Concatenation, Membership, Iteration, Indexing and Slicing)? Write a python program to implement List methods (Add, Append, Extend & Delete). Write a python program to Illustrate Different Set Operations? Write a python program to generate Calendar for the given month and year? Write a python program to implement Simple Calculator program? Write a python program to Add Two Matrices. Write a python program to Transpose a Matrix. a) Write a python program to remove punctuations from the given string? b) Write a python program to sort the sentence in alphabetical order? a) Write a python program to implement Breadth First Search Traversal? b) Write a python program to implement Depth First Search Traversal? Implement Simulated annealing in python and creates a line plot of the objective function and clearly marks the function optima Solve the Knapsack problem using Genetic Algorithms using python Write a program to implement Tic-Tac-Toe game using python. Implement Reinforcement Q-Learning from Scratch in Python with OpenAI Gym Objectives Python Brush-up Un-informed search techniques Local Search techniques Gaming Reinforcement Learning ___________ Dr. Wajid Arshad Abbasi