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Terahertz Spectroscopy: Principles & Applications

Terahertz Spectroscopy
THz range ~ 0.3 to 20 THz, 10 to 600 𝑐𝑚−1
1THz ~ 33.33 𝑐𝑚−1 , 0.004 𝑒𝑉, 300 𝜇𝑚
Continuous source of far IR source: Arc lamps or globars
Pulsed sources: Free electron laser or synchrotron (~ 3ps duration
or greater)
Advantage of THz spectroscopy: Measure transient electric field
which is make up of phase and amplitude. The phase and amplitude
is directly related to the absorption coefficient and refraction
coefficient thus allow us to obtain complex permittivity of the
sample without carry out a kramer-kronig analysis
It is a table top experiment with brightness equal to or exceeding
that of synchrotron sources
Coherent detection allows pulses below the blackbody radiation
level to be measured without the use of specialized detectors.
THz-TDS does not measure dynamics
From Maxwell eq. , a time varying electric current will radiate an
electromagnetic pulse.
• Application in: medical science, imaging of concealed items, time
domain spectroscopy, defense application earth and space
science, basic science, space instrumentations, agriculture,
semiconductor wafer inspection, and air pollution checking.
• Characteristics:
– Penetration(can pass through different materials with different
– Resolution(increase with the decrease in wavelength, better than
– Spectroscopy(Various gases and solids exhibit terahertz signature
in 0.5-3 THz, used for detection)
– Non-ionization(low power levels, exhibit low ionization in
biological tissues)
– Scattering(inversely proportional to the wavelength thus low in
comparison to light wave)
– Intensity(Collimation is easier in the terahertz regime in
comparison with microwave)
Advantage of THz in communication system
Microwave band is almost preoccupied by different services and its bandwidth
limited. Terahertz offer a wider bandwidth.
The diffraction of the THz wave is low in comparison with that of microwave ,
advantageous in point to point link and line of sight
Presently, the licenses have been allocated up to 250 GHz, and thereafter, it is
license free.
This band offers high degree of information security, especially in the spread
spectrum technology
In comparison with infrared, THz has low attenuation of the signal in certain
atmospheric conditions like fog.
The time-varying refractive index of the atmospheric path increases the
scintillation effect in the infrared link, and it can be reduced in the THz
communication link.
It is a viable solution to the last and first mile problem.
The significant development to enhance the data rate in the infrared wireless
communication is slow due to the requirement of the advanced modulation
formats like orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), coherent
transmission and requirement of multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO)
Obstacle in THz communication
The atmospheric path loss is the main obstacle to the realization of the
commercial THz wireless communication system.
with the increase in the frequency, the attenuation of the signal increases.
there are certain low atmospheric attenuation windows in the terahertz region
where the successful wireless communication can be established. Below 1 THz,
these windows exist around 300, 350, 410, 650, and 850 GHz
Apart from this, above 16 km height where the effect of moisture is negligible,
the attenuation is also insignificant, and at this height, hence the inter-satellite
communication can be established.
THz Sources and Detection
Photoconductive Antennas
• Material of the PCA is according to the excitation
• Generated carriers formed an electromagnetic pulse
under DC biased.
• Can provide a bandwidth as high as 5THz
• Resonant excitation method
• Limited by the excitation laser pulse width and response
time of the material.
• The transmitter consist of a transmission line deposited
onto an undoped GaAs wafer.
• Emitted THz pulse is collimated by a crystalline bquartz
or silicon hyperhemisphrical lens and an offaxis
paraboidal mirror.
THz Sources and Detection
• As grown GaAs is highly nonstiochiometric, contain
excess As, and its properties are governed by point
defects such as As interstitials as As antisites.
• In LT-GaAs, metallic As clusters embedded in a GaAs
• LT-GaAs proved better for receiver.
• The material used for the receiver is radiation
damaged silicon on sapphire or LT-GaAs.
• Electrons can not travel back across the gap because
the carriers have been trapped or have recombined
due to short lifetime.
• The full waveform is mapped out by stepping the
variable delay line incrementally.
THz Sources and Detection
• Planar Antennas
• THz pulse generation by depositing thing metal
film or growing p-i-n diodes.
• A p-i-n diode is comprised of an n-type
semiconductor substrate with a ~ 500nm
semi-insulating semiconductor material,
followed by about 20 nm of p-type material.
• Extremely high bias fields can be generated
because the insulating layer is thin.
• The applied bias voltage is along the surface
normal, the wafer must be tilted to generate a
usable signal.